Who wants to see Russia beat up over Ukraine?

Are you speaking about the ones still on the PAYROLL? Yes? Then I take it you are excluding such people as Clayton Morris and Tucker Carlson and the untold number of additional alternative media sources?
I am speaking of the ones making the claims.
NATO IS BIDEN, FOOL. WHY TRUMP IS A RUSSIAN TOOL ...later much. google Google News for chrissake.

Nah, can't be true. And you would also be claiming Trump had been NATO.
The keyword of contention here is control. It's a "between the cracks" oddity of a corrupt pseudo-Democratic system. There is no doubt whatsoever that the CIA lies and spins and contrives. If you don't agree then there is no reason for me to explain any further. But I am assuming that you are intelligent and honest enough to recognise "the fact" of it. So, we are left with who says what to whom. In other words, who/what is responsible for deciding that the CIA's lies are published by the Media? THAT is who "controls the media" but it is the CIA who dictates what is reported, by the fact that it filters all information. And aren't the terms control and dictate synonymous? :26:
Why isn't the media complaining?

Are you speaking about the ones still on the PAYROLL? Yes? Then I take it you are excluding such people as Clayton Morris and Tucker Carlson and the untold number of additional alternative media sources?

I am speaking of the ones making the claims.
Are you going to stop speaking in riddles now or continue?
Real Americans don't like scumbag warmongering dictators, super dupe. He also caused the world inflation crisis, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus seditionist Russian tool conspiracy nut job....
Shut off the tv.
No. All he has to do is tell Ukraine no NATO and accept peace terms. Along with no further military assistance from the US.

War over and Z better runoff to his mansion in the Caribbean.

Then Ukraine can just tell the US to shove it till the next election and continue fighting with what they are getting from Europe. It's really that simple. That won't stop the war and Trump will look like the same blustering fool he always has been. I mean cmon, use common sense.
I like your conclusion. But Trump did not accomplish his promises last time. I am for Trump too. I am sick of reading here daily claims Trump is a Traitor, a Dictator and shit worse than that. I know who hates him. I believe the major problem is our sources. A lot quote the media. And if they are honest, they quote the media because they know the media hates Trump.

Hellooo? He's being charged with dozens of felonies for stealing classified secrets and refusing to return them, even nuclear secrets. He hatched a plot to overthrow the election. He incited a riot at the capitol building. Heck, he even blackmailed another country to help Putin, which he will never face consequences for. I can only imagine that you're sick of hearing that Trump is a traitor because it's true!
Then Ukraine can just tell the US to shove it till the next election and continue fighting with what they are getting from Europe. It's really that simple. That won't stop the war and Trump will look like the same blustering fool he always has been. I mean cmon, use common sense.
Anyone who supports war has no common sense.
I don’t doubt that Putin thought it would be easy. In fact it could have been, had Biden and Boris not undermined the Turkey peace agreement.

It’s possible Putin didn’t think the US empire would so heavily support Ukraine, and undermine peace.

The conseqence now is Putin has a hardened fighting force capable of beating everything the Empire has thrown at him. And the world sees the hypocrisy of the Empire.

Peace was automatically undermined when you bring an invading force into another country to occupy it.

The consequence right now is that Putin's Russia is falling to pieces and his soldiers with him.

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