Who Turned America Into A Banana Republic?

Our government is so corrupt it may well be past the point of no return. It got that way largely with the efforts of leftists in media grinding out their spin to brainwash the masses. To paraphrase the old soviet joke:

If Hillary and Trump ran a race and Trump won, the msm would report that Hillary came in a close second while Trump ended up just ahead of last place.

Except the soviets knew it was a joke. Americans do not.
1. This is what America was:
"in America, the law is King. For as in absolute governments the king is law, so in free countries the law ought to be king; and there ought to be no other."
Common Sense, Thomas Paine.

2. No longer.

Now, it depends on who you are, not what you are.

Long-time Liberal...and law scholar, Johnathan Turley...
"Jonathan Turley (born May 6, 1961) is an American lawyer, legal scholar, writer, commentator, and legal analyst in broadcast and print journalism. He is currently a professor of law at The George Washington University Law School."
Jonathan Turley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Has given the only possible description of the Hillary email episone:
Res ipsa loquitur ("The thing itself speaks")

3. "....expressing grave concern over the "bizarre" way in which the FBI handled the Clinton email investigation.
Respected legal scholar Jonathan Turley had previously opined that "FBI Director James Comey was within accepted lines of prosecutorial discretion in declining criminal charges," even though he believed that charges could have been brought. Now, due to recent revelations that the Department of Justice handed out at least five immunity deals, Turley believes the matter is a "legitimate matter of congressional concern and investigation."

4. Turley writes at his blog, "the news of the immunity deals (and particularly the deal given top ranking Clinton aide Cheryl Mills) was baffling and those deals seriously undermined the ability to bring criminal charges in my view."
Jonathan Turley: FBI's Tanked Clinton Email Probe 'A Legitimate Matter of Congressional Concern and Investigation'

5. "FBI Allowed 2 Hillary Aides To "Destroy" Their Laptops In Newly Exposed "Side Agreements"
FBI Allowed 2 Hillary Aides To "Destroy" Their Laptops In Newly Exposed "Side Agreements" | Zero Hedge

So.....who turned America into banana republic....where the law only applies to the little people?

The Democrats and Liberals.....

Corruption is essential to their success.
Nixon was pardoned, Reagan got away with it as well. Time to grow up now, kiddos. This email thing is mostly just stupid, starting with the State Dept. not enforcing the rules which would have made this a non-issue.

If you don't like the rich and the powerful getting a better deal in court you're going to have to find another place to live. The game is rigged and that can't be helped.
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So.....who turned America into banana republic....where the law only applies to the little people?

Your system was designed that way, intentionally, from the beginning. You, as the owner/operator of a vagina, were left out altogether hon; no voice at all, property in effect. You have progressive women to thank for not being in that station today.
In 1789 the OP would have been goods, damaged goods sold at a discount. "People" like her were never meant to have a voice here, never. Even Ann Coulter, who she loves, said it was a mistake to give women the vote.
1. This is what America was:
"in America, the law is King. For as in absolute governments the king is law, so in free countries the law ought to be king; and there ought to be no other."
Common Sense, Thomas Paine.

2. No longer.

Now, it depends on who you are, not what you are.

Long-time Liberal...and law scholar, Johnathan Turley...
"Jonathan Turley (born May 6, 1961) is an American lawyer, legal scholar, writer, commentator, and legal analyst in broadcast and print journalism. He is currently a professor of law at The George Washington University Law School."
Jonathan Turley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Has given the only possible description of the Hillary email episone:
Res ipsa loquitur ("The thing itself speaks")

3. "....expressing grave concern over the "bizarre" way in which the FBI handled the Clinton email investigation.
Respected legal scholar Jonathan Turley had previously opined that "FBI Director James Comey was within accepted lines of prosecutorial discretion in declining criminal charges," even though he believed that charges could have been brought. Now, due to recent revelations that the Department of Justice handed out at least five immunity deals, Turley believes the matter is a "legitimate matter of congressional concern and investigation."

4. Turley writes at his blog, "the news of the immunity deals (and particularly the deal given top ranking Clinton aide Cheryl Mills) was baffling and those deals seriously undermined the ability to bring criminal charges in my view."
Jonathan Turley: FBI's Tanked Clinton Email Probe 'A Legitimate Matter of Congressional Concern and Investigation'

5. "FBI Allowed 2 Hillary Aides To "Destroy" Their Laptops In Newly Exposed "Side Agreements"
FBI Allowed 2 Hillary Aides To "Destroy" Their Laptops In Newly Exposed "Side Agreements" | Zero Hedge

So.....who turned America into banana republic....where the law only applies to the little people?

The Democrats and Liberals.....

Corruption is essential to their success.
Nixon was pardoned, Reagan got away with it as well. Time to grow up now, kiddos. This email thing is mostly just stupid, starting the State Dept. enforcing the rules which would have made this a non-issue.

If you don't like the rich and the powerful getting a better deal in court you're going to have to find another place to live. The game is rigged and that can't be helped.
Weird analysis. Nixon was tossed out of office in shame. Reagan got away with what?

Hillary putting national security at risk so she had sole control over her correspondence and deleted many when notified of an investigation is just par for the course to you?
So.....who turned America into banana republic....where the law only applies to the little people?

Your system was designed that way, intentionally, from the beginning. You, as the owner/operator of a vagina, were left out altogether hon; no voice at all, property in effect. You have progressive women to thank for not being in that station today.
In 1789 the OP would have been goods, damaged goods sold at a discount. "People" like her were never meant to have a voice here, never. Even Ann Coulter, who she loves, said it was a mistake to give women the vote.
Based on what? The Constitution was written so it could be modified with enough support. Difficult but doable. Technology changed the role of women in the world.
1. This is what America was:
"in America, the law is King. For as in absolute governments the king is law, so in free countries the law ought to be king; and there ought to be no other."
Common Sense, Thomas Paine.

2. No longer.

Now, it depends on who you are, not what you are.

Long-time Liberal...and law scholar, Johnathan Turley...
"Jonathan Turley (born May 6, 1961) is an American lawyer, legal scholar, writer, commentator, and legal analyst in broadcast and print journalism. He is currently a professor of law at The George Washington University Law School."
Jonathan Turley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Has given the only possible description of the Hillary email episone:
Res ipsa loquitur ("The thing itself speaks")

3. "....expressing grave concern over the "bizarre" way in which the FBI handled the Clinton email investigation.
Respected legal scholar Jonathan Turley had previously opined that "FBI Director James Comey was within accepted lines of prosecutorial discretion in declining criminal charges," even though he believed that charges could have been brought. Now, due to recent revelations that the Department of Justice handed out at least five immunity deals, Turley believes the matter is a "legitimate matter of congressional concern and investigation."

4. Turley writes at his blog, "the news of the immunity deals (and particularly the deal given top ranking Clinton aide Cheryl Mills) was baffling and those deals seriously undermined the ability to bring criminal charges in my view."
Jonathan Turley: FBI's Tanked Clinton Email Probe 'A Legitimate Matter of Congressional Concern and Investigation'

5. "FBI Allowed 2 Hillary Aides To "Destroy" Their Laptops In Newly Exposed "Side Agreements"
FBI Allowed 2 Hillary Aides To "Destroy" Their Laptops In Newly Exposed "Side Agreements" | Zero Hedge

So.....who turned America into banana republic....where the law only applies to the little people?

The Democrats and Liberals.....

Corruption is essential to their success.
Nixon was pardoned, Reagan got away with it as well. Time to grow up now, kiddos. This email thing is mostly just stupid, starting the State Dept. enforcing the rules which would have made this a non-issue.

If you don't like the rich and the powerful getting a better deal in court you're going to have to find another place to live. The game is rigged and that can't be helped.
Weird analysis. Nixon was tossed out of office in shame. Reagan got away with what?

Hillary putting national security at risk so she had sole control over her correspondence and deleted many when notified of an investigation is just par for the course to you?
Nixon resigned before he was impeached. Reagan got away with selling arms, illegally, to Iran and using the money to fund a war, illegally, in Central America.

And national security is at risk all over the place. Clinton, and Powell, not following the rules on their email accounts very well is honestly not a big deal. The Snowden NSA leak makes it look like Clinton dropper her grocery list.
So.....who turned America into banana republic....where the law only applies to the little people?

Your system was designed that way, intentionally, from the beginning. You, as the owner/operator of a vagina, were left out altogether hon; no voice at all, property in effect. You have progressive women to thank for not being in that station today.
In 1789 the OP would have been goods, damaged goods sold at a discount. "People" like her were never meant to have a voice here, never. Even Ann Coulter, who she loves, said it was a mistake to give women the vote.
Based on what? The Constitution was written so it could be modified with enough support. Difficult but doable. Technology changed the role of women in the world.
Based on the ideas of the men who wrote the bloody damn thing. Women, children, and morons didn't have rights, nor the right to vote. We are a Republic not a democracy. The people at the top play by a different set of rules. It's why they know what you, by law, are not allowed to.
It's the progressive elites of both parties and more than a hundred years of gradual creeping of complete control,
Hillary would complete the total control and good bye constitution, along with our absolute freedom for the elitist to control us all and continued corruption.
It's the progressive elites of both parties and more than a hundred years of gradual creeping of complete control,
Hillary would complete the total control and good bye constitution, along with our absolute freedom for the elitist to control us all and continued corruption.
Why do you even say this dumb shit? Hillary is Bill, and lacy briefs. Relax, chicken littles. Madam President will not be the end of the nation or your little world of paranoia.
It's the progressive elites of both parties and more than a hundred years of gradual creeping of complete control,
Hillary would complete the total control and good bye constitution, along with our absolute freedom for the elitist to control us all and continued corruption.
Why do you even say this dumb shit? Hillary is Bill, and lacy briefs. Relax, chicken littles. Madam President will not be the end of the nation or your little world of paranoia.

You definitely need to do some of your own research bud!
Don't take my words of truth for it, I'm just a messenger.
If you can't see our constitutional freedoms being ignored and eroded by both parties you all deserve to lose them.
It's the progressive elites of both parties and more than a hundred years of gradual creeping of complete control,
Hillary would complete the total control and good bye constitution, along with our absolute freedom for the elitist to control us all and continued corruption.
Why do you even say this dumb shit? Hillary is Bill, and lacy briefs. Relax, chicken littles. Madam President will not be the end of the nation or your little world of paranoia.
I almost want to see Hillary win in a landslide now just to show you how wrong you will be.
Partisan hacks don't get to define Banana Republic.

Anyone who believes the worlds remaining superpower is a one believes a lie.
It's the progressive elites of both parties and more than a hundred years of gradual creeping of complete control,
Hillary would complete the total control and good bye constitution, along with our absolute freedom for the elitist to control us all and continued corruption.
Why do you even say this dumb shit? Hillary is Bill, and lacy briefs. Relax, chicken littles. Madam President will not be the end of the nation or your little world of paranoia.

You definitely need to do some of your own research bud!
Don't take my words of truth for it, I'm just a messenger.
If you can't see our constitutional freedoms being ignored and eroded by both parties you all deserve to lose them.
Clinton will be no worse for your freedom than anyone else put in office after 9-11. And if you mean privacy, that was completely gone long ago. Unless you have something to hide don't worry about it. They really don't care about your dildo and gay porn collection, they just know where you buy it on the way home from work.
It's the progressive elites of both parties and more than a hundred years of gradual creeping of complete control,
Hillary would complete the total control and good bye constitution, along with our absolute freedom for the elitist to control us all and continued corruption.
Why do you even say this dumb shit? Hillary is Bill, and lacy briefs. Relax, chicken littles. Madam President will not be the end of the nation or your little world of paranoia.
I almost want to see Hillary win in a landslide now just to show you how wrong you will be.
Well, she will win (not in a landslide) and why would she be any worse than Bush or Obama? They are all trying to keep the same house of nutty cards together a while longer. That's the job, that she's very qualified for.
Partisan hacks don't get to define Banana Republic.

Anyone who believes the worlds remaining superpower is a one believes a lie.
One part isn't too far off but she blames in on the wrong people of course, those at the top really are fucking those at the bottom in a big fucking way.

Politics isn't the problem here it's money, and it's all at the top getting its way on anything that matters.

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