Who thinks 9/11 was an inside Job?

Who thinks 9/11 was an inside job?

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yes babbling nonsense is all your left with..to avoid addressing the facts...bush lied or told the truth
LOL now that is ironic

no it isn't... it is the truth you idiot... no one saw the first plane hit on TV on SEPT 11 the footage was not televised that day....the second plane hit while he was in the classroom being filmed as he was told of the second plane...so your scenario is illogical and not possible

So let's see if I've got this now. The claim no longer is that there was no video, only that Bush lied -- and this thread should have been titled "Bush lied about what he said he saw on 9/11", and has nothing to do with whether or not 9/11 was an inside job. Does that about cover it?
LOL now that is ironic

no it isn't... it is the truth you idiot... no one saw the first plane hit on TV on SEPT 11 the footage was not televised that day....the second plane hit while he was in the classroom being filmed as he was told of the second plane...so your scenario is illogical and not possible

So let's see if I've got this now. The claim no longer is that there was no video, only that Bush lied -- and this thread should have been titled "Bush lied about what he said he saw on 9/11", and has nothing to do with whether or not 9/11 was an inside job. Does that about cover it?

god your so lost...how hard is it ...no wonder this country is where it is at
I see Rosieots was able to get that thread transferred from flame to conspiracy. kudos rosieots.
manu, its time you and i come clean...i am breaking our vow of silence

it was manu and i, we planned the whole thing from my mother's basement while playing Civilization IV...

like this childish crap for example 3000 people died how many iraqis ?..all built on lies and propaganda and with no one held accountable...ya yuk it clown boy

what worse than childish is you pissing on their graves by claiming their government killed them. my story is as true as your wild ass stories. glad you realize that spinning false tales does a diservice to those that died at the hands of muslim terrorists whose cohorts ADMITTED they did it.

the wild ass stories that muslims were behind it all is doing a disservice to those 3000 people who lost their lives in the towers.thats all the government and the mainstream media has done is spin false tales on who was behind it all.thats also being ignorant to believe these cohorts who have been paid off by the government to lie about it as well.:cuckoo:
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the real question is why are all the flight wreckage and video tapes classified..and where are the flight data recorders and what does that evidence show...and what about the eyewitness testimony of pentagon employees including x-fighter pilots that tell a different story of the events...should it not be examined...wheres the investigation ?

yet their so much in denial they cant accept that that has all happened cause its obviously an inside job and coverup.its never accured too them that they have lied and not shown all these illegally confiscated videos because if they showed them,it would prove they are lying about everything they have been saying.funny how the mainstream media wont even broadcast what witnesses say since it doest go along with their version.
the real question is why are all the flight wreckage and video tapes classified..and where are the flight data recorders and what does that evidence show...and what about the eyewitness testimony of pentagon employees including x-fighter pilots that tell a different story of the events...should it not be examined...wheres the investigation ?

yet their so much in denial they cant accept that that has all happened cause its obviously an inside job and coverup.its never accured too them that they have lied and not shown all these illegally confiscated videos because if they showed them,it would prove they are lying about everything they have been saying.funny how the mainstream media wont even broadcast what witnesses say since it doest go along with their version.

yes, 9/11 rimjob, it's obvious.,:cuckoo:
the real question is why are all the flight wreckage and video tapes classified..and where are the flight data recorders and what does that evidence show...and what about the eyewitness testimony of pentagon employees including x-fighter pilots that tell a different story of the events...should it not be examined...wheres the investigation ?

yet their so much in denial they cant accept that that has all happened cause its obviously an inside job and coverup.its never accured too them that they have lied and not shown all these illegally confiscated videos because if they showed them,it would prove they are lying about everything they have been saying.funny how the mainstream media wont even broadcast what witnesses say since it doest go along with their version.

yes, 9/11 rimjob, it's obvious.,:cuckoo:

wow real intelligent rebuttal pedoelvis69...
I KNOW...you only trust popular mechanics..
and you would be wrong
i don't trust any news source explicitly
unlike you with Alex Jones
however, in this case i would trust PM way more than i would alex jones

Alex is only reporting what MIT professors and top military experts say

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnVIogawlmk&feature=PlayList&p=5C76734E5B32CD0C&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=35]YouTube - Jeff King MIT on 911 Part 1[/ame]

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

that aways cracks me up how these morons accept the 9/11 coverup commission and popular mechanics as well about 9/11 when you bring up the facts to them that they used $ 600,000,000 to investigate Clinton getting a blow job and a measly $40,000. to investigate 9/11. the worst tragedy on american soil and THATS all they spend to investigate.what a joke of an investigation and in insult to those familys who lost family members that day in those towers and in the pentagon.
yet their so much in denial they cant accept that that has all happened cause its obviously an inside job and coverup.its never accured too them that they have lied and not shown all these illegally confiscated videos because if they showed them,it would prove they are lying about everything they have been saying.funny how the mainstream media wont even broadcast what witnesses say since it doest go along with their version.

yes, 9/11 rimjob, it's obvious.,:cuckoo:

wow real intelligent rebuttal pedoelvis69...
its on the same level with most troofers
Hi Luissa:

Say for one second I believe you and flight 93 disappeared (I guess it went to never never land) and a missile was shot at the pentagon or a bomb was set off or whatever and the buildings were wired. Now show me the proof where it was an inside job?

Okay. That is easy:


This empty field is where Senor Bush, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld say a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed on 9/11. Let’s examine the evidence more closely:


We can see the same empty hole in the same empty field that ‘you’ say “went into never never land,” just like Senor Bush and company.


Here is a closer look at the workers all standing around the little empty hole . . .


. . . that still has unburned grass growing on all the inclines like we can also see in the 4/20/1994 pictures of this same grass-filled empty hole (pic). Now I can show you pictures of this EMPTY HOLE (pic and pic and pic) all day long, but this is the point in our discussion that ‘you’ begin showing us one reason to believe the Official Cover Story LIE that a real 100-ton Jetliner (pic) crashed into this empty hole. The “Inside-job Conspiracy” becomes evident by the fact that the Gov’t has been LYING from the very beginning ‘and’ you have no evidence to prop up ‘their’ silly 9/11 explanation.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm73wOuPL60"]Bush Is LYING![/ame]

Okay, so tell everyone the reason why Senor Bush is obviously LYING about 9/11??? (These people know!) The next time you come to this fine USMessageBoard to begin hurling insults about nut jobs, then I hope you have at least one picture of Flight 93 crashed where 'you' and the Gov't says that happened in this little empty hole . . .



:clap2:that post right there proves the government and the Bush administration "and NOW the Obama administration as well" is lying about 9/11 and has nothing to back up their official story on.that being said,its time to exit this thread.cant keep up with it anymore.man I'm gone for only a couple days and the thread has extended to 20 pages in that time frame.:lol::lol: yeah Luissa,Terral is right,next time you come on here and begin hurling insults to people who dont accept the 9/11 coverup commission report,at least have a picture of where flight 93 crashed to show us where you and the govt say it happened in that little field.
Louissa can't understand that this inside job was well thought out and the culprits covered their tracks.

And she won't believe it until Cheney admits it.

Heck, I bet she would even accept his explaination. He would probably give the collateral damage or necessary evil arguments.

yeah you know thats right.The Bush dupes will accept the official version no matter how moronic the lies are and despite the fact the government committed an illegal act by quickly removing the steel within a few days shipping it off to china and asian countries selling it as scrap metal.they commit that federal and illegal offense,dont get prosecuted for it,and they STILL swallow the official 9/11 fairy tale that muslims and Bin Laden were behind the attacks.:cuckoo: when the space shuttle disaster happened in 86,anybody who even touched the evidence back then was quickly arrested on the spot,this disaster was far worse than that one was, NOBODY gets arrested for breaking the law and they blindly swallow the lies and propaganda of the government and media despite the fact that they have been covering up and engaging in autrocities against the people of the country for DECADES now.:cuckoo:
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yet their so much in denial they cant accept that that has all happened cause its obviously an inside job and coverup.its never accured too them that they have lied and not shown all these illegally confiscated videos because if they showed them,it would prove they are lying about everything they have been saying.funny how the mainstream media wont even broadcast what witnesses say since it doest go along with their version.

yes, 9/11 rimjob, it's obvious.,:cuckoo:

wow real intelligent rebuttal pedoelvis69...

Thats all him and the other Bush dupes ever have to come back with when their losing a debate is childish insults.
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yes, 9/11 rimjob, it's obvious.,:cuckoo:

wow real intelligent rebuttal pedoelvis69...

Thats all him and the other Bush dupes ever have to come back with their losing a debate is childish insults.

WRONG. It's just a lot less frustrating than trying to educate idiots who have been brainwashed by David Ray Griffin, Michael Ruppert, and Alex Jones into believing in these insane theories. This troofer movement is like a cult or religion. No matter how much evidence to the contrary is present, you idiots continue to propogate the disinformation.
wow real intelligent rebuttal pedoelvis69...

Thats all him and the other Bush dupes ever have to come back with their losing a debate is childish insults.

WRONG. It's just a lot less frustrating than trying to educate idiots who have been brainwashed by David Ray Griffin, Michael Ruppert, and Alex Jones into believing in these insane theories. This troofer movement is like a cult or religion. No matter how much evidence to the contrary is present, you idiots continue to propogate the disinformation.
kinda like a moonies and the jim jones cult

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