Who was the most racist President?

FW Woolworth was a New York corporation, it had nothing to do with "The South".
Malcolm X lived in New York. Racism still exists there.
Black and white

White. What you call black racism isn't even racism.
Your're CRAZY. Black AND white racism. Your're welcome for the lesson.
No, I'm perfectly sane. Come talk to me about black racism after whites have endured this:

lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, bombing, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate businesses, communities and neighborhoods; creating SUN-DOWN towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back/controlling in every imaginable way while HATING WHITE PEOPLE en mass via de jure and de facto racism for HUNDREDS of years;

from blacks.

You are a whiney baby. You did not suffers those things-others did. Early Christians were set on fire while crucified. POW's of the Japanese were tortured and the Jews in Europe endured worse fates. Skin color has nothing to do with suffering-you just have the forum to gripe about it-they did not.
What's interesting now about the Republican Passed Civil Rights Act is the fact that libs now say that it was passed to guarantee people the right to engage in alternative sexuality.

A current case before the SCOTUS says that this law outlaws discrimination against Trannies and She-Males.

There was no republican passed civil rights act and todays republican party would not vote for it.
Was the Emancipation Proclamation a "CIVIL Rights Act"?

The national policy of apartheid that resulted after the EP violated the civil rights of blacks. You know that or you're totally ignorant. Stop asking stupid questions. Unless you're stupid.
You never answer a question directly, do you? You make speeches off them. Was the EP a civil rights act or not???

The national policy of apartheid that resulted after the EP violated the civil rights of blacks. You know that or you're totally ignorant. Stop asking stupid questions. Unless you're stupid.
Same answer-LAME. There was no national policy because many whites never saw a black-my cousin told me that himself up until adulthood. So your conspiracy theory of whites against blacks is a myth.
It wasn't against the law to discriminate back in the day, so it had nothing to do with so-called "whites" refusing to "follow the law".

BTW, I object to the term "white". My skin isn't white by any definition of the color. In fact the only truly white people I've ever seen are a few local albinos who are ironically part of the so-called "black" race.

Pathetic. Civil rights laws were passed, that meant no more discrimination. But whites refused to follow those civil rights laws. I object to your racism and my skin isn't black. You have not seen albinos that are part of the black race. So as long as you talk about a black race, you are white.
Would you prefer a different name...?

Tell that to your fellow white boy who claimed to be offended by being called white while his bitch ass feels fine calling people black.
You didn't answer-yes or no...

Tell that to your fellow white boy who claimed to be offended by being called white while his bitch ass feels fine calling people black.
You need to get your mind right-someone asks you a question-you answer them.
While we're on this subject, why aren't Native Americans even slightly outraged that Andrew (Trail of Tears) Jackson is still on the twenty dollar bill ? I feel the same way about celebrating Columbus Day.

And without looking it up or reading through this entire thread tonight, in my lifetime at least, the most racist president was Richard Nixon.
There was no republican passed civil rights act and todays republican party would not vote for it.
Was the Emancipation Proclamation a "CIVIL Rights Act"?

The national policy of apartheid that resulted after the EP violated the civil rights of blacks. You know that or you're totally ignorant. Stop asking stupid questions. Unless you're stupid.
You never answer a question directly, do you? You make speeches off them. Was the EP a civil rights act or not???

The national policy of apartheid that resulted after the EP violated the civil rights of blacks. You know that or you're totally ignorant. Stop asking stupid questions. Unless you're stupid.
Same answer-LAME. There was no national policy because many whites never saw a black-my cousin told me that himself up until adulthood. So your conspiracy theory of whites against blacks is a myth.

created by well-meaning black scholars Prominent in this unfortunate history
of perversion of the science of Sociology was W. E. B. DuBois. He did not
mean to do it-----but his fine work was pushed over the top by idiot pseudo persons ----of the kind that spawned such filth as Louis Farrakhan and, indeed the whole
"nation of islam" sewer as well as pseudo scholars like Leonard Jeffries and
charlatans like Al Blunt-ton
Malcolm X lived in New York. Racism still exists there.
Black and white

White. What you call black racism isn't even racism.
Your're CRAZY. Black AND white racism. Your're welcome for the lesson.
No, I'm perfectly sane. Come talk to me about black racism after whites have endured this:

lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, bombing, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate businesses, communities and neighborhoods; creating SUN-DOWN towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back/controlling in every imaginable way while HATING WHITE PEOPLE en mass via de jure and de facto racism for HUNDREDS of years;

from blacks.

You are a whiney baby. You did not suffers those things-others did. Early Christians were set on fire while crucified. POW's of the Japanese were tortured and the Jews in Europe endured worse fates. Skin color has nothing to do with suffering-you just have the forum to gripe about it-they did not.

I have indeed suffered from racism by whites. All that stuff you post to deny reality doesn't amount to jack diddly. Everything you mentioned blacks have endured and still do. A grandson of a family friend was set on fire by whites just a few years ago.

Feds Investigating Case of Council Grove Man Set On Fire

and here is another one.

‘I set him on fire:’ White man writes letter admitting he burned black man alive, cops say


This shit is still happening and you know it. Now just shut up and work to end white racism.
Last edited:
There was no republican passed civil rights act and todays republican party would not vote for it.
Was the Emancipation Proclamation a "CIVIL Rights Act"?

The national policy of apartheid that resulted after the EP violated the civil rights of blacks. You know that or you're totally ignorant. Stop asking stupid questions. Unless you're stupid.
You never answer a question directly, do you? You make speeches off them. Was the EP a civil rights act or not???

The national policy of apartheid that resulted after the EP violated the civil rights of blacks. You know that or you're totally ignorant. Stop asking stupid questions. Unless you're stupid.
Same answer-LAME. There was no national policy because many whites never saw a black-my cousin told me that himself up until adulthood. So your conspiracy theory of whites against blacks is a myth.

So Jim Crow practiced all over America was a myth.
Pathetic. Civil rights laws were passed, that meant no more discrimination. But whites refused to follow those civil rights laws. I object to your racism and my skin isn't black. You have not seen albinos that are part of the black race. So as long as you talk about a black race, you are white.
Would you prefer a different name...?

Tell that to your fellow white boy who claimed to be offended by being called white while his bitch ass feels fine calling people black.
You didn't answer-yes or no...

Tell that to your fellow white boy who claimed to be offended by being called white while his bitch ass feels fine calling people black.
You need to get your mind right-someone asks you a question-you answer them.
Get yours right son. You claim 100 years of legally documented history is a myth.
Was the Emancipation Proclamation a "CIVIL Rights Act"?

The national policy of apartheid that resulted after the EP violated the civil rights of blacks. You know that or you're totally ignorant. Stop asking stupid questions. Unless you're stupid.
You never answer a question directly, do you? You make speeches off them. Was the EP a civil rights act or not???

The national policy of apartheid that resulted after the EP violated the civil rights of blacks. You know that or you're totally ignorant. Stop asking stupid questions. Unless you're stupid.
Same answer-LAME. There was no national policy because many whites never saw a black-my cousin told me that himself up until adulthood. So your conspiracy theory of whites against blacks is a myth.

created by well-meaning black scholars Prominent in this unfortunate history
of perversion of the science of Sociology was W. E. B. DuBois. He did not
mean to do it-----but his fine work was pushed over the top by idiot pseudo persons ----of the kind that spawned such filth as Louis Farrakhan and, indeed the whole
"nation of islam" sewer as well as pseudo scholars like Leonard Jeffries and
charlatans like Al Blunt-ton

Another example of white psychosis. And this is what your affirmative action education has produced white woman. Pure stupidity.
Plessy v. Ferguson

Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537, was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation laws for public facilities as long as the segregated facilities were equal in quality – a doctrine that came to be known as "separate but equal".

This was a national ruling that created the national policy of American Apartheid.
While we're on this subject, why aren't Native Americans even slightly outraged that Andrew (Trail of Tears) Jackson is still on the twenty dollar bill ? I feel the same way about celebrating Columbus Day.

And without looking it up or reading through this entire thread tonight, in my lifetime at least, the most racist president was Richard Nixon.
Andrew Jackson was a great president, Columbus was a great explorer, and Obama was more racist.
Black and white

White. What you call black racism isn't even racism.
Your're CRAZY. Black AND white racism. Your're welcome for the lesson.
No, I'm perfectly sane. Come talk to me about black racism after whites have endured this:

lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, bombing, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate businesses, communities and neighborhoods; creating SUN-DOWN towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back/controlling in every imaginable way while HATING WHITE PEOPLE en mass via de jure and de facto racism for HUNDREDS of years;

from blacks.

You are a whiney baby. You did not suffers those things-others did. Early Christians were set on fire while crucified. POW's of the Japanese were tortured and the Jews in Europe endured worse fates. Skin color has nothing to do with suffering-you just have the forum to gripe about it-they did not.

I have indeed suffered from racism by whites. All that stuff you post to deny reality doesn't amount to jack diddly. Everything you mentioned blacks have endured and still do. A grandson of a family friend was set on fire by whites just a few years ago.

Feds Investigating Case of Council Grove Man Set On Fire

and here is another one.

‘I set him on fire:’ White man writes letter admitting he burned black man alive, cops say


This shit is still happening and you know it. Now just shut up and work to end white racism.
If I end white racism I have to end black racism too, or it won't work.
Was the Emancipation Proclamation a "CIVIL Rights Act"?

The national policy of apartheid that resulted after the EP violated the civil rights of blacks. You know that or you're totally ignorant. Stop asking stupid questions. Unless you're stupid.
You never answer a question directly, do you? You make speeches off them. Was the EP a civil rights act or not???

The national policy of apartheid that resulted after the EP violated the civil rights of blacks. You know that or you're totally ignorant. Stop asking stupid questions. Unless you're stupid.
Same answer-LAME. There was no national policy because many whites never saw a black-my cousin told me that himself up until adulthood. So your conspiracy theory of whites against blacks is a myth.

So Jim Crow practiced all over America was a myth.
Jim Crow existed, conspiracies did not
Would you prefer a different name...?

Tell that to your fellow white boy who claimed to be offended by being called white while his bitch ass feels fine calling people black.
You didn't answer-yes or no...

Tell that to your fellow white boy who claimed to be offended by being called white while his bitch ass feels fine calling people black.
You need to get your mind right-someone asks you a question-you answer them.
Get yours right son. You claim 100 years of legally documented history is a myth.
Still didn't answer-what are you afraid of? Let me guess your answer-"I ain't afraid of no white boy"! You are too predictable.
The national policy of apartheid that resulted after the EP violated the civil rights of blacks. You know that or you're totally ignorant. Stop asking stupid questions. Unless you're stupid.
You never answer a question directly, do you? You make speeches off them. Was the EP a civil rights act or not???

The national policy of apartheid that resulted after the EP violated the civil rights of blacks. You know that or you're totally ignorant. Stop asking stupid questions. Unless you're stupid.
Same answer-LAME. There was no national policy because many whites never saw a black-my cousin told me that himself up until adulthood. So your conspiracy theory of whites against blacks is a myth.

created by well-meaning black scholars Prominent in this unfortunate history
of perversion of the science of Sociology was W. E. B. DuBois. He did not
mean to do it-----but his fine work was pushed over the top by idiot pseudo persons ----of the kind that spawned such filth as Louis Farrakhan and, indeed the whole
"nation of islam" sewer as well as pseudo scholars like Leonard Jeffries and
charlatans like Al Blunt-ton

Another example of white psychosis. And this is what your affirmative action education has produced white woman. Pure stupidity.
Who gets affirmative action? Blacks? Did you IM2-were you first in line?
While we're on this subject, why aren't Native Americans even slightly outraged that Andrew (Trail of Tears) Jackson is still on the twenty dollar bill ? I feel the same way about celebrating Columbus Day.

And without looking it up or reading through this entire thread tonight, in my lifetime at least, the most racist president was Richard Nixon.
Andrew Jackson was a great president, Columbus was a great explorer, and Obama was more racist.
Yes, I remember the trail of tears from Republicans when Obama passed healthcare
While we're on this subject, why aren't Native Americans even slightly outraged that Andrew (Trail of Tears) Jackson is still on the twenty dollar bill ? I feel the same way about celebrating Columbus Day.

And without looking it up or reading through this entire thread tonight, in my lifetime at least, the most racist president was Richard Nixon.
Andrew Jackson was a great president, Columbus was a great explorer, and Obama was more racist.
Yes, I remember the trail of tears from Republicans when Obama passed healthcare
Didn't bother me-then again, I am not Republican.
Plessy v. Ferguson

Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537, was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation laws for public facilities as long as the segregated facilities were equal in quality – a doctrine that came to be known as "separate but equal".

This was a national ruling that created the national policy of American Apartheid.
Separate but equal is good and fair-ask Stokely Carmichael
Plessy v. Ferguson

Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537, was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation laws for public facilities as long as the segregated facilities were equal in quality – a doctrine that came to be known as "separate but equal".

This was a national ruling that created the national policy of American Apartheid.
Separate but equal is good and fair-ask Stokely Carmichael

Funny how you white boys try using words by blacks to justify your racist excuses. Separate was never equal and apartheid extended farther than that. And we won't be asking Kwame any questions. He can't answer them and you quoting some words from the 1960's while telling me about how things are in the past because your punk ass can't face the truth shows what kind of trifling low IQ white racist piece of garbage you truly are.

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