Who Would Have Thought, Tea Party Folks Don't Back Republicans

How many ways can one say, 'told you so?'

Tea partiers turn on GOP leadership - Yahoo! News

Tea partiers turn on GOP leadership

Alex Isenstadt
Sun Oct 11, 8:00 am ET

While the energy of the anti-tax and anti-Big Government tea party movement may yet haunt Democrats in 2010, the first order of business appears to be remaking the Republican Party.

Whether it’s the loose confederation of Washington-oriented groups that have played an organizational role or the state-level activists who are channeling grass-roots anger into action back home, tea party forces are confronting the Republican establishment by backing insurgent conservatives and generating their own candidates — even if it means taking on GOP incumbents.

“We will be a headache for anyone who believes the Constitution of the United States … isn’t to be protected,” said Dick Armey, chairman of the anti-tax and limited government advocacy group FreedomWorks, which helped plan and promote the tea parties, town hall protests and the September ‘Taxpayer March’ in Washington. “If you can’t take it seriously, we will look for places of other employment for you.”

“We’re not a partisan organization, and I think many Republicans are disappointed we are not,” added Armey, a former GOP congressman...

have a tray of brownies and a quart of milk....you'll feel better about yourself in the morning.
Did anyone seriously ever think that the Tea Party people backed the Republicans?

All serious people did and still do. Notice at all the these "attacks on Republicans" being made by the teabaggers are because they're "not conservative enough". That's the same line of criticism the GOP used on McCain.
I saw two tea party folks interviewed today. One of them said Palin would be a great president, and mentioned DeMint. I do hope the tea baggers take over the GOP.
Did anyone seriously ever think that the Tea Party people backed the Republicans?

All serious people did and still do. Notice at all the these "attacks on Republicans" being made by the teabaggers are because they're "not conservative enough". That's the same line of criticism the GOP used on McCain.

By serious people you mean liberals right? I can't seem to wrap my head around the idea that a Republican backed, Republican sponsored group would go around attacking Republicans.
Did anyone seriously ever think that the Tea Party people backed the Republicans?

All serious people did and still do. Notice at all the these "attacks on Republicans" being made by the teabaggers are because they're "not conservative enough". That's the same line of criticism the GOP used on McCain.

By serious people you mean liberals right? I can't seem to wrap my head around the idea that a Republican backed, Republican sponsored group would go around attacking Republicans.

why not... it is just an effort on the part of the republican base to purge its ranks of those who are not pure ande totally committed to the cause.
I support the Republic, I support The Constitution, and want to repair the damage, and fortify, and further develop. That must make me wacko!!!!!!!! Life, Liberty, Property, The Pursuit Of Happiness!!!! How extreme and Crazy, and Threatening that must seem to the poor Totalitarians.
All serious people did and still do. Notice at all the these "attacks on Republicans" being made by the teabaggers are because they're "not conservative enough". That's the same line of criticism the GOP used on McCain.

By serious people you mean liberals right? I can't seem to wrap my head around the idea that a Republican backed, Republican sponsored group would go around attacking Republicans.

why not... it is just an effort on the part of the republican base to purge its ranks of those who are not pure ande totally committed to the cause.

I think it's mostly a matter of how you put it. The tea party people probably almost all voted for McCain or a 3rd party conservative in the last election. But, they are fed up with not being represented. McCain is a damned moderate, probably slightly left of center, and Bush wasn't much further to the right than McCain. The entire Republican party hasn't actually done what their platform calls for in a long time, they've been halfway to the Democrats, really both parties have moved left quite a bit. This is a grassroots effort to protest issues. It has been about issues, not parties. Recently, they have gotten involved to some degree in party politics with the idea of nominating people to run against Republicans in the primaries which is certainly a push to move the Republican Party back to the right and towards the parties own platform.
By serious people you mean liberals right? I can't seem to wrap my head around the idea that a Republican backed, Republican sponsored group would go around attacking Republicans.

why not... it is just an effort on the part of the republican base to purge its ranks of those who are not pure ande totally committed to the cause.

I think it's mostly a matter of how you put it. The tea party people probably almost all voted for McCain or a 3rd party conservative in the last election. But, they are fed up with not being represented. McCain is a damned moderate, probably slightly left of center, and Bush wasn't much further to the right than McCain. The entire Republican party hasn't actually done what their platform calls for in a long time, they've been halfway to the Democrats, really both parties have moved left quite a bit. This is a grassroots effort to protest issues. It has been about issues, not parties. Recently, they have gotten involved to some degree in party politics with the idea of nominating people to run against Republicans in the primaries which is certainly a push to move the Republican Party back to the right and towards the parties own platform.

Getting close. :):):)
Did anyone seriously ever think that the Tea Party people backed the Republicans?

All serious people did and still do. Notice at all the these "attacks on Republicans" being made by the teabaggers are because they're "not conservative enough". That's the same line of criticism the GOP used on McCain.

Exactly, and that's exactly the reason McCain lost, he did not inspire the fiscal conservatives in this country, I voted for Sarah, not McCain. Keep in mind that only 53% of Americans voted for Obama, that's hardly a landslide. Had there been a fiscally conservative candidate in there from the get go, they could have possibly won the Presidency. Why the GOP ever got behind McCain still baffles me, it was a very stupid mistake, especially considering that the GOP lost the house and the senate because they strayed from their fiscally conservative values. You would have thought that they learned something from that experience, but they didn't.:cuckoo:
Did anyone seriously ever think that the Tea Party people backed the Republicans?

All serious people did and still do. Notice at all the these "attacks on Republicans" being made by the teabaggers are because they're "not conservative enough". That's the same line of criticism the GOP used on McCain.

Exactly, and that's exactly the reason McCain lost, he did not inspire the fiscal conservatives in this country, I voted for Sarah, not McCain. Keep in mind that only 53% of Americans voted for Obama, that's hardly a landslide. Had there been a fiscally conservative candidate in there from the get go, they could have possibly won the Presidency. Why the GOP ever got behind McCain still baffles me, it was a very stupid mistake, especially considering that the GOP lost the house and the senate because they strayed from their fiscally conservative values. You would have thought that they learned something from that experience, but they didn't.:cuckoo:

I don't think the GOP ever got behind McCain, he shot himself in the foot every time he opened his mouth. That he has always done well. The combined Media Efforts aligned with infiltrators got him the nomination. Did he carry a single state that got him nominated in the general Election?
Did anyone seriously ever think that the Tea Party people backed the Republicans?

All serious people did and still do. Notice at all the these "attacks on Republicans" being made by the teabaggers are because they're "not conservative enough". That's the same line of criticism the GOP used on McCain.

By serious people you mean liberals right? I can't seem to wrap my head around the idea that a Republican backed, Republican sponsored group would go around attacking Republicans.

You would if you understood how movement politics work.
Did anyone seriously ever think that the Tea Party people backed the Republicans?

All serious people did and still do. Notice at all the these "attacks on Republicans" being made by the teabaggers are because they're "not conservative enough". That's the same line of criticism the GOP used on McCain.

Exactly, and that's exactly the reason McCain lost, he did not inspire the fiscal conservatives in this country, I voted for Sarah, not McCain. Keep in mind that only 53% of Americans voted for Obama, that's hardly a landslide. Had there been a fiscally conservative candidate in there from the get go, they could have possibly won the Presidency. Why the GOP ever got behind McCain still baffles me, it was a very stupid mistake, especially considering that the GOP lost the house and the senate because they strayed from their fiscally conservative values. You would have thought that they learned something from that experience, but they didn't.:cuckoo:

I have to laugh when you guys say "see, 53%, such a close race" after trumpting a mandate for your policies four years ago when your guy got 51%.
All serious people did and still do. Notice at all the these "attacks on Republicans" being made by the teabaggers are because they're "not conservative enough". That's the same line of criticism the GOP used on McCain.

Exactly, and that's exactly the reason McCain lost, he did not inspire the fiscal conservatives in this country, I voted for Sarah, not McCain. Keep in mind that only 53% of Americans voted for Obama, that's hardly a landslide. Had there been a fiscally conservative candidate in there from the get go, they could have possibly won the Presidency. Why the GOP ever got behind McCain still baffles me, it was a very stupid mistake, especially considering that the GOP lost the house and the senate because they strayed from their fiscally conservative values. You would have thought that they learned something from that experience, but they didn't.:cuckoo:

I don't think the GOP ever got behind McCain, he shot himself in the foot every time he opened his mouth. That he has always done well. The combined Media Efforts aligned with infiltrators got him the nomination. Did he carry a single state that got him nominated in the general Election?

South Carolina, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arizona, Texas, Mississippi, Nebraska, Kentucky, Idaho, and South Dakota
Exactly, and that's exactly the reason McCain lost, he did not inspire the fiscal conservatives in this country, I voted for Sarah, not McCain. Keep in mind that only 53% of Americans voted for Obama, that's hardly a landslide. Had there been a fiscally conservative candidate in there from the get go, they could have possibly won the Presidency. Why the GOP ever got behind McCain still baffles me, it was a very stupid mistake, especially considering that the GOP lost the house and the senate because they strayed from their fiscally conservative values. You would have thought that they learned something from that experience, but they didn't.:cuckoo:

I don't think the GOP ever got behind McCain, he shot himself in the foot every time he opened his mouth. That he has always done well. The combined Media Efforts aligned with infiltrators got him the nomination. Did he carry a single state that got him nominated in the general Election?

South Carolina, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arizona, Texas, Mississippi, Nebraska, Kentucky, Idaho, and South Dakota

Well, at least He won His Home State. Only a real ass hole would lose that! LOL... Al Gore. LOL.
Those states are really rolling in Electoral Votes.... huh. Out side of Texas. Just proves the point, He should not have been the nominee in the first place. The corruption in the Primary system allowed it.
I don't think the GOP ever got behind McCain, he shot himself in the foot every time he opened his mouth. That he has always done well. The combined Media Efforts aligned with infiltrators got him the nomination. Did he carry a single state that got him nominated in the general Election?

South Carolina, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arizona, Texas, Mississippi, Nebraska, Kentucky, Idaho, and South Dakota

Well, at least He won His Home State. Only a real ass hole would lose that! LOL... Al Gore. LOL.
Those states are really rolling in Electoral Votes.... huh. Out side of Texas. Just proves the point, He should not have been the nominee in the first place. The corruption in the Primary system allowed it.

Ron Paul finished third in Texas in the GOP primary - :redface:
Some of us knew this all along. But since they are anti-Obama the libtard minions of the DNC lumped them all into their nice little cubby hole....racist Republicans...which as it turns out....is ANOTHER LIBERAL LIE PERPETRATED BY THE MSM AND THE DNC.

Indeed. They wouldn't believe that it was conservatives, libertarians, and independent voters. Well guess what, that's what it was and will be in the future. Get ready, a third party is a possibility if the two mainstays don't start representing.

As far as I'm concerned Annie, the dems and repubs have had CENTURIES to "represent," and thus far, they've just fucked it all up, with obama taking us to FUBAR status.


No more pull the lever for an R or a D. Those days are OVER!
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Not really. Dive Con and I were discussing which party is more heavily represented among tea partiers. Intense quoted the discussion and replied with one word: "Independents." I was asking her to explain how that one word response applied.

I understand that Democrats, on the whole, are not as sympathetic to the Tea Party cause and that a new party comprised of Tea Partiers would more likely draw a lot more heavily from the GOP than from the Democratic Party. So agreeing with my observation doesn't really answer my question to Intense.

If you look at the break down of political affiliation of late, it's about 35% Dem, 35% Repub and about 30% "Independent" whatever that means.

So, I think Intense is partially correct and partially incorrect. There are some self-described independents who are no more independent than Nancy Pelosi. They just like the patina of "Independence" but when it really comes down to it, they would never vote for "the other party" unless some strained hypothetical were to occur (they will be happy to tell you about this hypothetical that maintains this patina of Independence too :lol:). There are other parts that are whack jobs to the left and right (Nazis, Communists, socialist workers party, etc.) they are permanently marginalized and unlikely to compromise. The remain bulk of independents are largely made up of people who like Ron Paul, Ross Perot etc. Largely disaffected conservatives/libertarians of one sort or another. I would attribute perhaps 20% of the 30% of independents to this (maybe a little less). In any case, it's a large chunk. Is it larger than conservative Republicans supporting the tea parties? I wouldn't think so. But, at this point, it might be as large.

I mentioned them in my first reply (non-affiliated) I think I said. But there's the detail.
actually, thats changing
last i saw it was about 38% dem 27% gop and 35% "other*"

*Libertarian, Green, Constitutional, etc

Here it is DiveCon - the lie you now claim you never made.
Keith Olbermann had this to say last night on Countdown:

When anti-government protesters targeted President Obama and other Democratic leaders on April 15, the party took a hit. When town halls raged and the Tea Bag crowd hit Washington, the party staggered further. Now, the Tea Bag guys are on the move again. But in our third story tonight, signs that the party getting hurt by the anti-government Tea Bag people is the Republican party.

This week's "Washington Post"/ABC poll found 51 percent of Americans say that in next year's Congressional vote, faced with the generic Democrat versus the generic Republican, they'll vote for the Democrat; 39 percent will vote for the Republican. Only 19 percent have at least a good amount of confidence in Congressional Republicans to make the right decisions, far lower than Democrats or the president, for that matter.

And the number of Americans calling themselves Republicans has fallen to 20 percent, the lowest since 1983. A closer look shows that number has fallen from 25 percent just since mid-August. That's not a five percent loss for Republicans. Dropping from 25 percent to 20 percent is a loss of a fifth. Meaning since the height of town hall, Palin, Beck, death panel palooza, one out of five Republicans has stopped being Republican.

Republicans stopped at 25 percent back in March too, nine days after Tea Bag nations. Republicans were down to 21 percent. Naturally, Republicans are trying again. That's right, Tea Party Express II launches this weekend, coming to 38 cities, according to its press release, 37 on their website. Oh, well.

Previous Tea Parties so successful, they now have to hold them in such venues as Wichita's Lawrence Piedmont Stadium (ph) parking lot, Fallon (ph) Nevada's old Walmart's parking lot, a high school auditorium in Tri-Cities in Washington, Bozeman, Montana's Heritage Christian School gymnasium, and in Amarillo, Texas, John Stiff Memorial Park, picnic area number four. Seriously, picnic area number four. Don't interrupt the outing in area number three, please.

A dozen cities have no venue listed at all. According to the tour's Facebook page, "192 people are planning to attend these rallies."

In its own press release, a spokesman says about its new video, the web video promoting the tour, quote, "the tone of the ad is upbeat and positive." The name of the upbeat, positive ad is, "Countdown to Judgment Day."


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