Who will voters blame if we default?

They'll blame this moron....

Not according to ALL the polls. The Republicans started it. The created a crisis when there was none.

Can you read polls?
We know who the media will blame.

However, your question is falsely predicated. Failing to raise the debt ceiling will not put us in default. We could pay our debts without borrowing money.

If you think the voters wont hold Democrats as accountable as they would Republicans, you are living in a fantasy world.

Which, sadly you may be.
Obama's a Failed Leader who went nuclear on our Seniors. He's a one termer and will take half the remaining Dems down with him
* yawn *

It's time we stopped voting for well labeled groups and get back to some of that rugged individualism that We, The People are so famous for.

That is, unless 21st century Americans want to go down in a history that follows the asinine lead established in the first decade.

My current bet is long in the market that Earth is going to make it and America will have been a good choice to sow my wild oats, but this isn't politics.... this is recess, complete with bullies.
kind of a diluted question. that all depends on WHICH voters you ask. Believe it or not, there are still some koolaid drinking obama-maniacs out there who haven't been deprogrammed.
Obama's a Failed Leader who went nuclear on our Seniors. He's a one termer and will take half the remaining Dems down with him

Unfortunately that's not true because the right wing social mantra is just as able to be sold all wrapped up in scary political paper too, and someone will vote against an R just as surely as you'll vote against every D you can, voting in the negative and keeping our political discussion polarized from the top.

Our politics has become a profitable industry because congress took a power that the constitution never gave them: The power to tax me differently from you.

Simple taxes = Fair taxes.

Fair taxes. Budget balanced by law.

Google Search: US Tax Code Law

:dunno: Why does it have to be rocket science?
They'll blame this moron....


John Boehner could have used one tonight. THAT is the leader of your party?

All I want to know is............DID BOEHNER CRY? :eusa_boohoo:

No, I give the guy credit for that;

Unlike many here, he obviously believes his own bullshit and when you are doing that, you take it personally when someone stands counter to your arguments.

He put in his "old sayings" and rhetoric and I think most Americans saw right through it; he's an empty suit but, again, in his defense, the tea party has hijacked the GOP and he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. He and the President are almost on the same side in this fight.

Sometime this week, Boehner will have to crack some heads in his own caucus or at least try to.
Obama's a Failed Leader who went nuclear on our Seniors. He's a one termer and will take half the remaining Dems down with him

Unfortunately that's not true because the right wing social mantra is just as able to be sold all wrapped up in scary political paper too, and someone will vote against an R just as surely as you'll vote against every D you can, voting in the negative and keeping our political discussion polarized from the top.

Our politics has become a profitable industry because congress took a power that the constitution never gave them: The power to tax me differently from you.

Simple taxes = Fair taxes.

Fair taxes. Budget balanced by law.

Google Search: US Tax Code Law

:dunno: Why does it have to be rocket science?

It doesn't.
The GOP is playing a very dangerous game.

Not only has the House failed to abide by its constitutionally mandated responsibility to address issues concerning revenue and spending, but this insane, partisan game of ‘chicken’ has imperiled the entire Nation.

why haven't the dimocrats even done a budget in over 800 days,, why did obie doodle get voted down 97-0? why do you assholes hate America so much?
John Boehner could have used one tonight. THAT is the leader of your party?

All I want to know is............DID BOEHNER CRY? :eusa_boohoo:

No, I give the guy credit for that;

Unlike many here, he obviously believes his own bullshit and when you are doing that, you take it personally when someone stands counter to your arguments.

He put in his "old sayings" and rhetoric and I think most Americans saw right through it; he's an empty suit but, again, in his defense, the tea party has hijacked the GOP and he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. He and the President are almost on the same side in this fight.

Sometime this week, Boehner will have to crack some heads in his own caucus or at least try to.

He won't be damned if he grows a set and LEADS. None of them will. Not by the voters at least.

Fuck the lobbyists and the press.

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