who were the libs on this forum that said the hunter laptop was disinformation?

It's no dream stupid. You're the one who's dreaming here. Hunter Biden is suing FOX News for defamation and slander, and he'll win. Biden has 5 years of investigations proving that none of the stuff you claim about him being on the take, and raping children has been proven to be faked. Actual malice on the part of FOX News in general and Tucker Carlson in particular.

The investigation of Hunter Biden will end is just more stupidity by Republicans.
He is?
Link us up to this lawsuit against Foxnews, Simp.
I said the laptop was tampered with after it was dropped off. Hunter does not say "its his". Hunter says he was so fucked up on drugs he has no memory of that time. The computer repairman doesn't know who dropped it off.

In particular, the technician said the videos and personal photos were not on the laptop when it was dropped off, nor were any of the emails about business deals in China that he's seen circulating in the media. None of the "questionable" emails were on the laptop when it was dropped off.

If you read the article, you would note that he also says that the laptop was "accessed" and files added 3 days after it arrived in his shop and while it was in his possession.

You also ignore the hacking of Burisma, not long before "Hunter's Laptop" appeared, or that Rudy Guiliani was hanging around with know Russian spies, and coming back from the Ukraine with affidavits from the corrupt prosecutor that Biden fired - a Russian plant sent by the Kremlin as part of their puppet Ukrainian government.

Personally I hope you have a big investigation of Hunter Biden because it's gonna all blow up in your face. Kicking Omar off the Foreign Affairs Committee and Schiff and Swalwell - another brilliant move. Keep it up. Pass the abortion ban. Call teachers "groomers" and do more to destroy the public education system. That\s what helped all these black people succeed - getting a good education.

The American people will reward you at the ballot box just like you deserve.
Who tampered with it?
Bring your evidence.
Take your "evidence supporting it" and shove it you know where.

I guess me keeping a ski mask at home is "evidence supporting" that I robbed a bank, it's just not SERIOUS evidence.

That's what we are talking about here - SERIOUS evidence Joe was involved in some sort of corruption. There was none of that on the laptop.
yes i get that you will ignore it.

it’s serious evidence you are ignoring…that’s why the xiden’s went to such great lengths to try and discredit it…going so far as to lie about it being russian disinformation
Hold those posters accountable who lied about the laptop, knowing it was real.

Their credibility should be considered in every post.

Not one of them will say, “Sorry guys, I got it wrong.”

They are just cult fuck liars.

Brainwashed cult fucks.

There was no proof of corruption on that laptop.

You are another one of those full of shit cult fucks.

Did you ever insist the laptop was fake?


Hey asshole, if it was Donald Trump Jr’s laptop, you sure as fuck would say “10% to the big guy” MEANT THE ORANGE MAN…GET FUCKED.
hahahah what? The first paragraph of your link says this "Senate Republicans released an interim report on Wednesday concluding that Hunter Biden's past work with Ukrainian gas company Burisma was "problematic" and "interfered" with the execution of U.S.-Ukraine policy, reupping similar claims about Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's son weeks out from the 2020" election.
This report not only details examples of extensive and complex financial transactions involving the Bidens, it also describes the quandary other U.S. governmental officials faced as they attempted to guide and support Ukraine's anti-corruption efforts," the report continues.

1) that probe was just about Ukraine
2) on what planet did you get they concluded there was nothing worth investigating from that?
Then why did the Senate not confer to DOJ?
Not everything. But then, I’m not the one making claims about what can’t be on it.
Considering the condition of the laptop you would not have been able to see anything since it had water dage.
These investigations keep becoming immortal with no charges.
given that xiden won the election and interfered, it’s not a surprise….now that the special prosecutor has been appointed you’ll see some traction…already we got hunter to admit the laptop is in fact real and his
given that xiden won the election and interfered, it’s not a surprise….now that the special prosecutor has been appointed you’ll see some traction…already we got hunter to admit the laptop is in fact real and his
He admitted it was his laptop to the National Enquirer?
I can remember a couplel

All of them.
They have pivoted from, it's not his and it's just Dick pics anyway to -
Yes it's Hunter's and the material is so damming that anyone who shared the info on it should face criminal charges.
That's a pretty hard pivot.
So that really was Hunter’s laptop?
yes read the link they made formal complaints

no you don’t get their names…they are protected under the Act

I read the link. There were no formal whistleblower complaints made. There's a process for filing whistleblower complaints and none have been filed. But I did find statement on Grassley Senate webpage:

"The legally protected disclosures to Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) suggest a political double standard has influenced and infected decisions in matters of paramount public interest."

Then when you add that to the Grassley interview where he says that he hasn't seen the documents, but his "investigative staff" told them all about them.

This is just the same bullshit that Republicans used to investigate the Clintons. They always had evidence, but they never ever show any of it, and when the investigation happens, there's no evidence and no crime. But just the fact that the Clintons were investigated 25+ times without finding a crime that they committed, doesn't stop you from saying that the Clintons are criminals.

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