who will christians discriminate against once gays have equal rights?

I don't lie,
Sounds like a whopper right there.

How Christian of you.

How Christian of you. What a wonderfully Christian attitude and way to put things.

Yessiree, God won't have any issues w/you when you die.


And History is going to put you in the same trash heap as those who fought AGAINST the civil rights of blacks, of women, of other religions, of the disabled, of Native Americans.
I'm sorry but putting gays or "LGBTs" or whatever in the same group as those is ridiculous. Gays were never enslaved or slaughtered by the thousands (millions?), etc and so on. For all his rantings, WJ does have a point about the boo-hoo drama queen BS. Gays can't get married - in SOME states. The horror. Please.

The way I see it is that the federal government has no business favoring one class of citizen over another. I am a Christian and homosexuality is a sin in my point of view. That being said, it is not up to politicians to favor my point of view over that of someone who sees things differently.

For a long time, I have said that the federal government should simply issue civil union contracts to all couples who want to live as a family whether straight or gay. Marriage is a rite of the church and should remain as such like baptism. Many churches will marry homosexual couples and they have every right to do so.

A marriage should offer no legal rights. A couple should only receive legal rights through the federal contract of civil unions. Spiritual rites or would that be rights, would be remain the realm of the church, synagogue, mosque, haven or what have you.


So you oppose bans on gay marriage.
When gays will have equal rights than it will be the End of the West.
When gays will have equal rights than it will be the End of the West.

Oh, surely. And all the WASP men will have to gather up their women and establish a space community, so everything can be Biblical.
Sounds like a whopper right there.

How Christian of you.

How Christian of you. What a wonderfully Christian attitude and way to put things.

Yessiree, God won't have any issues w/you when you die.


I'm sorry but putting gays or "LGBTs" or whatever in the same group as those is ridiculous. Gays were never enslaved or slaughtered by the thousands (millions?), etc and so on. For all his rantings, WJ does have a point about the boo-hoo drama queen BS. Gays can't get married - in SOME states. The horror. Please.

The way I see it is that the federal government has no business favoring one class of citizen over another. I am a Christian and homosexuality is a sin in my point of view. That being said, it is not up to politicians to favor my point of view over that of someone who sees things differently.

For a long time, I have said that the federal government should simply issue civil union contracts to all couples who want to live as a family whether straight or gay. Marriage is a rite of the church and should remain as such like baptism. Many churches will marry homosexual couples and they have every right to do so.

A marriage should offer no legal rights. A couple should only receive legal rights through the federal contract of civil unions. Spiritual rites or would that be rights, would be remain the realm of the church, synagogue, mosque, haven or what have you.


So you oppose bans on gay marriage.

That is no ones business. Why would any one care ? I would never except but you may so why the hell does it matter ? Why do I have to except it ? I dont care what gays do, its there thing and its a free country, just dont tell me I have to except it.The government has bigger fish to fry. This is a state issue.
The way I see it is that the federal government has no business favoring one class of citizen over another. I am a Christian and homosexuality is a sin in my point of view. That being said, it is not up to politicians to favor my point of view over that of someone who sees things differently.

For a long time, I have said that the federal government should simply issue civil union contracts to all couples who want to live as a family whether straight or gay. Marriage is a rite of the church and should remain as such like baptism. Many churches will marry homosexual couples and they have every right to do so.

A marriage should offer no legal rights. A couple should only receive legal rights through the federal contract of civil unions. Spiritual rites or would that be rights, would be remain the realm of the church, synagogue, mosque, haven or what have you.


So you oppose bans on gay marriage.

That is no ones business. Why would any one care ? I would never except but you may so why the hell does it matter ? Why do I have to except it ? I dont care what gays do, its there thing and its a free country, just dont tell me I have to except it.The government has bigger fish to fry. This is a state issue.

I don't know whether Gadawg73 was asking me a question or making a statement.

The truth is that I don't support bans on gay marriage. A ban on gay marriage is nothing more than government intrusion into our lives; more nanny state politics.

If homosexuals are allowed to marry it will not affect me one way or another as long as they do not force my church to begin marrying them. At that point, I would start raising a stink. If my church chose to do so willingly that would not bother me, but they should not be allowed to force any church to bow to their will and so far, I do not believe that has happened.

Most mind there business and go about there business and live there lives, and are happy. I dont except there life style, but I am fine with them as people. The gay folks I know are secure enough in who they are and how they live that they dont have to prove them selves in public and message boards. Amd they laugh at stuff like this

Thats just silly. There is no comparison at all.

Especially after she just said that there is no system sanctioned human rights abuses of gays in this country.

I also know gay people who would never make these ridiculous arguments, and who cringe when people like SD and bod flap their lips. Those two make the entire community look like retarded lunatics.

Of course we have heard the same kind of things from those against equal rights for women, for blacks, for hispanics, for native americans, for the handicapped, for other religions. There is nothing new under the sun when it comes to the excuses of those on the losing side of civil rights history.

Gay right activist can make no comparison to any of those. Blacks paid there dues by in blood, and with myrtles. Hispanics dont face the same discrimination as blacks did and neither did women. And Native Americans fought the good fight and lost. Many tribes moved on, but the gay community can male no claim to ant similarity to that either.
So you oppose bans on gay marriage.

That is no ones business. Why would any one care ? I would never except but you may so why the hell does it matter ? Why do I have to except it ? I dont care what gays do, its there thing and its a free country, just dont tell me I have to except it.The government has bigger fish to fry. This is a state issue.

I don't know whether Gadawg73 was asking me a question or making a statement.

The truth is that I don't support bans on gay marriage. A ban on gay marriage is nothing more than government intrusion into our lives; more nanny state politics.

If homosexuals are allowed to marry it will not affect me one way or another as long as they do not force my church to begin marrying them. At that point, I would start raising a stink. If my church chose to do so willingly that would not bother me, but they should not be allowed to force any church to bow to their will and so far, I do not believe that has happened.


Believe me, no gay or lesbian wants to marry in YOUR church.
That is no ones business. Why would any one care ? I would never except but you may so why the hell does it matter ? Why do I have to except it ? I dont care what gays do, its there thing and its a free country, just dont tell me I have to except it.The government has bigger fish to fry. This is a state issue.

I don't know whether Gadawg73 was asking me a question or making a statement.

The truth is that I don't support bans on gay marriage. A ban on gay marriage is nothing more than government intrusion into our lives; more nanny state politics.

If homosexuals are allowed to marry it will not affect me one way or another as long as they do not force my church to begin marrying them. At that point, I would start raising a stink. If my church chose to do so willingly that would not bother me, but they should not be allowed to force any church to bow to their will and so far, I do not believe that has happened.


Believe me, no gay or lesbian wants to marry in YOUR church.

Well at least we don't hate people just because of who they are, like you.


Just cause Christians point out that homosexuality is sin does not mean they are discriminating against you. They are trying to save your F'in soul! If you cannot see that , you are F'in dense. They also try to save murderers, rapists, harlots, thieves and self serving bastards.
I don't know whether Gadawg73 was asking me a question or making a statement.

The truth is that I don't support bans on gay marriage. A ban on gay marriage is nothing more than government intrusion into our lives; more nanny state politics.

If homosexuals are allowed to marry it will not affect me one way or another as long as they do not force my church to begin marrying them. At that point, I would start raising a stink. If my church chose to do so willingly that would not bother me, but they should not be allowed to force any church to bow to their will and so far, I do not believe that has happened.


Believe me, no gay or lesbian wants to marry in YOUR church.

Well at least we don't hate people just because of who they are, like you.


Bullshit. I don't hate people because of who they are. I can't stand the Scott Lively's of the world. Yes, I hate Scott Lively and Martin Ssempa. The guy who lies and says gays caused the Holocaust, and the guy who's brought forth the "kill gays" bill.

You have nothing to worry about from me. No matter how much you put me down, I don't hate you.
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Just cause Christians point out that homosexuality is sin does not mean they are discriminating against you. They are trying to save your F'in soul! If you cannot see that , you are F'in dense. They also try to save murderers, rapists, harlots, thieves and self serving bastards.

Okay. That's the lamest post I've seen, possibly ever.

Do you know the verse about getting the log out of your own eye before you try to remove the splinter from another?

If they want to do good for this country, then can shut their 'effing' mouths on the GLBT front, and start praying. They can help feed the hungry, clothe the naked, minister to the hurting. There is a veritable SHIT TON of works they can do that don't involve judging and preaching.
So you oppose bans on gay marriage.

That is no ones business. Why would any one care ? I would never except but you may so why the hell does it matter ? Why do I have to except it ? I dont care what gays do, its there thing and its a free country, just dont tell me I have to except it.The government has bigger fish to fry. This is a state issue.

I don't know whether Gadawg73 was asking me a question or making a statement.

The truth is that I don't support bans on gay marriage. A ban on gay marriage is nothing more than government intrusion into our lives; more nanny state politics.

If homosexuals are allowed to marry it will not affect me one way or another as long as they do not force my church to begin marrying them. At that point, I would start raising a stink. If my church chose to do so willingly that would not bother me, but they should not be allowed to force any church to bow to their will and so far, I do not believe that has happened.

It's a states issue Immie. If a states VOTERS elect not to recognize gay marriage, then so be it......It's the VOTERS who decided, not the government......It comes down to being a question of morals. And these gays who run around around claiming they are on par with the black experience in this country, are friggin' lunatics to the core. Being born black is not immoral. Choosing to engage in sex with your own gender is.

And I'll say it again, if gays don't want to respect what the VOTERS decided, then they can move to a state who recognizes it, get married, and quit their damn bitching about it, and go on living in their twisted Ozzie and Ozzie, or Harriet and Harriet perverted lives.
That is no ones business. Why would any one care ? I would never except but you may so why the hell does it matter ? Why do I have to except it ? I dont care what gays do, its there thing and its a free country, just dont tell me I have to except it.The government has bigger fish to fry. This is a state issue.

I don't know whether Gadawg73 was asking me a question or making a statement.

The truth is that I don't support bans on gay marriage. A ban on gay marriage is nothing more than government intrusion into our lives; more nanny state politics.

If homosexuals are allowed to marry it will not affect me one way or another as long as they do not force my church to begin marrying them. At that point, I would start raising a stink. If my church chose to do so willingly that would not bother me, but they should not be allowed to force any church to bow to their will and so far, I do not believe that has happened.


Believe me, no gay or lesbian wants to marry in YOUR church.

Believe me, no gay or lesbian wants to marry in YOUR church.

Well at least we don't hate people just because of who they are, like you.


Bullshit. I don't hate people because of who they are. I can't stand the Scott Lively's of the world. Yes, I hate Scott Lively and Martin Ssempa. The guy who lies and says gays caused the Holocaust, and the guy who's brought forth the "kill gays" bill.

You have nothing to worry about from me. No matter how much you put me down, I don't hate you.

The vast majority of your posts are full of hatred of Christians and/or straight people. How can you expect us to believe this drivel?

Well at least we don't hate people just because of who they are, like you.


Bullshit. I don't hate people because of who they are. I can't stand the Scott Lively's of the world. Yes, I hate Scott Lively and Martin Ssempa. The guy who lies and says gays caused the Holocaust, and the guy who's brought forth the "kill gays" bill.

You have nothing to worry about from me. No matter how much you put me down, I don't hate you.

The vast majority of your posts are full of hatred of Christians and/or straight people. How can you expect us to believe this drivel?

Several times I've told you something true and close to my heart and you haven't believed it.

That's on you.
That is no ones business. Why would any one care ? I would never except but you may so why the hell does it matter ? Why do I have to except it ? I dont care what gays do, its there thing and its a free country, just dont tell me I have to except it.The government has bigger fish to fry. This is a state issue.

I don't know whether Gadawg73 was asking me a question or making a statement.

The truth is that I don't support bans on gay marriage. A ban on gay marriage is nothing more than government intrusion into our lives; more nanny state politics.

If homosexuals are allowed to marry it will not affect me one way or another as long as they do not force my church to begin marrying them. At that point, I would start raising a stink. If my church chose to do so willingly that would not bother me, but they should not be allowed to force any church to bow to their will and so far, I do not believe that has happened.

It's a states issue Immie. If a states VOTERS elect not to recognize gay marriage, then so be it......It's the VOTERS who decided, not the government......It comes down to being a question of morals. And these gays who run around around claiming they are on par with the black experience in this country, are friggin' lunatics to the core. Being born black is not immoral. Choosing to engage in sex with your own gender is.

And I'll say it again, if gays don't want to respect what the VOTERS decided, then they can move to a state who recognizes it, get married, and quit their damn bitching about it, and go on living in their twisted Ozzie and Ozzie, or Harriet and Harriet perverted lives.

I will say it again, I don't support the bans. Whether it is a state's issue or not, the government should not be choosing to support one class of people over another. And if it is a voter's issue, they (especially the ones that complain about big government) should not be supporting this either. Do you want a nanny state or do you want smaller/less intrusive governments?

And in this case, much like abortion, the Federal Government has usurped marriage law making this for the time being a government issue not a voter's issue.


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