Who Would Have Thought, Tea Party Folks Don't Back Republicans

actually, thats changing
last i saw it was about 38% dem 27% gop and 35% "other*"

*Libertarian, Green, Constitutional, etc

That's all ANYONE was ever discussing - INCLUDING YOU!
Now pi$$ off and stop sending me vulgar private messages.
who the fuck is "ted"
and i was talking about the NATIONWIDE breakdown just as the post i was responding to was

you need a class in reading comprehension, and seek out professional help for that pathological lying you do
great news, the nuts leave the republican party(basically splitting it in half) and with the republican base divided the better the chance for a win by the good guys(democrats)

Only a complete fucking numpty would see any political party as the 'good guys'. One bunch of corrupt fucking idiots is as bad an another bunch of corrupt fucking idiots. Until the terminally stupid recognize that simple truth, we are destined to be governed by idiots.

go numpty yourself.
A quick suggestion for the Teabaggers

Forget the Republican party!!! The Libertarian party is your true home. You are not conservatives, but strong willed Libertarians.

Stop trying to take back the Republican party.. The Republican party was never yours in the first place. In fact, the Republican party was the main home for North Eastern liberals before FDR!!
Tell you what - I'll give you an out. You and I had been discussing the party identifications among tea party attendees. That's not in question.

Tech (my bad - NOT Ted) and I continued that discussion - that's not in any doubt either.

But I will believe you that you were not purposely lying - only mind bogglingly stupid - and really did completely change the subject to start talking about overall political identification (even though no one else - including you - were talking in those terms previously) IF you can produce the source of the numbers you quoted.

If you can't - then WHAT you were lying about could conceivably be up to debate (if you agree that you really are just that stupid) but IF you were lying is absolutely put to rest.
Let's see if the Teabag 'steeping' in NY will throw the election to the Dem. That would be interesting. If it did happen, all the more reason for rational Republicans to drum irrational far right wing reactionaries out of the party.
A quick suggestion for the Teabaggers

Forget the Republican party!!! The Libertarian party is your true home. You are not conservatives, but strong willed Libertarians.

Stop trying to take back the Republican party.. The Republican party was never yours in the first place. In fact, the Republican party was the main home for North Eastern liberals before FDR!!

Are you kidding me? We dont want anything to do with the corrupt republicans, they dont even represent their own conservative constituants anymore.

And the dems, well i just can't decide which party is the biggest hypocritical joke.

If we could only get an average working american the exposure needed to run for office 99% of us teabaggers would vote for them.

instead we have to be content with our little protests dropping our nuts on the foreheads of the corrupt washington jerks we have now.
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Because The Democrats are Running the show right now, and the effect of the Tea Parties hurts them more directly.

Apparently the tea partites are a much bigger threat to the GOP right now. They are not threatening to splinter support away from the Democratic Party.

This is surprising to me in that I always assumed that the Democratic Party - being the more diverse of the two main parties - would be the first to crack and splinter. It still remains to be seen if this fracture will really happen, but it is interesting.
i guess you missed that there are DEMOCRATS in these things as well

And you are STILL trying to claim that you weren't discussing the political affiliations of tea party attendees????????
You are truly pathetic -
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I think Lindsey Graham and John McCain are Poster Boy Democrats. Claim them already, so we can change the sheets and move on!!!!! :eusa_wall: :eusa_wall: :eusa_wall: :eusa_wall: :eusa_wall:
The conservative movement is just starting and it's going to take this country to new ground. Sarah Palin and Rick Santorim not backing GOP candidate in New York and are throwing their support to a new guy who is conservative.

Palin Endorses Conservative Party Candidate in New York House Race - Washington Wire - WSJ

This is what I have been telling you guys, I have attended two tea parties, they represent a large group of dems, repubs, independents, the ONE COMMON GROUND IS THAT THEY ARE ALL FISCAL CONSERVATIVES.
A quick suggestion for the Teabaggers

Forget the Republican party!!! The Libertarian party is your true home. You are not conservatives, but strong willed Libertarians.

Stop trying to take back the Republican party.. The Republican party was never yours in the first place. In fact, the Republican party was the main home for North Eastern liberals before FDR!!

Are you kidding me? We dont want anything to do with the corrupt republicans, they dont even represent their own conservative constituants anymore.

And the dems, well i just can't decide which party is the biggest hypocritical joke.

If we could only get an average working american the exposure needed to run for office 99% of us teabaggers would vote for them.

instead we have to be content with our little protests dropping our nuts on the foreheads of the corrupt washington jerks we have now.

I will agree to the point that IF the more leftish elements of the Democratic Party ostracize the Blue Dog Democrats who have consistently championed Pay-Go and fiscal responsibility - I think the Dems will find themselves in the exact same boat.

BUT - Moderates from BOTH elements of the parties are NOT GOING to accept the radical right's social, environmental, and foreign policy positions.
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A quick suggestion for the Teabaggers

Forget the Republican party!!! The Libertarian party is your true home. You are not conservatives, but strong willed Libertarians.

Stop trying to take back the Republican party.. The Republican party was never yours in the first place. In fact, the Republican party was the main home for North Eastern liberals before FDR!!

Are you kidding me? We dont want anything to do with the corrupt republicans, they dont even represent their own conservative constituants anymore.

And the dems, well i just can't decide which party is the biggest hypocritical joke.

If we could only get an average working american the exposure needed to run for office 99% of us teabaggers would vote for them.

instead we have to be content with our little protests dropping our nuts on the foreheads of the corrupt washington jerks we have now.

I agree, and I think we will see some very new and fresh faces. Personally, I am sick and tired of a bunch of lawyers who can't get jobs go into politics and stay there for the rest of their lives. Most have never worked a 40 hour work week, never met a payroll, never owned a small business, never did anything but be in politics. Then we sit around and wonder why they are so out of touch with mainstream Americans. We might as well have Hollywood leading this country. I don't think that they could possibly do any worse than is already being done.

Things are going to change, Sarah, Rick Santorum realize it now, they will only gain support and that support will come from the majority of Americans. America is still center, right, and these two speak to fiscal conservatism.
have attended two tea parties, they represent a large group of dems, repubs, independents, the ONE COMMON GROUND IS THAT THEY ARE ALL FISCAL CONSERVATIVES.
Yeah, I heard you claim this before - however - in those tea parties you attended you OBVIOUSLY didn't encounter anyone who is moderate to progressive on social, environmental, and foreign policy issues - because when you heard me espouse those views you said you don't believe that I'm REALLY fiscally conservative. Why? Could it be because you really HAVEN'T encountered such view points at the tea partys?
Apparently the tea partites are a much bigger threat to the GOP right now. They are not threatening to splinter support away from the Democratic Party.

This is surprising to me in that I always assumed that the Democratic Party - being the more diverse of the two main parties - would be the first to crack and splinter. It still remains to be seen if this fracture will really happen, but it is interesting.
i guess you missed that there are DEMOCRATS in these things as well

And you are STILL trying to claim that you weren't discussing the political affiliations of tea party attendees????????
You are truly pathetic -
you are a fucking IDIOT

the post of Tech's that i addressed was talking about the national breakdown of party identification
what you and he might have been discussing either before or after that had NOTHING to do with what i posted

you continue to go off on your tangent attack on me and making yourself look like a fucking IDIOT
i guess you missed that there are DEMOCRATS in these things as well

And you are STILL trying to claim that you weren't discussing the political affiliations of tea party attendees????????
You are truly pathetic -
the post of Tech's that i addressed was talking about the national breakdown of party identification
what you and he might have been discussing either before or after that had NOTHING to do with what i posted

i guess you missed that there are DEMOCRATS in these things as well

Rick Santorum and Sarah Palin represent such radical right social, environmental, and foreign policy positions - that moderates from BOTH parties reject them - no matter WHAT the stance on fiscal responsibility is.
the post of Tech's that i addressed was talking about the national breakdown of party identification
what you and he might have been discussing either before or after that had NOTHING to do with what i posted

Tech's post (that you were responding to) was a discussion among him and me! If you did not intend to comment on OUR discussion, - why did you quote it? It was PART of OUR discussion that had absolutely nothing to do with you. WE understood what we were talking about. You can try to excuse yourself with stupidity by claiming YOU weren't aware of what Tech and I were discussing - you pathetic little insect.

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A quick suggestion for the Teabaggers

Forget the Republican party!!! The Libertarian party is your true home. You are not conservatives, but strong willed Libertarians.

Stop trying to take back the Republican party.. The Republican party was never yours in the first place. In fact, the Republican party was the main home for North Eastern liberals before FDR!!

have attended two tea parties, they represent a large group of dems, repubs, independents, the ONE COMMON GROUND IS THAT THEY ARE ALL FISCAL CONSERVATIVES.
Yeah, I heard you claim this before - however - in those tea parties you attended you OBVIOUSLY didn't encounter anyone who is moderate to progressive on social, environmental, and foreign policy issues - because when you heard me espouse those views you said you don't believe that I'm REALLY fiscally conservative. Why? Could it be because you really HAVEN'T encountered such view points at the tea partys?

I support a womans right to choose even though I feel abortion and the death penalty are almost always the wrong choice.

I think pollution is bad and applaud all attempts to reduce it for the sake of less pollution (unlike cap and trade which is a giant kickback to democrat corporate sponsors)

And most of us at the tea parties are anti-war, like the libertarians we find war to be a waste unless it is absolutely necessary to protect our national sovergnty.

We are a big tent.

Nodoginafight next time a tea party is remotely close to you swing by and mingle into the crowd, you really need to see it first hand to understand as the the liberal media and fox news both have misrepresented the spirit of the parties to fit their own agendas.

I actually got into a small disagreement at the last one I went to becuase a lady had an anti-abortion sign, i told her it was innapropriate for the spirit of the event....she didn't like me saying that but I told her not all of us there feel that way and the gatherings are about the corruption and lack of financial dicipline in washington.
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And you are STILL trying to claim that you weren't discussing the political affiliations of tea party attendees????????
You are truly pathetic -
the post of Tech's that i addressed was talking about the national breakdown of party identification
what you and he might have been discussing either before or after that had NOTHING to do with what i posted

i guess you missed that there are DEMOCRATS in these things as well

and that was addressing another point
you really are fucked in the head
the post of Tech's that i addressed was talking about the national breakdown of party identification
what you and he might have been discussing either before or after that had NOTHING to do with what i posted

i guess you missed that there are DEMOCRATS in these things as well

and that was addressing another point
you really are fucked in the head

That was the ONLY point tech and I were discussing - when you stuck your little lying nose in univited with your embarassing "update" of numbers Tech admitted that he made up.


btw - I am deleting your little vulgar private messages unread.

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