who were the libs on this forum that said the hunter laptop was disinformation?

That saying the hard drive contained child pornography was disinformation. Those stories are probably what made the MSM keep the whole story at arms lengths so close to the election too.

Have you reviewed all the contents of the laptop? How do you know it isn't true?
I can remember a couplel


A whole bunch of dumbfucks on this board:

The FBI warned social media about Russian interference in our elections. They said nothing about Hunter Biden's laptop. Of course the fact that the laptop story came out a few weeks before the election is very curious and the fact that Giuliani who is aligned with Trump got the information is even more curious.

Joe Biden won as Hunter Biden was not on the ballot.

End of story.
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That's because the Russians hacked Burisma, in the Fall of 2019 to get REAL stuff to use to create the fake. The Biden family doesn't even acknowledge the laptop.

The FBI has the laptop. They know that Roody had the laptop.

They know that Roody was going around Europe trying to get shit on Biden and voila…. Some of that stuff ended up on that laptop.

So if the FBI says there was Russian garbage on it.. they probably know.

Sorry that Putin couldn’t help you out in 2020 like he did in 2016.

Sucks to be you . Stop whining
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Trump and Tulsi are Russian Agents.
The Laptop IS Russian Disinformation.

Because they took one look at the laptop, realized it was Russian disinformation, and tossed it.

The laptop was a bullshit Russian creation.

His "laptop from hell", is nothing more than a debunked Russian conspiracy theory.

The only thing we know is that some of the e-mails were genuine. The Russians hacked the DNC servers and put out fake information along with genuine information.

Congress in a bipartisan committee.
Before the election
The laptop is Russian Disinformation.

Clearly the Russians did have a hand in it. It was a amazing coincidence how the dealer just happened to look at the files just a few weeks before the election.

Your OP assumes that Russian agitprop was not part of what was on that laptop.

Its an active enough span to see that the laptop story is fabricated.

They weren't wrong. The laptop stinks of a Russia Disinformation plot.

The laptop was disinformation.

Yeah, you know when our entire intelligence aparatus says that Trump was not good for the country, they might actually be on to something.
what are you talking about? A Grand Jury was put in place and an investigation was on going before Xiden won, and put a stop to it. Now that the Special Prosecutor has been appointed to investigate the espinage racket the Xiden's were engaged in, Hunter got scared, and finally owned up to the laptop, and is striking back anyway he can.
Bullshit, the Senate GOP investigated Hunter and Joe in the summer of 2020 and found nothing worth pursuing.https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2020-09-23/senate-republicans-issue-findings-on-hunter-bidens-ukraine-work
Bullshit, the Senate GOP investigated Hunter and Joe in the summer of 2020 and found nothing worth pursuing.https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2020-09-23/senate-republicans-issue-findings-on-hunter-bidens-ukraine-work
hahahah what? The first paragraph of your link says this "Senate Republicans released an interim report on Wednesday concluding that Hunter Biden's past work with Ukrainian gas company Burisma was "problematic" and "interfered" with the execution of U.S.-Ukraine policy, reupping similar claims about Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's son weeks out from the 2020" election.
This report not only details examples of extensive and complex financial transactions involving the Bidens, it also describes the quandary other U.S. governmental officials faced as they attempted to guide and support Ukraine's anti-corruption efforts," the report continues.

1) that probe was just about Ukraine
2) on what planet did you get they concluded there was nothing worth investigating from that?
The FBI wouldn't.
If there boss, the Big Guy Joey Xiden told them to, they would

The senators wrote, “FBI officials initiated a scheme to downplay derogatory information on Hunter Biden for the purpose of shutting down investigative activity relating to his potential criminal exposure by labeling it ‘disinformation’” and “whistleblowers have also alleged that local FBI leadership instructed employees not to look at the Hunter Biden laptop immediately after the FBI had obtained it.

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