Who to Believe in Coronavirus War of Words

The people that are cavalier about this don’t understand what we’re dealing with. This will be the number 1 cause of death this year by a wide margin
I'm just gonna use an area w small numbers

Henan China

1,273 confirmed cases
22 deaths
1,250 recovered
1 active

There were 2 deaths for every 127 confirmed cases

Now, to put that in perspective, here in Chicago,
as of right now, since Jan. 1 there have been...

457 people shot(confirmed cases)
84 shot and killed(deaths)
373 shot and wounded(recovered)

There were 21 deaths for every 114 people shot
What do you mean by "confirmed cases?" Testing positive? Which is growing faster, the number of cases or the number of tests?

The more people we test the more confirmed cases there will be. The death rate is expected to be very high at first because the very sick people are being tested first. The death rate figures are expected to peak at 4%, and then drop down to 2% when it levels off. 2% is 10 times more deadly than the flue and exponentially more contagious of a virus
Presently the mortality rate for confirmed cases is about 1.3% in the US.

It be higher. Unfortunately

245 deceased/ 18,959 confirmed cases = 1.3%

what I’m saying is the death rate is not at its peak yet.
There is no reason to think the mortality rate for infected people will increase. The numbers will increase but the mortality rate will decrease because we are better prepared now than we were at the beginning.
There are way too many conflicting reports. Trump is right to have Pence as the go to guy for Coronavirus updates. All others should stay in the shadows since they are only making things more confusing.

---As many as 70,000 Americans could be confirmed as infected with coronavirus by the end of next week, marking a “pretty dramatic” increase in the number of confirmed cases, the director of the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Francis Collins, told his employees in an agency-wide conference call on Friday.---

This prediction would indeed be a dramatic increase and is therefore hard to believe.

NIH director: 70K coronavirus cases could be confirmed in US by end of next week

It's not hard to believe at all.
It's called exponential growth.

Each infected person not distancing infects on average 2-3 people.
View attachment 313685
Incubation period is up to two weeks. That means those who present with symptoms in two weeks are already infected now but don't know it. Without proper social distancing, those people are infecting more and more people every day.
Hmmm, but let me throw this out there then, are their groups of people who break the cycle, and therefore are not infected when they come in contact with it or after they contact it they kill it in their own system ??

Talking about the thing on a chart as if the chain isn't broken in any way, either naturally by stronger immune systems, and/or maybe by these A symptomatic humans carrying it who are weakening it down over time maybe ?? Otherwise as the immune system figures it out could that also be the case where it breaks the chains ??? It is a little bit misguided isn't it to use charts in this way or is it not ??

In some cases the chain won't even start beyond the one who kills the virus dead within his or her system, and therefore breaks the infection chain at that point for thousands who could have been infected as a result of the carrier.

So in summary can it be looked at as if the chain is being broken here and there, and thus less people are infected in the chains because they are being broken ? Does the virus weaken by going through the human system in which of course has a system that detunes the virus over time ??

All good questions.
We know this is a novel virus. That means it jumped from animals to humans for presumably the first time. That means there should be no person with the necessary antibodies that would stop the virus outright from reproducing in their body.
We know that not everyone gets horribly ill after becoming infected so there must be other factors involved.

As far as I know, since this is a novel virus and there are no human antibodies, there is nothing to stop this. That's why it spreads so readily. Heard immunity is aquired over time. Usually generations.
Usually what happens is the virus, after reproducing itself a zillion times in people, mutates either into a type that is less easily spread or is able to be managed in a better way. This virus has already mutated at least three times. Once to transmit from animals to human. Once to transmit from human to human and once more in general. Our best hope is that it mutates into a less transmittable form.
The human body is a magnificent thing, and it can work to fix something like this, but a little help from the drug industries by way of the minds in which God has also given us, and for which also resides in our magnificent human bodies can altogether whip this thing.

Time to pray, and ask God to lead us by unlocking the powers of our God given abilities to arrest this thing.
The people that are cavalier about this don’t understand what we’re dealing with. This will be the number 1 cause of death this year by a wide margin
I'm just gonna use an area w small numbers

Henan China

1,273 confirmed cases
22 deaths
1,250 recovered
1 active

There were 2 deaths for every 127 confirmed cases

Now, to put that in perspective, here in Chicago,
as of right now, since Jan. 1 there have been...

457 people shot(confirmed cases)
84 shot and killed(deaths)
373 shot and wounded(recovered)

There were 21 deaths for every 114 people shot

a couple of things:

1) you can’t believe the figures China is claiming

2) China is an authoritarian country that can take drastic measures we wouldn’t consider.

3) one thing China has plenty of is labor. They were able to build hospitals fast and they were better prepared with supplies than we are. We don’t have ventilators, medical equipment to protect healthcare professionals, or enough staff to deal with the pending demand.
A few days ago we had only about 1,300 confirmed cases and today we have 18,459 confirmed cases.

What do you mean by "confirmed cases?" Testing positive? Which is growing faster, the number of cases or the number of tests?

For example, let's say 10% of the population carries the virus. The first week, 10 people are tested and 1 tests positive. The next week 100 people are tested and 10 test positive. Does that mean that the number of people carrying the virus has increased tenfold? Of course not.
Roughly 100k total tests.
Going on 19k confirmed cases or positive results.

So what does that prove, other than 19% of those tested were positive? People without symptoms are being told not to get tested, so any projections based on selective test results are inherently suspect.

P.S. How many of the 19k testing positive are "confirmed cases?"

There are way too many conflicting reports. Trump is right to have Pence as the go to guy for Coronavirus updates. All others should stay in the shadows since they are only making things more confusing.

---As many as 70,000 Americans could be confirmed as infected with coronavirus by the end of next week, marking a “pretty dramatic” increase in the number of confirmed cases, the director of the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Francis Collins, told his employees in an agency-wide conference call on Friday.---

This prediction would indeed be a dramatic increase and is therefore hard to believe.

NIH director: 70K coronavirus cases could be confirmed in US by end of next week
I've decided to follow the Maine CDC for the number of cases/where in the state. I'm ignoring all predictions and speculations.

As Hagrid said to Harry Potter, “What’s comin’ will come, an’ we’ll meet it when it does.”
The more people we test the more confirmed cases there will be. The death rate is expected to be very high at first because the very sick people are being tested first. The death rate figures are expected to peak at 4%, and then drop down to 2% when it levels off. 2% is 10 times more deadly than the flue and exponentially more contagious of a virus
Presently the mortality rate for confirmed cases is about 1.3% in the US.

It be higher. Unfortunately

245 deceased/ 18,959 confirmed cases = 1.3%

what I’m saying is the death rate is not at its peak yet.
There is no reason to think the mortality rate for infected people will increase. The numbers will increase but the mortality rate will decrease because we are better prepared now than we were at the beginning.

Sorry. The healthcare demand hasn’t even begun to take shape. We don’t have enough ventilators, Equiptment, staff to meet the pending demand. The death rate will go higher because we’re not prepared for what’s coming. Maybe the malaria drug will save lives, but it’s too early to tell.
Oh no not 230k, more than a million. Sorry to say

What do you base this claim on, wishful thinking? ... if you have a credible citation, then please post a link ... otherwise it sounds like you're just making this up ...

All good questions.
We know this is a novel virus. That means it jumped from animals to humans for presumably the first time. That means there should be no person with the necessary antibodies that would stop the virus outright from reproducing in their body.
We know that not everyone gets horribly ill after becoming infected so there must be other factors involved.

As far as I know, since this is a novel virus and there are no human antibodies, there is nothing to stop this. That's why it spreads so readily. Heard immunity is aquired over time. Usually generations.
Usually what happens is the virus, after reproducing itself a zillion times in people, mutates either into a type that is less easily spread or is able to be managed in a better way. This virus has already mutated at least three times. Once to transmit from animals to human. Once to transmit from human to human and once more in general. Our best hope is that it mutates into a less transmittable form.

I'll ask you the same question ... do you have a credible link for this information? ...

This is a novel strain of an ubiquitous virus ... however, typical stains of the Corona family of viruses are not deadly ... that's what's new with this strain ... every year there's a new strain and every year humans have no immunity, exactly like the flu virus ... you've made some pretty wild and crazy claims here, as though this virus family hasn't been around since the common cold, or that it's mutated in some unknown way ... it's a virus just like every other virus, not magical, basic common sense hygiene will be a big help ending the epidemic ...

The both of you ... the question is who should we trust ... why should we trust you? ...
The people that are cavalier about this don’t understand what we’re dealing with. This will be the number 1 cause of death this year by a wide margin
I'm just gonna use an area w small numbers

Henan China

1,273 confirmed cases
22 deaths
1,250 recovered
1 active

There were 2 deaths for every 127 confirmed cases

Now, to put that in perspective, here in Chicago,
as of right now, since Jan. 1 there have been...

457 people shot(confirmed cases)
84 shot and killed(deaths)
373 shot and wounded(recovered)

There were 21 deaths for every 114 people shot

a couple of things:

1) you can’t believe the figures China is claiming

2) China is an authoritarian country that can take drastic measures we wouldn’t consider.

3) one thing China has plenty of is labor. They were able to build hospitals fast and they were better prepared with supplies than we are. We don’t have ventilators, medical equipment to protect healthcare professionals, or enough staff to deal with the pending demand.
I doubt that's true. I haven't heard of anyone who needed a ventilator not being able to be put on one, and respirator masks are being sold on Amazon, so there is no reason for any healthcare workers not to have one. I think people are confusing what we need now with what we might need in a worst case scenario, but both the federal government and the states are working hard to stock up now so I doubt we will face any shortages as we go forward.
A few days ago we had only about 1,300 confirmed cases and today we have 18,459 confirmed cases.

What do you mean by "confirmed cases?" Testing positive? Which is growing faster, the number of cases or the number of tests?

For example, let's say 10% of the population carries the virus. The first week, 10 people are tested and 1 tests positive. The next week 100 people are tested and 10 test positive. Does that mean that the number of people carrying the virus has increased tenfold? Of course not.
Roughly 100k total tests.
Going on 19k confirmed cases or positive results.

So what does that prove, other than 19% of those tested were positive? People without symptoms are being told not to get tested, so any projections based on selective test results are inherently suspect.

P.S. How many of the 19k testing positive are "confirmed cases?"

It identifies those infected with the virus. Only those with symptoms are tested due to the limited availability of the tests.
All of the confirmed cases are also the positive test results. How do you imagine they would be confirmed without a positive test result?

BTW, testing has a 2-7 day turn around time for results. So there is a big percentage of those 100k that are still in testing and may not be reported for nearly a week.
Presently the mortality rate for confirmed cases is about 1.3% in the US.

It be higher. Unfortunately

245 deceased/ 18,959 confirmed cases = 1.3%

what I’m saying is the death rate is not at its peak yet.
There is no reason to think the mortality rate for infected people will increase. The numbers will increase but the mortality rate will decrease because we are better prepared now than we were at the beginning.

Sorry. The healthcare demand hasn’t even begun to take shape. We don’t have enough ventilators, Equiptment, staff to meet the pending demand. The death rate will go higher because we’re not prepared for what’s coming. Maybe the malaria drug will save lives, but it’s too early to tell.
If you have been following the press conferences, both the federal government and the states are buying up all the equipment we might need in a worst case scenario, so there is no reason to think we will experiences shortages in the future.
I've decided to follow the Maine CDC for the number of cases/where in the state. I'm ignoring all predictions and speculations.

As Hagrid said to Harry Potter, “What’s comin’ will come, an’ we’ll meet it when it does.”

I'm keeping my "better safe than sorry" attitude ... following the basic guidelines from public health officials ... I hope this is all just a media feeding frenzy, but it's too early to tell, death and infection rates are calculated after the fact ...

Didn't Hadrig die? ... not the way I'd like to meet Corvid-19 ... just saying ...

WASH YOUR HANDS ... I like mothering you ...
The people that are cavalier about this don’t understand what we’re dealing with. This will be the number 1 cause of death this year by a wide margin
I'm just gonna use an area w small numbers

Henan China

1,273 confirmed cases
22 deaths
1,250 recovered
1 active

There were 2 deaths for every 127 confirmed cases

Now, to put that in perspective, here in Chicago,
as of right now, since Jan. 1 there have been...

457 people shot(confirmed cases)
84 shot and killed(deaths)
373 shot and wounded(recovered)

There were 21 deaths for every 114 people shot

a couple of things:

1) you can’t believe the figures China is claiming

2) China is an authoritarian country that can take drastic measures we wouldn’t consider.

3) one thing China has plenty of is labor. They were able to build hospitals fast and they were better prepared with supplies than we are. We don’t have ventilators, medical equipment to protect healthcare professionals, or enough staff to deal with the pending demand.
I doubt that's true. I haven't heard of anyone who needed a ventilator not being able to be put on one, and respirator masks are being sold on Amazon, so there is no reason for any healthcare workers not to have one. I think people are confusing what we need now with what we might need in a worst case scenario, but both the federal government and the states are working hard to stock up now so I doubt we will face any shortages as we go forward.

my sister is a healthcare worker and she tells me healthcare workers are being left out to dry. And she specifically emphasized a big fuck you to those that are buying respirator masks on Amazon, in the medical profession there’s a shortage. Remember. You need a healthcare worker to operate a ventilator. And as healthcare workers get sick that adds to the problems meeting demand.
Better go with the scientist and medical experts. Trump and Pence are idiots and trump, a proven liar many times over. Fauci had to correct the pres just today, over the expected effectiveness of a new drug being tried, saying that it is just the president's opinion. Rosy unsupported opinions and predictions get people killed. Go with the ones who have studied, and worked in the field, not the rosy pronouncements of somebody who hates to read and lies like a rug for his own political benefit. Confirmed infected seems to double every 3 days or so in general, some places quicker than that, now that they are testing. If it really does infect 60-70% of the 350 million approx. American public and is as described as 10 times as leathal, as in even figuring as low as 1% mortality (10 times that of the flu), you do the math. As a society, can we trust liars and idiots or should we go with the ones that have trained and worked in the field of study all their lives?
The people that are cavalier about this don’t understand what we’re dealing with. This will be the number 1 cause of death this year by a wide margin
I'm just gonna use an area w small numbers

Henan China

1,273 confirmed cases
22 deaths
1,250 recovered
1 active

There were 2 deaths for every 127 confirmed cases

Now, to put that in perspective, here in Chicago,
as of right now, since Jan. 1 there have been...

457 people shot(confirmed cases)
84 shot and killed(deaths)
373 shot and wounded(recovered)

There were 21 deaths for every 114 people shot

a couple of things:

1) you can’t believe the figures China is claiming

2) China is an authoritarian country that can take drastic measures we wouldn’t consider.

3) one thing China has plenty of is labor. They were able to build hospitals fast and they were better prepared with supplies than we are. We don’t have ventilators, medical equipment to protect healthcare professionals, or enough staff to deal with the pending demand.
I doubt that's true. I haven't heard of anyone who needed a ventilator not being able to be put on one, and respirator masks are being sold on Amazon, so there is no reason for any healthcare workers not to have one. I think people are confusing what we need now with what we might need in a worst case scenario, but both the federal government and the states are working hard to stock up now so I doubt we will face any shortages as we go forward.

my sister is a healthcare worker and she tells me healthcare workers are being left out to dry. And she specifically emphasized a big fuck you to those that are buying respirator masks on Amazon, in the medical profession there’s a shortage. Remember. You need a healthcare worker to operate a ventilator. And as healthcare workers get sick that adds to the problems meeting demand.
The point is, if there are enough respirator masks for Amazon to sell them, then your sister's employer ought to be able to provide them to its employees.
It be higher. Unfortunately

245 deceased/ 18,959 confirmed cases = 1.3%

what I’m saying is the death rate is not at its peak yet.
There is no reason to think the mortality rate for infected people will increase. The numbers will increase but the mortality rate will decrease because we are better prepared now than we were at the beginning.

Sorry. The healthcare demand hasn’t even begun to take shape. We don’t have enough ventilators, Equiptment, staff to meet the pending demand. The death rate will go higher because we’re not prepared for what’s coming. Maybe the malaria drug will save lives, but it’s too early to tell.
If you have been following the press conferences, both the federal government and the states are buying up all the equipment we might need in a worst case scenario, so there is no reason to think we will experiences shortages in the future.

we’re not prepared. I’m not saying that to be political. From the research I’ve done and in paying attention to the facts that’s the conclusion I’ve come to accept. I’m not trying to predict anything and I’m listening to wiser people than myself. Hopefully I have the wrong information and this will all blow over with little to no damage.
The people that are cavalier about this don’t understand what we’re dealing with. This will be the number 1 cause of death this year by a wide margin
I'm just gonna use an area w small numbers

Henan China

1,273 confirmed cases
22 deaths
1,250 recovered
1 active

There were 2 deaths for every 127 confirmed cases

Now, to put that in perspective, here in Chicago,
as of right now, since Jan. 1 there have been...

457 people shot(confirmed cases)
84 shot and killed(deaths)
373 shot and wounded(recovered)

There were 21 deaths for every 114 people shot

a couple of things:

1) you can’t believe the figures China is claiming

2) China is an authoritarian country that can take drastic measures we wouldn’t consider.

3) one thing China has plenty of is labor. They were able to build hospitals fast and they were better prepared with supplies than we are. We don’t have ventilators, medical equipment to protect healthcare professionals, or enough staff to deal with the pending demand.
I doubt that's true. I haven't heard of anyone who needed a ventilator not being able to be put on one, and respirator masks are being sold on Amazon, so there is no reason for any healthcare workers not to have one. I think people are confusing what we need now with what we might need in a worst case scenario, but both the federal government and the states are working hard to stock up now so I doubt we will face any shortages as we go forward.

my sister is a healthcare worker and she tells me healthcare workers are being left out to dry. And she specifically emphasized a big fuck you to those that are buying respirator masks on Amazon, in the medical profession there’s a shortage. Remember. You need a healthcare worker to operate a ventilator. And as healthcare workers get sick that adds to the problems meeting demand.
The point is, if there are enough respirator masks for Amazon to sell them, then your sister's employer ought to be able to provide them to its employees.

not necessarily. You don’t know if Amazon can handle the demand. Just because masks are being sold to the private sector that doesn’t they have enough for every hospital worker.
we’re not prepared. I’m not saying that to be political. From the research I’ve done and in paying attention to the facts that’s the conclusion I’ve come to accept. I’m not trying to predict anything and I’m listening to wiser people than myself. Hopefully I have the wrong information and this will all blow over with little to no damage.

This I agree with ... even if this one virus peters out, we're still vulnerable ... just one mutation in one big city ... airline travel ... we see this in nature, humans aren't immune ...
The people that are cavalier about this don’t understand what we’re dealing with. This will be the number 1 cause of death this year by a wide margin
I'm just gonna use an area w small numbers

Henan China

1,273 confirmed cases
22 deaths
1,250 recovered
1 active

There were 2 deaths for every 127 confirmed cases

Now, to put that in perspective, here in Chicago,
as of right now, since Jan. 1 there have been...

457 people shot(confirmed cases)
84 shot and killed(deaths)
373 shot and wounded(recovered)

There were 21 deaths for every 114 people shot

a couple of things:

1) you can’t believe the figures China is claiming

2) China is an authoritarian country that can take drastic measures we wouldn’t consider.

3) one thing China has plenty of is labor. They were able to build hospitals fast and they were better prepared with supplies than we are. We don’t have ventilators, medical equipment to protect healthcare professionals, or enough staff to deal with the pending demand.
How dumb were we to put greed driven monetary interest over our nation's national security, and it's ability to be a free and yet bordered country ??? Purty dag gummed dumb ifin ya were ta ask me.

245 deceased/ 18,959 confirmed cases = 1.3%

what I’m saying is the death rate is not at its peak yet.
There is no reason to think the mortality rate for infected people will increase. The numbers will increase but the mortality rate will decrease because we are better prepared now than we were at the beginning.

Sorry. The healthcare demand hasn’t even begun to take shape. We don’t have enough ventilators, Equiptment, staff to meet the pending demand. The death rate will go higher because we’re not prepared for what’s coming. Maybe the malaria drug will save lives, but it’s too early to tell.
If you have been following the press conferences, both the federal government and the states are buying up all the equipment we might need in a worst case scenario, so there is no reason to think we will experiences shortages in the future.

we’re not prepared. I’m not saying that to be political. From the research I’ve done and in paying attention to the facts that’s the conclusion I’ve come to accept. I’m not trying to predict anything and I’m listening to wiser people than myself. Hopefully I have the wrong information and this will all blow over with little to no damage.
We are well prepared to deal with the present situation and with all the billions of dollars that are currently being spent to procure more of everything that might be needed there is every reason to believe we will be prepared for whatever comes tomorrow.

Pretty much everyone believes this will blow over, but the question is when and how much suffering will we have to endure until them.
What do you mean by "confirmed cases?" Testing positive? Which is growing faster, the number of cases or the number of tests?

The more people we test the more confirmed cases there will be. The death rate is expected to be very high at first because the very sick people are being tested first. The death rate figures are expected to peak at 4%, and then drop down to 2% when it levels off. 2% is 10 times more deadly than the flue and exponentially more contagious of a virus
Presently the mortality rate for confirmed cases is about 1.3% in the US.

It be higher. Unfortunately

245 deceased/ 18,959 confirmed cases = 1.3%

what I’m saying is the death rate is not at its peak yet.

All 41 patients had pneumonia with abnormal findings on chest CT.


The median time from onset of symptoms to first hospital admission was 7·0 days (4·0–8·0), to shortness of breath was 8·0 days (5·0–13·0), to ARDS was 9·0 days (8·0–14·0), to mechanical ventilation was 10·5 days (7·0–14·0), and to ICU admission was 10·5 days






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