Who wants to see Russia beat up over Ukraine?

Insanity. Russia can join too, just have honest democracy, peace,, civil Rights etc....
What a moron. Knows absolutely nothing.

Watching too much propaganda results in this. Jesus that’s ignorant.

It had a chance but fucked up, when it aligned with the Empire and got used.
No, it hadn't. You are unable to look beyond 'yesterday'. Read up about how the Ukrainian SSR was created.
No, it hadn't. You are unable to look beyond 'yesterday'. Read up about how the Ukrainian SSR was created.
Of course, it was used by the empire. They should have known they could never win a war with Russia, even with all the help from the West.

Do you want this war continued, even after the enormous loss of life?
No, it hadn't. You are unable to look beyond 'yesterday'. Read up about how the Ukrainian SSR was created.
I thought of you when I read this column this morning…

First, Western aid and support has enabled war, and opposed peace. It is not sent there for Ukrainians, but for a government in Kiev initially chosen via a State Department and CIA influenced coup in 2014, to militarily confront Russia. This proxy embraced a kind of Ukrainian nationalism that relied heavily on Ukrainian Nazi ideology. Nazism is publicly rare and always condemned. But in Ukraine, it unified the kind of people who would do what the US and NATO desired. Therefore, history was forgotten, truth ignored, and Ukrainian culture denigrated – because a proxy war to weaken Russia, politically and economically, was desired by some in the west. US Senators and NATO leadership continue to celebrate this “good investment.”

Western assistance in weapons, surveillance and intelligence, as well as diplomatic “help” enabled 8 years of Kiev’s assault on the Donbass. The Russian military response — no doubt violent, deadly, and in violation of international law — reminds me of several US military operations I supported when in uniform – except when the US invaded, we discovered later that we were not really there to stop a war, to liberate anyone, to increase their freedom, or ensure their prosperity.

Without this Western aid and assistance, and unabashed US and NATO hatred for Russia, the Minsk treaties might have been more fully adhered to, and eventual peaceful agreements might have progressed – without war, bringing blessings of peace and trade.
A Word to the UNSC - LewRockwell
I thought of you when I read this column this morning…

First, Western aid and support has enabled war, and opposed peace. It is not sent there for Ukrainians, but for a government in Kiev initially chosen via a State Department and CIA influenced coup in 2014, to militarily confront Russia. This proxy embraced a kind of Ukrainian nationalism that relied heavily on Ukrainian Nazi ideology. Nazism is publicly rare and always condemned. But in Ukraine, it unified the kind of people who would do what the US and NATO desired. Therefore, history was forgotten, truth ignored, and Ukrainian culture denigrated – because a proxy war to weaken Russia, politically and economically, was desired by some in the west. US Senators and NATO leadership continue to celebrate this “good investment.”

Western assistance in weapons, surveillance and intelligence, as well as diplomatic “help” enabled 8 years of Kiev’s assault on the Donbass. The Russian military response — no doubt violent, deadly, and in violation of international law — reminds me of several US military operations I supported when in uniform – except when the US invaded, we discovered later that we were not really there to stop a war, to liberate anyone, to increase their freedom, or ensure their prosperity.

Without this Western aid and assistance, and unabashed US and NATO hatred for Russia, the Minsk treaties might have been more fully adhered to, and eventual peaceful agreements might have progressed – without war, bringing blessings of peace and trade.
A Word to the UNSC - LewRockwell
Man, Ukraine is (was) deeply divided - culturally, politically, economically - on two main parts. I intentionally exclude here some smaller patches, because they don't change the picture overall. Breakaway (considering the mutual level of disrespect and animosity - by force) was imminent.
I have landed and taken off from that Airfield in Berlin maybe 4 times. The Soviets wanted to defeat Berlin by starving the city. America saw it and sent hundreds of airplanes loaded with needed supplies. The airfield now is closed for good. When I was there, it was a pretty major topic. I wish other Americans posting here got to see how the Soviets operated. I believe they would not eagerly support Putin.

I was in the Army and served with a trooper who was from Hungary and he told me all about it. He was then a college student and worked hard to get freedom for Hungary but the Soviets stamped that out and he and others fled to Europe where he ended up in the USA and made a deal going in the Army to serve and become a citizen of the USA.

They know all about Putin, that's why they support him. It's a feature, not a bug.
Man, Ukraine is (was) deeply divided - culturally, politically, economically - on two main parts. I intentionally exclude here some smaller patches, because they don't change the picture overall. Breakaway (considering the mutual level of disrespect and animosity - by force) was imminent.
Maybe but it might have occurred peacefully or less violently had the Empire not inserted itself, in its heinous effort to harm Russia.
What a moron. Knows absolutely nothing.

Watching too much propaganda results in this. Jesus that’s ignorant.

The rw internet is even stupider and more BS than Fox. Try journalism and news, super dupe brainwashed functional moron ignoramus seditionist Russian tool conspiracy nut jobs 😂 The GOP base has always been rubes and racists, but they were the silent majority. Now the loudmouth misinformed Idiocracy...the world is aghast...
What you think is news is propaganda, but you’re too dumb to know it.

WTF is wrong with TV and computer information, except for pure crap gop/Murdoch garbage... I just love national geographic military American Heroes pbs and history channels- great stuff. And journalists. You should listen to your betters...god you're dumb you're so baffled by bs...this is the age of information. Google Google News, DIPSTICK
Maybe but it might have occurred peacefully or less violently had the Empire not inserted itself, in its heinous effort to harm Russia.
You're anti-American anti reality morons, afraid of 99% of the world and journalism.... Nazism is your next stop. Trump and martial law because of pure misinformation and hate is Nazism, dolt.
I thought of you when I read this column this morning…

First, Western aid and support has enabled war, and opposed peace. It is not sent there for Ukrainians, but for a government in Kiev initially chosen via a State Department and CIA influenced coup in 2014, to militarily confront Russia. This proxy embraced a kind of Ukrainian nationalism that relied heavily on Ukrainian Nazi ideology. Nazism is publicly rare and always condemned. But in Ukraine, it unified the kind of people who would do what the US and NATO desired. Therefore, history was forgotten, truth ignored, and Ukrainian culture denigrated – because a proxy war to weaken Russia, politically and economically, was desired by some in the west. US Senators and NATO leadership continue to celebrate this “good investment.”

Western assistance in weapons, surveillance and intelligence, as well as diplomatic “help” enabled 8 years of Kiev’s assault on the Donbass. The Russian military response — no doubt violent, deadly, and in violation of international law — reminds me of several US military operations I supported when in uniform – except when the US invaded, we discovered later that we were not really there to stop a war, to liberate anyone, to increase their freedom, or ensure their prosperity.

Without this Western aid and assistance, and unabashed US and NATO hatred for Russia, the Minsk treaties might have been more fully adhered to, and eventual peaceful agreements might have progressed – without war, bringing blessings of peace and trade.
A Word to the UNSC - LewRockwell

The US opposed peace during World War II as well. So did Great Britain. Hitler was definitely victimized, all he was attempting to do was extend peace to all his neighbors. Japan also sent a delegation to Pearl Harbor and the next thing you know Americans are attacking them!

The US has confirmed its intention to destroy Arctic LNG-2​

The United States is using sanctions against the Arctic LNG-2 liquefaction project of the Russian company Novatek in order to destroy it.

This was stated by U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Jeffrey Pyatt, as reported by The Wall Street Journal.

During a conference in Switzerland last week, Payette said that the White House wants to ensure that the project is stillborn. He said Russia should not be able to develop new gas projects to divert the volumes it previously supplied to Europe.

The article notes that so far the United States has been able to get what it wants. The South Korean shipyard that built the gas carriers for the project has stopped cooperating with the customer. Three finished vessels are standing idle, and work on the remaining vessels has stopped. Moscow does not have the necessary technology to build its own gas carriers.

On April 10, former U.S. intelligence officer John Kiriakou said that employees of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency(CIA) were involved in the undermining of the "Nord Streams", while they "never" intend to admit it.

Before that, it was reported that Canada was unable to replace Russian gas on the European Union market with its own fuel.
You're anti-American anti reality morons, afraid of 99% of the world and journalism.... Nazism is your next stop. Trump and martial law because of pure misinformation and hate is Nazism, dolt.
I bet you still believe all those statist lies. You know like the vax is safe and effective and Iraq has WMD, Assad gassed is people, and Russia invaded unprovoked and they blew up their pipeline and put bounties on US troops, and Gaddafi was going to massacre his people, and Oswald killed JFK.

Am I right?
WTF is wrong with TV and computer information, except for pure crap gop/Murdoch garbage... I just love national geographic military American Heroes pbs and history channels- great stuff. And journalists. You should listen to your betters...god you're dumb you're so baffled by bs...this is the age of information. Google Google News, DIPSTICK
You get all your news from MSNBC. So, you know exactly nothing.
You get all your news from MSNBC. So, you know exactly nothing.
Even MSNBC speaks the truth. I watch everything including BBC France 24 and Dw. Your garbage is unique lol. Except for Russia I suspect, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus seditionist Russian tool conspiracy nut job lol.... idiot

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