Who thinks 9/11 was an inside Job?

Who thinks 9/11 was an inside job?

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Hi Retired:

Simple enough question. Ohh this is a public poll.

I hope you will allow me to post my reply to the same question (here) for the benefit of the "benotdeceived.net" readers where these USMB readers can also look through all the evidence to make well-informed conclusions.
9/11- An Inside Job

Hi Mandiees:

mandiees said:
I was shocked on this past anniversary of 9/11 to be talking to some folks who, in regular conversation, readily admitted that they believed 9/11 was an inside job. When did this paradigm shift occur? Since when am I not a crazy conspiracy theorist for suggesting something like this?!

9/11 was definitely a series of inside-job attacks (my blog), which we verify by careful consideration of all the ‘evidence.’

1. My USMB Flight 93 Thread:

Pic #1
Pic #2
Video Clip #1

Look into the little empty Shanksville hole and tell everybody what you see! All of the pictures show the same EMPTY HOLE (google) where the Gov’t says a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZekosYOmXc"]News Video #2[/ame]

The Fox and NBC News Reports say that we have been looking at the empty Shanksville hole from day one. Look through all of the official pictures for yourself (Flight 93 website) and decide for yourself. However, this US Geological Survey picture from 4/20/1994 (pic) says this empty hole was already present at this location ‘before’ the 9/11 attacks!

2. My USMB Pentagon Thread

Pic #1
Pic #2

These pictures show a standing E-ring wall where the Gov’t says a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed going 530 miles per hour!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKhBzAh_eeA"]Video #1[/ame]

All of these aviation/military experts have looked over all the Pentagon evidence to conclude that NO 100-ton Jetliner crashed into the Pentagon, which is exactly the same conclusion as Jamie McIntyre the Chief CNN Pentagon Correspondent standing in front of the Pentagon on 9/11.

Video #2

3. My USMB WTC-7 Controlled Demolition Thread

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD06SAf0p9A"]Video #1[/ame]

Watch the 9-second video clip again and again and tell me if this looks like a 47-story overbuilt skyscraper collapsing from building fires/debris. No. We are looking at a typical Controlled Demolition (AE911Truth.org) where this . . .

Pic #1

. . . was transformed into this . . .

Pic #2

. . . neat little debris pile in 6.6 seconds. We have pictures of WTC-7 in collapsing at freefall speed . . .

Pic #3

. . . with no sign of fire through any of the unbroken windows where the WTC-7 roofline shows the telltale evidence of a CD ‘Kink’ . . .

Pic #4

. . . proving that the interior walls/floors are collapsing more quickly than the outside walls; which is a definite CD Signature. BTW, I am listed #3 (here) among “People with demolition expertise questioning 9/11.” Anyone with doubts about the WTC-7 Controlled Demolition Inside-job Attack should spend a few minutes watching this informative video:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uNbKJofv3c"]Video #2[/ame]

Wake up to the 911Truth that all of these related 9/11 attacks were definitely inside jobs and stop living in 911Truth Denial (pic and pic and pic) as Gov’t-programmed Loyal Bushie DUPES (pic and pic).


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Terral, I see you are ignoring my questions. Please go to page 47 of this thread and please provide proof of the whereabouts of the passengers from Flights 93 and 77. Reposting the same pictures is not providing proof of what happened to the passengers.

You have not provided proof of what happened to them. Since you have so much proof and evidence that 9/11 was an inside job, surely you would be able to provide proof of the whereabouts of the passengers of Flight 93 that landed safely in Cleveland and were evacuated.

Excerpts and links please.
This is where ‘you’ think a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed going 530 miles per hour! Then you ask the silly question, “What if one of the planes missed?” What fricking PLANE?? They have no idea that ‘they’ are supposed to make ‘their’ case for a 100-ton Jetliner crashing in either of these locations, BEFORE they start rambling aimlessly about PLANES that are not present in ANY photograph; because no 100-ton Jetliner ever crashed at either location. Guess what? The inside-job bad guys stole 3 Trillion dollars during these 9/11 attacks ‘and’ they continue stealing trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars through these

To share some basic facts regarding the Pentagon/Flight 77: -

Contingency planning exercises had simulated a plane crash at the Pentagon.

Coincidently, Charles Burlingame who was an ex-Navy pilot and had worked on anti-terrorism strategies in the Pentagon, was the pilot of Flight 77 on 9/11.

According to Terral, there were no planes that crashed into the Pentagon or Shanksville on 9/11. Terral claims that Flight 77 never even took off from the airport at all. Now how could Charles Burlingame be the pilot of Flight 77 if Flight 77 never took off?

Flight 77 disappeared from radar at 08:56am. After nearly 30 minutes at 09:25am, an unidentified ‘blip’ assumed to be Flight 77 was sighted flying fast towards the Pentagon.

Hani Hanjour, the ‘hijacker’ who supposedly flew Flight 77 into the Pentagon, was a poor pilot who had difficulty controlling a small Cessna aircraft. Yet on 9/11 he perfectly executed a steep descent whilst tightly banking before lining the aircraft up and skimming feet above the ground in a large Boeing 757.

Air traffic controllers said, “The speed, the maneuverability, the way that he turned, we all thought in the radar room, all of us experienced air traffic controllers, that that was a military plane,”

According to the information here Flight 77 was piloted by an ex-Navy pilot. "Hani Hanjour, the hijacker who supposedly flew Flight 77 . . ." Hmm, no chance that the hijackers held a gun to the pilot's head and forced the experienced ex-Navy pilot to fly the plane (that never took off from the airport in the first place) into the Pentagon?

The only calls from Flight 77 ‘happened’ to be those of Barbara Olson to her husband. Her husband, who ‘happened’ to be US Solicitor General. The US Solicitor General, who ‘happened’ to be the man that successfully represented presidential candidate George W. Bush in the Supreme Court case Bush v. Gore, which effectively determined the final result of the contested 2000 Presedential election.
Please provide proof of where Barbara Olson is today.
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This is interesting.

According to this link provided by Terral UAL Flight 93 Landed Safely At Cleveland Hopkins Airport, Flight 93 did not crash in Shanksville, PA but instead was diverted and landed safely at Cleveland where the passengers were evacuated from the plane. (Still waiting on proof of the whereabouts of these passengers).

According to this link Google Image Result for http://stj911.org/evidence/docs/P200061_1.jpg. Flight 93 did in fact crash in Shanksville, PA because it was shot down.

Which conspiracy theory is correct?
Hi Zoom:

Terral, I see you are ignoring my questions.

Please check the Topic Title again. I am providing evidence to these unbiased third-party readers that 9/11 was definitely an inside job; which has nothing to do with answering Zoom's questions. If you have evidence to support the notion for something else, then please show us what you got . . .

Please go to page 47 of this thread and please provide proof of the whereabouts of the passengers from Flights 93 and 77. Reposting the same pictures is not providing proof of what happened to the passengers.

Pleasea go jumpeth into the laketh. You were challenged to show prove that a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed into this empty hole:


I am still waiting on your proof . . .

You have not provided proof of what happened to them.


LOL! The are running around the empty hole . . .


Hi Zoom:

Terral, I see you are ignoring my questions.

Please check the Topic Title again. I am providing evidence to these unbiased third-party readers that 9/11 was definitely an inside job; which has nothing to do with answering Zoom's questions. If you have evidence to support the notion for something else, then please show us what you got . . .

Please go to page 47 of this thread and please provide proof of the whereabouts of the passengers from Flights 93 and 77. Reposting the same pictures is not providing proof of what happened to the passengers.

Pleasea go jumpeth into the laketh. You were challenged to show prove that a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed into this empty hole:


I am still waiting on your proof . . .

You have not provided proof of what happened to them.


LOL! The are running around the empty hole . . .



T - YOU posted a link stating that the passengers from Flight 93 were diverted to Cleveland and then evacuated from the plane as evidence that 9/11 was an inside job. I'm questioning this proof (that YOU introduced into the thread). In order for your proof to be just that, you need to provide further evidence of the whereabouts of these passengers. Constantly posting pictures of a hole in the ground tells me nothing. I do not have to provide proof of anything; I am agreeing with you that your link stating the passengers got off in Cleveland is true. But you must be able to tell us where these people are now. Did they vanish? If so, how? Did the government take them? If so, how? What became of them? Where are they now? Too many loose ends that need to be tied up.

You have provided evidence that these passengers got off the plane in Cleveland. Surely, with the vast amount of information you have already provided, you will also be able to provide proof and evidence as to the whereabouts of these passengers today. Flight 93 did not crash and those passengers did not perish and were instead evacuated off the plane in Cleveland -- the question still remains, where are those passengers? Without evidence of their whereabouts it weakens your conspiracy theory considerably. Please provide excerpts and links. Thanks.

P.S. 'Putting Zoom Zoom into your Boom Boom' - :lol:

This is interesting.

According to this link provided by Terral UAL Flight 93 Landed Safely At Cleveland Hopkins Airport, Flight 93 did not crash in Shanksville, PA but instead was diverted and landed safely at Cleveland where the passengers were evacuated from the plane. (Still waiting on proof of the whereabouts of these passengers).

According to this link Google Image Result for http://stj911.org/evidence/docs/P200061_1.jpg. Flight 93 did in fact crash in Shanksville, PA because it was shot down.

Which conspiracy theory is correct?
Hi Zoom:

T - YOU posted a link stating that the passengers from Flight 93 were diverted to Cleveland and then evacuated from the plane as evidence that 9/11 was an inside job.

No. The article included evidence that Flight 93 landed in Cleveland. The evidence for the 9/11 inside-job attack is found in the empty hole . . .


Right here we see many workers around the little empty hole . . . where the Gov't says a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed.

I'm questioning this proof (that YOU introduced into the thread).

Okay. Senor Bushie and now Senor Obama say a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed into this empty hole . . .


No Jetliner = no bodies, but you cannot do the math for some reason. :0)

P.S. 'Putting Zoom Zoom into your Boom Boom' - :lol:

Yeah, you are a funny guy too. :0)

Click on this pic

1. Tell me where the victims are hiding?

2. Where are they now? :0)

You are trying to extrapolate FAR too much information out of a little empty hole . . .


. . . that is missing a 100-ton Jetliner this big. I cannot help the fact that Senor Bushie, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld DUPED you . . .

Please ask some questions that 'do' make sense from the evidence of the little empty hole that proves beyond all doubt that the Gov't is LYING, i.e. (hint, hint), pointing directly to the Inside Job . . .


Hi Zoom:

T - YOU posted a link stating that the passengers from Flight 93 were diverted to Cleveland and then evacuated from the plane as evidence that 9/11 was an inside job.

No. The article included evidence that Flight 93 landed in Cleveland.

Ok, so we agree that Flight 93 landed in Cleveland. The article also states that the passengers were evacuated from the plane. Now the question remains -- where are those people? Did the government take them? If so, how? If so, what did they do with them? Did the passengers simply leave and go home? This information is crucial in providing proof that Flight 93 did not crash in Shanksville. An empty hole is just that . . . Something happened to those people on Flight 93. They didn't crash and die in Shanksville, they got off the plane in Cleveland and . . . . ??? Please provide excerpts and links as to their whereabouts. Thanks.

Right here we see many workers around the little empty hole . . . where the Gov't says a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed.

Okay. Senor Bushie and now Senor Obama say a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed into this empty hole . . .

No Jetliner = no bodies, but you cannot do the math for some reason. :0)

On the off chance that Flight 93 did crash in Shanksville, it would seem logical that Flight 93 would have met the same fate as this jet did.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25vlt7swhCM]YouTube - Jet airplane crash test[/ame]

"The plane atomized with the impact; it just disappeared into dust."

Yeah, you are a funny guy too. :0)

All too true. Well, except for the guy part.

1. Tell me where the victims are hiding?

2. Where are they now? :0)

They got off the plane in Cleveland, as far as I know. Where are they now?

You are trying to extrapolate FAR too much information out of a little empty hole . . .

I haven't referred to the hole much at all. You seem fixated on it.

I've posted the following three times but have not received a response.

According to this link provided by Terral UAL Flight 93 Landed Safely At Cleveland Hopkins Airport, Flight 93 did not crash in Shanksville, PA but instead was diverted and landed safely at Cleveland where the passengers were evacuated from the plane. (Still waiting on proof of the whereabouts of these passengers).

According to this link Google Image Result for http://stj911.org/evidence/docs/P200061_1.jpg. Flight 93 did in fact crash in Shanksville, PA because it was shot down.

Which theory is correct?
I would like to know how we're invading pakistan and Iran.

only because you a complete idiot and have been beat...the question was well answered and is pointless...much like its author

fuck off asshole. I wanted your opinion. Now I don't. there was no fucking government conspiracy so shove it up your ass. ok, rosie oats sheen??

for the hundreth time just because your afraid of the truth about government conspiracys and dont want to look at the evidence doesnt mean there was no government conspiracy.:cuckoo:you Bush dupes have proven that your afraid of the truth never taking up my challenge to debunk my 47 canada wants the truth videos that I have posted many times that I have asked you all to elaborate on.you never watch them,you justr run off with your tail between your legs by not commenting on them since you know you cant debunk them and then resort to childish name calling since you know your defeated.
the only reason it is relevant is these assholes use it as an example that the US government WOULD do a false flag op where they would kill thousands of US citizens

and that plan didnt call for ANYONE to actually die

and even then, that plan was too repugnant to be carried out and the general that came up with it was FIRED

so yeah, it disproves half of their bullshit claims

now he says.. that he has been proven wrong,,ya its relevant..your just wrong...again...I beat you in the debate and your only way to squirm out of ti is to deem it not relevant now you lost...you have to better than that..boy

you didn't beat anybody, fuckhead. christ, you and yoda and 9/11 rimjob have your heads so far up your asses, it's funny. this is a waste.

sure he did,your just too immature as you have proven countless numbers of times with your childish name calling to admit you have beeb beaten.no you Bush dupes have your heads up your asses,WE dont come run off with our tails between our legs by not commenting on videos that are shown to us like you Bush dupes do.we ALWAYS comment on them and prove out points and when your proven wrong,you all engage in name calling.see zoom boing unlike the rest of you I can respect because she doesnt engage in childish name calling like you Bush dupes do with Terral.
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now he says.. that he has been proven wrong,,ya its relevant..your just wrong...again...I beat you in the debate and your only way to squirm out of ti is to deem it not relevant now you lost...you have to better than that..boy

you didn't beat anybody, fuckhead. christ, you and yoda and 9/11 rimjob have your heads so far up your asses, it's funny. this is a waste.

sure he did,your just too immature as you have proven countless numbers of times with your childish name calling to admit you have beeb beaten.no you Bush dupes have your heads up your asses,WE dont come run off with our tails between our legs by not commenting on videos that are shown to us like you Bush dupes do.we ALWAYS comment on them and prove out points and when your proven wrong,you all engage in name calling.see zoom boing unlike the rest of you I can respect because she doesnt engage in childish name calling like you Bush dupes do with Terral.
Squawk Squawk*Bush dupes* Squawk Squawk
your question was intelligently answered..there are several possibilities..but no investigation or testomny under oath has been given..evidence is withheld.. the definitive proof is still in control of the perpetrators

perfect......you stupid fucks have proof of everthing else....but plane loads of people....uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

well in the official story most of them where .....vaporized

the first time I heard that was the explanation for their dissapearance I laughed my ass off.amazing how the Bush dupes accept the theory that muslims and bin laden behind it no matter how moronic the governments explanations are.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
perfect......you stupid fucks have proof of everthing else....but plane loads of people....uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

well in the official story most of them where .....vaporized

the first time I heard that was the explanation for their dissapearance I laughed my ass off.amazing how the Bush dupes accept the theory that muslims and bin laden behind it no matter how moronic the governments explanations are.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

where did the plane and the people go......
Hi Zoom:

Ok, so we agree that Flight 93 landed in Cleveland.

No. I presented 'EVIDENCE' that the real Flight 93 landed safely in Cleveland (link), as reported by then Mayor Michael R. White (says Flight 175 too). Now you have some 'EVIDENCE' upon which to formulate informed conclusions. The right place for you to be asking these questions is on a "Flight 93 Landed In Cleveland" Thread and not on this "Who Thinks 9/11 Was An Inside Job?" Thread, because all I need to prove Senor Bush is lying is one picture of the empty hole (like this one) and you already know I have tons of those. I purposely continue showing the same picture again and again, because that is the "Official Gov't Evidence" Photo that the US Gov't brought to court for convicting people like this (pic).

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-59kouBgO_s"]Watch The Short Video[/ame]

The article also states that the passengers were evacuated from the plane. Now the question remains -- where are those people?

The real passengers on Flight 93 exited the aircraft in Cleveland, just like the mayor said. Then the inside-job bad guys created their own manifests to include those murdered over the period of three days to DUPE people into believing they were on actual flights. If these 'victims' were on board the real Flight 93, they would have landed in Cleveland . . .

On the off chance that Flight 93 did crash in Shanksville, it would seem logical that Flight 93 would have met the same fate as this jet did.

YouTube - Jet airplane crash test

"The plane atomized with the impact; it just disappeared into dust."

No. You are looking at the test of the concrete wall and not the little jet. A real Boeing 757-200 Jetliner dwarfs your little jet and has a titanium frame weighing in at 60 tons, which does not include the two 6-ton Rolls-Royce Engines (pic).

I've posted the following three times but have not received a response.

According to this link provided by Terral UAL Flight 93 Landed Safely At Cleveland Hopkins Airport, Flight 93 did not crash in Shanksville, PA but instead was diverted and landed safely at Cleveland where the passengers were evacuated from the plane. (Still waiting on proof of the whereabouts of these passengers).

We are debating whether or not 9/11 is an inside job or not. I stand with those affirming that 9/11 was DEFINITELY an inside job; which is evidenced by the presence of the EMPTY HOLE.


I see smoke and I see grass growing on all the inclines leading down into the empty hole. Look across the way at the hood of the little fire truck to realize that this photographer's camera lens is on the same elevation, which means this little hole is no more than just 3 or 4 feet deep. Senor Bush says a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed here and I know for A FACT that he is a LIAR :)eusa_liar:). Period . . . = Inside Job. Too simple . . .

According to this link Google Image Result for http://stj911.org/evidence/docs/P200061_1.jpg. Flight 93 did in fact crash in Shanksville, PA because it was shot down.

Which theory is correct?

Whether Flight 93 landed in Cleveland OR was shot down, then Senor Bushie and the Gov't is LYING = Inside Job. You might want to start your own Flight 93 thread and hope that someone comes along with some answers to your questions. My Flight 93 paper is only concerned with the hypothesis that Flight 93 DID NOT crash in this empty field (link) and now you know the reason why I intentionally put forward a case for what 'NEVER' happened . . .


perfect......you stupid fucks have proof of everthing else....but plane loads of people....uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

well in the official story most of them where .....vaporized

the first time I heard that was the explanation for their dissapearance I laughed my ass off.amazing how the Bush dupes accept the theory that muslims and bin laden behind it no matter how moronic the governments explanations are.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
except no one has claimed the the people vaporized
Eots did what you guys always do, he LIED
where did the plane and the people go......


thats something we'll probably never know until a new Civilian investigation is done.anybody with an open mind with logic and common sense though knows that the 9/11 commission is the equivilant of that other fairy tale commission the warren commission,and that in both cases,the evidence is overwhelming that it was an inside job and that the 9/11 commission never had any intention of finding out the truth.Thats why just as in the case of the warren commission where congressmen Hale Boggs resigned from the warren commission in disgust because they ignored facts that did not fit their version,same is true with 9/11.

Senator Bob Mcclelend -I think is his last name,resigned for the same reason.He wrote a book about it how he was disgusted with their work for ignoring evidence that did not fit their version of events and how they never seemed interested in finding out the truth.till a new investigation is done by civilians,we'll probably never know the truth about that.thats like asking what was the name of the shooter behind the picket fence who fired the shot from the grassy knoll to kill kennedy.we'll probably never know who that shooter was not until at LEAST a new civilian investigation is done.same here with 9/11.
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