Who Would Have Thought, Tea Party Folks Don't Back Republicans

Then why did the MSM portray them as a bunch of Republican hillbilly redneck racists?

Because The Democrats are Running the show right now, and the effect of the Tea Parties hurts them more directly.

Apparently the tea partites are a much bigger threat to the GOP right now. They are not threatening to splinter support away from the Democratic Party.

This is surprising to me in that I always assumed that the Democratic Party - being the more diverse of the two main parties - would be the first to crack and splinter. It still remains to be seen if this fracture will really happen, but it is interesting.
i guess you missed that there are DEMOCRATS in these things as well
How many ways can one say, 'told you so?'

Tea partiers turn on GOP leadership

Alex Isenstadt
Sun Oct 11, 8:00 am ET

While the energy of the anti-tax and anti-Big Government tea party movement may yet haunt Democrats in 2010, the first order of business appears to be remaking the Republican Party.

Whether it’s the loose confederation of Washington-oriented groups that have played an organizational role or the state-level activists who are channeling grass-roots anger into action back home, tea party forces are confronting the Republican establishment by backing insurgent conservatives and generating their own candidates — even if it means taking on GOP incumbents.

“We will be a headache for anyone who believes the Constitution of the United States … isn’t to be protected,” said Dick Armey, chairman of the anti-tax and limited government advocacy group FreedomWorks, which helped plan and promote the tea parties, town hall protests and the September ‘Taxpayer March’ in Washington. “If you can’t take it seriously, we will look for places of other employment for you.”

“We’re not a partisan organization, and I think many Republicans are disappointed we are not,” added Armey, a former GOP congressman...


We are Conservatives. The Republican party has more of them than the Democratic party. The problem is there are many many Neocons in the Republican party. Until we rid ourselves of them the Republican party is useless to us. This is all a serious problem for the Democratic party. Obama and the rest can only think in two party thought. This is different. This is new. This is real change.
Back the Constitution and not the two political party machines. If you do that you will then begin your own personal journey down the right path. Don't ever listen to the Political Party-Bots. Just think for yourself and i'm positive you will choose the right path. :)
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Because The Democrats are Running the show right now, and the effect of the Tea Parties hurts them more directly.

Apparently the tea partites are a much bigger threat to the GOP right now. They are not threatening to splinter support away from the Democratic Party.

This is surprising to me in that I always assumed that the Democratic Party - being the more diverse of the two main parties - would be the first to crack and splinter. It still remains to be seen if this fracture will really happen, but it is interesting.
i guess you missed that there are DEMOCRATS in these things as well

Nope, I heard that claim. I can't say as to whether I believe it or not but for argument's sake let's assume that it is true. Is it more likely that this group is drawing more heavily among Republicans or Democrats?

If you are trying to argue that Democrats and Republicans are EQUALLY represented within the tea parties - you are delusional.
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Back the Constitution and not the two political party machines. If you do that you will begin your own personal journey down the right path. Don't ever listen to the Political Party-Bots. Just think for yourself and i'm positive you will choose the right path. :)

Just remember after the Primaries are over, choose from what remains and make the best of it.
Apparently the tea partites are a much bigger threat to the GOP right now. They are not threatening to splinter support away from the Democratic Party.

This is surprising to me in that I always assumed that the Democratic Party - being the more diverse of the two main parties - would be the first to crack and splinter. It still remains to be seen if this fracture will really happen, but it is interesting.
i guess you missed that there are DEMOCRATS in these things as well

Nope, I heard that claim. I can't say as to whether I believe it or not but for argument's sake let's assume that it is true. Is more likely that this group is drawing more heavily among Republicans or Democrats?

If you are trying to argue that Democrats and Republicans are EQUALLY represented within the tea parties - you are delusional.

How many ways can one say, 'told you so?'

Tea partiers turn on GOP leadership

Alex Isenstadt
Sun Oct 11, 8:00 am ET

While the energy of the anti-tax and anti-Big Government tea party movement may yet haunt Democrats in 2010, the first order of business appears to be remaking the Republican Party.

Whether it’s the loose confederation of Washington-oriented groups that have played an organizational role or the state-level activists who are channeling grass-roots anger into action back home, tea party forces are confronting the Republican establishment by backing insurgent conservatives and generating their own candidates — even if it means taking on GOP incumbents.

“We will be a headache for anyone who believes the Constitution of the United States … isn’t to be protected,” said Dick Armey, chairman of the anti-tax and limited government advocacy group FreedomWorks, which helped plan and promote the tea parties, town hall protests and the September ‘Taxpayer March’ in Washington. “If you can’t take it seriously, we will look for places of other employment for you.”

“We’re not a partisan organization, and I think many Republicans are disappointed we are not,” added Armey, a former GOP congressman...


We are Conservatives. The Republican party has more of them than the Democratic party. The problem is there are many many Neocons in the Republican party. Until we rid ourselves of them the Republican party is useless to us. This is all a serious problem for the Democratic party. Obama and the rest can only think in two party thought. This is different. This is new. This is real change.

I agree with your assessment that this movement will draw more Republicans away from the Republican Party than Democrats it will draw away from the Democratic Party.
But certainly you are not suggesting that it is more of a problem for the Democratic Party because they only think in terms of two parties and will be unable to shift to three-party thinking?

One depleated party, one brand new upstart party, and the established Democratic Party ....
It could take decades for the GOP to re-build itself and just as long for the upstart party to establish itself. I think the Democratic Party DREAMS of having a "problem" like this.

I'm not a Democrat, so I can't really speak for them - but any alternative analysis appears to me to be wishful fantasy.
i guess you missed that there are DEMOCRATS in these things as well

Nope, I heard that claim. I can't say as to whether I believe it or not but for argument's sake let's assume that it is true. Is more likely that this group is drawing more heavily among Republicans or Democrats?

If you are trying to argue that Democrats and Republicans are EQUALLY represented within the tea parties - you are delusional.


Socialists! Greens! Libertarians!

What has shouting "Independents" have to do with the topic under discussion?
Nope, I heard that claim. I can't say as to whether I believe it or not but for argument's sake let's assume that it is true. Is more likely that this group is drawing more heavily among Republicans or Democrats?

If you are trying to argue that Democrats and Republicans are EQUALLY represented within the tea parties - you are delusional.


Socialists! Greens! Libertarians!

What has shouting "Independents" have to do with the topic under discussion?

Got Your Panties in a bunch? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
The Center decides most elections. Thats what. Lighten up freak! :lol::lol::lol:
Some of the Political Party-Bots will eventually come around but most wont. If you ever actually want to evolve into an enlightened human being,you will immediately drop the Political Party-Bot routine. Just back the Constitution and not the two failed Political Party Machines. Once you embrace this,you will truly feel enlightened. So just go ahead and give it a shot. :)

Socialists! Greens! Libertarians!

What has shouting "Independents" have to do with the topic under discussion?

Got Your Panties in a bunch? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
The Center decides most elections. Thats what. Lighten up freak! :lol::lol::lol:

No - I'm not angry at all - I just didn't understand how interjecting the word "independents" had anything to do with the posts you quoted which were debating whgich party the tea party group draws more heavily from.
And I still don't understand how you subsequent post speaks to that topic either.

Yes, idependents determine the outcome of elections - but that doesn't have anything to do with wjhether a "tea Party" political party would draw more from Republicans or Democrats.
Some of the Political Party-Bots will eventually come around but most wont. If you ever actually want to evolve into an enlightened human being,you will immediately drop the Political Party-Bot routine. Just back the Constitution and not the two failed Political Party Machines. Once you embrace this,you will truly feel enlightened. So just go ahead and give it a shot. :)

I agree - I took the plunge about 9 years ago - the water is fine.
The Center decides most elections. Thats what. Lighten up freak!

Couldn't disagree more.

The people who stay home have much more to do with who wins or loses than do the vastly overrated squishy "moderates".
Socialists! Greens! Libertarians!

What has shouting "Independents" have to do with the topic under discussion?

Got Your Panties in a bunch? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
The Center decides most elections. Thats what. Lighten up freak! :lol::lol::lol:

No - I'm not angry at all - I just didn't understand how interjecting the word "independents" had anything to do with the posts you quoted which were debating whgich party the tea party group draws more heavily from.
And I still don't understand how you subsequent post speaks to that topic either.

Yes, idependents determine the outcome of elections - but that doesn't have anything to do with wjhether a "tea Party" political party would draw more from Republicans or Democrats.

From the way I see it the Tea Parties stem from people with conviction and concern, including Conservatives, and True Liberals (Not Statists), and Independents that indeed see Self Determination under Attack. I think that the one thing probably absent from the Tea Parties, are the Elitist's and Statist's of both Parties. What the Tea Parties Attack is Statism, directly and indirectly.
From the way I see it the Tea Parties stem from people with conviction and concern, including Conservatives, and True Liberals (Not Statists), and Independents that indeed see Self Determination under Attack. I think that the one thing probably absent from the Tea Parties, are the Elitist's and Statist's of both Parties. What the Tea Parties Attack is Statism, directly and indirectly.

So what does that have to do with which party is more heavily represented among tea partiers?
The Center decides most elections. Thats what. Lighten up freak!

Couldn't disagree more.

The people who stay home have much more to do with who wins or loses than do the vastly overrated squishy "moderates".

That's a hard one. I know because of My views, I would stay home rather than have to choose the lesser evil, I almost did last time. However, had the Dems ran a Leon Panetta, or a Jerry Brown, I would have Crossed Party lines without hesitation, rather than vote McCain, who should never have ran. 50% stay home? I wonder if dropping the Electoral College would effect that?
It would be devastating for the conservative movement to abandon the Republican party and try to start a new one. It is a much better strategy to "purify" the core of the Republican party and start from a new ideological center, than to try to make a new party out of whole cloth.

There is an example of a third party flipping from irrelevance to dominance in a two party country (Great Britain) but it is a rare and unlikely event. Typically, third parties only ensure victory to the undivided party of the opposite ideology.

With all this talk about purification though, it is important for conservatives to understand that a conservative will never win in New England. So, after the new center has been established, there has to be room to elect moderates in liberal areas of the country. Working legislative majorities are the goal and foregoing an entire section of the country because they are not conservative enough, is not a workable strategy.
The Center decides most elections. Thats what. Lighten up freak!

Couldn't disagree more.

The people who stay home have much more to do with who wins or loses than do the vastly overrated squishy "moderates".

That's a hard one. I know because of My views, I would stay home rather than have to choose the lesser evil, I almost did last time. However, had the Dems ran a Leon Panetta, or a Jerry Brown, I would have Crossed Party lines without hesitation, rather than vote McCain, who should never have ran. 50% stay home? I wonder if dropping the Electoral College would effect that?


Do have any idea what you're talking about? Do you know who Jerry Brown is and what he stands for?

The electoral college is one of the few bulwarks of federalism left in place. Are you against federalism?
That's a hard one. I know because of My views, I would stay home rather than have to choose the lesser evil, I almost did last time. However, had the Dems ran a Leon Panetta, or a Jerry Brown, I would have Crossed Party lines without hesitation, rather than vote McCain, who should never have ran. 50% stay home? I wonder if dropping the Electoral College would effect that?
Having someone to vote for, rather than having a "choice" between an evil or a lesser would do a lot to get people off their sofas to vote.

See: Jesse Ventura.
It would be devastating for the conservative movement to abandon the Republican party and try to start a new one. It is a much better strategy to "purify" the core of the Republican party and start from a new ideological center, than to try to make a new party out of whole cloth.

There is an example of a third party flipping from irrelevance to dominance in a two party country (Great Britain) but it is a rare and unlikely event. Typically, third parties only ensure victory to the undivided party of the opposite ideology.

With all this talk about purification though, it is important for conservatives to understand that a conservative will never win in New England. So, after the new center has been established, there has to be room to elect moderates in liberal areas of the country. Working legislative majorities are the goal and foregoing an entire section of the country because they are not conservative enough, is not a workable strategy.

I think the Perot Split hurt Bush more than Clinton. My advice is to work it out before the end of the Primaries. Solidify for the General Election. Start by getting the microphones away from the New World Order Club. Out of sight, out of mind. Also stop supporting candidates that corrupt the process, because, you think that they are winnable over the other parties candidate. That is not enough reason to defeat a True Candidate in the Primaries. The Shit Heads break ranks every time they are needed most.

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