Who was the greatest President:- FDR, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton, or Obama?

Carter and Obama should not even be mentioned in this group. They really focused on having “enemies”. They did not like anyone from the other Party and arguably had trouble with relationships in their own party. Clinton was really good and his best years came when the Republicans took over the Hill vs. his first two years when he had to play to his leftist wing.
None of those were great. Lol, no mention of washington, jefferson, adams, madison. Nothing between 1792-1931?
What great things did Washington do as President?
Holy flyin' FUCK... when you play dumb, you play DUMB... sheeeezuz...
Name one
Not what Washington did as a General, what he accomplished as President
How about he turned down the offer to be KING.
How about that he was the FIRST president.

How about you use GOOGLE and fucking LOOK if you're so IGNORANT about our first president?

I'm tellin' ya, you leftist LOVE to play this, "GEE I'M STUPID" game... or, well, hold on, maybe it's not a game. Maybe you ARE stupid...
Neither is an accomplishment.
Someone had to be first......does that make them great?

What did Washington do WHILE PRESIDENT that is a great accomplishment?

He signed a few treaties and little legislation. The less the better. Most of the boneheads running for office think pumping out endless worthless legislation is success.
No knock on Washington. We were a poor, struggling nation and there was not much to be accomplished other than keep us from collapsing.
We were not exactly poor. But the federal government did not have much resources. That war for independence that gave us president Washington did not have 95% or more wanting it. There was a movement for independence based on the Boston Tea Party and a tax and it took hold. British control of us today from back then would not be as tolerant as we see today in our nation.

The war destroyed us financially. We were in debt to France And had not paid our soldiers. We were an agrarian society that had few exports.
It was Alexander Hamilton who saved us financially
Gold and Silver backed currencies had to be changed to fiat currency during wars. And actual deterrent. Even for the Revolutionary War.
Carter and Obama should not even be mentioned in this group. They really focused on having “enemies

Carter and Obama focused on having enemies?
Trump enemies

The media
The courts
All of Africa
Puerto Rico
John McCain
Mitt Romney
Handicapped People
The Bush’s
Carter and Obama should not even be mentioned in this group. They really focused on having “enemies

Carter and Obama focused on having enemies?
Trump enemies

The media
The courts
All of Africa
Puerto Rico
John McCain
Mitt Romney
Handicapped People
The Bush’s

A common thread between Trump and Obama is that they both focus on enemies. Trump can’t let the petty things go just like Obama couldn’t. Agreed.
This is a contest for 2nd place. President Trump is already the greatest of all time, and he has another 4-1/2 years to continue his legacy
None of them the greatest would be Washington he was the man who had to lead a new nation that had just gained it's indpendence into the future and not let it fracture and fall apart something few could have done.
Pretty good link to what those democrats in the 40's, 50's, and '60's did for future generations of Americans with legislation regarding social security and medicare. I can't seem to find republicans doing much of anything but trying to obstruct this progress.
The abrupt transformation of Harry Truman from a Confederate scumbag to a leader in civil rights is an interesting one.

For the first time since Reconstruction, he made civil rights a proper concern for the national government, and for the first time ever the Democratic party became the main protagonist for the rights of blacks.​

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Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
Carter?! How the hell did he even get a mention?
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
Carter?! How the hell did he even get a mention?
More for what he's done since leaving office - making friends with Castro!
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!

FDR did not bring the U.S. out of the Great Depression. In fact, he made it worse, he made it longer......he was a disaster for our country.

Of those listed....President Trump will be seen to be better than all of them........
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
Carter?! How the hell did he even get a mention?
More for what he's done since leaving office - making friends with Castro!
Seems like a presidents work is never done!
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
Carter?! How the hell did he even get a mention?
More for what he's done since leaving office - making friends with Castro!
Seems like a presidents work is never done!
Stfu, you fucking asshat poofter!
You're too lame to judge American presidents, punk!

When this was was made, you are the derp in mind:
You didn't need that education, but you got it.
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
I guess locking up Japanese Americans is ok if you're a Democrat
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
Carter?! How the hell did he even get a mention?
More for what he's done since leaving office - making friends with Castro!
Seems like a presidents work is never done!
Stfu, you fucking asshat poofter!
You're too lame to judge American presidents, punk!
Or what are you going to do about it - cry?
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
Carter?! How the hell did he even get a mention?
More for what he's done since leaving office - making friends with Castro!
Seems like a presidents work is never done!
Stfu, you fucking asshat poofter!
You're too lame to judge American presidents, punk!
Or what are you going to do about it - cry?
No, I'm gonna call you out for the pussy ass ignorant fuck you are, bitchboy.
You got the wrong cracker now, bitch!
As teh wimmen around here say: "Oh Hell No". Bitch.
Washington and Truman were great presidents, faggot.

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