who will christians discriminate against once gays have equal rights?

Because a book said so.

A 2000 year old book that says rape victims have to marry their rapists, that's a book I'd look to for guidance on what's perverted or not.................................

Ah. The 2,000 year old book that is just about false on everything.
True on everything. Sinners don't like the truth so calling it a lie is easy for them, they are the LIARS!!!
No one. Real Christians dont discriminate they show the love of our heavenly Father.

Anyone who hates and claims to be a Christian needs to check their faith and read their bible more.

I think the question needs to be asked as to which Christians are being discussed here. Because I believe when you look at the everyday Christians in this world, you will find very loving and generous people who are no more discriminatory than anyone else. On the other hand, if you are talking about the Religious Right Pharisees of the political world, then I would say the question has merit and I don't have an answer to it.

A 2000 year old book that says rape victims have to marry their rapists, that's a book I'd look to for guidance on what's perverted or not.................................

Ah. The 2,000 year old book that is just about false on everything.
True on everything. Sinners don't like the truth so calling it a lie is easy for them, they are the LIARS!!!
what is false about the bible ??and parts of it are nearly 4000 yrs old!!
Who said gays don't have equal rights? They have the same rights me and you do, other than marriage, since they are sinning against GOD.

Then don't let them marry in your church. As for civil law....it's not your call based on your religion and your god.
A 2000 year old book that says rape victims have to marry their rapists, that's a book I'd look to for guidance on what's perverted or not.................................

Ah. The 2,000 year old book that is just about false on everything.
True on everything. Sinners don't like the truth so calling it a lie is easy for them, they are the LIARS!!!

I find that people like you will lie at the drop of a hat if it serves your purpose....regardless of those commandments.
Provide a quote.

Deuteronomy 22:28-29 "If a man is caught in the act of raping a young..." NLT - Online Bible Study

28 "If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, 29 he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.

Actually a very effective way of preventing rape, I'd think.

I don't know about that. A guy sees a woman and falls in love with her, but she plays "hard to get" to long so he rapes her and forces her to marry him.

I know that is a sick way of thinking, but then isn't rape a sick thing to do?

Apologies to Dr. Drock. I noticed that he basically said the same thing later.

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And how is their lifestyle perverted? :eusa_think:
Lev. 20:13 "If man lays with man as a woman, they have done that which is detestable, by man they shall be put to death." The Word of God says it is detestable, that is where.

However, not all of us believe in your god. How about that?

Whether you believe in Him or not, He is there.

We didn't create Natural law. We just try to live by it because we know that living contrary to it produces unhappiness and bitterness.
True on everything. Sinners don't like the truth so calling it a lie is easy for them, they are the LIARS!!!

I find that people like you will lie at the drop of a hat if it serves your purpose....regardless of those commandments.
Oooooooooooh, the IRONY!


How so? How many lies were presented on behalf of Prop H8? That Prop H8 would protect children in school (Prop H8 has nothing to do with schools). That Prop H8 would protect children from hearing about gay marriage...as Prop H8 supporters dragged their children out to street corners to hold up signs supporting inequality under the law. That Prop H8 was not supported by outside money...as millions of dollars poured in from out of state Mormons and Catholics.

Pick your lie. There's lots to choose from from the so-called Moral Right.
Lev. 20:13 "If man lays with man as a woman, they have done that which is detestable, by man they shall be put to death." The Word of God says it is detestable, that is where.

However, not all of us believe in your god. How about that?

Whether you believe in Him or not, He is there.

We didn't create Natural law. We just try to live by it because we know that living contrary to it produces unhappiness and bitterness.

Fine for you....but our Nation's Laws are not to be formed based on YOUR religious beliefs.
As far as I know, Christians will still have Jews, Mormons, Muslims, Atheists and even fellow Christians of other denominations to hold grudges against, and try to implement discriminatory policies. There's plenty of targets for Christians to aim at, and, as far as I can see, some, (not all) Christians have no trouble whatsoever finding plenty of targets.
However, not all of us believe in your god. How about that?

Whether you believe in Him or not, He is there.

We didn't create Natural law. We just try to live by it because we know that living contrary to it produces unhappiness and bitterness.

Fine for you....but our Nation's Laws are not to be formed based on YOUR religious beliefs.
Our nations laws was based on Christian principals. I know the truth really gets under the skin of unAmericans, and that is a good thing, let it.
Whether you believe in Him or not, He is there.

We didn't create Natural law. We just try to live by it because we know that living contrary to it produces unhappiness and bitterness.

Fine for you....but our Nation's Laws are not to be formed based on YOUR religious beliefs.
Our nations laws was based on Christian principals. I know the truth really gets under the skin of unAmericans, and that is a good thing, let it.

Despite our 2nd president, and the entire group of senators during his presidency, signing a government treaty that specifically states the founding of our country has nothing to do with christianity.

Treaty of Tripoli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion,—

The past arguments have been, "well just because our founders said it had nothing to do with christianity doesn't mean it can't be formed on principles based on christianity."

That argument is always good for a laugh.

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