Who was the moron President who appointed this Christopher Wray witch hunter as FBI director?

Yes....let's all blame Trump because everyone in Washington is a treasonous bastard.
Again, he was only there for 4 years, and you fuckers want to blame him despite people who've been there for 40 years that are screwing everything up.
RINOs as bad as the Dimbulbs....
Bullshit. They were just protesting the election. At least they didn't destroy people's businesses. Why do you hate the American people?

They destroyed the seat of our government. Smearing shit on the walls and pissing in the halls. Why do you hate America?
They destroyed the seat of our government. Smearing shit on the walls and pissing in the halls. Why do you hate America?
Lie. The "seat of government" wasn't destroyed. When you have to lie to make your point, you don't have a point. So you love your politicians more than your fellow citizens.
Lie. The "seat of government" wasn't destroyed. When you have to lie to make your point, you don't have a point. So you love your politicians more than your fellow citizens.

You hate America or you wouldn't be finger painting your shit on the walls of the Capitol building!
Please quote your proof with in that document...

Durham is highly discredited due to no real convictions attained... So show us the actual statement and proof...
i’he’s a highly respected prosecutor, that conduct a thorough probe and provided his results to the DOJ
Mueller was assigned that task…mueller concluded no conspiracy
thats because Barr distorted Mueller's findings.
Mueller found more obstruction than anything else.

Since then, now we now know...
  1. The Trump campaign and Donald Trump himself were certainly aware in real time of Russian efforts to intervene in the 2016 presidential election. The campaign had a heads-up that Russia had stolen Democratic emails. And Russian operatives sought and received a meeting with senior Trump campaign officials promising “dirt” on Trump’s opponent. As the campaign wore on, and the Russian efforts were increasingly made public, Trump personally and publicly encouraged them.
  2. The Trump campaign was run for a time by a man with an ongoing business relationship with a Russian intelligence operative, to whom he gave proprietary internal polling data.
  3. The Trump campaign did not discourage Russian activity on its behalf. In fact, it sought repeatedly to coordinate its messaging around WikiLeaks releases of information. The campaign, and Trump personally, sought to contact WikiLeaks to receive information in advance about releases and may well have succeeded.
  4. The campaign sought to obtain disparaging information about Hillary Clinton from actors who either were Russian operatives or it believed were Russian operatives. It did so through a number of means—some of these efforts were direct. Some were indirect.
  5. The Russian government and affiliated actors clearly regarded the Trump campaign as a prime target for influence and recruitment. Russia targeted a diverse array of people associated with Trump for contact and engagement through an astonishing variety of avenues. Some of these attempts were rebuffed. Many of them were successful. The result was a sustained degree of engagement between the campaign, and later the transition, and Russian officials and cutouts.
  6. Trump’s personal and business history in Russia provided a significant opportunity for kompromat. Such material was very likely collected. There is less evidence that it was ever deployed, though Trump’s mere awareness of his vulnerability gives rise to substantial counterintelligence concerns.
  7. Trump’s active pursuit of business deals in Russia while running for president and denying any such deals created significant counterintelligence risk.
  8. Trump’s campaign, and later transition, were filled with a remarkable number of people who had secret interactions with Russian actors, about which they lied either in real time or in retrospect.
  9. All of this activity, particularly cumulatively, amounts to a grave set of counterintelligence concerns, in which any number of Trump campaign figures—including the candidate himself—exposed themselves to potential coercive pressure from an adversary foreign actor.
  10. Trump to this day will not criticize Russian President Vladimir Putin or acknowledge unambiguously Russian intervention in the 2016 election.
thats because Barr distorted Mueller's findings.
Mueller found more obstruction than anything else.

Since then, now we now know...
  1. The Trump campaign and Donald Trump himself were certainly aware in real time of Russian efforts to intervene in the 2016 presidential election. The campaign had a heads-up that Russia had stolen Democratic emails. And Russian operatives sought and received a meeting with senior Trump campaign officials promising “dirt” on Trump’s opponent. As the campaign wore on, and the Russian efforts were increasingly made public, Trump personally and publicly encouraged them.
  2. The Trump campaign was run for a time by a man with an ongoing business relationship with a Russian intelligence operative, to whom he gave proprietary internal polling data.
  3. The Trump campaign did not discourage Russian activity on its behalf. In fact, it sought repeatedly to coordinate its messaging around WikiLeaks releases of information. The campaign, and Trump personally, sought to contact WikiLeaks to receive information in advance about releases and may well have succeeded.
  4. The campaign sought to obtain disparaging information about Hillary Clinton from actors who either were Russian operatives or it believed were Russian operatives. It did so through a number of means—some of these efforts were direct. Some were indirect.
  5. The Russian government and affiliated actors clearly regarded the Trump campaign as a prime target for influence and recruitment. Russia targeted a diverse array of people associated with Trump for contact and engagement through an astonishing variety of avenues. Some of these attempts were rebuffed. Many of them were successful. The result was a sustained degree of engagement between the campaign, and later the transition, and Russian officials and cutouts.
  6. Trump’s personal and business history in Russia provided a significant opportunity for kompromat. Such material was very likely collected. There is less evidence that it was ever deployed, though Trump’s mere awareness of his vulnerability gives rise to substantial counterintelligence concerns.
  7. Trump’s active pursuit of business deals in Russia while running for president and denying any such deals created significant counterintelligence risk.
  8. Trump’s campaign, and later transition, were filled with a remarkable number of people who had secret interactions with Russian actors, about which they lied either in real time or in retrospect.
  9. All of this activity, particularly cumulatively, amounts to a grave set of counterintelligence concerns, in which any number of Trump campaign figures—including the candidate himself—exposed themselves to potential coercive pressure from an adversary foreign actor.
  10. Trump to this day will not criticize Russian President Vladimir Putin or acknowledge unambiguously Russian intervention in the 2016 election.
nhahaha Mueller never concluded there was any crimes try again
And WHAT A FUCKING MORON to have Christie as an "advisor."
Maybe as a JANITOR, not an ADVISOR...
Trump FUCKED UP. Sessions was another complete disaster Zionist Fascist W 911 "Biden Republican"
Admit it.
They can't. Even when their Orange God appoints someone, it's not his fault. He is a victim, only.

At some level, they know how weak he is, and they feel they must always protect him.

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