Who wrote that Gaza peace proposal? All we know is Biden lied


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Who wrote that Gaza peace proposal? All we know is Biden lied

2 Jun 2024 ~~ By Barry Shaw

The president of the United States, Joe Biden, went in front of the cameras at the White House on May 31 and presented a multi-stage process for an end of war in Gaza that would release all the hostages, declaring it to be an Israeli peace plan.

According to Biden we would get all our hostages after we release several hundred merciless killers and accepting a ceasefire that would become a permanent cessation in fighting. But no word about the defeat of Hamas and its leaders.
In other words, Biden’s Israel plan gifts a victory to Hamas.
So for Biden to spell out the conditions of a hostage deal that leaves Hamas alive and killing, and present it as an Israeli plan, did not sound right.
In his words:
“After intensive diplomacy carried out by my team, my many conversations with leaders of Israel, Qatar and Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries, Israel has now offered a comprehensive new proposal. It’s a road map to an enduring ceasefire and the release of all hostages.”
It sounded as if Biden wanted to deepen the rift within Israeli society to bring down our elected prime minister, and to do it during an essential war when the fate of our living hostages is at stake, made it appear an egregious cynical political ploy.
Our hostages should not be expendable pawns in particularly ill-considered publicity event.

This kind of genocidal (as in Final Solution) could only come a the demented mind of a Jew hater like the Obama Amalekites who are running the administration. Remember, Blinken and Jake Sullivan were and iare the most loyal Obama travelers without scruples..
The only peace deal that is going to work for Israel: is Unconditional Surrender by Hamas or face total destruction.

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It's not bizarre to have a president involved in peace or cease fire negotiations
The bizarre part is Biden Munchausen presenting this as an Israeli originated peace plan. In fact Israel had nothing to do with the plan and never would have agreed to it.

Who wrote that Gaza peace proposal? All we know is Biden lied

2 Jun 2024 ~~ By Barry Shaw

The president of the United States, Joe Biden, went in front of the cameras at the White House on May 31 and presented a multi-stage process for an end of war in Gaza that would release all the hostages, declaring it to be an Israeli peace plan.

According to Biden we would get all our hostages after we release several hundred merciless killers and accepting a ceasefire that would become a permanent cessation in fighting. But no word about the defeat of Hamas and its leaders.
In other words, Biden’s Israel plan gifts a victory to Hamas.
So for Biden to spell out the conditions of a hostage deal that leaves Hamas alive and killing, and present it as an Israeli plan, did not sound right.
In his words:
“After intensive diplomacy carried out by my team, my many conversations with leaders of Israel, Qatar and Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries, Israel has now offered a comprehensive new proposal. It’s a road map to an enduring ceasefire and the release of all hostages.”
It sounded as if Biden wanted to deepen the rift within Israeli society to bring down our elected prime minister, and to do it during an essential war when the fate of our living hostages is at stake, made it appear an egregious cynical political ploy.
Our hostages should not be expendable pawns in particularly ill-considered publicity event.

This kind of genocidal (as in Final Solution) could only come a the demented mind of a Jew hater like the Obama Amalekites who are running the administration. Remember, Blinken and Jake Sullivan were and iare the most loyal Obama travelers without scruples..
The only peace deal that is going to work for Israel: is Unconditional Surrender by Hamas or face total destruction.

I didn't believe it for a second. Israel's ultimate goal is ethnic cleansing of Gaza and the West Bank, and they are running out of time due to the die off of the boomer generation. They will not work with the U.S. towards any successful peace deal.
I didn't believe it for a second. Israel's ultimate goal is ethnic cleansing of Gaza and the West Bank, and they are running out of time due to the die off of the boomer generation. They will not work with the U.S. towards any successful peace deal.
Israel's ultimate goal is not as you claim. They want to destroy Hamas only.
If what you claim is true, why has Israel supplied Palestinians with clean water, electricity and food all these years despite previous attacks before October 7th?
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why has Israel supplied Palestinians with clean water, electricity and food all these years despite previous attacks before October 7th?
Because they prevent Gaza from having control of those resources, and the world government wouldn't be able to stop the world from intervening if Israel went full blown genocidal and starved their prisoners to death by cutting access to those resources.

Who wrote that Gaza peace proposal? All we know is Biden lied

2 Jun 2024 ~~ By Barry Shaw

The president of the United States, Joe Biden, went in front of the cameras at the White House on May 31 and presented a multi-stage process for an end of war in Gaza that would release all the hostages, declaring it to be an Israeli peace plan.

According to Biden we would get all our hostages after we release several hundred merciless killers and accepting a ceasefire that would become a permanent cessation in fighting. But no word about the defeat of Hamas and its leaders.
In other words, Biden’s Israel plan gifts a victory to Hamas.
So for Biden to spell out the conditions of a hostage deal that leaves Hamas alive and killing, and present it as an Israeli plan, did not sound right.
In his words:
“After intensive diplomacy carried out by my team, my many conversations with leaders of Israel, Qatar and Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries, Israel has now offered a comprehensive new proposal. It’s a road map to an enduring ceasefire and the release of all hostages.”
It sounded as if Biden wanted to deepen the rift within Israeli society to bring down our elected prime minister, and to do it during an essential war when the fate of our living hostages is at stake, made it appear an egregious cynical political ploy.
Our hostages should not be expendable pawns in particularly ill-considered publicity event.

This kind of genocidal (as in Final Solution) could only come a the demented mind of a Jew hater like the Obama Amalekites who are running the administration. Remember, Blinken and Jake Sullivan were and iare the most loyal Obama travelers without scruples..
The only peace deal that is going to work for Israel: is Unconditional Surrender by Hamas or face total destruction.

Sounds like you don’t want the hostages released.

Who wrote that Gaza peace proposal? All we know is Biden lied

2 Jun 2024 ~~ By Barry Shaw

The president of the United States, Joe Biden, went in front of the cameras at the White House on May 31 and presented a multi-stage process for an end of war in Gaza that would release all the hostages, declaring it to be an Israeli peace plan.

According to Biden we would get all our hostages after we release several hundred merciless killers and accepting a ceasefire that would become a permanent cessation in fighting. But no word about the defeat of Hamas and its leaders.
In other words, Biden’s Israel plan gifts a victory to Hamas.
So for Biden to spell out the conditions of a hostage deal that leaves Hamas alive and killing, and present it as an Israeli plan, did not sound right.
In his words:
“After intensive diplomacy carried out by my team, my many conversations with leaders of Israel, Qatar and Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries, Israel has now offered a comprehensive new proposal. It’s a road map to an enduring ceasefire and the release of all hostages.”
It sounded as if Biden wanted to deepen the rift within Israeli society to bring down our elected prime minister, and to do it during an essential war when the fate of our living hostages is at stake, made it appear an egregious cynical political ploy.
Our hostages should not be expendable pawns in particularly ill-considered publicity event.

This kind of genocidal (as in Final Solution) could only come a the demented mind of a Jew hater like the Obama Amalekites who are running the administration. Remember, Blinken and Jake Sullivan were and iare the most loyal Obama travelers without scruples..
The only peace deal that is going to work for Israel: is Unconditional Surrender by Hamas or face total destruction.

American Thinker is extreme.
IMO, the Israeli's held as hostages by Hamas have been killed one by one.
Doubtful. They have value only in life. This war has turned into vengeance for Netanyahu’s political survival. The hostages are secondary. Their families know this.
IMO, the Israeli's held as hostages by Hamas have been killed one by one.
If any are still alive, and I believe perhaps some are, why is Phase 1 to release just some of them - rather than all?

This is a horrible deal for Israel. HAMAS not only remains in power to carry out a future Oct 7th, Israel has to release the hundreds of Islamic terrorists they currently hold.

IOW, HAMAS - largely due to Biden’s pressure and his pandering to the Muslims - is rewarded for his subhuman massacre. It is now stronger than it was before, and Iran still has the money to fund them.
I also think that behind the scenes, Biden (being directed by Obama) told Israel that if they don’t fold to HAMAS terrorists, he would cut off all funding.
Doubtful. They have value only in life. This war has turned into vengeance for Netanyahu’s political survival. The hostages are secondary. Their families know this.
The savages may not have killed them directly, but most have died after 8 months of starvation, abuse, torture, and no medical care.

You tell me: do you think you could survive 8 months of brutal daily rapes? Your body simply couldn’t endure the trauma, and neither could your mind. No women are still alive.

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