Who will the cons blame when Mexico and congress refuses to pay for the wall?

The US could easily have 'Mexico pay for the wall'.
- cut all 'foreign aid' payments to Mexico and use the money for the wall.
- Seize Mexico's monetary assets to pay for it all

The ability to do so - to build a wall - exists. The WILL to do so, so far, has NOT existed. We will see if that persists.

As you pointed out, Congress could prevent any of that from happening. If Congress prevents it from happening, it is obviously Congress' fault for blocking it, not Trump's.
Yeah, let's cut off that aid money we send to Mexico to fight the drug cartels.

Brilliant plan, retard.
You mean like fast and furious?
If you mean gun walking, it started with Operation Wide Receiver.

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia
TH3 WALL will cost $12 billion, at least. Probably closer to $25 billion.

We give Mexico about $50 million in aid each year.

So it will take at least 250 years to recoup the cost of TH3 WALL.

And of course, that is OUR money, not Mexico's. So we would still be the ones paying for it.

Brilliant plan.

---- That's not how it will work Snowflake [emoji300]️ But you keep on playing stuuuuupid.
Did you guys really believe the wall was going to get built? Where's the money coming from to pay to deport 11 million Mexicans? How is Trump going to cut taxes, and pay the half trillion dollar interest on the national debt? Where's he gonna get another trillion dollars for the military? Where you gonna get your food and clothes and everything else that comes from Mexico and China, when Trump starts his trade wars?

Are there any cons that can really answer these questions HONESTLY? Bet you can't.

Who will the left and news media credit if there is a wall built?
The US could easily have 'Mexico pay for the wall'.
- cut all 'foreign aid' payments to Mexico and use the money for the wall.
- Seize Mexico's monetary assets to pay for it all

The ability to do so - to build a wall - exists. The WILL to do so, so far, has NOT existed. We will see if that persists.

As you pointed out, Congress could prevent any of that from happening. If Congress prevents it from happening, it is obviously Congress' fault for blocking it, not Trump's.
Yeah, let's cut off that aid money we send to Mexico to fight the drug cartels.

Brilliant plan, retard.
You mean like fast and furious?
If you mean gun walking, it started with Operation Wide Receiver.
Wide receiver ended before Obama was president. Fast and furious is different. At least Bush put tracking devices in the guns.
The US could easily have 'Mexico pay for the wall'.
- cut all 'foreign aid' payments to Mexico and use the money for the wall.
- Seize Mexico's monetary assets to pay for it all

The ability to do so - to build a wall - exists. The WILL to do so, so far, has NOT existed. We will see if that persists.

As you pointed out, Congress could prevent any of that from happening. If Congress prevents it from happening, it is obviously Congress' fault for blocking it, not Trump's.
Yeah, let's cut off that aid money we send to Mexico to fight the drug cartels.

Brilliant plan, retard.
You mean like fast and furious?
If you mean gun walking, it started with Operation Wide Receiver.

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia

I know about Operation Wide Receiver, I also know it failed, and was stopped in 2007.

The fact the Obama Administration modified it and resurrected it as Fast and Furious is one of the biggest mistakes of his tenure.
Why is Mexico supposed to pay for all of it when only half of illegal immigrants are coming from Mexico? Typical Trump intelligentsia.

Mexicans made up 52% of all unauthorized immigrants in 2014, though their numbers had been declining in recent years. There were 5.8 million Mexican unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S. that year, down from 6.4 million in 2009, according to the latest Pew Research Center estimates. Meanwhile, the number of unauthorized immigrants from nations other than Mexico grew by 325,000 since 2009, to an estimated 5.3 million in 2014. Populations went up most for unauthorized immigrants from Asia and Central America, but the number also ticked up for those from sub-Saharan Africa. Increases in the number of unauthorized immigrants from other countries mostly offset the decline in the number from Mexico.
5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.
Why is Mexico supposed to pay for all of it when only half of illegal immigrants are coming from Mexico? Typical Trump intelligentsia.

Mexicans made up 52% of all unauthorized immigrants in 2014, though their numbers had been declining in recent years. There were 5.8 million Mexican unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S. that year, down from 6.4 million in 2009, according to the latest Pew Research Center estimates. Meanwhile, the number of unauthorized immigrants from nations other than Mexico grew by 325,000 since 2009, to an estimated 5.3 million in 2014. Populations went up most for unauthorized immigrants from Asia and Central America, but the number also ticked up for those from sub-Saharan Africa. Increases in the number of unauthorized immigrants from other countries mostly offset the decline in the number from Mexico.
5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.
Make sub saharan africa pay for the wall!... or something
Did you guys really believe the wall was going to get built? Where's the money coming from to pay to deport 11 million Mexicans? How is Trump going to cut taxes, and pay the half trillion dollar interest on the national debt? Where's he gonna get another trillion dollars for the military? Where you gonna get your food and clothes and everything else that comes from Mexico and China, when Trump starts his trade wars?

Are there any cons that can really answer these questions HONESTLY? Bet you can't.
If they don't make a real effort those Congressmen and women, the majority of which are Republicans, will find their asses looking for another job after the next election cycle. Illegal immigration is a serious issue for most US citizens. If Trump does what he promises and gets more companies back from overseas that's more people working and paying taxes.
Arrest all illegal aliens and sentence them, along with illegal aliens already in custody, to hard labor building the wall. Tax all Mexican goods. Use all money and property seized from drug runners and coyotes to pay for US citizen supervisors and security. After the illegals finish the wall sell them to Muslims as slaves.
Were we to nuke Mexico, it would solve the issue. We also have a stockpile of old nukes that we need to use and build some fresher, more potent nukes.
Where's the money coming from to pay to deport 11 million Mexicans?

No deportation needed.

Declare all illegals persona non grata, economically punish Sanctuary cities, cut off all benefits, change the law referencing education of illegals, restrict all but emergency medical care, strongly enforce E-verify with expensive fines or imprisonment for violations, and prohibit housing and property rental/ownership to illegals, just for starters.

They'll go home. I sure would.
Did you guys really believe the wall was going to get built? Where's the money coming from to pay to deport 11 million Mexicans? How is Trump going to cut taxes, and pay the half trillion dollar interest on the national debt? Where's he gonna get another trillion dollars for the military? Where you gonna get your food and clothes and everything else that comes from Mexico and China, when Trump starts his trade wars?

Are there any cons that can really answer these questions HONESTLY? Bet you can't.

Ooooooooooooooooooo, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - tough challenge, but let me try:

Did you guys really believe the wall was going to get built? Not especially, but I wouldn't be surprised if some wall is built. Personally I think satellites, electronics, helicopters, dogs and machine guns are a better idea for most of the area.

Where's the money coming from to pay to deport 11 million Mexicans? This might come as a shock, but federal taxes. Crazy I know, but the government taxes people and companies in the form of current assets (e.g., cash). Do a cost benefit analysis and it's probably cheaper to deport rather than keep them. Where did you come up with 11 million? Are there any libs that can really answer this question HONESTLY? Bet you can't.

How is Trump going to cut taxes: I believe congress has to do that.

and pay the half trillion dollar interest on the national debt? I realize it's Trump's fault we're in debt 20 trillion. Other than that, couldn't tell you, but he will add to the GDP.

Where's he gonna get another trillion dollars for the military? Remember the part about federal taxes? He can also cut entitlements. For example, your monthly welfare check.

Where you gonna get your food and clothes and everything else that comes from Mexico and China. Online and at the store.
Arrest all illegal aliens and sentence them, along with illegal aliens already in custody, to hard labor building the wall. Tax all Mexican goods. Use all money and property seized from drug runners and coyotes to pay for US citizen supervisors and security. After the illegals finish the wall sell them to Muslims as slaves.

Put Sheriff Joe in charge?
All the money they confiscate on drug raids would make a nice dent in the cost of the wall.
The US could easily have 'Mexico pay for the wall'.
- cut all 'foreign aid' payments to Mexico and use the money for the wall.
- Seize Mexico's monetary assets to pay for it all

The ability to do so - to build a wall - exists. The WILL to do so, so far, has NOT existed. We will see if that persists.

As you pointed out, Congress could prevent any of that from happening. If Congress prevents it from happening, it is obviously Congress' fault for blocking it, not Trump's.
Yeah, let's cut off that aid money we send to Mexico to fight the drug cartels.

Brilliant plan, retard.

Is it impossible for the average person to buy drugs? Is it even difficult? The answer to both questions has to be no. So sending money to fight the cartels has a minimal impact. One could argue the impact is insignificant. They arrest El Chapo, and the drugs keep going through Mexico.

The only thing that seems to be happening is an escalation of the types of weapons and the amount of fighting and deaths. No impact in the drug war seems to be a result we can point to.

We moved Sudafed behind the counter to cut Crystal Meth. The result has been a thousand percent increase in the availability of Crystal Meth. Crystal Meth Availability

Oh well we meant well and even if it hasn't worked the way we wanted and has in fact made it worse we are going to stay the course because we are morons.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
The US could easily have 'Mexico pay for the wall'.
- cut all 'foreign aid' payments to Mexico and use the money for the wall.
- Seize Mexico's monetary assets to pay for it all

The ability to do so - to build a wall - exists. The WILL to do so, so far, has NOT existed. We will see if that persists.

As you pointed out, Congress could prevent any of that from happening. If Congress prevents it from happening, it is obviously Congress' fault for blocking it, not Trump's.
Yeah, let's cut off that aid money we send to Mexico to fight the drug cartels.

Brilliant plan, retard.
You mean like fast and furious?
If you mean gun walking, it started with Operation Wide Receiver.
Wide receiver ended before Obama was president. Fast and furious is different. At least Bush put tracking devices in the guns.
The guns in Wide Receiver were lost, dummy. They were given to the drug cartels and never seen again.

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