who will christians discriminate against once gays have equal rights?

To see if you would be honest in your answer. I got the answer I expected.


You got the answer that is the truth, you just can't see it. You want it to be that I went off on those guys.

I didn't.

Keep calling me a liar, Immie, you enjoy it so much.

Why not just ask and answer all your own questions. Try the empty chair technique. Put sky on the chair, let her have it, and then switch roles.

Why should I believe you when you say that I got the truthful answer? You have not been truthful in any of our discussions over the last few weeks.

My honest belief is that you are a liar and that you have literally lost it. I pity you. I hope there is someone with you to take care of you when you snap. Seek help, please.


That is your honest belief, and you're entitled to it. I see it differently.

I'm honest about how I feel. You don't like it. Too bad. Put me on ignore.
You aren't even admittting now, that you're angry.

Here's the truth. I don't care that I go ballistic on a message board. I feel passionately about some issues and I enjoy expressing myself.

I don't even know any of your names. We aren't "real" people to each other. We are not "real friends".

I do not blast anyone in RL with my anger. This is one of the most benign ways I've got to deal with my anger--fighting over politics.

You don't like it or you think it's hilarious? Fine. Enjoy yourself.

Why would I admit that I am angry when I am not?

I sitting here laughing at you. Last I heard, laughter was not a response to anger.


Yeah, right. You're laughing at me because you think you're so fucking superior. Nice.

Laughter is an inflammatory tactic in response to anger. I'm rather surprised you didn't know that. It's meant to belittle.
Laughter is an inflammatory tactic in response to anger. I'm rather surprised you didn't know that. It's meant to belittle.

Hmmm. I thought it was a natural and unremarkable response to complete ridiculousness.
Discriminate against those who use personal sexual proclivities as their social and public identifier.
Why would I admit that I am angry when I am not?

I sitting here laughing at you. Last I heard, laughter was not a response to anger.


Yeah, right. You're laughing at me because you think you're so fucking superior. Nice.

Laughter is an inflammatory tactic in response to anger. I'm rather surprised you didn't know that. It's meant to belittle.

Exactly and I was belittling her.

She's acting like a seven year old who doesn't get her way. She should be treated as one. Do you praise a seven year old that is throwing a temper tantrum or do you laugh at them? I don't know about you, but I laugh at them. They get over the temper tantrum faster that way when they think they are just making fools of themselves and no one is going to coddle them.

Laughter is an inflammatory tactic in response to anger. I'm rather surprised you didn't know that. It's meant to belittle.

Hmmm. I thought it was a natural and unremarkable response to complete ridiculousness.

Orly? So - why not just do it. Why tell her he's doing it.


Because she accused him of being angry, and he was responding to that allegation. Sky often misreads the emotional states of other posters. I suspect it is because her own emotional state is often in flux.
Hmmm. I thought it was a natural and unremarkable response to complete ridiculousness.

Orly? So - why not just do it. Why tell her he's doing it.


Because she accused him of being angry, and he was responding to that allegation. Sky often misreads the emotional states of other posters. I suspect it is because her own emotional state is often in flux.

Hehe, believe me, I don't have to tell people when I am angry. They can see it in my posts. I start lacing them with words I usually edit out or never even type in the first place and I also start typing like TDM, with every other word misspelled.

I don't lie,
Sounds like a whopper right there.

I'm not trying to drive anybody closer to god,
How Christian of you.

shut the fuck up.
How Christian of you. What a wonderfully Christian attitude and way to put things.

Yessiree, God won't have any issues w/you when you die.


And History is going to put you in the same trash heap as those who fought AGAINST the civil rights of blacks, of women, of other religions, of the disabled, of Native Americans.
I'm sorry but putting gays or "LGBTs" or whatever in the same group as those is ridiculous. Gays were never enslaved or slaughtered by the thousands (millions?), etc and so on. For all his rantings, WJ does have a point about the boo-hoo drama queen BS. Gays can't get married - in SOME states. The horror. Please.
I don't lie,
Sounds like a whopper right there.

I'm not trying to drive anybody closer to god,
How Christian of you.

shut the fuck up.
How Christian of you. What a wonderfully Christian attitude and way to put things.

Yessiree, God won't have any issues w/you when you die.


And History is going to put you in the same trash heap as those who fought AGAINST the civil rights of blacks, of women, of other religions, of the disabled, of Native Americans.
I'm sorry but putting gays or "LGBTs" or whatever in the same group as those is ridiculous. Gays were never enslaved or slaughtered by the thousands (millions?), etc and so on. For all his rantings, WJ does have a point about the boo-hoo drama queen BS. Gays can't get married - in SOME states. The horror. Please.

One does not have to be "enslaved" or "slaughtered by the millions" to be entitled to civil rights. Same with women, with the elderly, with the handicapped, with other religions...they too have not been "enslaved" or "slaughtered by the millions" and are just as entitled.
I don't lie,
Sounds like a whopper right there.

How Christian of you.

How Christian of you. What a wonderfully Christian attitude and way to put things.

Yessiree, God won't have any issues w/you when you die.


And History is going to put you in the same trash heap as those who fought AGAINST the civil rights of blacks, of women, of other religions, of the disabled, of Native Americans.
I'm sorry but putting gays or "LGBTs" or whatever in the same group as those is ridiculous. Gays were never enslaved or slaughtered by the thousands (millions?), etc and so on. For all his rantings, WJ does have a point about the boo-hoo drama queen BS. Gays can't get married - in SOME states. The horror. Please.

One does not have to be "enslaved" or "slaughtered by the millions" to be entitled to civil rights. Same with women, with the elderly, with the handicapped, with other religions...they too have not been "enslaved" or "slaughtered by the millions" and are just as entitled.
Hell, i'm still wondering how a 9 year old, two years ago is, suddenly taking a drivers exam....Care to explain?
wow. do those two always go at it like this?

But not in this country.

When "Christians" whine about being discriminated here what they are really talking about is they aren't allowed to use their religion as an excuse to act like obnoxious rude louts. Its only Fundamentalist Christians who have this complaint. People who have trouble with the idea of living in a country which is religiously pluralistic in nature. Respect for religious beliefs is a two way street. If you don't show an ounce of consideration for those of a religion besides your own, you won't get it back.

Most of Americans who identify with the faith of Christianity do not feel persecuted.

I don't lie,
Sounds like a whopper right there.

How Christian of you.

How Christian of you. What a wonderfully Christian attitude and way to put things.

Yessiree, God won't have any issues w/you when you die.


And History is going to put you in the same trash heap as those who fought AGAINST the civil rights of blacks, of women, of other religions, of the disabled, of Native Americans.
I'm sorry but putting gays or "LGBTs" or whatever in the same group as those is ridiculous. Gays were never enslaved or slaughtered by the thousands (millions?), etc and so on. For all his rantings, WJ does have a point about the boo-hoo drama queen BS. Gays can't get married - in SOME states. The horror. Please.

One does not have to be "enslaved" or "slaughtered by the millions" to be entitled to civil rights. Same with women, with the elderly, with the handicapped, with other religions...they too have not been "enslaved" or "slaughtered by the millions" and are just as entitled.

Most mind there business and go about there business and live there lives, and are happy. I dont except there life style, but I am fine with them as people. The gay folks I know are secure enough in who they are and how they live that they dont have to prove them selves in public and message boards. Amd they laugh at stuff like this

And History is going to put you in the same trash heap as those who fought AGAINST the civil rights of blacks, of women, of other religions, of the disabled, of Native Americans.

Thats just silly. There is no comparison at all.
Sounds like a whopper right there.

How Christian of you.

How Christian of you. What a wonderfully Christian attitude and way to put things.

Yessiree, God won't have any issues w/you when you die.


I'm sorry but putting gays or "LGBTs" or whatever in the same group as those is ridiculous. Gays were never enslaved or slaughtered by the thousands (millions?), etc and so on. For all his rantings, WJ does have a point about the boo-hoo drama queen BS. Gays can't get married - in SOME states. The horror. Please.

One does not have to be "enslaved" or "slaughtered by the millions" to be entitled to civil rights. Same with women, with the elderly, with the handicapped, with other religions...they too have not been "enslaved" or "slaughtered by the millions" and are just as entitled.

Most mind there business and go about there business and live there lives, and are happy. I dont except there life style, but I am fine with them as people. The gay folks I know are secure enough in who they are and how they live that they dont have to prove them selves in public and message boards. Amd they laugh at stuff like this

And History is going to put you in the same trash heap as those who fought AGAINST the civil rights of blacks, of women, of other religions, of the disabled, of Native Americans.

Thats just silly. There is no comparison at all.

Especially after she just said that there is no system sanctioned human rights abuses of gays in this country.

I also know gay people who would never make these ridiculous arguments, and who cringe when people like SD and bod flap their lips. Those two make the entire community look like retarded lunatics.
One does not have to be "enslaved" or "slaughtered by the millions" to be entitled to civil rights. Same with women, with the elderly, with the handicapped, with other religions...they too have not been "enslaved" or "slaughtered by the millions" and are just as entitled.
That is true, but simply states the obvious and still hardly justifies trying to equate the oppression the other groups I mentioned to the "oppression" of gays/etc.

Most mind there business and go about there business and live there lives, and are happy. I dont except there life style, but I am fine with them as people. The gay folks I know are secure enough in who they are and how they live that they dont have to prove them selves in public and message boards. Amd they laugh at stuff like this

And History is going to put you in the same trash heap as those who fought AGAINST the civil rights of blacks, of women, of other religions, of the disabled, of Native Americans.

Thats just silly. There is no comparison at all.
Especially after she just said that there is no system sanctioned human rights abuses of gays in this country.

I also know gay people who would never make these ridiculous arguments, and who cringe when people like SD and bod flap their lips. Those two make the entire community look like retarded lunatics.
Bingo! At least a few here understand; thank you.
One does not have to be "enslaved" or "slaughtered by the millions" to be entitled to civil rights. Same with women, with the elderly, with the handicapped, with other religions...they too have not been "enslaved" or "slaughtered by the millions" and are just as entitled.
That is true, but simply states the obvious and still hardly justifies trying to equate the oppression the other groups I mentioned to the "oppression" of gays/etc.

Most mind there business and go about there business and live there lives, and are happy. I dont except there life style, but I am fine with them as people. The gay folks I know are secure enough in who they are and how they live that they dont have to prove them selves in public and message boards. Amd they laugh at stuff like this

Thats just silly. There is no comparison at all.
Especially after she just said that there is no system sanctioned human rights abuses of gays in this country.

I also know gay people who would never make these ridiculous arguments, and who cringe when people like SD and bod flap their lips. Those two make the entire community look like retarded lunatics.
Bingo! At least a few here understand; thank you.

"I have lots of negro friends"
"I know many gay folks ,BUT"
Been there, lived during and grew up during those times and at age 57 know they are exactly THE SAME THING.
Well, DUH.
One does not have to be "enslaved" or "slaughtered by the millions" to be entitled to civil rights. Same with women, with the elderly, with the handicapped, with other religions...they too have not been "enslaved" or "slaughtered by the millions" and are just as entitled.

Most mind there business and go about there business and live there lives, and are happy. I dont except there life style, but I am fine with them as people. The gay folks I know are secure enough in who they are and how they live that they dont have to prove them selves in public and message boards. Amd they laugh at stuff like this

And History is going to put you in the same trash heap as those who fought AGAINST the civil rights of blacks, of women, of other religions, of the disabled, of Native Americans.

Thats just silly. There is no comparison at all.

Especially after she just said that there is no system sanctioned human rights abuses of gays in this country.

I also know gay people who would never make these ridiculous arguments, and who cringe when people like SD and bod flap their lips. Those two make the entire community look like retarded lunatics.

Of course we have heard the same kind of things from those against equal rights for women, for blacks, for hispanics, for native americans, for the handicapped, for other religions. There is nothing new under the sun when it comes to the excuses of those on the losing side of civil rights history.
One does not have to be "enslaved" or "slaughtered by the millions" to be entitled to civil rights. Same with women, with the elderly, with the handicapped, with other religions...they too have not been "enslaved" or "slaughtered by the millions" and are just as entitled.
That is true, but simply states the obvious and still hardly justifies trying to equate the oppression the other groups I mentioned to the "oppression" of gays/etc.

Especially after she just said that there is no system sanctioned human rights abuses of gays in this country.

I also know gay people who would never make these ridiculous arguments, and who cringe when people like SD and bod flap their lips. Those two make the entire community look like retarded lunatics.
Bingo! At least a few here understand; thank you.

"I have lots of negro friends"
"I know many gay folks ,BUT"
Been there, lived during and grew up during those times and at age 57 know they are exactly THE SAME THING.
Well, DUH.

One of my favorite repeated excuses is "if you just behave, you'll get your rights...when you make trouble, you just make your (fill in the blank) look bad."
I don't lie,
Sounds like a whopper right there.

I'm not trying to drive anybody closer to god,
How Christian of you.

shut the fuck up.
How Christian of you. What a wonderfully Christian attitude and way to put things.

Yessiree, God won't have any issues w/you when you die.


And History is going to put you in the same trash heap as those who fought AGAINST the civil rights of blacks, of women, of other religions, of the disabled, of Native Americans.
I'm sorry but putting gays or "LGBTs" or whatever in the same group as those is ridiculous. Gays were never enslaved or slaughtered by the thousands (millions?), etc and so on. For all his rantings, WJ does have a point about the boo-hoo drama queen BS. Gays can't get married - in SOME states. The horror. Please.

The way I see it is that the federal government has no business favoring one class of citizen over another. I am a Christian and homosexuality is a sin in my point of view. That being said, it is not up to politicians to favor my point of view over that of someone who sees things differently.

For a long time, I have said that the federal government should simply issue civil union contracts to all couples who want to live as a family whether straight or gay. Marriage is a rite of the church and should remain as such like baptism. Many churches will marry homosexual couples and they have every right to do so.

A marriage should offer no legal rights. A couple should only receive legal rights through the federal contract of civil unions. Spiritual rites or would that be rights, would be remain the realm of the church, synagogue, mosque, haven or what have you.


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