Who wants to see Russia beat up over Ukraine?

two farts in a row from the troll.:auiqs.jpg:i thought everybody on the planet owns towels to use when they take a shower. :auiqs.jpg:
Yes you have posted more than two farts. You supply yours which has to mean you cry a lot.
My god Ram Fan is loyal to Putin.

The destruction is caused by the greed of Western Oligarchs. When all the Ukranians are gone NATO will follow orders and start a war in another border Region.
you are making far too much sense for child Robert to comprehend thats for sure. :auiqs.jpg: this is a kid just seeking attention,look how fast he replies to post when you expose his lies. :auiqs.jpg:
Russia has far more mineral wealth than oil.

Sanctions....yeah they're stupid. That's not the point.

Banks don't run on emotion.. they're all business. If Europe can use NATO to draw Russia into a full scale war the spoils for them afterward are unimaginable wealth.

Russia's natural resources are estimated to be worth $75 trillion, and include:
coal, oil, natural gas, gold, timber, and rare earth metals.

Russia is the world's largest producer of nickel and palladium, the second-largest producer of platinum and copper, and the fourth-largest producer of zinc globally.

Russia's Arctic seabed may contain significant deposits of valuable metals and precious stones, such as gold, silver, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel, platinum, tin, zinc, and diamonds.

What is Russia's most valuable resource?
Is Russia the richest country in natural resources?
What does Russia lack in resources?

Featured snippet from the web​

Unexplored reserves could total 9.24 billion tons (67.7 billion barrels) of oil and 88.3 tcm of natural gas. Overall, Russia esti- mates that these areas have up to 10 trillion tons of hydrocarbon deposits, the equivalent of 73 trillion barrels of oil.
pesky facts like that which you prove are WHY NATO went in and started a war and wants to take over and conquer Russia are too much for little child robery to comprehend,he seriously does not believe the CIA controls the media,comedy gold. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

the resources Russia has is why NATO started the whole Ukraine war.
you are making far too much sense for child Robert to comprehend thats for sure. :auiqs.jpg: this is a kid just seeking attention,look how fast he replies to post when you expose his lies. :auiqs.jpg:
I served in the Army (62-64) and really in Germany was exposed to Communism. I loathe communism. Can you claim Putin loathes it? I mean prove it?
pesky facts like that which you prove are WHY NATO went in and started a war and wants to take over and conquer Russia are too much for little child robery to comprehend,he seriously does not believe the CIA controls the media,comedy gold. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
I am very willing to believe that the CIA manages the Media. All i need is your proof that is current and not as you say based on 1973.
you are making far too much sense for child Robert to comprehend thats for sure. :auiqs.jpg: this is a kid just seeking attention,look how fast he replies to post when you expose his lies. :auiqs.jpg:
I sense you are a loyal CA resident who is loyal to Democrats. PS, had you asked my age, I would have told you. You are extremely reckless with your claims. But as a loyal Putin Supporter, I will want to learn what does the Russians pay you?
NO :)

If you want to say fuck you, say fuck you. Don't pussy out and use "fuch you".

I have been clear from the beginning, WAR doesn't work for me.
War? So surrender for Ukraine? You are totally baffled by bs....
You’re clearly watching too much MSNBC.
And every other journalist and even your total garbage propaganda, dupe. BBC France 24 and every respected media in the modern world. Not your fake news. Only GOP dupes believe your ignorant insanity....
And every other journalist and even your total garbage propaganda, dupe. BBC France 24 and every respected media in the modern world. Not your fake news. Only GOP dupes believe your ignorant insanity....
I support Ukraine for many reasons. First it was attacked by Russia. I do not accept the Russia excuses.
I do not support Biden. Biden is toying with Ukraine. Were Biden not toying with them, they would have our Armor by now and our F-16s given the planes come from Europe to be begin with. So why can't you support Europe?
I support Ukraine for many reasons. First it was attacked by Russia. I do not accept the Russia excuses.
I do not support Biden. Biden is toying with Ukraine. Were Biden not toying with them, they would have our Armor by now and our F-16s given the planes come from Europe to be begin with. So why can't you support Europe?
I do. All of the above is the fault of Putinist Trump GOP. They have our jets.
I would really like to see the Russian army fighting an enemy that is on pair with them - with parity in manpower, air support, artillery etc. Not with an army that was raised from the dirt and supplied with mainly outdated junk (except of a number of really good systems that you can count with the fingers on you hands).

In this case, it would be reasonable to talk about hardened fighting force. Until then, it is just hot air.
I don’t want to see anymore war. War is a racket the elite utilize to enrich and empower themselves.

The US army hasn’t done well against very weak opposition. I wonder if it is any match for Russia.
dumbass,Putin is NOT this generations Hitler.Zelensky is.Putin is fighting the new world order stupid fuck.saying Putin is Hitler you are indeed promoting war propaganda.:auiqs.jpg:

the only destruction being done is by zelenski with the aid of biden and the CIA trollboy.
Congratulations on supporting the true Dictator of Russia. I bet it pleased the rest of the Putin fans.
Robert W

Everyone. It takes 6 months to train the pilots and the Putin wing of the GOP is screwing it up, of course. Too bad you can't Google News, dupe.
If you do not understand how to pilot any airplane, maybe it takes you 6 months. There is no Putin wing Republicans. There are are jerks who watch Biden slow walk any help and they love Biden.
If you do not understand how to pilot any airplane, maybe it takes you 6 months. There is no Putin wing Republicans. There are are jerks who watch Biden slow walk any help and they love Biden.
Bideñ is obstructed on all fronts by the scumbag lying GOP.
And that's the USAF opinion. You are misinformed.
Bideñ is obstructed on all fronts by the scumbag lying GOP.
And that's the USAF opinion. You are misinformed.
I wish Biden was obstructed. At least he would have an excuse. America wanted what TRump wanted on illegal immigration Today democrats are wailing to Biden they want back what They had under Trump.

I am a pilot. It took me as a beginner 16 days to solo. I flew for 11.6 hours and soloed. I am qualified to fly 4 different airplanes. I won't embarrass you by asking for your credentials.

Flying Government planes is more involved than merely flying them. Training includes how to handle missions successfully. Americans must think Europe has no pilots by how they talk back to me.

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