Who thinks 9/11 was an inside Job?

Who thinks 9/11 was an inside job?

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Honestly, I truly do not know.

I don't know WHO the insiders would be, when using the term, "inside job"....?

Inside of what?

Do I think that these terrorists did this attack with no help? No I don't.

Was it a false flag operation, of sorts? I don't think so but I honestly don't know....I am not certain if anyone official even investigated such?

From looking at the whole situation, as a complete outsider, with no "inside" information...it seems strange that our FBI, CIA, secret service, National Security advisors, Millitary Intelligence etc, didn't even have a CLUE to this attack even being possible..... this is something that i just find hard to swallow.

Except that is not true at all, different agencies had pieces of it all along, BUT Clinton had created a wall to prevent them talking to one another to prevent them from digging up more dirt on him. One FBI agent tried repeatedly to warn the FBI about the terrorists learning to fly and was ignored by the FBI and even told to shut up. Other Agencies knew most of the terrorists were in the country but couldn't tell anyone else.
Clinton created a wall?

Now don't you sound just like the people you are mocking.

oh the irony. the irony!
it was put in by Gorelick, a Clinton appointee
Except that is not true at all, different agencies had pieces of it all along, BUT Clinton had created a wall to prevent them talking to one another to prevent them from digging up more dirt on him. One FBI agent tried repeatedly to warn the FBI about the terrorists learning to fly and was ignored by the FBI and even told to shut up. Other Agencies knew most of the terrorists were in the country but couldn't tell anyone else.
Clinton created a wall?

Now don't you sound just like the people you are mocking.

oh the irony. the irony!
it was put in by Gorelick, a Clinton appointee

another right wing conspiracy tale.

Memo to NY Post, et al: So-called Gorelick "wall" could not have been responsible for military failure to share alleged Atta intel

In the past week, conservative media -- including two New York Post columnists and two Post editorials -- have falsely suggested that information obtained by military intelligence purportedly identifying lead 9-11 hijacker Mohammed Atta may have been withheld from law enforcement officials because of a 1995 memo written by then-Clinton deputy attorney general Jamie Gorelick. But the Gorelick memo and ensuing guidelines, which conservatives claim created a "wall" between intelligence agencies and law enforcement officials, had nothing to do with military intelligence -- those documents addressed communications only among divisions within the Department of Justice. Moreover, as Media Matters for America has previously noted, the "wall" that conservatives accuse Gorelick of enacting had been operative well before Gorelick -- or Clinton -- took office.

While the truth remains unclear, Rep. Curt Weldon (R-PA) and Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer have recently suggested that Shaffer's classified military intelligence unit Able Danger identified Atta more than a year before the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks but was unable to relay that information to the FBI.

But if Able Danger did in fact identify Atta, the Gorelick memo and the subsequent 1995 Clinton administration guidelines based on it did not prevent the group from sharing that information with intelligence agencies or law enforcement officials. As former Attorney General John Ashcroft noted in his testimony before the 9-11 Commission, the Gorelick memo provided the "basic architecture" for the 1995 guidelines established by then-Attorney General Janet Reno that formalized rules for intelligence sharing that were already in place. But, as the 1995 guidelines clearly state, the Gorelick memo and the guidelines applied only to intelligence sharing "between the FBI and the Criminal Division" within the Justice Department, not a military unit established by the Defense Department:

SUBJECT: Procedures for Contacts Between the FBI [intelligence/counterintelligence functions] and the Criminal Division Concerning Foreign Intelligence and Foreign Counterintelligence Investigations

hello manilla, can you read me?
As is evident from the language of the Gorelick memo itself, it didn't apply to Able Danger. But in response to growing misinformation on the topic in The Washington Times, former Republican senator Slade Gorton, a 9-11 Commission member, specifically addressed and debunked the theory that Gorelick's memo prevented intelligence sharing about Atta in an August 18 letter to the editor in the Times:

The one witness who did name Atta came to our staff shortly before the commission's report went to the printer. He said he thought he had seen something showing Atta in Brooklyn early in 2000. We knew, in fact, that Atta first arrived in the United States in June 2000 with a visa. For this and other reasons, the witness simply was not credible on this subject.

Additionally, the assertion that the commission failed to report on this program to protect Ms. Gorelick is ridiculous. She had nothing to do with any "wall" between law enforcement and our intelligence agencies. The 1995 Department of Justice guidelines at issue were internal to the Justice Department and were not even sent to any other agency. The guidelines had no effect on the Department of Defense and certainly did not prohibit it from communicating with the FBI, the CIA or anyone else.
when wingnuts cry foul, look to see a fowl.
yeah, loved the double negative

ya it was a typo.. Aaron Bruns...glad you ejoyed it

The Political Carnival: Fox News producer busted for child porn
what the fuck does THAT have to do with anything
must be a friend of yours

about as much as rosie has to do with me....its sick the way you fuckers try to use the Rosie image to discredit the truth..and ignore decorated vetrans and nasa scientist...so if you can represent rosie as the symbol of the truth movement...then you can have this fox news and republican politicians as the denier symbols...
Last edited:
ya it was a typo.. Aaron Bruns...glad you ejoyed it

The Political Carnival: Fox News producer busted for child porn
what the fuck does THAT have to do with anything
must be a friend of yours

about as much as rosie has to do with me....its sick the way you fuckers try to use the Rosie image to discredit the truth..and ignore decorated vetrans and nasa scientist...so if rosie can represent rosie as the symbol of the truth movement...then you can have this fox news and republican politicians as the denier symbols...

sorry charlie (sheen)
Clinton created a wall?

Now don't you sound just like the people you are mocking.

oh the irony. the irony!
it was put in by Gorelick, a Clinton appointee

another right wing conspiracy tale.

Memo to NY Post, et al: So-called Gorelick "wall" could not have been responsible for military failure to share alleged Atta intel

In the past week, conservative media -- including two New York Post columnists and two Post editorials -- have falsely suggested that information obtained by military intelligence purportedly identifying lead 9-11 hijacker Mohammed Atta may have been withheld from law enforcement officials because of a 1995 memo written by then-Clinton deputy attorney general Jamie Gorelick. But the Gorelick memo and ensuing guidelines, which conservatives claim created a "wall" between intelligence agencies and law enforcement officials, had nothing to do with military intelligence -- those documents addressed communications only among divisions within the Department of Justice. Moreover, as Media Matters for America has previously noted, the "wall" that conservatives accuse Gorelick of enacting had been operative well before Gorelick -- or Clinton -- took office.

While the truth remains unclear, Rep. Curt Weldon (R-PA) and Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer have recently suggested that Shaffer's classified military intelligence unit Able Danger identified Atta more than a year before the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks but was unable to relay that information to the FBI.

But if Able Danger did in fact identify Atta, the Gorelick memo and the subsequent 1995 Clinton administration guidelines based on it did not prevent the group from sharing that information with intelligence agencies or law enforcement officials. As former Attorney General John Ashcroft noted in his testimony before the 9-11 Commission, the Gorelick memo provided the "basic architecture" for the 1995 guidelines established by then-Attorney General Janet Reno that formalized rules for intelligence sharing that were already in place. But, as the 1995 guidelines clearly state, the Gorelick memo and the guidelines applied only to intelligence sharing "between the FBI and the Criminal Division" within the Justice Department, not a military unit established by the Defense Department:

SUBJECT: Procedures for Contacts Between the FBI [intelligence/counterintelligence functions] and the Criminal Division Concerning Foreign Intelligence and Foreign Counterintelligence Investigations

hello manilla, can you read me?

they LIE
ya it was a typo.. Aaron Bruns...glad you ejoyed it

The Political Carnival: Fox News producer busted for child porn
what the fuck does THAT have to do with anything
must be a friend of yours

about as much as rosie has to do with me....its sick the way you fuckers try to use the Rosie image to discredit the truth..and ignore decorated vetrans and nasa scientist...so if you can represent rosie as the symbol of the truth movement...then you can have this fox news and republican politicians as the denier symbols...
shes a troofer too
it was put in by Gorelick, a Clinton appointee

another right wing conspiracy tale.

Memo to NY Post, et al: So-called Gorelick "wall" could not have been responsible for military failure to share alleged Atta intel

In the past week, conservative media -- including two New York Post columnists and two Post editorials -- have falsely suggested that information obtained by military intelligence purportedly identifying lead 9-11 hijacker Mohammed Atta may have been withheld from law enforcement officials because of a 1995 memo written by then-Clinton deputy attorney general Jamie Gorelick. But the Gorelick memo and ensuing guidelines, which conservatives claim created a "wall" between intelligence agencies and law enforcement officials, had nothing to do with military intelligence -- those documents addressed communications only among divisions within the Department of Justice. Moreover, as Media Matters for America has previously noted, the "wall" that conservatives accuse Gorelick of enacting had been operative well before Gorelick -- or Clinton -- took office.

While the truth remains unclear, Rep. Curt Weldon (R-PA) and Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer have recently suggested that Shaffer's classified military intelligence unit Able Danger identified Atta more than a year before the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks but was unable to relay that information to the FBI.

But if Able Danger did in fact identify Atta, the Gorelick memo and the subsequent 1995 Clinton administration guidelines based on it did not prevent the group from sharing that information with intelligence agencies or law enforcement officials. As former Attorney General John Ashcroft noted in his testimony before the 9-11 Commission, the Gorelick memo provided the "basic architecture" for the 1995 guidelines established by then-Attorney General Janet Reno that formalized rules for intelligence sharing that were already in place. But, as the 1995 guidelines clearly state, the Gorelick memo and the guidelines applied only to intelligence sharing "between the FBI and the Criminal Division" within the Justice Department, not a military unit established by the Defense Department:

SUBJECT: Procedures for Contacts Between the FBI [intelligence/counterintelligence functions] and the Criminal Division Concerning Foreign Intelligence and Foreign Counterintelligence Investigations

hello manilla, can you read me?

they LIE

mediamatters lies?

I notice people attack mediamatters, yet leave the content of what they quote unchhallenged.

dude, i wont even bother to read their bullshit
i know they lie and twist
they are a soros funded bullshit site

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