Who would Hitlery be if not for Bill Clinton?


Running a sleazy law office in chicago defending pimps, whores and drug dealers.
Imagine what a sorry bitch you are if it wasn't for being married to Slick Willy you would be chasing ambulances and working land scam deals at the Rose Law Firm.

I'd bet that she would have gone to prison over what she did in Arkansas if it wasn't for being the Gov's wife.


Please. Donald was born on third, y'all act as if he hit a triple .

Crooked Hillary married a world class scam artist.

Whats the difference?

Trump and Clinton are political opponents, not husband and wife. Pay attention.

You are confused.

The point that you are too stupid to understand is that both people hit a triple in life.

Trump had a rich father. Crooked Hillary married a world class scam artist that was able to bamboozle and lie himself to wealth and fame.

Most people don't have those advantages in life.

Pay better attention next time if you are going to respond on an internet discussion forum so you won't look so much like a fool.

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