Who will Trump pick as his running mate

Who will Trump pick as his VP?

  • Nikki Haley

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Tim Scott

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Kristi Noem

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Kari Lake

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • Vivek Ramaswamy

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • Nancy Mace

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Winsome Sears

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Other - who?

    Votes: 4 16.7%

  • Total voters
Ramaswamy seems like a good choice.

RFK jr would be very interesting

Anyway, our economy is horrible, and the way Biden supporters react to it is based on not caring about their fellow man, or maybe living in a cave…where they simply don’t understand The average price of a home is astronomical. It is making the blood boil of Americans across the country, black and white who want to be able to get the American dream.
Ramaswamy seems like a good choice.

RFK jr would be very interesting

Anyway, our economy is horrible, and the way Biden supporters react to it is based on not caring about their fellow man, or maybe living in a cave…where they simply don’t understand The average price of a home is astronomical. It is making the blood boil of Americans across the country, black and white who want to be able to get the American dream.
Exactly. When Trump was president, houses were going for a buck apiece and now look at it, right?
Exactly. When Trump was president, houses were going for a buck apiece and now look at it, right?
Under Trump the average price of a home was $200,000. Under Biden the average price of a home is $400,000. Biden Equity policies and bad energy policies have not helped.
Under Trump the average price of a home was $200,000. Under Biden the average price of a home is $400,000. Biden Equity policies and bad energy policies have not helped.
Really? House prices has doubled in 3 years? Prove it using reliable sources. Go
Really? House prices has doubled in 3 years? Prove it using reliable sources. Go
it’s been posted tons of times on the message board.

The number may have been slightly off, the average price of a home under Trump was 250,000 edit is now 400,000 under Biden. So I stand corrected on that, but this is of course, and astronomical difference. But there are areas throughout the country were homes have doubled in price or more.

If you live in America, you can simply take a look around you and see the astronomical rise of homes an across the country. It certainly does make the blood boil of people in the middle class. This is shocking my friend. It’s brutal and it is unacceptable in America.

How do you couple that with high mortgage rates and you have a serious problem

It goes back to the original point Americans, who still support Bidens economic policies either live in a cave or could care less about Americans who can’t buy a house bc of price

It’s one thing to perhaps agree with Joel bidens equity policies. If you wanna support BLM go ahead and do that. It’s a different story to attempt to support Joe Biden’s economy and clean. He’s doing a great thing with the economy. This is a brutal country for many Americans were stuck in tiny apartments or having to live with their parents.

If you want to dismiss this post with a three or forward response or one or two sentence response that’s up to you, but that is considered trolling. If you want to dismiss the sources it’s up to you that’s considered trolling the better question is what country are you living in? Literally all you have to do is look at the price of homes on Zillow, go take a trip around your neighborhood and look at the price of homes. This is common sense stuff.

More than 60% of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck, with no savings for an emergency. Take-home pay after inflation and taxes has fallen 9% since Biden took office.

Under the Biden administration, the price of an average home has risen from $250,000 to around $400,000, and mortgage rates have more than doubled. Rents have followed the trend, putting more and more people on the edge of catastrophe.

But we can turn it around. Being able to afford a decent life doesn’t mean working more hours. It means higher pay and lower bills. Here is what Bobby Kennedy will do to make that a reality.

  1. Raise the minimum wage to $15, which is the equivalent to its 1967 level .
  2. Prosecute union-busting corporations so that labor can organize and negotiate fair wages.
  3. Expand free childcare to millions of families with programs like that pioneered by the state of New Mexico.
  4. Drop housing costs by $1000 per family and make home ownership affordable by backing 3% home mortgages with tax-free bonds.
  5. Cut energy prices by restricting natural gas exports.
  6. Support small businesses by redirecting regulatory scrutiny onto large corporations.
  7. Secure the border and bring illegal immigration to a halt, so that undocumented migrants won’t undercut wages.
  8. Negotiate trade deals that prevent low-wage countries from competing with American workers in a “race to the bottom.”
  9. Rein in military spending and use the resources to fund infrastructure, health care, higher education, child care, and domestic prosperity.
  10. Reverse the chronic disease epidemic that is a $3.7 trillion drag on families and the American economy.
  11. Clean out the corruption in Washington, D.C., which funnels so much of our nation’s wealth to giant corporations and billionaires.
  12. Establish addiction healing centers on organic farms across the country.
  13. Make student debt dischargeable in bankruptcy and cut interest rates on student loans to zero.
  14. Cut drug costs by half to bring them in line with other nations.
People always ask, “How are we going to pay for all this?” The answer is simple. First is to end the military adventures and regime-change wars, like the one in Ukraine. The wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Libya already cost us over $8 trillion. That’s $90,000 per family of four.

How about Hulk Hogan? The Hulkster likes Trump, and Trump- thankfully- is a Hulkamaniac.

Getting someone outside of the political realm would really be a point of positivity for the Trump campaign and give people a lot of confidence.

Further, Hogan delivers a tremendous speech.

That’s not as crazy an idea with Trump as it would be with another candidate. Trump does get a lot of points from his supporters for his ‘outsider’ status. Picking someone with no real political past would play to his base.
Sure, someone like Ramaswamy is much more likely for a non-politician choice, but Hogan would be a much more fun VP pick. 😁

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