Who Would Have Thought, Tea Party Folks Don't Back Republicans

A quick suggestion for the Teabaggers

Forget the Republican party!!! The Libertarian party is your true home. You are not conservatives, but strong willed Libertarians.

Stop trying to take back the Republican party.. The Republican party was never yours in the first place. In fact, the Republican party was the main home for North Eastern liberals before FDR!!

have attended two tea parties, they represent a large group of dems, repubs, independents, the ONE COMMON GROUND IS THAT THEY ARE ALL FISCAL CONSERVATIVES.
Yeah, I heard you claim this before - however - in those tea parties you attended you OBVIOUSLY didn't encounter anyone who is moderate to progressive on social, environmental, and foreign policy issues - because when you heard me espouse those views you said you don't believe that I'm REALLY fiscally conservative. Why? Could it be because you really HAVEN'T encountered such view points at the tea partys?

I support a womans right to choose even though I feel abortion and the death penalty are almost always the wrong choice.

I think pollution is bad and applaud all attempts to reduce it for the sake of less pollution (unlike cap and trade which is a giant kickback to democrat corporate sponsors)

And most of us at the tea parties are anti-war, like the libertarians we find war to be a waste unless it is absolutely necessary to protect our national sovergnty.

We are a big tent.

Nodoginafight next time a tea party is remotely close to you swing by and mingle into the crowd, you really need to see it first hand to understand as the the liberal media and fox news both have misrepresented the spirit of the parties to fit their own agendas.

I actually got into a small disagreement at the last one I went to becuase a lady had an anti-abortion sign, i told her it was innapropriate for the spirit of the event....she didn't like me saying that but I told her not all of us there feel that way and the gatherings are about the corruption and lack of financial dicipline in washington.

I am actually anti-abortion (not for religious reasons but because I believe a fetus is a human being who deserves protection under our legal system) but Maple and what I've seen makes me believe that "my ilk" are not welcome there. And if Santorum and Palin are the standard bearers - I'm certain I can't be a part.

But if I get an opportunity, I'll try to see for myself - I think that's a pretty sound policy anyway.
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A quick suggestion for the Teabaggers

Forget the Republican party!!! The Libertarian party is your true home. You are not conservatives, but strong willed Libertarians.

Stop trying to take back the Republican party.. The Republican party was never yours in the first place. In fact, the Republican party was the main home for North Eastern liberals before FDR!!

Yeah, I heard you claim this before - however - in those tea parties you attended you OBVIOUSLY didn't encounter anyone who is moderate to progressive on social, environmental, and foreign policy issues - because when you heard me espouse those views you said you don't believe that I'm REALLY fiscally conservative. Why? Could it be because you really HAVEN'T encountered such view points at the tea partys?

I support a womans right to choose even though I feel abortion and the death penalty are almost always the wrong choice.

I think pollution is bad and applaud all attempts to reduce it for the sake of less pollution (unlike cap and trade which is a giant kickback to democrat corporate sponsors)

And most of us at the tea parties are anti-war, like the libertarians we find war to be a waste unless it is absolutely necessary to protect our national sovergnty.

We are a big tent.

Nodoginafight next time a tea party is remotely close to you swing by and mingle into the crowd, you really need to see it first hand to understand as the the liberal media and fox news both have misrepresented the spirit of the parties to fit their own agendas.

I actually got into a small disagreement at the last one I went to becuase a lady had an anti-abortion sign, i told her it was innapropriate for the spirit of the event....she didn't like me saying that but I told her not all of us there feel that way and the gatherings are about the corruption and lack of financial dicipline in washington.

I am actually anti-abortion (not for religious reasons but because I believe a fetus is a humnan being who deserves protection under our legal system) but Maple and what I've seen makes me believe that "my ilk" are not welcome there. And if Santorum and Palin are the standard bearers - I'm certain I can't be a part.

Well I live in a very liberal state (MA) so my experience may be different than others but everyone who is against corruption and defecit spending are welcome :).

And i too feel that about abortion, but it is the law that a woman may have one and as an american I have to respect that.
and that was addressing another point
you really are fucked in the head

That was the ONLY point tech and I were discussing - when you stuck your little lying nose in univited with your embarassing "update" of numbers Tech admitted that he made up.


btw - I am deleting your little vulgar private messages unread.
you were the vulgar one asshole
you got it back
put me on ignore if you cant handle the truth you fucking moronic pussy
I support a womans right to choose even though I feel abortion and the death penalty are almost always the wrong choice.

I think pollution is bad and applaud all attempts to reduce it for the sake of less pollution (unlike cap and trade which is a giant kickback to democrat corporate sponsors)

And most of us at the tea parties are anti-war, like the libertarians we find war to be a waste unless it is absolutely necessary to protect our national sovergnty.

We are a big tent.

Nodoginafight next time a tea party is remotely close to you swing by and mingle into the crowd, you really need to see it first hand to understand as the the liberal media and fox news both have misrepresented the spirit of the parties to fit their own agendas.

I actually got into a small disagreement at the last one I went to becuase a lady had an anti-abortion sign, i told her it was innapropriate for the spirit of the event....she didn't like me saying that but I told her not all of us there feel that way and the gatherings are about the corruption and lack of financial dicipline in washington.

I am actually anti-abortion (not for religious reasons but because I believe a fetus is a humnan being who deserves protection under our legal system) but Maple and what I've seen makes me believe that "my ilk" are not welcome there. And if Santorum and Palin are the standard bearers - I'm certain I can't be a part.

Well I live in a very liberal state (MA) so my experience may be different than others but everyone who is against corruption and defecit spending are welcome :).

And i too feel that about abortion, but it is the law that a woman may have one and as an american I have to respect that.

Oh yeah, I agree that abortions are legal and that has to be respected. But I can try to get enough people to agree with me to try and get the law changed. But I also respect that women are saddled unequally by the biological realities and I can understand why some would resent that. But we Can't change that.

And I understand that in more progressive states the Tea Party crowds are probably a lot different than in conservative states. Where I live, I have no doubt that I'd be surrounded by a lot of folks who hold views that are far to the right of my own - other than a few exceptions.

I'd also like to see the movement shed the GOP operatives like Armey who are just trying to use the movement for partisan gain rather than for the greater good of our nation.

But I am sincerely concerned about the deficit. It's just that the Blue Dog Democrats seem to share my view on that and come closer to reflecting my views on the majority of other issues as well. But I do welcome lots of attention on the deficit from ALL OVER the political spectrum.
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I am actually anti-abortion (not for religious reasons but because I believe a fetus is a humnan being who deserves protection under our legal system) but Maple and what I've seen makes me believe that "my ilk" are not welcome there. And if Santorum and Palin are the standard bearers - I'm certain I can't be a part.

Well I live in a very liberal state (MA) so my experience may be different than others but everyone who is against corruption and defecit spending are welcome :).

And i too feel that about abortion, but it is the law that a woman may have one and as an american I have to respect that.

Oh yeah, I agree that abortions are legal and that has to be respected. But I can try to get enough people to agree with me to try and get the law changed. But I also respect that women are saddled unequally by the biological realities and I can understand why some would resent that. But we Can't change that.

And I understand that in more progressive states the Tea Party crowds are probably a lot different than in conservative states. Where I live, I have no doubt that I'd be surrounded by a lot of folks who hold views that are far to the right of my own - other than a few exceptions.

I'd also like to see the movement shed the GOP operatives like Armey who are just trying to use the movement for partisan gain rather than for the greater good of our nation.

But I am sincerely concerned about the deficit. It's just that the Blue Dog Democrats seem to share my view on that and come closer to reflecting my views on the majority of other issues as well. But I do welcome lots of attention on the deficit from ALL OVER the political spectrum.

If you lean towards the blue dogs, you will find you have much in common with the TEA party protesters.
Well I live in a very liberal state (MA) so my experience may be different than others but everyone who is against corruption and defecit spending are welcome :).

And i too feel that about abortion, but it is the law that a woman may have one and as an american I have to respect that.

Oh yeah, I agree that abortions are legal and that has to be respected. But I can try to get enough people to agree with me to try and get the law changed. But I also respect that women are saddled unequally by the biological realities and I can understand why some would resent that. But we Can't change that.

And I understand that in more progressive states the Tea Party crowds are probably a lot different than in conservative states. Where I live, I have no doubt that I'd be surrounded by a lot of folks who hold views that are far to the right of my own - other than a few exceptions.

I'd also like to see the movement shed the GOP operatives like Armey who are just trying to use the movement for partisan gain rather than for the greater good of our nation.

But I am sincerely concerned about the deficit. It's just that the Blue Dog Democrats seem to share my view on that and come closer to reflecting my views on the majority of other issues as well. But I do welcome lots of attention on the deficit from ALL OVER the political spectrum.

If you lean towards the blue dogs, you will find you have much in common with the TEA party protesters.

There seem to be some common threads. However, there seem to be some significant differences as well. But maybe a coalition on deficit and spending issues is in order.
now what was the topic here????






now if you'll excuse me i have to go to the bathroom and take an Obama
Oh yeah, I agree that abortions are legal and that has to be respected. But I can try to get enough people to agree with me to try and get the law changed. But I also respect that women are saddled unequally by the biological realities and I can understand why some would resent that. But we Can't change that.

And I understand that in more progressive states the Tea Party crowds are probably a lot different than in conservative states. Where I live, I have no doubt that I'd be surrounded by a lot of folks who hold views that are far to the right of my own - other than a few exceptions.

I'd also like to see the movement shed the GOP operatives like Armey who are just trying to use the movement for partisan gain rather than for the greater good of our nation.

But I am sincerely concerned about the deficit. It's just that the Blue Dog Democrats seem to share my view on that and come closer to reflecting my views on the majority of other issues as well. But I do welcome lots of attention on the deficit from ALL OVER the political spectrum.

If you lean towards the blue dogs, you will find you have much in common with the TEA party protesters.

There seem to be some common threads. However, there seem to be some significant differences as well. But maybe a coalition on deficit and spending issues is in order.

No one controls who attends the TEA parties. People relate to the protests for a huge variety of reasons, hence the variety of posters about everything and anything. But the focus is about the deficit, out of control spending and big government.

I can understand why some people find it hard to understand what it is all about - because there is no 'one message'. The overall message is that some Americans are tired of corruption, waste and out of control government. We are not used to seeing ordinary Americans raising their voices - we are used to seeing the likes of single message protests.... This is not a single message protest.
This is not a single message protest.
And therein lies the problem with MY participation. I'm not going to align myself with folks like those in Namvet's posted photos. I'm also not going to align myself with Dick Armey and FreedomWorks.

But if some of those same folks can work together constructively with those who hold more moderate views in order to push for fiscal responsibility then that would be a plus.
This is not a single message protest.
And therein lies the problem with MY participation. I'm not going to align myself with folks like those in Namvet's posted photos. I'm also not going to align myself with Dick Armey and FreedomWorks.

But if some of those same folks can work together constructively with those who hold more moderate views in order to push for fiscal responsibility then that would be a plus.

There are always going to be idiots in any protest. Also, the left did show up as part of the protests with contraversial signs deliberately to make the protests look illegitimate. That was organized by very charming groups such as ACORN and the SEIU. So appearances can be deceptive. I guess that they went to such lengths means that they are worried about the protestors.
those people in the photos are mainsteam America. labeled by Osama as thugs, Nazi's, mobs. what was the last admin that called its own people this???? uh huh
those people in the photos are mainsteam America. labeled by Osama as thugs, Nazi's, mobs. what was the last admin that called its own people this???? uh huh

No they are not.
I've seen no evidence to suggest the radical wackos were actually plants, or to suggest that "Obama is the anti-christ" is a mainstream-America viewpoint.

But I have seen evidence to suggest that Armey, Murdock, et al. are doing their best to use the "movement" as a partisan hammer to beat the current administration over the head with.

These things - as well as the absence of Tea Parties during GOP administrations that grew the deficit at alarming rates - seem to support the notion of an astroturfed, partisan attack job.

I have no doubt that some are genuinely drawn because of deficit/spending issues. But it will be interesting to see how many people show up (and who shows up) once the wackos and manipulators lose interest.
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I've seen no evidence to suggest the radical wackos were actually plants, or to suggest that "Obama is the anti-christ" is a mainstream-America viewpoint.

But I have seen evidence to suggest that Armey, Murdock, et al. are doing their best to use the "movement" as a partisan hammer to beat the current administration over the head with.

These things - as well as the absence of Tea Parties during GOP administrations that grew the deficit at alarming rates - seem to support the notion of an astroturfed, partisan attack job.

I have no doubt that some are genuinely drawn because of deficit/spending issues. But it will be interesting to see how many people show up (and who shows up) once the wackos and manipulators lose interest.

Have you read the book 'Rules for Radicals' by Saul Alinsky? If not, I suggest you do so. The TEA Party actually started during the Bush Admin. Admittedly, it was small and was mainly Independent and Democrats. LOL. Many of them voted Obama.

The problem that exists now is that there is so much misinformation - much of it deliberate (again, refer to Rules for Radicals and other such books on how to subvert protests etc) and some of it just idiots with too much time, photoshop and internet access. If you look hard enough, you will find images that have been doctored to make them look racist, or stupid (bad spelling, etc).

You also won't find any press coverage about ACORN or the SEIU getting people out to 'hide' among the protestors. The whole point of such plans is not to be obvious - they're hardly going to put out a press release announcing it. You have to dig for this stuff - and you have to be prepared to view things with sceptism. Things are not always how they appear.

Damn, I sound like a conspiracy theorist!! LOL. Which is, of course, exactly what they know will happen. Anyone who says these things looks like a nutjob. But that doesn't mean I'm wrong.
I've seen no evidence to suggest the radical wackos were actually plants, or to suggest that "Obama is the anti-christ" is a mainstream-America viewpoint.

But I have seen evidence to suggest that Armey, Murdock, et al. are doing their best to use the "movement" as a partisan hammer to beat the current administration over the head with.

These things - as well as the absence of Tea Parties during GOP administrations that grew the deficit at alarming rates - seem to support the notion of an astroturfed, partisan attack job.

I have no doubt that some are genuinely drawn because of deficit/spending issues. But it will be interesting to see how many people show up (and who shows up) once the wackos and manipulators lose interest.

Have you read the book 'Rules for Radicals' by Saul Alinsky? If not, I suggest you do so. The TEA Party actually started during the Bush Admin. Admittedly, it was small and was mainly Independent and Democrats. LOL. Many of them voted Obama.

The problem that exists now is that there is so much misinformation - much of it deliberate (again, refer to Rules for Radicals and other such books on how to subvert protests etc) and some of it just idiots with too much time, photoshop and internet access. If you look hard enough, you will find images that have been doctored to make them look racist, or stupid (bad spelling, etc).

You also won't find any press coverage about ACORN or the SEIU getting people out to 'hide' among the protestors. The whole point of such plans is not to be obvious - they're hardly going to put out a press release announcing it. You have to dig for this stuff - and you have to be prepared to view things with sceptism. Things are not always how they appear.

Damn, I sound like a conspiracy theorist!! LOL. Which is, of course, exactly what they know will happen. Anyone who says these things looks like a nutjob. But that doesn't mean I'm wrong.

I will agree that misinformation is abundant.
those people in the photos are mainsteam America. labeled by Osama as thugs, Nazi's, mobs. what was the last admin that called its own people this???? uh huh

No they are not.

yes they are !!! you have but to look at the nationwide townhall meetings this past summer.

I'm on the IL Coalition Committee and those examples are not mainstream of the attendees. However wouldn't be surprised that you'd hand with the like. More likely a right wing group from ID or somewhere like that.
No they are not.

yes they are !!! you have but to look at the nationwide townhall meetings this past summer.

I'm on the IL Coalition Committee and those examples are not mainstream of the attendees. However wouldn't be surprised that you'd hand with the like. More likely a right wing group from ID or somewhere like that.

examples???? your joking
It is no longer democrat vs. Republican

It is conserative vs. Liberal.

Conservatives are tired of rinos

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