Who was the greatest President:- FDR, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton, or Obama?

Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
I guess locking up Japanese Americans is ok if you're a Democrat
No... but at the time he had a lot on his plate and new Japanese spies working in Hawaii had sent photo's of Pearl Harbor to Tokyo concealed in micro dots,
Washington, Lincoln.....number 1 and number 2.........

Washington for peacefully giving up power, and Lincoln for defeating the democrat party the first time when they started the war to keep their slaves.
Washington, Lincoln.....number 1 and number 2.........

Washington for peacefully giving up power, and Lincoln for defeating the democrat party the first time when they started the war to keep their slaves.
I disagree with Lincoln. He jailed half the reporters in the country. He took it a bit too far to "keep the union together".
Violated the 1st amendment bigtime.
Then there's that whole "Sherman's March" thing.
People in Georgia were still mad about that when I was a kid.
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Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!

It's been shown that FDR pretty much prolonged the depression.

What bullshit are you reading.
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
Carter?! How the hell did he even get a mention?
More for what he's done since leaving office - making friends with Castro!
Seems like a presidents work is never done!
Stfu, you fucking asshat poofter!
You're too lame to judge American presidents, punk!
Or what are you going to do about it - cry?
No, I'm gonna call you out for the pussy ass ignorant fuck you are, bitchboy.
You got the wrong cracker now, bitch!
As teh wimmen around here say: "Oh Hell No". Bitch.
Washington and Truman were great presidents, faggot.
Marion, We gave you our language to do what all written language is supposed to do - convey information.
Remember it is the language of 'Shakespeare', and need not be sullied by your emotional litany of foul mouth
insults that do nothing to further your point of view.
Hope this helps!

Besides your going to have a heart attack with your 300lb obesity problem you fat brain dead bastard!
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
FDR is easily the greatest modern President. Nobody else comes close. Of the presidents after FDR, I would have to go with Eisenhower and then Obama.

If not for Vietnam, LBJ would be in there
So do you still support jailing people based solely on RACE?

FDR is easily the greatest modern President. Nobody else comes close. Of the presidents after FDR, I would have to go with Eisenhower and then Obama.

If not for Vietnam, LBJ would be in there
So do you still support jailing people based solely on RACE?

In the context of the time period, it was the prudent thing to do. This was a racist America. Blacks were firmly second class citizens. Japan had just attacked us and security advisors considered Japanese Americans a threat. Both Republicans and the Supreme Court supported the move.
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
William Henry Harrison.

He died 32 days into his first term in office so he didn't have the chance to fuck anything up.
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!

It's been shown that FDR pretty much prolonged the depression.

What bullshit are you reading.
FDR was more concerned about easing the suffering of the people than pushing the recovery of the banks.

As Harry Hopkins (his head of economic recovery) said.....

Congress, who claimed that the economy would sort itself out in the long run. To which Hopkins replied, "People don't eat in the long run, they eat every day."
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Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
ONLY one president you mentioned in the title of your thread was ANY good as president. And he, of course, would be John Kennedy, who is one of my top five favorite US presidents. Kennedy did or attempted to do, many great things for our country. The others you mentioned, not so much.
JFK was killed after three years. He talked the talk but did not accomplish much.

It was LBJ who accomplished what JFK talked about, including getting us to the moon.
Now THERE was money well spent for a few guys to get some cool jingles for their jackets ! YAY Merrykuh ! Disney should have had a resort there 40 years back......or Tad turner. OTOH Jeffery Epstein could have done well. Who enforces mooning law ?
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
/——/ Trump is the greatest president. And WWII ended the depression, not FDRs incompetence.
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!

It's been shown that FDR pretty much prolonged the depression.

What bullshit are you reading.
FDR was more concerned about easing the suffering of the people than pushing the recovery of the banks.

As Harry Hopkins (his head of economic recovery) said.....

Congress, who claimed that the economy would sort itself out in the long run. To which Hopkins replied, "People don't eat in the long run, they eat every day."

Yes, this kind of one line bullshit has been the rebuttal of the loser left for a long time.

That's why FDR created all these give away schemes and tried to pack the court when they kept telling him they were unconstiatutional.

I'd dig his ass up and burn it if I could.
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!
How come you omitted Truman?
Kennedy/Johnson - Man on the Moon.
Obama - Brought 'CHANGE' to the US.

Think Roosevelt, - 'New Deal' brought the US out of the great depression. Helped defeat the Nazi's & was elected four times. (boy you guy's must have really liked him) takes the prize!

Why ONLY Democrats? You are saying no good Republican EVER? So Partisan of you.

Lyndon Johnson = Vietnam = Not good, he did not go for re-election because of Vietnam, this illustrate not a good President.

Barack Obama = Race Baiter and the cause of why America in the situation it is in now. Also dropped the ball on Syria and fucked up Libya the result = Muh Refugee Crisis of 2015, this illustrate not a good President.

FDR = Communist sympathiser or even full-blown Communist.
“Mess we are in now” how is that?

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