Who to Believe in Coronavirus War of Words

Sorry to hear that... Prayers for her, and hope she keeps herself protected as much as it is possible for her to do so in the situation. People not being recognized for their conditions in life by those who should know them, is un-exceptable in a situation like this, and not protecting those people from a virus that could endanger their lives along with other family members, and their friends is just irresponsible. Employers or managers that use people while having a blatant disregard for their safety is cowardly in my opinion.
This has exposed a lot of things
It really has. I know elder people with lung problems due to various conditions, and there could possibly be a total disregard for those people as long as they keep holding down their positions for their companies (while working in the service industries or health care industry). Of course those people want and need the work like anyone, but are they being protected as they should be if this thing is as bad as they think it is or know that it is ?????

Hard to say at this point, but it is something that makes one open their eyes to alot of things like you say. Steady watching the situations. Stay safe as best you all can.
God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power
and love and of a sound mind
He also gives us the common sense to get out of the rain when it's coming down also. Just sayin.
God wants us to put our faith in Him to weather storms,
not avoid them...pulling out an umbrella is common sense too
Uhhhhhhh ok.... :)
All good questions.
We know this is a novel virus. That means it jumped from animals to humans for presumably the first time. That means there should be no person with the necessary antibodies that would stop the virus outright from reproducing in their body.
We know that not everyone gets horribly ill after becoming infected so there must be other factors involved.

As far as I know, since this is a novel virus and there are no human antibodies, there is nothing to stop this. That's why it spreads so readily. Heard immunity is aquired over time. Usually generations.
Usually what happens is the virus, after reproducing itself a zillion times in people, mutates either into a type that is less easily spread or is able to be managed in a better way. This virus has already mutated at least three times. Once to transmit from animals to human. Once to transmit from human to human and once more in general. Our best hope is that it mutates into a less transmittable form.
People who get infected develop antibodies. One may not even know they are sick, get over it and never get it again but, can be carriers.
No antibodies to prevent infection in the first place, dope.
They don't help when you're dead.
Of course no anti-bodies exist that would attack the virus once it FIRST enters into the body a new, but the anti-bodies would quickly develope in order to defeat the invader if have a strong immune system. Right ??

If you survive.

The point was that no one has a natural immunity to a novel virus.

Your point seems to be conflating two different concepts -- antibodies and immunity. First, people can have genetically inherited antibodies that help fight off viruses, even those that are categorized as novel. That's distinct from antibodies that are developed after exposure to a virus. The presence of such antibodies doesn't necessarily make them immune, just better able to fight the infection.

People can also have natural immunity to viruses, including novel viruses, not because of the presence of targeted antibodies, but rather, the rapid production of interferon proteins.

Hmm, so why not dose everyone with interferon?

If this is a serious question, it's because the body creates antibodies to exogenously introduced interferons, as it does when any foreign substance is introduced. However, studies have shown that these anti-interferon antibodies continue to circulate, and have a detrimental/neutralizing affect on the body's response to interferons. In other words, dosing people with interferons any time a bug rolled through town would spell very bad news for our immune systems in the long run.

Interferon antibodies in patients with infectious diseases
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Notice that she is saying that if we have the same situation as Italy it will be a nightmare, but the US has already been dealing with the virus for a month longer than Italy has and we are doing, much, much better that they have. Perhaps she never was an alarmist before, but she clearly is now.

I simply don't agree with that. If you are an older person with health issues who lives on a high floor in an apartment building, should you wear a face mask in the elevator? Maybe you shouldn't, but I know I should.

my only point is there’s not an abundance of masks that healthcare workers have at their disposal
I see these articles about the shortage of masks for healthcare workers like the one you posted, but what I don't see are the number of workers who don't have masks at any particular institution. The federal government has ordered millions of them and the states are also buying huge quantities of them and I can buy them on Amazon, so it is hard for me to believe there is a shortage of masks or will be in the future.

My Link isn’t an article. It’s the CDC website
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A few days ago we had only about 1,300 confirmed cases and today we have 18,459 confirmed cases.

What do you mean by "confirmed cases?" Testing positive? Which is growing faster, the number of cases or the number of tests?

The more people we test the more confirmed cases there will be. The death rate is expected to be very high at first because the very sick people are being tested first. The death rate figures are expected to peak at 4%, and then drop down to 2% when it levels off. 2% is 10 times more deadly than the flue and exponentially more contagious of a virus
Presently the mortality rate for confirmed cases is about 1.3% in the US.

It’ll be higher. Unfortunately

Thank You, Nostradorkmus.

Whatcha gonna do if it goes the other way? Hmm?

I hope it does. I’m just going by what I’ve learned. From everything I gathered the outlook is very dim. So if my calculations are wrong that’s wonderful
Just anecdotally, one of our daughters is a microbiologist, and she ran 20 tests yesterday morning. 11 came back positive.

I'm not saying that's a statistical sign, of course, because the blood may have come from a group that was likely sick. But she did call to make sure that my wife and I are taking every last precaution.
There are way too many conflicting reports. Trump is right to have Pence as the go to guy for Coronavirus updates. All others should stay in the shadows since they are only making things more confusing.

---As many as 70,000 Americans could be confirmed as infected with coronavirus by the end of next week, marking a “pretty dramatic” increase in the number of confirmed cases, the director of the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Francis Collins, told his employees in an agency-wide conference call on Friday.---

This prediction would indeed be a dramatic increase and is therefore hard to believe.

NIH director: 70K coronavirus cases could be confirmed in US by end of next week
It's not so hard to believe. A few days ago we had only about 1,300 confirmed cases and today we have 18,459 confirmed cases.

And you know they are "confirmed" how?

The coronavirus has been around for thousands of years . So it would be normal for you to test (+) which only means that you were once exposed to it.

The ONLY folks that should be worried about the new strain , assuming that coronavirus is in fact the culprit, are those who are immunocompromised or malnourished . That 's very few Americans .

So California, NY, Illinois and Pennsylvania have their own agenda or their governors are stupid fucks.

Thank you

Brian Kemp
Governor of Georgia

for keeping the Great State of Georgia open for business. SALUTE

It is likely that many people will be infected by the virus, but very few will require hospital care, so there seems to be nothing but panic motivating these claims that our healthcare system will be overwhelmed.

Well right now we need to do our best to practice social distancing and cleanliness so we can buy the medical community time.
Sorry, I disagree

How many people to you think had it and don't even realize it
People who have had it where it ran its course
will have the antibodies created as a result

That would slow the spread
If not for these anti-bodies, a person would die. Now if we were able to draw blood samples afterwards, would this help us in anyway in order to figure out a blocker or a vaccine maybe ??
In the US there is already one vaccine in stage one FDA tests, and more will follow. I know of two more in Israel and one in Germany. If the President fact tracks FDA approval, we might have a vaccine by late summer or fall. There are also several anti viral drugs that show promise for treating covid19. One has been approved in the US and several have been approved in Israel and China is touting an anti viral it claims has radically reduced mortality and shortened the duration of the illness.

Nothing good ever comes from the FDA fast tracking drugs or vaccines.

You could not be more right about this ... have we already forgotten the last disaster that occurred during the Ford administration when the FDA fast tracked a vaccine for a novel strain of swine flu, based on senseless hype and hysteria, which caused serious medical conditions in many people who took the flawed vaccine? Rhetorical question, since it was more than 2 news cycles ago, meaning the answer is an unequivocal yes.

In the spring of 1976, it looked like that year’s flu was the real thing. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t, and rushed response led to a medical debacle that hasn’t gone away.

“Some of the American public’s hesitance to embrace vaccines — the flu vaccine in particular — can be attributed to the long-lasting effects of a failed 1976 campaign to mass-vaccinate the public against a strain of the swine flu virus,” writes Rebecca Kreston for Discover. “This government-led campaign was widely viewed as a debacle and put an irreparable dent in future public health initiative, as well as negatively influenced the public’s perception of both the flu and the flu shot in this country.”
“The indication is that we will see a return of the 1918 flu virus that is the most virulent form of flu,” he said, reports Patrick di Justo for Salon. He went on: the 1918 outbreak of “Spanish flu” killed half a million Americans, and the upcoming apocalypse was expected to kill a million.

To avoid an epidemic, the CDC believed, at least 80 percent of the United States population would need to be vaccinated. When they asked Congress for the money to do it, politicians jumped on the potential good press of saving their constituents from the plague, di Justo writes.

... They eventually found that the strain of flu that year was not a repeat or escalation of the 1918 flu, but “the U.S. government was unstoppable,” di Justo writes. They had promised a vaccine, so there needed to be a vaccine.

This all happened in the spring, with emergency legislation for the “National Swine Flu Immunization Program,” being signed into effect in mid-April. By the time immunizations began on Oct. 1, though, the proposed epidemic had failed to emerge[.]

“With President Ford’s reelection campaign looming on the horizon, the campaign increasingly appeared politically motivated,” Kreston writes. ... Epidemiology takes time, politics is often about looking like you’re doing something and logistics between branches of government are extremely complicated. These factors all contributed to the pandemic that never was.

The real victims of this pandemic were likely the 450-odd people who came down with Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare neurological disorder, after getting the 1976 flu shot.
The Long Shadow of the 1976 Swine Flu Vaccine 'Fiasco' | Smart News | Smithsonian Magazine

Does any of that lead-up sound somewhat familiar? Absolutely. Do any of the politicians and bureaucrats currently involved in the COVID-19 hysteria intend to take heed of this page in history in order to avoid another similar debacle? Not a chance.
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There are way too many conflicting reports. Trump is right to have Pence as the go to guy for Coronavirus updates. All others should stay in the shadows since they are only making things more confusing.

---As many as 70,000 Americans could be confirmed as infected with coronavirus by the end of next week, marking a “pretty dramatic” increase in the number of confirmed cases, the director of the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Francis Collins, told his employees in an agency-wide conference call on Friday.---

This prediction would indeed be a dramatic increase and is therefore hard to believe.

NIH director: 70K coronavirus cases could be confirmed in US by end of next week

when trump and conservatives mocked the virus and liberals and said it was just being overblown by liberals and the MSM......I truly believed them because I am SMART and I think for myself!

and now that trump and conservatives are saying that this is REAL and the liberals and MSM are to blame for everything....I truly believe them because I am SMART and I think for myself....

I wonder what hoop trump will have me jump through next?
I think the freakout is gonna kill/harm more people than the actual virus.
Exactly. We need to go about our lives in the normal way and can this stupid quarantine BS.

No, we do not need to go about our lives in a normal way...nor do we need to be locking down entire states.

As with most things the answer fall in the middle of the two mindless extremes.

I think the sports stopping games for a time was a good move, 50,000 in a small area is not the way to go. Same with schools, they have always been a dirty, germ filled breeding ground. We need to slow the spread, this is a fact.

Before all the forced closings I saw a story about a restaurant that took out 2/3 of their tables and moved the rest further party, this seems a good logical, business driven decision.

But my state telling me I am not allowed outside after 5 today is total bullshit and I plan to be driving around aimlessly at 5:30 to see if they are going to actually enforce it.

According to your graph, there is a positive correlation between precautionary measures and Covid-19 "cases." Also, this graph fails to distinguish between those who have ever been exposed to this virus and those who are seriously ill and/or active transmitters of the virus.

Why not show graphs which shows the correlation between the number of tests administered and the number of positive results, and also the correlation between the number of positive results and the number of seriously ill people? Not sensational enough?
I think the sports stopping games for a time was a good move, 50,000 in a small area is not the way to go. Same with schools, they have always been a dirty, germ filled breeding ground.

I agree with the sporting events, but am not sure about the schools. Is there any data showing these as a transmission source? It seems they could take precautionary measures without closing completely. Maybe it is more of a liability issue?
I agree with the sporting events, but am not sure about the schools. Is there any data showing these as a transmission source? It seems they could take precautionary measures without closing completely. Maybe it is more of a liability issue?

Schools are a breeding ground for anything because kids for the most part are not very sanitary. If there is a good thing that might come out of this is I think schools will vastly increase their on-line capabilities.
Dr Fauci is a beacon of reason...while Trump is unhinged!
Trump is the one who discovered the miracle drug to wipe out Coronavirus.

No he did not your mindless moron. Trump does not know a damn thing about drugs. France was the first country to try it and it does not wipe out Coronavirus, it merely treats the symptoms.
I think the sports stopping games for a time was a good move, 50,000 in a small area is not the way to go. Same with schools, they have always been a dirty, germ filled breeding ground.

I agree with the sporting events, but am not sure about the schools. Is there any data showing these as a transmission source? It seems they could take precautionary measures without closing completely. Maybe it is more of a liability issue?
I agree with the poster about the schools being a dirty germ infested environment. Seems everytime the grandkids come over they are sick from school. Then we end up getting something from them as a result of their exposures. One of the grands got mono from a water fountain at school. Yeah they definitely did the right thing by shutting down the schools.
Dr Fauci is a beacon of reason...while Trump is unhinged!
Trump is the one who discovered the miracle drug to wipe out Coronavirus.

No he did not your mindless moron. Trump does not know a damn thing about drugs. France was the first country to try it and it does not wipe out Coronavirus, it merely treats the symptoms.
No drug wipes out the viruses... They just mitigate the symptoms making the virus tolerable enough to live with until the body works it's magic over time.
There are way too many conflicting reports. Trump is right to have Pence as the go to guy for Coronavirus updates. All others should stay in the shadows since they are only making things more confusing.

---As many as 70,000 Americans could be confirmed as infected with coronavirus by the end of next week, marking a “pretty dramatic” increase in the number of confirmed cases, the director of the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Francis Collins, told his employees in an agency-wide conference call on Friday.---

This prediction would indeed be a dramatic increase and is therefore hard to believe.

NIH director: 70K coronavirus cases could be confirmed in US by end of next week
Yeah, I've been hearing some scary numbers. I hope to God they are wrong.

Let's come back next week and see.

"If we're still here!"
They’re not. It’s going to feel like no one has it around you, then one week you’ll have some acquaintances catch it, then next week it’ll seem like everyone has it around you.
i'put my faith in him:

Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., NIAID Director
Dr. Fauci was appointed Director of NIAID in 1984. He oversees an extensive research portfolio of basic and applied research to prevent, diagnose, and treat established infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, respiratory infections, diarrheal diseases, tuberculosis and malaria as well as emerging diseases such as Ebola and Zika. NIAID also supports research on transplantation and immune-related illnesses, including autoimmune disorders, asthma and allergies. The NIAID budget for fiscal year 2020 is an estimated $5.9 billion.

Dr. Fauci has advised six Presidents on HIV/AIDS and many other domestic and global health issues. He was one of the principal architects of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), a program that has saved millions of lives throughout the developing world.

Read Dr. Fauci's Biography

Read about how NIAID is conducting and supporting research on SARS CoV-2 and the disease COVID-19


NIAID Director Anthony S. Fauci, M.D

Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., NIAID Director | NIH: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

the HHS secretary is a bigpharma pusher.
He said Trump isn't responsible for the delay in getting a sufficient number of tests.

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