Who Would Vote for This Man? Biden is Completely Incoherent.

Let's see who's laughing on 11/4.

PS...Unless you're a 1% er, if you think you won't be discarded and abused like a used tampon by the masters you are humping for.........


On a serious note, these SJW's have no clue what they are fighting for but it most certainly is not what they think.
In the movie Independence Day, the scene of the SWJ's on top of the building is a good example
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Biden vote is a dangerous thing. Look at this dim light bulb. WTF?
A lot of people will, including many Republicans who are tired of Trump's lies and incompetence.
Republican Voters Against Trump- 78.3K subscribers and counting
78 thousand out of a country of over 300 million. Pimple on a fleas ass.
I said, "and counting". Today it's 79.6K with a bullet! :mm:
Democrats like having a high body count to use as a weapon against Trump.

You can stop pretending Democrats care about lives.
Remember....no one in their right mind is voting FOR Biden......
They are all simply voting AGAINST Trump. Biden just happens to be the other guy on the ballot. Important distinction.
We used to joke that Libs would vote for a tree stump as long as it had a (D) after it. Looks like we were right all along.
How is that different from Republicans dropping their principles to follow Trump, just because he has an (R) after his name? Many are getting tired of it as evidenced by the growing numbers of Republican Voters Against Trump and now the Reagan Foundation is asking the Trump campaign to stop using his image in their campaign material.
Reagan Foundation asks Trump campaign and RNC joint fundraising committee to stop using Reagan's likeness in fundraising pitch
What principals did we drop? Trump is keeping his campaign promises: MAGAPILL
Check out Republican Voters Against Trump . They'll be able to tell you much better than I. The principles most mentioned are Christian values, fiscal responsibility, lack of leadership during the Covid19 pandemic and respect for the military, all of which they see him lacking.
Speaking as a veteran, the last point is utter bullshit.
That ain't enough for Hidin' Biden to win though. Not to mention all those little bubble heads that don't like OLD WHITE MEN. Most dems will probably just give up and stay home. They young ones because creepy sniffer Joe is an OLD WHITE GUY, and the old ones because they know he's a damn senile idiot.
Yep, all those hypocritical assholes preening about diversity and they nominate another old white rich guy. If the left didn't have double standards, they'd have no standards at all.
Just goes to show, that the ones doing all the talking and making all the noise are a very small minority, or the dems WOULD have nominated a minority, or a woman. It's obvious their smack don't match their actions. Somebody in the dem party is blowin' smoke.
That entire party has always blown smoke up their supporters asses and the fools suck it up everytime. It's a ship of fools.
It feels wrong to laugh at Gropey Joey. Hey, one doesn't choose Alzheimer's.

On the other hand, The Democrat Party poses a dilemma. They're on the one hand, acting the fool for setting the poor old bugger up but, on the other hand, it's not nice to ridicule the handicapped. Or so they'd have us believe.

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