Who was the greatest President:- FDR, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton, or Obama?

None of those were great. Lol, no mention of washington, jefferson, adams, madison. Nothing between 1792-1931?
What great things did Washington do as President?
Holy flyin' FUCK... when you play dumb, you play DUMB... sheeeezuz...
Name one
Not what Washington did as a General, what he accomplished as President
How about he turned down the offer to be KING.
How about that he was the FIRST president.

How about you use GOOGLE and fucking LOOK if you're so IGNORANT about our first president?

I'm tellin' ya, you leftist LOVE to play this, "GEE I'M STUPID" game... or, well, hold on, maybe it's not a game. Maybe you ARE stupid...
Neither is an accomplishment.
Someone had to be first......does that make them great?

What did Washington do WHILE PRESIDENT that is a great accomplishment?

He signed a few treaties and little legislation. The less the better. Most of the boneheads running for office think pumping out endless worthless legislation is success.
No knock on Washington. We were a poor, struggling nation and there was not much to be accomplished other than keep us from collapsing.
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
ONLY one president you mentioned in the title of your thread was ANY good as president. And he, of course, would be John Kennedy, who is one of my top five favorite US presidents. Kennedy did or attempted to do, many great things for our country. The others you mentioned, not so much.

From my reading of American Presidents, I have a Politics and History Degree, the History one not in anything American it is in things to do with Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, but I like History in general and so the American President's I like very much are Andrew Jackson who was a Democrat and William McKinley who was a Republican.

The last picture of President William McKinley MINUTES before he was assassinated by a filthy Anarchist POS, the date September 6 1901:


This is Leon Czolgosz the filthy Anarchist POS who assassinated President Williiam McKinley, for this murder he was CORRECTLY executed in the electric chair the date October 29 1901:


^^^^ He was radicalised into Anarchism after hearing a speech by the below filthy POS bitch Emma Goldman, her ilk should NEVER have been allowed into America to infest it if they had NOT been then America would not have been infested with Marxism. So Leon Czolgosz first met the filthy POS bitch Emma Goldman in May 1901 and then he met her again in July 1901 and two months later he assassinated President William McKinley.


^^^^ She was Deported from America in 1919 a shame America did NOT Deport ALL her ilk, their goal has ALWAYS been to bring America down AND Western Civilisation down with it, filthy Marxist wastes of human skin. Here is the Deportation photograph from 1919 of Emma Goldman aka waste of human skin:


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None of those were great. Lol, no mention of washington, jefferson, adams, madison. Nothing between 1792-1931?
What great things did Washington do as President?
Holy flyin' FUCK... when you play dumb, you play DUMB... sheeeezuz...
Didn't Like Washington - Traitor! Stole King George III colonies like Georgia & Carolina which he gave to his wife/Queen which really drove him mad. Washington also had bad teeth!
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
ONLY one president you mentioned in the title of your thread was ANY good as president. And he, of course, would be John Kennedy, who is one of my top five favorite US presidents. Kennedy did or attempted to do, many great things for our country. The others you mentioned, not so much.
JFK was killed after three years. He talked the talk but did not accomplish much.

It was LBJ who accomplished what JFK talked about, including getting us to the moon.
Hey, rw, it's great to see you again! How ARE your vast collection of blowup dolls doing? And if YOU believe LBJ was anything BUT an incompetent, ignorant fool who proudly publicly used the "N" word, there really is NO hope for you. But it IS nice to see you again.

I lived in the 60s and the N word was quite common. It was considered crude but not obscene. They even used it on TV.
LBJ used it for effect on people it would be effective with.

LBJ passed the Civil Rights Bill, Voting Rights Act and the War on Poverty Bill to include Medicare and Medicaid. He also got us to the moon.

Quite a legislative record.......But then there was that business in Vietnam that he got suckered into.

LBJ was another racist lib and war monger. Again Dems are the party of slavery and segregation. Can't sanitize your past.

A racist who pushed through the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act?

Seems a genuine racist would have no problem blocking both bills

It was all a ruse. He signed some half baked law doing a shuck and jive while he was busy with the other hand sending the negro over to the adventure in the jungle while sanger was busy on the homefront, tending to the black mother's helping them remove the "garden weeds".
Truman was thrust into history with little preparation.

He was only Vice President for a month when FDR died. He had been kept out of the loop on major policy issues
For good or bad, he pulled the trigger on the bomb and ended the war. He also instituted the Marshall Plan that saved Europe and established peace for the first time in history.
He integrated the armed forces and created the Air Force
Korea was a mixed bag but he showed guts in getting rid of MacArthur who screwed up the war.
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
ONLY one president you mentioned in the title of your thread was ANY good as president. And he, of course, would be John Kennedy, who is one of my top five favorite US presidents. Kennedy did or attempted to do, many great things for our country. The others you mentioned, not so much.
JFK was killed after three years. He talked the talk but did not accomplish much.

It was LBJ who accomplished what JFK talked about, including getting us to the moon.
Hey, rw, it's great to see you again! How ARE your vast collection of blowup dolls doing? And if YOU believe LBJ was anything BUT an incompetent, ignorant fool who proudly publicly used the "N" word, there really is NO hope for you. But it IS nice to see you again.

I lived in the 60s and the N word was quite common. It was considered crude but not obscene. They even used it on TV.
LBJ used it for effect on people it would be effective with.

LBJ passed the Civil Rights Bill, Voting Rights Act and the War on Poverty Bill to include Medicare and Medicaid. He also got us to the moon.

Quite a legislative record.......But then there was that business in Vietnam that he got suckered into.

LBJ was another racist lib and war monger. Again Dems are the party of slavery and segregation. Can't sanitize your past.

A racist who pushed through the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act?

Seems a genuine racist would have no problem blocking both bills

It was all a ruse. He signed some half baked law doing a shuck and jive while he was busy with the other hand sending the negro over to the adventure in the jungle while sanger was busy on the homefront, tending to the black mother's helping them remove the "garden weeds".
Those were no half baked laws. They had teeth and set the US on a path to future civil rights advances
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!

Thanks to Obama and people of your stripe, we're living that change at this time.
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
ONLY one president you mentioned in the title of your thread was ANY good as president. And he, of course, would be John Kennedy, who is one of my top five favorite US presidents. Kennedy did or attempted to do, many great things for our country. The others you mentioned, not so much.
JFK was killed after three years. He talked the talk but did not accomplish much.

It was LBJ who accomplished what JFK talked about, including getting us to the moon.
Hey, rw, it's great to see you again! How ARE your vast collection of blowup dolls doing? And if YOU believe LBJ was anything BUT an incompetent, ignorant fool who proudly publicly used the "N" word, there really is NO hope for you. But it IS nice to see you again.

I lived in the 60s and the N word was quite common. It was considered crude but not obscene. They even used it on TV.
LBJ used it for effect on people it would be effective with.

LBJ passed the Civil Rights Bill, Voting Rights Act and the War on Poverty Bill to include Medicare and Medicaid. He also got us to the moon.

Quite a legislative record.......But then there was that business in Vietnam that he got suckered into.

LBJ was another racist lib and war monger. Again Dems are the party of slavery and segregation. Can't sanitize your past.

A racist who pushed through the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act?

Seems a genuine racist would have no problem blocking both bills

He only did that to get the votes, he and ALL the Democrats knew that by signing those two bills cemented the Blacks onto the Democrat Plantation, they only EVER have given a SHIT about Blacks for the votes, they don't give a general SHIT about Blacks this is illustrated in ALL the Welfare programs LBJ started DESIGNED to KEEP the Blacks POOR and DEPENDENT and then frighten them at election times with "if you don't continue to vote Democrat the Republicans will take ALL your Welfare programmes off you and instead get you a JOB and make you WORK to earn a living and if you start working you might get some self-esteem and then start thinking about abandoning the Democrat Plantation and voting Republican"
Truman was thrust into history with little preparation.

He was only Vice President for a month when FDR died. He had been kept out of the loop on major policy issues
For good or bad, he pulled the trigger on the bomb and ended the war. He also instituted the Marshall Plan that saved Europe and established peace for the first time in history.
He integrated the armed forces and created the Air Force
Korea was a mixed bag but he showed guts in getting rid of MacArthur who screwed up the war.

FDR was Stalin's right hand man
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
ONLY one president you mentioned in the title of your thread was ANY good as president. And he, of course, would be John Kennedy, who is one of my top five favorite US presidents. Kennedy did or attempted to do, many great things for our country. The others you mentioned, not so much.
JFK was killed after three years. He talked the talk but did not accomplish much.

It was LBJ who accomplished what JFK talked about, including getting us to the moon.
Hey, rw, it's great to see you again! How ARE your vast collection of blowup dolls doing? And if YOU believe LBJ was anything BUT an incompetent, ignorant fool who proudly publicly used the "N" word, there really is NO hope for you. But it IS nice to see you again.

I lived in the 60s and the N word was quite common. It was considered crude but not obscene. They even used it on TV.
LBJ used it for effect on people it would be effective with.

LBJ passed the Civil Rights Bill, Voting Rights Act and the War on Poverty Bill to include Medicare and Medicaid. He also got us to the moon.

Quite a legislative record.......But then there was that business in Vietnam that he got suckered into.

LBJ was another racist lib and war monger. Again Dems are the party of slavery and segregation. Can't sanitize your past.

A racist who pushed through the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act?

Seems a genuine racist would have no problem blocking both bills

He only did that to get the votes, he and ALL the Democrats knew that by signing those two bills cemented the Blacks onto the Democrat Plantation, they only EVER have given a SHIT about Blacks for the votes, they don't give a general SHIT about Blacks this is illustrated in ALL the Welfare programs LBJ started DESIGNED to KEEP the Blacks POOR and DEPENDENT and then frighten them at election times with "if you don't continue to vote Democrat the Republicans will take ALL your Welfare programmes off you and instead get you a JOB and make you WORK to earn a living and if you start working you might get some self-esteem and then start thinking about abandoning the Democrat Plantation and voting Republican"
A historical fallacy.
Blacks had been voting Democratic since FDR. By pushing Civil Rights, LBJ lost the once Solid South for Democrats forever. He knew the political impact but knew it was the right thing to do.
His welfare programs helped all poor people not to mention Medicaid. Medicare is an essential social program
Truman was thrust into history with little preparation.

He was only Vice President for a month when FDR died. He had been kept out of the loop on major policy issues
For good or bad, he pulled the trigger on the bomb and ended the war. He also instituted the Marshall Plan that saved Europe and established peace for the first time in history.
He integrated the armed forces and created the Air Force
Korea was a mixed bag but he showed guts in getting rid of MacArthur who screwed up the war.

FDR was Stalin's right hand man
Stalin must have been ph ukn FDR up the azz. Stalin must have been ph ukn FDR's dog to. But not the wife.
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!

Nope. Everything FDR did extended the GD.

WWII is what got us out of the GD. Not FDR.

He put people to work but it was on Govt. projects paid for with tax dollars. He was taxing some business at 99%. They couldn't afford to hire anyone.

He was a great war time POTUS but was lousy as a non wartime president.

The others weren't very good Presidents either though Clinton did manage to work with New Gingrich and get things done.

The others you mentioned were lousy as well.
Truman was thrust into history with little preparation.

He was only Vice President for a month when FDR died. He had been kept out of the loop on major policy issues
For good or bad, he pulled the trigger on the bomb and ended the war. He also instituted the Marshall Plan that saved Europe and established peace for the first time in history.
He integrated the armed forces and created the Air Force
Korea was a mixed bag but he showed guts in getting rid of MacArthur who screwed up the war.

FDR was Stalin's right hand man
Stalin must have been ph ukn FDR up the azz. Stalin must have been ph ukn FDR's dog to. But not the wife.

Eleanor Roosevelt was not into fucking men, she only hold the nose and do it with FDR for children, there is alot of suggestion that Eleanor was actually a Lesbo.

As a young man and even as an older man FDR was nice looking, WHY out of ALL the women he could have had as a wife and mother of his children he decide on the UGLY and REPULSIVE looking Eleanor who knows. Perhaps a Political Marriage, she was his cousin, the niece I think of Theodore Roosevelt who was also FDR's cousin. ALL of FDR and Eleanor's children were UGLY and REPULSIVE also, shame they did not look more like their father.

What an UGLY and REPULSIVE looking woman and of course she WAS a full-blown Communist, NOT a Sympathiser she WAS an actual Communist:


She was even UGLY and REPULSIVE as a young woman:

Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!

Nope. Everything FDR did extended the GD.

WWII is what got us out of the GD. Not FDR.

He put people to work but it was on Govt. projects paid for with tax dollars. He was taxing some business at 99%. They couldn't afford to hire anyone.

He was a great war time POTUS but was lousy as a non wartime president.

The others weren't very good Presidents either though Clinton did manage to work with New Gingrich and get things done.

The others you mentioned were lousy as well.
FDRs goals in fighting the Depression was not in helping the banks but easing the suffering of the people.

His programs aimed to get food to those who needed it and get people working. Public Works projects employed millions.

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