Who to Believe in Coronavirus War of Words

Notice that she is saying that if we have the same situation as Italy it will be a nightmare, but the US has already been dealing with the virus for a month longer than Italy has and we are doing, much, much better that they have. Perhaps she never was an alarmist before, but she clearly is now.

No, you're not doing better than Italy. You're doing the exact same thing as Italy, you're just two weeks behind them. Except Italy was testing, and you're not, and Italy has more hospital beds, staff and equipment than the US, so you're already running out of beds.
There are way too many conflicting reports. Trump is right to have Pence as the go to guy for Coronavirus updates. All others should stay in the shadows since they are only making things more confusing.

---As many as 70,000 Americans could be confirmed as infected with coronavirus by the end of next week, marking a “pretty dramatic” increase in the number of confirmed cases, the director of the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Francis Collins, told his employees in an agency-wide conference call on Friday.---

This prediction would indeed be a dramatic increase and is therefore hard to believe.

NIH director: 70K coronavirus cases could be confirmed in US by end of next week

Trump and Pence are LYING to us. Doctors and nurses across the nation are scared.

As I’ve said in this thread. My sister is a doctor and I’m friends with a few of her colleagues. Everyone that I’m speaking with is scared shitless.
At least they have appropriate safety gear that will help them to not contact the thing right ????? It's not as agressive as Ebola was thank God. It's way less than that one, although it's still super serious.

The poor service worker who has no protection against an onslaught of citizen's (that no one knows anything about), is the one who should be shaking in his or her boots or shoes right now.

I can only hope. My sister has a compromised immune system.
Sorry to hear that... Prayers for her, and hope she keeps herself protected as much as it is possible for her to do so in the situation. People not being recognized for their conditions in life by those (employers) who should know them, is un-exceptable in a situation like this, and not protecting those people from a virus that could endanger their lives along with other family members, and their friends is just irresponsible. Employers or managers that use people while having a blatant disregard for their safety is cowardly in my opinion.
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It is likely that many people will be infected by the virus, but very few will require hospital care, so there seems to be nothing but panic motivating these claims that our healthcare system will be overwhelmed.

Well right now we need to do our best to practice social distancing and cleanliness so we can buy the medical community time.
Sorry, I disagree

How many people to you think had it and don't even realize it
People who have had it where it ran its course
will have the antibodies created as a result

That would slow the spread
If not for these anti-bodies, a person would die. Now if we were able to draw blood samples afterwards, would this help us in anyway in order to figure out a blocker or a vaccine maybe ??
In the US there is already one vaccine in stage one FDA tests, and more will follow. I know of two more in Israel and one in Germany. If the President fact tracks FDA approval, we might have a vaccine by late summer or fall. There are also several anti viral drugs that show promise for treating covid19. One has been approved in the US and several have been approved in Israel and China is touting an anti viral it claims has radically reduced mortality and shortened the duration of the illness.

Nothing good ever comes from the FDA fast tracking drugs or vaccines.
In this situation only good can come from fast tracking anything that is done with the thoughts of saving lives... It is A-ok.
There are way too many conflicting reports. Trump is right to have Pence as the go to guy for Coronavirus updates. All others should stay in the shadows since they are only making things more confusing.

---As many as 70,000 Americans could be confirmed as infected with coronavirus by the end of next week, marking a “pretty dramatic” increase in the number of confirmed cases, the director of the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Francis Collins, told his employees in an agency-wide conference call on Friday.---

This prediction would indeed be a dramatic increase and is therefore hard to believe.

NIH director: 70K coronavirus cases could be confirmed in US by end of next week

Trump and Pence are LYING to us. Doctors and nurses across the nation are scared.

As I’ve said in this thread. My sister is a doctor and I’m friends with a few of her colleagues. Everyone that I’m speaking with is scared shitless.
At least they have appropriate safety gear that will help them to not contact the thing right ????? It's not as agressive as Ebola was thank God. It's way less than that one, although it's still super serious.

The poor service worker who has no protection against an onslaught of citizen's (that no one knows anything about), is the one who should be shaking in his or her boots or shoes right now.

I can only hope. My sister has a compromised immune system.
Sorry to hear that... Prayers for her, and hope she keeps herself protected as much as it is possible for her to do so in the situation. People not being recognized for their conditions in life by those who should know them, is un-exceptable in a situation like this, and not protecting those people from a virus that could endanger their lives along with other family members, and their friends is just irresponsible. Employers or managers that use people while having a blatant disregard for their safety is cowardly in my opinion.
This has exposed a lot of things
Notice that she is saying that if we have the same situation as Italy it will be a nightmare, but the US has already been dealing with the virus for a month longer than Italy has and we are doing, much, much better that they have. Perhaps she never was an alarmist before, but she clearly is now.

No, you're not doing better than Italy. You're doing the exact same thing as Italy, you're just two weeks behind them. Except Italy was testing, and you're not, and Italy has more hospital beds, staff and equipment than the US, so you're already running out of beds.
lol Wrong on all counts. The first case in the US was identified on Jan. 20 and the first case in Italy wasn't identified until a month later, so the US has already been dealing with the virus for a month longer than Italy. The US is not even close to running out of beds or anything else. The reason the US is doing so much better than the European countries is that ten days after the first case of covid19 was identified in the US the US banned travel from other place that had a high rate of infection and the EU still hasn't taken that step, so with every plane that lands and every boat that docks, new cases of coronavirus are introduced into EU countries. America is doing better because it has better leadership.
At least they have appropriate safety gear that will help them to not contact the thing right ????? It's not as agressive as Ebola was thank God. It's way less than that one, although it's still super serious.

If they are lucky the have the appropriate safety gear. My wife had two in isolation waiting for results and one of them coded and needed a rapid response and the member from respiratory would not go in the area because there was not a proper mask for her.
Sounds strange enough, because we aren't anywhere near the levels where as shortages would be showing up like they are being talked about yet. Not saying your report isn't correct or anything, but that is real strange at this stage of the situation. If true, were we even ready for the common cold ??
Notice that she is saying that if we have the same situation as Italy it will be a nightmare, but the US has already been dealing with the virus for a month longer than Italy has and we are doing, much, much better that they have. Perhaps she never was an alarmist before, but she clearly is now.
No we haven't been dealing with it longer than Italy
The first case of coronavirus in the US was identified on Jan. 20 and the first case of coronavirus was identified in Italy on Feb 21.

A comprehensive timeline of the new coronavirus pandemic, from China's first COVID-19 case to the present
A few days ago we had only about 1,300 confirmed cases and today we have 18,459 confirmed cases.

What do you mean by "confirmed cases?" Testing positive? Which is growing faster, the number of cases or the number of tests?

The more people we test the more confirmed cases there will be. The death rate is expected to be very high at first because the very sick people are being tested first. The death rate figures are expected to peak at 4%, and then drop down to 2% when it levels off. 2% is 10 times more deadly than the flue and exponentially more contagious of a virus
Presently the mortality rate for confirmed cases is about 1.3% in the US.

It’ll be higher. Unfortunately

Thank You, Nostradorkmus.

Whatcha gonna do if it goes the other way? Hmm?
Notice that she is saying that if we have the same situation as Italy it will be a nightmare, but the US has already been dealing with the virus for a month longer than Italy has and we are doing, much, much better that they have. Perhaps she never was an alarmist before, but she clearly is now.
No we haven't been dealing with it longer than Italy
The first case of coronavirus in the US was identified on Jan. 20 and the first case of coronavirus was identified in Italy on Feb 21.

A comprehensive timeline of the new coronavirus pandemic, from China's first COVID-19 case to the present
That can not be right
I think the freakout is gonna kill/harm more people than the actual virus.

Never seen anything like this in my lifetime..
Notice that she is saying that if we have the same situation as Italy it will be a nightmare, but the US has already been dealing with the virus for a month longer than Italy has and we are doing, much, much better that they have. Perhaps she never was an alarmist before, but she clearly is now.
No we haven't been dealing with it longer than Italy
The first case of coronavirus in the US was identified on Jan. 20 and the first case of coronavirus was identified in Italy on Feb 21.

A comprehensive timeline of the new coronavirus pandemic, from China's first COVID-19 case to the present
That can not be right
I have seen these dates in other places and I have not seen anything to contradict them.
Trump and Pence are LYING to us. Doctors and nurses across the nation are scared.

As I’ve said in this thread. My sister is a doctor and I’m friends with a few of her colleagues. Everyone that I’m speaking with is scared shitless.
At least they have appropriate safety gear that will help them to not contact the thing right ????? It's not as agressive as Ebola was thank God. It's way less than that one, although it's still super serious.

The poor service worker who has no protection against an onslaught of citizen's (that no one knows anything about), is the one who should be shaking in his or her boots or shoes right now.

I can only hope. My sister has a compromised immune system.
Sorry to hear that... Prayers for her, and hope she keeps herself protected as much as it is possible for her to do so in the situation. People not being recognized for their conditions in life by those who should know them, is un-exceptable in a situation like this, and not protecting those people from a virus that could endanger their lives along with other family members, and their friends is just irresponsible. Employers or managers that use people while having a blatant disregard for their safety is cowardly in my opinion.
This has exposed a lot of things
It really has. I know elder people with lung problems due to various conditions, and there could possibly be a total disregard for those people as long as they keep holding down their positions for their companies (while working in the service industries or health care industry). Of course those people want and need the work like anyone, but are they being protected as they should be if this thing is as bad as they think it is or know that it is ?????

Hard to say at this point, but it is something that makes one open their eyes to alot of things like you say. Steady watching the situations. Stay safe as best you all can.
As I’ve said in this thread. My sister is a doctor and I’m friends with a few of her colleagues. Everyone that I’m speaking with is scared shitless.
At least they have appropriate safety gear that will help them to not contact the thing right ????? It's not as agressive as Ebola was thank God. It's way less than that one, although it's still super serious.

The poor service worker who has no protection against an onslaught of citizen's (that no one knows anything about), is the one who should be shaking in his or her boots or shoes right now.

I can only hope. My sister has a compromised immune system.
Sorry to hear that... Prayers for her, and hope she keeps herself protected as much as it is possible for her to do so in the situation. People not being recognized for their conditions in life by those who should know them, is un-exceptable in a situation like this, and not protecting those people from a virus that could endanger their lives along with other family members, and their friends is just irresponsible. Employers or managers that use people while having a blatant disregard for their safety is cowardly in my opinion.
This has exposed a lot of things
It really has. I know elder people with lung problems due to various conditions, and there could possibly be a total disregard for those people as long as they keep holding down their positions for their companies (while working in the service industries or health care industry). Of course those people want and need the work like anyone, but are they being protected as they should be if this thing is as bad as they think it is or know that it is ?????

Hard to say at this point, but it is something that makes one open their eyes to alot of things like you say. Steady watching the situations. Stay safe as best you all can.
God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power
and love and of a sound mind
There are way too many conflicting reports. Trump is right to have Pence as the go to guy for Coronavirus updates. All others should stay in the shadows since they are only making things more confusing.

---As many as 70,000 Americans could be confirmed as infected with coronavirus by the end of next week, marking a “pretty dramatic” increase in the number of confirmed cases, the director of the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Francis Collins, told his employees in an agency-wide conference call on Friday.---

This prediction would indeed be a dramatic increase and is therefore hard to believe.

NIH director: 70K coronavirus cases could be confirmed in US by end of next week

Trump and Pence are LYING to us. Doctors and nurses across the nation are scared.
Go fuck yourself

My sister is an OR nurse and she is concerned about....
These Trump haters are going to over extend their hatred in this situation, and therefore be exposed as the political biased hacks that they are in life. Still hating Trump through a pandemic borderlines on insanity, and it really is making these people look like complete fool's whether they know it or not.
At least they have appropriate safety gear that will help them to not contact the thing right ????? It's not as agressive as Ebola was thank God. It's way less than that one, although it's still super serious.

The poor service worker who has no protection against an onslaught of citizen's (that no one knows anything about), is the one who should be shaking in his or her boots or shoes right now.

I can only hope. My sister has a compromised immune system.
Sorry to hear that... Prayers for her, and hope she keeps herself protected as much as it is possible for her to do so in the situation. People not being recognized for their conditions in life by those who should know them, is un-exceptable in a situation like this, and not protecting those people from a virus that could endanger their lives along with other family members, and their friends is just irresponsible. Employers or managers that use people while having a blatant disregard for their safety is cowardly in my opinion.
This has exposed a lot of things
It really has. I know elder people with lung problems due to various conditions, and there could possibly be a total disregard for those people as long as they keep holding down their positions for their companies (while working in the service industries or health care industry). Of course those people want and need the work like anyone, but are they being protected as they should be if this thing is as bad as they think it is or know that it is ?????

Hard to say at this point, but it is something that makes one open their eyes to alot of things like you say. Steady watching the situations. Stay safe as best you all can.
God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power
and love and of a sound mind
He also gives us the common sense to get out of the rain when it's coming down also. Just sayin.
All good questions.
We know this is a novel virus. That means it jumped from animals to humans for presumably the first time. That means there should be no person with the necessary antibodies that would stop the virus outright from reproducing in their body.
We know that not everyone gets horribly ill after becoming infected so there must be other factors involved.

As far as I know, since this is a novel virus and there are no human antibodies, there is nothing to stop this. That's why it spreads so readily. Heard immunity is aquired over time. Usually generations.
Usually what happens is the virus, after reproducing itself a zillion times in people, mutates either into a type that is less easily spread or is able to be managed in a better way. This virus has already mutated at least three times. Once to transmit from animals to human. Once to transmit from human to human and once more in general. Our best hope is that it mutates into a less transmittable form.
People who get infected develop antibodies. One may not even know they are sick, get over it and never get it again but, can be carriers.
No antibodies to prevent infection in the first place, dope.
They don't help when you're dead.
Of course no anti-bodies exist that would attack the virus once it FIRST enters into the body a new, but the anti-bodies would quickly develope in order to defeat the invader if have a strong immune system. Right ??

If you survive.

The point was that no one has a natural immunity to a novel virus.

Your point seems to be conflating two different concepts -- antibodies and immunity. First, people can have natural antibodies (i.e., existing without antigenic challenge) such as genetically inherited antibodies that help fight off viruses, even those that are categorized as novel. In fact, genetic factors play a primary role in both the defense and susceptibility to viral infections. The presence of such antibodies doesn't necessarily make them immune, just better able to fight the infection.

People can also have natural immunity to viruses, including novel viruses, not because of the presence of targeted antibodies, but rather, the rapid production of interferon proteins.
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All good questions.
We know this is a novel virus. That means it jumped from animals to humans for presumably the first time. That means there should be no person with the necessary antibodies that would stop the virus outright from reproducing in their body.
We know that not everyone gets horribly ill after becoming infected so there must be other factors involved.

As far as I know, since this is a novel virus and there are no human antibodies, there is nothing to stop this. That's why it spreads so readily. Heard immunity is aquired over time. Usually generations.
Usually what happens is the virus, after reproducing itself a zillion times in people, mutates either into a type that is less easily spread or is able to be managed in a better way. This virus has already mutated at least three times. Once to transmit from animals to human. Once to transmit from human to human and once more in general. Our best hope is that it mutates into a less transmittable form.
People who get infected develop antibodies. One may not even know they are sick, get over it and never get it again but, can be carriers.
No antibodies to prevent infection in the first place, dope.
They don't help when you're dead.
Of course no anti-bodies exist that would attack the virus once it FIRST enters into the body a new, but the anti-bodies would quickly develope in order to defeat the invader if have a strong immune system. Right ??

If you survive.

The point was that no one has a natural immunity to a novel virus.

Your point seems to be conflating two different concepts -- antibodies and immunity. First, people can have genetically inherited antibodies that help fight off viruses, even those that are categorized as novel. That's distinct from antibodies that are developed after exposure to a virus. The presence of such antibodies doesn't necessarily make them immune, just better able to fight the infection.

People can also have natural immunity to viruses, including novel viruses, not because of the presence of targeted antibodies, but rather, the rapid production of interferon proteins.

Hmm, so why not dose everyone with interferon?
I can only hope. My sister has a compromised immune system.
Sorry to hear that... Prayers for her, and hope she keeps herself protected as much as it is possible for her to do so in the situation. People not being recognized for their conditions in life by those who should know them, is un-exceptable in a situation like this, and not protecting those people from a virus that could endanger their lives along with other family members, and their friends is just irresponsible. Employers or managers that use people while having a blatant disregard for their safety is cowardly in my opinion.
This has exposed a lot of things
It really has. I know elder people with lung problems due to various conditions, and there could possibly be a total disregard for those people as long as they keep holding down their positions for their companies (while working in the service industries or health care industry). Of course those people want and need the work like anyone, but are they being protected as they should be if this thing is as bad as they think it is or know that it is ?????

Hard to say at this point, but it is something that makes one open their eyes to alot of things like you say. Steady watching the situations. Stay safe as best you all can.
God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power
and love and of a sound mind
He also gives us the common sense to get out of the rain when it's coming down also. Just sayin.
God wants us to put our faith in Him to weather storms,
not avoid them...pulling out an umbrella is common sense too

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