Who was the greatest President:- FDR, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton, or Obama?

Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
GTFO with this BS until you get some real good presidents, Limey cocksucker!

Harry Truman, you poofter!~
Eisenhower, Jefferson, Washington, Adams, next!
Teddy Roosevelt.
Truman was thrust into history with little preparation.

He was only Vice President for a month when FDR died. He had been kept out of the loop on major policy issues
For good or bad, he pulled the trigger on the bomb and ended the war. He also instituted the Marshall Plan that saved Europe and established peace for the first time in history.
He integrated the armed forces and created the Air Force
Korea was a mixed bag but he showed guts in getting rid of MacArthur who screwed up the war.

FDR was Stalin's right hand man
Stalin must have been ph ukn FDR up the azz. Stalin must have been ph ukn FDR's dog to. But not the wife.

Eleanor Roosevelt was not into fucking men, she only hold the nose and do it with FDR for children, there is alot of suggestion that Eleanor was actually a Lesbo.

As a young man and even as an older man FDR was nice looking, WHY out of ALL the women he could have had as a wife and mother of his children he decide on the UGLY and REPULSIVE looking Eleanor who knows. Perhaps a Political Marriage, she was his cousin, the niece I think of Theodore Roosevelt who was also FDR's cousin. ALL of FDR and Eleanor's children were UGLY and REPULSIVE also, shame they did not look more like their father.

What an UGLY and REPULSIVE looking woman and of course she WAS a full-blown Communist, NOT a Sympathiser she WAS an actual Communist:

View attachment 351512

She was even UGLY and REPULSIVE as a young woman:

View attachment 351513
Anyone who met Eleanore would tell you she was a beautiful woman. Witty, intelligent, charming and cared about others.
If all you care about is external beauty.......you can have Melania
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None of those were great. Lol, no mention of washington, jefferson, adams, madison. Nothing between 1792-1931?
What great things did Washington do as President?
Holy flyin' FUCK... when you play dumb, you play DUMB... sheeeezuz...
Name one
Not what Washington did as a General, what he accomplished as President
How about he turned down the offer to be KING.
How about that he was the FIRST president.

How about you use GOOGLE and fucking LOOK if you're so IGNORANT about our first president?

I'm tellin' ya, you leftist LOVE to play this, "GEE I'M STUPID" game... or, well, hold on, maybe it's not a game. Maybe you ARE stupid...
Neither is an accomplishment.
Someone had to be first......does that make them great?

What did Washington do WHILE PRESIDENT that is a great accomplishment?

He signed a few treaties and little legislation. The less the better. Most of the boneheads running for office think pumping out endless worthless legislation is success.
No knock on Washington. We were a poor, struggling nation and there was not much to be accomplished other than keep us from collapsing.
We were not exactly poor. But the federal government did not have much resources. That war for independence that gave us president Washington did not have 95% or more wanting it. There was a movement for independence based on the Boston Tea Party and a tax and it took hold. British control of us today from back then would not be as tolerant as we see today in our nation.
None of those were great. Lol, no mention of washington, jefferson, adams, madison. Nothing between 1792-1931?
What great things did Washington do as President?
Holy flyin' FUCK... when you play dumb, you play DUMB... sheeeezuz...
Name one
Not what Washington did as a General, what he accomplished as President
How about he turned down the offer to be KING.
How about that he was the FIRST president.

How about you use GOOGLE and fucking LOOK if you're so IGNORANT about our first president?

I'm tellin' ya, you leftist LOVE to play this, "GEE I'M STUPID" game... or, well, hold on, maybe it's not a game. Maybe you ARE stupid...
Neither is an accomplishment.
Someone had to be first......does that make them great?

What did Washington do WHILE PRESIDENT that is a great accomplishment?

He signed a few treaties and little legislation. The less the better. Most of the boneheads running for office think pumping out endless worthless legislation is success.
No knock on Washington. We were a poor, struggling nation and there was not much to be accomplished other than keep us from collapsing.
We were not exactly poor. But the federal government did not have much resources. That war for independence that gave us president Washington did not have 95% or more wanting it. There was a movement for independence based on the Boston Tea Party and a tax and it took hold. British control of us today from back then would not be as tolerant as we see today in our nation.

The war destroyed us financially. We were in debt to France And had not paid our soldiers. We were an agrarian society that had few exports.
It was Alexander Hamilton who saved us financially
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
No WWII brought us out of the depression. FDR did some things that we needed prior to WWII, messed up on some others. BO? change? for the worse yes.
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
Calvin Coolidge, you limey fuck.

Take your commie list and bugger yourself with it.

A close second was Thomas Jefferson.

FDR was elected 4 times because he didn't have the decency prior presidents had to follow the tradition of Washington and serve only 2 4-year terms. We had to amend the constitution to keep commie fucks like FDR from running a muck AGAIN!!!

Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!

Nope. Everything FDR did extended the GD.

WWII is what got us out of the GD. Not FDR.

He put people to work but it was on Govt. projects paid for with tax dollars. He was taxing some business at 99%. They couldn't afford to hire anyone.

He was a great war time POTUS but was lousy as a non wartime president.

The others weren't very good Presidents either though Clinton did manage to work with New Gingrich and get things done.

The others you mentioned were lousy as well.
FDRs goals in fighting the Depression was not in helping the banks but easing the suffering of the people.

His programs aimed to get food to those who needed it and get people working. Public Works projects employed millions.

Yeah, they helped a little. My father, his brothers and cousins broke rocks with sledge hammers to build road beds on county roads. They swung hammers for 10 hours a day, 6 days a week for 10 cents an hour. $6.00 a week kept the families fed.
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!

Nope. Everything FDR did extended the GD.

WWII is what got us out of the GD. Not FDR.

He put people to work but it was on Govt. projects paid for with tax dollars. He was taxing some business at 99%. They couldn't afford to hire anyone.

He was a great war time POTUS but was lousy as a non wartime president.

The others weren't very good Presidents either though Clinton did manage to work with New Gingrich and get things done.

The others you mentioned were lousy as well.
FDRs goals in fighting the Depression was not in helping the banks but easing the suffering of the people.

His programs aimed to get food to those who needed it and get people working. Public Works projects employed millions.

Yeah, they helped a little. My father, his brothers and cousins broke rocks with sledge hammers to build road beds on county roads. They swung hammers for 10 hours a day, 6 days a week for 10 cents an hour. $6.00 a week kept the families fed.
10 cents an hour in what year? Wow!
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
Calvin Coolidge, you limey fuck.

Take your commie list and bugger yourself with it.

A close second was Thomas Jefferson.

FDR was elected 4 times because he didn't have the decency prior presidents had to follow the tradition of Washington and serve only 2 4-year terms. We had to amend the constitution to keep commie fucks like FDR from running a muck AGAIN!!!

You right wing fascists have a disturbing obsession with gays and buggery - any personal reasons?
Naa don't really want to know!

Anyway I've just been awarded a 'Seriously Likeable' Trophy, - so fukc you!
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
Washington and Polk. Father of our country held us together in it's infancy and Polk defeated Mexico an expanded United States of America to Pacific Ocean.
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!

Nope. Everything FDR did extended the GD.

WWII is what got us out of the GD. Not FDR.

He put people to work but it was on Govt. projects paid for with tax dollars. He was taxing some business at 99%. They couldn't afford to hire anyone.

He was a great war time POTUS but was lousy as a non wartime president.

The others weren't very good Presidents either though Clinton did manage to work with New Gingrich and get things done.

The others you mentioned were lousy as well.
FDRs goals in fighting the Depression was not in helping the banks but easing the suffering of the people.

His programs aimed to get food to those who needed it and get people working. Public Works projects employed millions.

Yeah, they helped a little. My father, his brothers and cousins broke rocks with sledge hammers to build road beds on county roads. They swung hammers for 10 hours a day, 6 days a week for 10 cents an hour. $6.00 a week kept the families fed.
10 cents an hour in what year? Wow!
'36-'38. In '39 they all got jobs with Martin Aircraft in Baltimore. In '43 they were all drafted.
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
ONLY one president you mentioned in the title of your thread was ANY good as president. And he, of course, would be John Kennedy, who is one of my top five favorite US presidents. Kennedy did or attempted to do, many great things for our country. The others you mentioned, not so much.
JFK was killed after three years. He talked the talk but did not accomplish much.

It was LBJ who accomplished what JFK talked about, including getting us to the moon.
I wish Oswald would have dropped his sights one car back and shot LBJ. Stopped the Great Society programs that ruined America.
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!

Nope. Everything FDR did extended the GD.

WWII is what got us out of the GD. Not FDR.

He put people to work but it was on Govt. projects paid for with tax dollars. He was taxing some business at 99%. They couldn't afford to hire anyone.

He was a great war time POTUS but was lousy as a non wartime president.

The others weren't very good Presidents either though Clinton did manage to work with New Gingrich and get things done.

The others you mentioned were lousy as well.
FDRs goals in fighting the Depression was not in helping the banks but easing the suffering of the people.

His programs aimed to get food to those who needed it and get people working. Public Works projects employed millions.

Yeah, they helped a little. My father, his brothers and cousins broke rocks with sledge hammers to build road beds on county roads. They swung hammers for 10 hours a day, 6 days a week for 10 cents an hour. $6.00 a week kept the families fed.
10 cents an hour in what year? Wow!
'36-'38. In '39 they all got jobs with Martin Aircraft in Baltimore. In '43 they were all drafted.
That's before the army stopped doing that. That's mighty poor wages.
My granpa was a master mason. He got paid good for his work, even my grandma made more than that as an elevator operator.
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
Calvin Coolidge, you limey fuck.

Take your commie list and bugger yourself with it.

A close second was Thomas Jefferson.

FDR was elected 4 times because he didn't have the decency prior presidents had to follow the tradition of Washington and serve only 2 4-year terms. We had to amend the constitution to keep commie fucks like FDR from running a muck AGAIN!!!

You right wing fascists have a disturbing obsession with gays and buggery - any personal reasons?
Naa don't really want to know!

Anyway I've just been awarded a 'Seriously Likeable' Trophy, - so fukc you!
Because the socialist that practice it make us sick.
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
ONLY one president you mentioned in the title of your thread was ANY good as president. And he, of course, would be John Kennedy, who is one of my top five favorite US presidents. Kennedy did or attempted to do, many great things for our country. The others you mentioned, not so much.
JFK was killed after three years. He talked the talk but did not accomplish much.

It was LBJ who accomplished what JFK talked about, including getting us to the moon.
I wish Oswald would have dropped his sights one car back and shot LBJ. Stopped the Great Society programs that ruined America.
You are an asshole
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
ONLY one president you mentioned in the title of your thread was ANY good as president. And he, of course, would be John Kennedy, who is one of my top five favorite US presidents. Kennedy did or attempted to do, many great things for our country. The others you mentioned, not so much.
JFK was killed after three years. He talked the talk but did not accomplish much.

It was LBJ who accomplished what JFK talked about, including getting us to the moon.
I wish Oswald would have dropped his sights one car back and shot LBJ. Stopped the Great Society programs that ruined America.
My cousin told me how that was a few Christmases back. Damn shame. Can we stop it now?
Why should people have freeloaders that never want to work leeching off of them? Working people have to support people that don't want to work? Fuck That! That's not fair or right or anything. It's bullshit!
Meanwhile, the non-producers multiply at a greater rate than the producers. That setup is not sustainable.
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
ONLY one president you mentioned in the title of your thread was ANY good as president. And he, of course, would be John Kennedy, who is one of my top five favorite US presidents. Kennedy did or attempted to do, many great things for our country. The others you mentioned, not so much.
JFK was killed after three years. He talked the talk but did not accomplish much.

It was LBJ who accomplished what JFK talked about, including getting us to the moon.
I wish Oswald would have dropped his sights one car back and shot LBJ. Stopped the Great Society programs that ruined America.
You are an asshole
LBJ was the asshole.
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
ONLY one president you mentioned in the title of your thread was ANY good as president. And he, of course, would be John Kennedy, who is one of my top five favorite US presidents. Kennedy did or attempted to do, many great things for our country. The others you mentioned, not so much.
JFK was killed after three years. He talked the talk but did not accomplish much.

It was LBJ who accomplished what JFK talked about, including getting us to the moon.
I wish Oswald would have dropped his sights one car back and shot LBJ. Stopped the Great Society programs that ruined America.
You are an asshole
LBJ was the asshole.
Definitely! My cousin that lived through that told me all about it. It's a damn shame!
That started a downward slide of this country.
If you collect welfare and can vote: What's to stop you from voting yourself everything you possibly can?
Not a damn thing.
None of those were great. Lol, no mention of washington, jefferson, adams, madison. Nothing between 1792-1931?
What great things did Washington do as President?
Holy flyin' FUCK... when you play dumb, you play DUMB... sheeeezuz...
Name one
Not what Washington did as a General, what he accomplished as President
How about he turned down the offer to be KING.
How about that he was the FIRST president.

How about you use GOOGLE and fucking LOOK if you're so IGNORANT about our first president?

I'm tellin' ya, you leftist LOVE to play this, "GEE I'M STUPID" game... or, well, hold on, maybe it's not a game. Maybe you ARE stupid...
Neither is an accomplishment.
Someone had to be first......does that make them great?

What did Washington do WHILE PRESIDENT that is a great accomplishment?

He signed a few treaties and little legislation. The less the better. Most of the boneheads running for office think pumping out endless worthless legislation is success.
No knock on Washington. We were a poor, struggling nation and there was not much to be accomplished other than keep us from collapsing.
We were not exactly poor. But the federal government did not have much resources. That war for independence that gave us president Washington did not have 95% or more wanting it. There was a movement for independence based on the Boston Tea Party and a tax and it took hold. British control of us today from back then would not be as tolerant as we see today in our nation.

The war destroyed us financially. We were in debt to France And had not paid our soldiers. We were an agrarian society that had few exports.
It was Alexander Hamilton who saved us financially
Yes, Hamilton cut a deal to get the First Bank of the United States. U.S. Capitol was to be located in a a slave state.

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