Who was the greatest President:- FDR, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton, or Obama?

Reagan - The Greatest
Think Reagan was the worst!
He had trained, financed, and openly supported the death squads in Central & South America propping up the military Junta's!
Evil, pure evil!

There needs to be an Operation Condor II but this time not only across Central and South America but across the ENTIRE Western World. The first Operation Condor was completely justified to prevent Central and South America from being taken over by your friends the Communists. An Operation Condor II would also be justified for the same reasons to prevent your friends the Communists from taking over.

General Augusto Pinochet one of the GREAT heroes of the 20th Century. Jorge Videla one of the GREAT heroes of the 20th Century. Saving Chile and Argentina from being turned into Third World Communist Shit Holes like Cuba.
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!

Nope. Everything FDR did extended the GD.

WWII is what got us out of the GD. Not FDR.

He put people to work but it was on Govt. projects paid for with tax dollars. He was taxing some business at 99%. They couldn't afford to hire anyone.

He was a great war time POTUS but was lousy as a non wartime president.

The others weren't very good Presidents either though Clinton did manage to work with New Gingrich and get things done.

The others you mentioned were lousy as well.
FDRs goals in fighting the Depression was not in helping the banks but easing the suffering of the people.

His programs aimed to get food to those who needed it and get people working. Public Works projects employed millions.

Oh sure they did. Only problem was all of his projects were paid for with tax dollars. He was taxing businesses right out of business.

Everything he did extended the GD. All those projects he came up to put people to work were paid for with tax dollars. Dollars he squeezed out of any business that was still able to run. None of them could hire anyone.

FDR should have used the template the POTUS during the roaring 20's did. If he had the GD would have been over in no time.
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!

It's been shown that FDR pretty much prolonged the depression.

What bullshit are you reading.
FDR was more concerned about easing the suffering of the people than pushing the recovery of the banks.

As Harry Hopkins (his head of economic recovery) said.....

Congress, who claimed that the economy would sort itself out in the long run. To which Hopkins replied, "People don't eat in the long run, they eat every day."

Yes, this kind of one line bullshit has been the rebuttal of the loser left for a long time.

That's why FDR created all these give away schemes and tried to pack the court when they kept telling him they were unconstiatutional.

I'd dig his ass up and burn it if I could.
It was a key to FDRs Depression relief that Republicans fought against.
Rescuing the banks and allowing the economy to “recover on its own“ was secondary to taking care of the people.

People don’t eat in the long run, they eat every day
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!

Nope. Everything FDR did extended the GD.

WWII is what got us out of the GD. Not FDR.

He put people to work but it was on Govt. projects paid for with tax dollars. He was taxing some business at 99%. They couldn't afford to hire anyone.

He was a great war time POTUS but was lousy as a non wartime president.

The others weren't very good Presidents either though Clinton did manage to work with New Gingrich and get things done.

The others you mentioned were lousy as well.
FDRs goals in fighting the Depression was not in helping the banks but easing the suffering of the people.

His programs aimed to get food to those who needed it and get people working. Public Works projects employed millions.

Oh sure they did. Only problem was all of his projects were paid for with tax dollars. He was taxing businesses right out of business.

Everything he did extended the GD. All those projects he came up to put people to work were paid for with tax dollars. Dollars he squeezed out of any business that was still able to run. None of them could hire anyone.

FDR should have used the template the POTUS during the roaring 20's did. If he had the GD would have been over in no time.

Again, the length of the Depression and health of individual businesses was secondary to feeding the people and getting them jobs.

Those construction projects are still serving us today
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!

It's been shown that FDR pretty much prolonged the depression.

What bullshit are you reading.
FDR was more concerned about easing the suffering of the people than pushing the recovery of the banks.

As Harry Hopkins (his head of economic recovery) said.....

Congress, who claimed that the economy would sort itself out in the long run. To which Hopkins replied, "People don't eat in the long run, they eat every day."

Yes, this kind of one line bullshit has been the rebuttal of the loser left for a long time.

That's why FDR created all these give away schemes and tried to pack the court when they kept telling him they were unconstiatutional.

I'd dig his ass up and burn it if I could.
It was a key to FDRs Depression relief that Republicans fought against.
Rescuing the banks and allowing the economy to “recover on its own“ was secondary to taking care of the people.

People don’t eat in the long run, they eat every day

What was key ?

The New Deal was not a short term program.

You are just making shit up.
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!

Nope. Everything FDR did extended the GD.

WWII is what got us out of the GD. Not FDR.

He put people to work but it was on Govt. projects paid for with tax dollars. He was taxing some business at 99%. They couldn't afford to hire anyone.

He was a great war time POTUS but was lousy as a non wartime president.

The others weren't very good Presidents either though Clinton did manage to work with New Gingrich and get things done.

The others you mentioned were lousy as well.
FDRs goals in fighting the Depression was not in helping the banks but easing the suffering of the people.

His programs aimed to get food to those who needed it and get people working. Public Works projects employed millions.

Oh sure they did. Only problem was all of his projects were paid for with tax dollars. He was taxing businesses right out of business.

Everything he did extended the GD. All those projects he came up to put people to work were paid for with tax dollars. Dollars he squeezed out of any business that was still able to run. None of them could hire anyone.

FDR should have used the template the POTUS during the roaring 20's did. If he had the GD would have been over in no time.

Again, the length of the Depression and health of individual businesses was secondary to feeding the people and getting them jobs.

Those construction projects are still serving us today

He didn't need to do one or the other.

He could have had both.

He used the depression to try and make big changes to our social structures.

You are really stuck on stupid.
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!

Nope. Everything FDR did extended the GD.

WWII is what got us out of the GD. Not FDR.

He put people to work but it was on Govt. projects paid for with tax dollars. He was taxing some business at 99%. They couldn't afford to hire anyone.

He was a great war time POTUS but was lousy as a non wartime president.

The others weren't very good Presidents either though Clinton did manage to work with New Gingrich and get things done.

The others you mentioned were lousy as well.
FDRs goals in fighting the Depression was not in helping the banks but easing the suffering of the people.

His programs aimed to get food to those who needed it and get people working. Public Works projects employed millions.

Oh sure they did. Only problem was all of his projects were paid for with tax dollars. He was taxing businesses right out of business.

Everything he did extended the GD. All those projects he came up to put people to work were paid for with tax dollars. Dollars he squeezed out of any business that was still able to run. None of them could hire anyone.

FDR should have used the template the POTUS during the roaring 20's did. If he had the GD would have been over in no time.
Tax dollars that had a long term impact on infrastructure, parks, schools......money well spent.
Put people to work and helped the country
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!

It's been shown that FDR pretty much prolonged the depression.

What bullshit are you reading.
FDR was more concerned about easing the suffering of the people than pushing the recovery of the banks.

As Harry Hopkins (his head of economic recovery) said.....

Congress, who claimed that the economy would sort itself out in the long run. To which Hopkins replied, "People don't eat in the long run, they eat every day."

Yes, this kind of one line bullshit has been the rebuttal of the loser left for a long time.

That's why FDR created all these give away schemes and tried to pack the court when they kept telling him they were unconstiatutional.

I'd dig his ass up and burn it if I could.
It was a key to FDRs Depression relief that Republicans fought against.
Rescuing the banks and allowing the economy to “recover on its own“ was secondary to taking care of the people.

People don’t eat in the long run, they eat every day

What was key ?

The New Deal was not a short term program.

You are just making shit up.
FDR made us a modern Democracy.

The New Deal was part of that
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!

It's been shown that FDR pretty much prolonged the depression.

What bullshit are you reading.
FDR was more concerned about easing the suffering of the people than pushing the recovery of the banks.

As Harry Hopkins (his head of economic recovery) said.....

Congress, who claimed that the economy would sort itself out in the long run. To which Hopkins replied, "People don't eat in the long run, they eat every day."

Yes, this kind of one line bullshit has been the rebuttal of the loser left for a long time.

That's why FDR created all these give away schemes and tried to pack the court when they kept telling him they were unconstiatutional.

I'd dig his ass up and burn it if I could.
It was a key to FDRs Depression relief that Republicans fought against.
Rescuing the banks and allowing the economy to “recover on its own“ was secondary to taking care of the people.

People don’t eat in the long run, they eat every day

What was key ?

The New Deal was not a short term program.

You are just making shit up.
FDR made us a modern Democracy.

The New Deal was part of that

That's a nice propaganda piece.

And a total load of bullshit.

His vaunted Social Security program was just a real thrill ride for pols until 72.

Since then it has been a clusterfuck.

It's not even what it was supposed to be.


1. Kept us in the depression
2. Tried to fuck the constitution with his court packing scheme (and spare me the "it was legal" batshit....he lost his support in the senate over it).
3. Rolled over and gave away eastern Europe.

Fucking great legacy.

And what a democracy we are....

One bad cop and you've got a nation at each other's throats.
The ultimate advantage that democrat presidents had in the 20th century was the drooling goggle eyed support of the entire mainstream media. As such their personal lives were beyond reproach and their public lives were defended no matter what. JFK was a prescription drug abusing adulterer. His illegal use of the CIA to train an invasion army should have had him impeached. FDR was a dying old man in his 3rd and 4th terms and might not have been in his right mind when he ordered the arrest of American citizens without due process. LBJ was a fraud and a crook and the media finally turned on him. Clinton bombed a defenseless country when he was caught in a sexual relationship with an intern. The jury is still out on Obama.
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!

It's been shown that FDR pretty much prolonged the depression.

What bullshit are you reading.
FDR was more concerned about easing the suffering of the people than pushing the recovery of the banks.

As Harry Hopkins (his head of economic recovery) said.....

Congress, who claimed that the economy would sort itself out in the long run. To which Hopkins replied, "People don't eat in the long run, they eat every day."

Yes, this kind of one line bullshit has been the rebuttal of the loser left for a long time.

That's why FDR created all these give away schemes and tried to pack the court when they kept telling him they were unconstiatutional.

I'd dig his ass up and burn it if I could.
It was a key to FDRs Depression relief that Republicans fought against.
Rescuing the banks and allowing the economy to “recover on its own“ was secondary to taking care of the people.

People don’t eat in the long run, they eat every day

What was key ?

The New Deal was not a short term program.

You are just making shit up.
FDR made us a modern Democracy.

The New Deal was part of that

That's a nice propaganda piece.

And a total load of bullshit.

His vaunted Social Security program was just a real thrill ride for pols until 72.

Since then it has been a clusterfuck.

It's not even what it was supposed to be.


1. Kept us in the depression
2. Tried to fuck the constitution with his court packing scheme (and spare me the "it was legal" batshit....he lost his support in the senate over it).
3. Rolled over and gave away eastern Europe.

Fucking great legacy.

And what a democracy we are....

One bad cop and you've got a nation at each other's throats.
Social Security allowed people to retire at 62. Before that, you worked till you died or had your children take care of you.

FDR built the Arsenal of Democracy and made us a Super Power. He also made us a modern Democracy, a Democracy that cares about We the People.

Greatest modern President
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
Rufus T. Firefly.

If you're just going to list the jokes...Rufus was the only president that was actually funny.
Again, the length of the Depression and health of individual businesses was secondary to feeding the people and getting them jobs.

Those construction projects are still serving us today

Sure it was. He fed people all right. He taxed businesses so much they couldn't hire anyone.

Everything he did prolonged the GD. WWII is what pulled us out of it. Not what FDR did.
Social Security allowed people to retire at 62. Before that, you worked till you died or had your children take care of you.

FDR built the Arsenal of Democracy and made us a Super Power. He also made us a modern Democracy, a Democracy that cares about We the People.

Greatest modern President

I used to think just as you do until I actually researched FDR and his presidency.

Everything he did prolonged the GD. A great war time POTUS but as a non war time POTUS he had no idea what he was doing.
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
Odemon was a giant fraud and snake
Wow are you Europeans utter ignoramuses !!
No wonder you have zero nation left
LJ got us into Vietnam
Kennedy - only carried about sleazy affairs until he lost half his cerebral cortex
Eisenhower was superb in everything
Reagan - amazing leader and accomplished so much

I don’t want to get into T

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