Who Would Have Thought, Tea Party Folks Don't Back Republicans

yes they are !!! you have but to look at the nationwide townhall meetings this past summer.

I'm on the IL Coalition Committee and those examples are not mainstream of the attendees. However wouldn't be surprised that you'd hand with the like. More likely a right wing group from ID or somewhere like that.

examples???? your joking

You show the worst behavior from people pretending to be protesting government at tea parties. You are advocating and trying to co-opt decent people trying to get decent government. Indeed you used racist, fascist type signs and call those the 'main.' They were not and are not. Those people are as welcomed and ignored as those from the left that also try and use your tactics to co-opt.
I'm on the IL Coalition Committee and those examples are not mainstream of the attendees. However wouldn't be surprised that you'd hand with the like. More likely a right wing group from ID or somewhere like that.

examples???? your joking

You show the worst behavior from people pretending to be protesting government at tea parties. You are advocating and trying to co-opt decent people trying to get decent government. Indeed you used racist, fascist type signs and call those the 'main.' They were not and are not. Those people are as welcomed and ignored as those from the left that also try and use your tactics to co-opt.

pretending to be protesting government ???? I attended 3 townhall meetings and got my licks in !!!
I'm on the IL Coalition Committee and those examples are not mainstream of the attendees. However wouldn't be surprised that you'd hand with the like. More likely a right wing group from ID or somewhere like that.

examples???? your joking

You show the worst behavior from people pretending to be protesting government at tea parties. You are advocating and trying to co-opt decent people trying to get decent government. Indeed you used racist, fascist type signs and call those the 'main.' They were not and are not. Those people are as welcomed and ignored as those from the left that also try and use your tactics to co-opt.

Certainly some people try to create the illusion that their views are widely held by latching onto things like this and pretending that everybody there shares their views.

But I'm wondering, when was that Dick Armey and FreedomWorks started scheduling Tea Parties? When did Fox news start promoting them?
If this truly is a movement for fiscal conservatism, it is truly a shame to have the credibility suffer so much due to the hyper-partisans and wackos.
I'm on the IL Coalition Committee and those examples are not mainstream of the attendees. However wouldn't be surprised that you'd hand with the like. More likely a right wing group from ID or somewhere like that.

examples???? your joking

You show the worst behavior from people pretending to be protesting government at tea parties. You are advocating and trying to co-opt decent people trying to get decent government. Indeed you used racist, fascist type signs and call those the 'main.' They were not and are not. Those people are as welcomed and ignored as those from the left that also try and use your tactics to co-opt.

Absolutely bang on.

I found the media coverage of the protests really disappointing. On one side, we had Fox who over blew the positives and were pointedly biased on the 'anti Obama' message. On the other, we had the likes of MSNBC allowing commentators to call them all racists, anti-American, etc without any challenge or counter view.

All in all, it is no wonder that anyone who has not attended a TEA party believes that they are a bunch of whackjobs or that there were hardly any attendees at all.

Neither is the truth. I'm disappointed that not one of the US media chose to just present the facts and allow their viewers to judge for themselves.
examples???? your joking

You show the worst behavior from people pretending to be protesting government at tea parties. You are advocating and trying to co-opt decent people trying to get decent government. Indeed you used racist, fascist type signs and call those the 'main.' They were not and are not. Those people are as welcomed and ignored as those from the left that also try and use your tactics to co-opt.

Certainly some people try to create the illusion that their views are widely held by latching onto things like this and pretending that everybody there shares their views.

But I'm wondering, when was that Dick Armey and FreedomWorks started scheduling Tea Parties? When did Fox news start promoting them?
If this truly is a movement for fiscal conservatism, it is truly a shame to have the credibility suffer so much due to the hyper-partisans and wackos.

Actually, if you go to the Tea Party sites, you'll find post after post asking for the leadership to do what possible to prevent politicians of any hue, from co-opting. Both Gingrich and Armey were cited most often. Indeed one of them said they were going to speak at one gathering, they were 'welcomed' and told to listen. Happens repeatedly, both Dems and Reps.

This is where 'independents' and many libertarians are ending up. As noted elsewhere, there really is no moderates any longer in either party.
Poll: Conservatives Most Dominant Political Group Among Americans
Forty percent of Americans surveyed described their political ideology as conservative, while 36 percent said their views were moderate and 20 percent said liberal, according to a Gallup poll released Monday.


Those involved with tea parties are not exclusively conservative. Many are liberals, but in classical sense. There are few of 'your kind' of conservatives, thank the lord!
Poll: Conservatives Most Dominant Political Group Among Americans
Forty percent of Americans surveyed described their political ideology as conservative, while 36 percent said their views were moderate and 20 percent said liberal, according to a Gallup poll released Monday.


Those involved with tea parties are not exclusively conservative. Many are liberals, but in classical sense. There are few of 'your kind' of conservatives, thank the lord!

and thank the lord even more fewer of you !!!
It is no longer democrat vs. Republican

It is conserative vs. Liberal.

Conservatives are tired of rinos

And where do moderates fit into this equation?

We are the shocker that elects non-incumbent, non party people in 2010 and 2012....or so I hope :)

From a pratical standpoint I see a lot more hope in electing moderates who are affiliated with a political party - unfortunately.

I just think the established political parties have so many entrenched advantages. I think it's a shame, but since they are the ones making all the rules, I think they've tilted the playing field in such a way that folks who don't carry their badge of approval find it darn near impossible. I would love to five or six really strong parties and campaign finance rules that give an independent a real shot too.

But the folks writing the laws don't have much incentive to let that happen.

I think it's going to take a split - maybe a hefty chunk of the right splintering off of the Republicans or the Blue Dogs splintering off of the Democrats - to get the ball rolling.
The Tea Party movement was, and is, very real - and it represents millions across the nation.

And if this economy does not begin to improve - namely job creation, more and more will join the Tea Party ranks...
We need Representatives that recognize Individual Right and Equal Justice under Law, Not Representatives that are stuck on Entitlements, buying and selling their positions.
Poll: Conservatives Most Dominant Political Group Among Americans
Forty percent of Americans surveyed described their political ideology as conservative, while 36 percent said their views were moderate and 20 percent said liberal, according to a Gallup poll released Monday.


Lots of people call themselves conservatives who aren't conservative.
The Tea Party movement was, and is, very real - and it represents millions across the nation.

And if this economy does not begin to improve - namely job creation, more and more will join the Tea Party ranks...

I think that remains to be seen. Let's see what happens when Tea Party supports someone OTHER than a Republican.
Without Armey and FreedomWorks and Fox News scheduling, organizing, publicizing, promoting .....
We'll see whose really left when the astroturf is cleared away. I'm guessing it will be the same folks who were attending during the Bush administration. Maybe the hoopla will attract some more who are truly backing fiscal responsibility rather than Obama smearfests - but we'll see I guess.
Poll: Conservatives Most Dominant Political Group Among Americans
Forty percent of Americans surveyed described their political ideology as conservative, while 36 percent said their views were moderate and 20 percent said liberal, according to a Gallup poll released Monday.


Lots of people call themselves conservatives who aren't conservative.

I'm looking at a few definitions of Conservative that I see as shallow and false. I do like the Mark Levin perspective that would build on and amend rather than discard completely.

When seeking resolution, determining relevance and weight, considering options before making a choice.

The wisdom of Life Experience and the experience of others.

Qualifying and Justifying Action before taking it.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1qdNhqiUzM]YouTube - 9-12 Tea Party Protest in Washington DC - STOP out-of-control spending[/ame]
The Tea Party movement was, and is, very real - and it represents millions across the nation.

And if this economy does not begin to improve - namely job creation, more and more will join the Tea Party ranks...

bingo. but Osama calls us thugs, gangs. Pelosi says WE are Nazi's. that's a first in america's history

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