Whoa! Bolton coming out swinging! Can't believe the WSJ gave him Op-Ed

Oooooh baby, Bolton's ready to fight!!!

If WSJ is giving him ink, then Rupert Murdoch and Trump must not be lovin' each other much lately.

John Bolton: The Scandal of Trump’s China Policy

The president pleaded with Chinese leader Xi Jinping for domestic political help, subordinated national-security issues to his own reelection prospects and ignored Beijing’s human-rights abuses

By John Bolton

June 17, 2020 2:46 pm ET

6 months ago Bolton was the Devil....today he is Blainey's Messiah
Bolton is the kind of neocon warmonger that the establishment loves. He's for open borders, war, free trade and everything else establishment elitists (the swamp) want. He's one of those NWO assholes who is against the American worker and citizen taxpayer. He was a big voice in that useless Iraq war. He's a fucking evil man as well as an un American asshole. The way he is makes him a favorite of democrats and neoconmen like Murdock and his growing cast of buttboys on FOX.
Oooooh baby, Bolton's ready to fight!!!

If WSJ is giving him ink, then Rupert Murdoch and Trump must not be lovin' each other much lately.

John Bolton: The Scandal of Trump’s China Policy

The president pleaded with Chinese leader Xi Jinping for domestic political help, subordinated national-security issues to his own reelection prospects and ignored Beijing’s human-rights abuses

By John Bolton

June 17, 2020 2:46 pm ET

Wow, major news!


LOL That is Bolton spin.

Bolton went on: "Trump, by contrast, saw this not as a policy issue to be resolved but as an opportunity to make personal gestures to Xi. In 2018, for example, he reversed penalties that Ross and the Commerce Department had imposed on ZTE. In 2019, he offered to reverse criminal prosecution against Huawei if it would help in the trade deal—which, of course, was primarily about getting Trump re-elected in 2020."

Talk about spin....Fox News?
You can bet Hannity, Ingraham and Tucker will all be bashing Bolton tonight.
Oooooh baby, Bolton's ready to fight!!!

If WSJ is giving him ink, then Rupert Murdoch and Trump must not be lovin' each other much lately.

John Bolton: The Scandal of Trump’s China Policy

The president pleaded with Chinese leader Xi Jinping for domestic political help, subordinated national-security issues to his own reelection prospects and ignored Beijing’s human-rights abuses

By John Bolton

June 17, 2020 2:46 pm ET

6 months ago Bolton was the Devil....today he is Blainey's Messiah

Your bi-ass gets in the way of simple words, too.
I said "Bolton's ready to fight!"
I did not say I hope he wins.
I did not say he's right.
Capiche, idiot?
Trump is such a turd that he just can’t help degrading himself and the United States of America’s by asking foreign nations to help him win elections.
I personally want to thank any foreign country that helped Trump get elected, and hope they help get him reelected in 2020 ... :thup:
Some of us on this board believe the integrity of the US Republic is worth defending and others don’t. Your side is clear where they stand and it isn’t for defending the USA.
So handing out billions every year to nations that vote against us in the UN is maintaining integrity?
Are you retarded?
Wow, can Trump be impeached - AGAIN...?

Actually, yes, he can.
Kellyanne Conway's husband thinks he can.

Wouldn't that be cool?
Bolton's advice concerning every foreign country we were having an issue with, was to 'bomb and invade'.
Trump knew this was idiotic and fired his crazy ass. ... :cool:

Then why did he hire him in the first place, asshat?
"I only hire the best people!"
Forget that, dipshit?
Bolton had been around the Beltway a looooooong time, too.
Was part of Bush Jr. admin.
Not fresh off a campus.
Bolton's advice concerning every foreign country we were having an issue with, was to 'bomb and invade'.
Trump knew this was idiotic and fired his crazy ass. ... :cool:

Then why did he hire him in the first place, asshat?
"I only hire the best people!"
Forget that, dipshit?
Bolton had been around the Beltway a looooooong time, too.
Was part of Bush Jr. admin.
Not fresh off a campus.
Bolton's job was to make bad guys think we were going to blow them to pieces.
It was also to do what your boss told you to do.
If either one of us did a Bolton at work, we'd be fired.
Fired ex-employee with an axe to grind towards his boss.
Should be a riveting tale of fiction. ... :thup:

Funny how there are so fucking many of them.
No other POTUS has ever had this many detractors.
But you drink Trump piss and post your shit, Sparky.
Funny how you moonbats are now carrying the water for a warmongering neocon Bushbot, whom you howled was going to get us int WW XXVII for years and years on end.

But you g'head and drink your own piss, Sparky.

Where am I carrying Bolton's water?
This is how fucking distorted your thinking has gotten.
I post a link to WSJ with Bolton's Op-Ed and inform you that he's going to war with your Lord and Master, Sparky.
Now go drown in Trump piss.
Better yet, go to the rally in Tulsa and breathe deeply.
You're carrying his water and you know it.....Enjoy that big tall glass of your own piss.

Great comeback. Empty and meaningless. The essence of a Trump fan.
Just because someone slaps moronic hack jackasses like you around, that doesn't automatically make them a Trump fanboy.

I do realize that such logic above a 2nd grade level is entirely beyond you, but there it is.

I can see the slap marks not just on your face, but on your ass, from here.
Trump loves to see his underlings fight, and especially via for his approval. Pompano is just a Trump toady who will do anything for favor, but his views of the Saudis, Russians, N.Koreans, Turks were at odds with Bolton's well know views. And like or hate Bolton, he's nobody's bitch.

Bolton's main charge appears to be that Trump (and Pompano) viewed for. policy as a means for further Trump's personal and electoral interests.
Bolton's advice concerning every foreign country we were having an issue with, was to 'bomb and invade'.
Trump knew this was idiotic and fired his crazy ass. ... :cool:

Then why did he hire him in the first place, asshat?
"I only hire the best people!"
Forget that, dipshit?
Bolton had been around the Beltway a looooooong time, too.
Was part of Bush Jr. admin.
Not fresh off a campus.
Bolton's job was to make bad guys think we were going to blow them to pieces.
It was also to do what your boss told you to do.
If either one of us did a Bolton at work, we'd be fired.
but he quit over what he viewed was Trump's politicization.
Oooooh baby, Bolton's ready to fight!!!

If WSJ is giving him ink, then Rupert Murdoch and Trump must not be lovin' each other much lately.

John Bolton: The Scandal of Trump’s China Policy

The president pleaded with Chinese leader Xi Jinping for domestic political help, subordinated national-security issues to his own reelection prospects and ignored Beijing’s human-rights abuses

By John Bolton

June 17, 2020 2:46 pm ET

Can we say disgruntled worker who was fired!
Oooooh baby, Bolton's ready to fight!!!

If WSJ is giving him ink, then Rupert Murdoch and Trump must not be lovin' each other much lately.

John Bolton: The Scandal of Trump’s China Policy

The president pleaded with Chinese leader Xi Jinping for domestic political help, subordinated national-security issues to his own reelection prospects and ignored Beijing’s human-rights abuses

By John Bolton

June 17, 2020 2:46 pm ET

6 months ago Bolton was the Devil....today he is Blainey's Messiah

Your bi-ass gets in the way of simple words, too.
I said "Bolton's ready to fight!"
I did not say I hope he wins.
I did not say he's right.
Capiche, idiot?
You started a thread about him creaming yourself.

Deal With it.
Fired ex-employee with an axe to grind towards his boss.
Should be a riveting tale of fiction. ... :thup:

Funny how there are so fucking many of them.
No other POTUS has ever had this many detractors.
But you drink Trump piss and post your shit, Sparky.
Funny how you moonbats are now carrying the water for a warmongering neocon Bushbot, whom you howled was going to get us int WW XXVII for years and years on end.

But you g'head and drink your own piss, Sparky.

Where am I carrying Bolton's water?
This is how fucking distorted your thinking has gotten.
I post a link to WSJ with Bolton's Op-Ed and inform you that he's going to war with your Lord and Master, Sparky.
Now go drown in Trump piss.
Better yet, go to the rally in Tulsa and breathe deeply.
You're carrying his water and you know it.....Enjoy that big tall glass of your own piss.

Great comeback. Empty and meaningless. The essence of a Trump fan.
Just because someone slaps moronic hack jackasses like you around, that doesn't automatically make them a Trump fanboy.

I do realize that such logic above a 2nd grade level is entirely beyond you, but there it is.

I can see the slap marks not just on your face, but on your ass, from here.
That would put your face in an odd spot, Cupcake.

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