Who Will Win Tonight?

Who will win the 2010 Super Bowl?

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OK, off to my Super Bowl Party! I hope someone starts a Colts/Saints game thread so I can read it tomorrow!



Have fun!!!
I'm pulling for the Saints. I really would like to see them take their first today. But in reality, I think the Colts are the better team.

I just hope its a good game.
Colts will win, didn't that gorilla predict it? I'll go with that gorilla. LMAO
Saints, hopefully. I want Manning to cry some Tebow tears.
I have not studied either team. Which has the hottest players? This is vital to decide who I'm supporting. I'm actually watching it now but I will have to go to bed soon. Its just one of the downsides (and there are many) of living in the UK..... Damned time difference.
Don't care - as long as my box in the pool has the final numbers...
Sean Peyton pulled a successful Belichick with that onside kick.

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