Whoa! Bolton coming out swinging! Can't believe the WSJ gave him Op-Ed

Trump is such a turd that he just can’t help degrading himself and the United States of America’s by asking foreign nations to help him win elections.

The House was right to impeach the POS. The Senate failed its constitutional duty by not convicting him. As Bolton says Trump’s misconduct and criminality knows no bounds.
View attachment 351684
It just shows how polarized the country is. The Senate would not have convicted Trump regardless what he did. The outcome was determined before the House even started their preceding and everyone knew it. Republicans are going to regret refusing to conduct a trial and just dismissing the charges. That is going set a very ugly precedent which may make it impossible to remove a president from office.

You realize that no President has ever been impeached and removed, yes?
...Bolton is a butt hurt little bitch. Trump didn't like his war mongering advice so he fired him. Little Pinocchio maker Bolton got butt hurt and decided to write a book attempting to trash the president just because he's a vindictive prick.
None of that $hit matters in the slightest...

What DOES matter is whether Rump solicited the Communist Chinese for help with his reelection campaign...

What DOES matter is whether Rump told the Communist Chinese that it was OK to build concentration camps to incarcerate their Muslim population...

What DOES matter is whether Rump said during a recent meeting that critical media journalists should be executed...

Whether Bolton came out with these things out of righteous indignation or patriotism or teen age angst or sour grapes is entirely irrelevant...

What the American People need to know is whether or not those allegations are
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President Trump has kept us out of war and had he best economy for all races before COVID-19. John Bolton is a butt hurt little bitch. This is what happens when an outsider comes in to clean the swamp.
Bolton's advice concerning every foreign country we were having an issue with, was to 'bomb and invade'.
Trump knew this was idiotic and fired his crazy ass. ... :cool:

Then why did he hire him in the first place, asshat?
"I only hire the best people!"
Forget that, dipshit?
Bolton had been around the Beltway a looooooong time, too.
Was part of Bush Jr. admin.
Not fresh off a campus.
Bolton's job was to make bad guys think we were going to blow them to pieces.
It was also to do what your boss told you to do.
If either one of us did a Bolton at work, we'd be fired.
but he quit over what he viewed was Trump's politicization.
Most of us know that Bolton has wanted to nuke every Muslim nation and Tyrannical Nation since the day he was born.
He wasn't expecting Trump to cave into you Liberals by being diplomatic.
Thank you.
LOL. Trump didn't want no more wars, but he didn't want to pull out of IRaq and he had to pay the Saudis for bailing Jared out of bankruptcy.

U idiot Trumpsuckers got what you deserve.

I deserve to be thrilled
I am thrilled
Most people outside of your bubble are.
Oooooh baby, Bolton's ready to fight!!!

If WSJ is giving him ink, then Rupert Murdoch and Trump must not be lovin' each other much lately.

John Bolton: The Scandal of Trump’s China Policy

The president pleaded with Chinese leader Xi Jinping for domestic political help, subordinated national-security issues to his own reelection prospects and ignored Beijing’s human-rights abuses

By John Bolton

June 17, 2020 2:46 pm ET

Can you give us the gist? I can't read past a few sentences.

Some excerpts:

Trade matters were handled from day one in a completely chaotic way. Trump’s favorite way to proceed was to get small armies of people together, either in the Oval Office or the Roosevelt Room, to argue out these complex, controversial issues. Over and over again, the same issues. Without resolution, or even worse, one outcome one day and a contrary outcome a few days later. The whole thing made my head hurt.


In Buenos Aires on Dec. 1, at dinner, Xi began by telling Trump how wonderful he was, laying it on thick. Xi read steadily through note cards, doubtless all of it hashed out arduously in advance. Trump ad-libbed, with no one on the U.S. side knowing what he would say from one minute to the next.

One highlight came when Xi said he wanted to work with Trump for six more years, and Trump replied that people were saying that the two-term constitutional limit on presidents should be repealed for him. Xi said the U.S. had too many elections, because he didn’t want to switch away from Trump, who nodded approvingly.


Trump came close, unilaterally offering that U.S. tariffs would remain at 10% rather than rise to 25%, as he had previously threatened. In exchange, Trump asked merely for some increases in Chinese farm-product purchases, to help with the crucial farm-state vote. If that could be agreed, all the U.S. tariffs would be reduced. It was breathtaking.

Trump asked Lighthizer if he had left anything out, and Lighthizer did what he could to get the conversation back onto the plane of reality, focusing on the structural issues and ripping apart the Chinese proposal. Trump closed by saying Lighthizer would be in charge of the deal-making, and Jared Kushner would also be involved, at which point all the Chinese perked up and smiled.


In their meeting in Osaka on June 29, Xi told Trump that the U.S.-China relationship was the most important in the world. He said that some (unnamed) American political figures were making erroneous judgments by calling for a new cold war with China.

Whether Xi meant to finger the Democrats or some of us sitting on the U.S. side of the table, I don’t know, but Trump immediately assumed that Xi meant the Democrats. Trump said approvingly that there was great hostility to China among the Democrats. Trump then, stunningly, turned the conversation to the coming U.S. presidential election, alluding to China’s economic capability and pleading with Xi to ensure he’d win. He stressed the importance of farmers and increased Chinese purchases of soybeans and wheat in the electoral outcome. I would print Trump’s exact words, but the government’s prepublication review process has decided otherwise.


Take Trump’s handling of the threats posed by the Chinese telecommunications firms Huawei and ZTE. Ross and others repeatedly pushed to strictly enforce U.S. regulations and criminal laws against fraudulent conduct, including both firms’ flouting of U.S. sanctions against Iran and other rogue states. The most important goal for Chinese “companies” like Huawei and ZTE is to infiltrate telecommunications and information-technology systems, notably 5G, and subject them to Chinese control (though both companies, of course, dispute the U.S. characterization of their activities).

Trump, by contrast, saw this not as a policy issue to be resolved but as an opportunity to make personal gestures to Xi. In 2018, for example, he reversed penalties that Ross and the Commerce Department had imposed on ZTE. In 2019, he offered to reverse criminal prosecution against Huawei if it would help in the trade deal—which, of course, was primarily about getting Trump re-elected in 2020.


I hoped Trump would see these Hong Kong developments as giving him leverage over China. I should have known better. That same month, on the 30th anniversary of China’s massacre of pro-democracy demonstrators in Tiananmen Square, Trump refused to issue a White House statement. “That was 15 years ago,” he said, inaccurately. “Who cares about it? I’m trying to make a deal. I don’t want anything.” And that was that.


At the opening dinner of the Osaka G-20 meeting in June 2019, with only interpreters present, Xi had explained to Trump why he was basically building concentration camps in Xinjiang. According to our interpreter, Trump said that Xi should go ahead with building the camps, which Trump thought was exactly the right thing to do. The National Security Council’s top Asia staffer, Matthew Pottinger, told me that Trump said something very similar during his November 2017 trip to China.


Trump was particularly dyspeptic about Taiwan, having listened to Wall Street financiers who had gotten rich off mainland China investments. One of Trump’s favorite comparisons was to point to the tip of one of his Sharpies and say, “This is Taiwan,” then point to the historic Resolute desk in the Oval Office and say, “This is China.” So much for American commitments and obligations to another democratic ally.


At most, the internal NSC structure was the quiver of a butterfly’s wings in the tsunami of Trump’s chaos. Despite the indifference at the top of the White House, the cognizant NSC staffers did their duty in the pandemic, raising options like shutdowns and social distancing far before Trump did so in March. The NSC biosecurity team functioned exactly as it was supposed to. It was the chair behind the Resolute desk that was empty.
Bolton is obviously a paranoid little bitch who reads way too much into everything. He sees every trade deal as an example where Trump is soliciting election help. Really? I think the guys a wackjob in addition to a warmonger. I sure as hell wouldn't want anyone that unstable anywhere near me. Trump did good to ditch the bitch.
Oooooh baby, Bolton's ready to fight!!!

If WSJ is giving him ink, then Rupert Murdoch and Trump must not be lovin' each other much lately.

John Bolton: The Scandal of Trump’s China Policy

The president pleaded with Chinese leader Xi Jinping for domestic political help, subordinated national-security issues to his own reelection prospects and ignored Beijing’s human-rights abuses

By John Bolton

June 17, 2020 2:46 pm ET

Can we say disgruntled worker who was fired!

We could if we want to keep making excuses for the shit Donald pulls.
Which is why I call you fuckers cultists.
You never question a single fucking thing he does.
You just make excuses for him.

What Bolton points out is a lot of stuff we already knew, from Trump's blathering about how China should launch an investigation into Biden:

then from his book:
• Tells Xi he wants China to buy more wheat from American farmers to help his reelection chances.
• Thinks invading Venezuela would be “cool.”
• Thinks Finland is part of Russia.
• Tells a high-ranking British official that he didn’t realize UK was a nuclear power.
• Tells Erdogan that he’ll get the Southern District to drop prosecution against a Turkish company as soon as he can fire the current SDNY prosecutors and get his people in place.
• Tweets a defense of the Saudi crown prince’s murder of WaPo Columnist, Jamaal Khashoggi, just to take attention away from a breaking story about Ivanka using her personal email for government business.
• And of course, confirms Trump’s Ukraine bribery scheme via Giuliani as his front-man.

If Obama had pulled JUST ONE of these stunts, you fuckers would be on the White House lawn with pitchforks and torches.
Bolton's advice concerning every foreign country we were having an issue with, was to 'bomb and invade'.
Trump knew this was idiotic and fired his crazy ass. ... :cool:

Then why did he hire him in the first place, asshat?
"I only hire the best people!"
Forget that, dipshit?
Bolton had been around the Beltway a looooooong time, too.
Was part of Bush Jr. admin.
Not fresh off a campus.
Bolton's job was to make bad guys think we were going to blow them to pieces.
It was also to do what your boss told you to do.
If either one of us did a Bolton at work, we'd be fired.
but he quit over what he viewed was Trump's politicization.
Most of us know that Bolton has wanted to nuke every Muslim nation and Tyrannical Nation since the day he was born.
He wasn't expecting Trump to cave into you Liberals by being diplomatic.
Thank you.
LOL. Trump didn't want no more wars, but he didn't want to pull out of IRaq and he had to pay the Saudis for bailing Jared out of bankruptcy.

U idiot Trumpsuckers got what you deserve.

I deserve to be thrilled
I am thrilled
Most people outside of your bubble are.

How can you see any bubbles when you're so far up Trump's ass you could tell us what he had for breakfast?
Bolton's advice concerning every foreign country we were having an issue with, was to 'bomb and invade'.
Trump knew this was idiotic and fired his crazy ass. ... :cool:

Then why did he hire him in the first place, asshat?
"I only hire the best people!"
Forget that, dipshit?
Bolton had been around the Beltway a looooooong time, too.
Was part of Bush Jr. admin.
Not fresh off a campus.
Bolton's job was to make bad guys think we were going to blow them to pieces.
It was also to do what your boss told you to do.
If either one of us did a Bolton at work, we'd be fired.
but he quit over what he viewed was Trump's politicization.
Most of us know that Bolton has wanted to nuke every Muslim nation and Tyrannical Nation since the day he was born.
He wasn't expecting Trump to cave into you Liberals by being diplomatic.
Thank you.
LOL. Trump didn't want no more wars, but he didn't want to pull out of IRaq and he had to pay the Saudis for bailing Jared out of bankruptcy.

U idiot Trumpsuckers got what you deserve.

I deserve to be thrilled
I am thrilled
Most people outside of your bubble are.

How can you see any bubbles when you're so far up Trump's ass you could tell us what he had for breakfast?
Tell us where you digress from the Democratic Platform.
Bolton's advice concerning every foreign country we were having an issue with, was to 'bomb and invade'.
Trump knew this was idiotic and fired his crazy ass. ... :cool:

Then why did he hire him in the first place, asshat?
"I only hire the best people!"
Forget that, dipshit?
Bolton had been around the Beltway a looooooong time, too.
Was part of Bush Jr. admin.
Not fresh off a campus.
Bolton's job was to make bad guys think we were going to blow them to pieces.
It was also to do what your boss told you to do.
If either one of us did a Bolton at work, we'd be fired.
but he quit over what he viewed was Trump's politicization.
Most of us know that Bolton has wanted to nuke every Muslim nation and Tyrannical Nation since the day he was born.
He wasn't expecting Trump to cave into you Liberals by being diplomatic.
Thank you.
LOL. Trump didn't want no more wars, but he didn't want to pull out of IRaq and he had to pay the Saudis for bailing Jared out of bankruptcy.

U idiot Trumpsuckers got what you deserve.

I deserve to be thrilled
I am thrilled
Most people outside of your bubble are.

How can you see any bubbles when you're so far up Trump's ass you could tell us what he had for breakfast?

I hit a nerve.
Trump is such a turd that he just can’t help degrading himself and the United States of America’s by asking foreign nations to help him win elections.

The House was right to impeach the POS. The Senate failed its constitutional duty by not convicting him. As Bolton says Trump’s misconduct and criminality knows no bounds.
View attachment 351684
It just shows how polarized the country is. The Senate would not have convicted Trump regardless what he did. The outcome was determined before the House even started their preceding and everyone knew it. Republicans are going to regret refusing to conduct a trial and just dismissing the charges. That is going set a very ugly precedent which may make it impossible to remove a president from office.

You realize that no President has ever been impeached and removed, yes?

There's always a first time.
Bolton's advice concerning every foreign country we were having an issue with, was to 'bomb and invade'.
Trump knew this was idiotic and fired his crazy ass. ... :cool:

Then why did he hire him in the first place, asshat?
"I only hire the best people!"
Forget that, dipshit?
Bolton had been around the Beltway a looooooong time, too.
Was part of Bush Jr. admin.
Not fresh off a campus.
Bolton's job was to make bad guys think we were going to blow them to pieces.
It was also to do what your boss told you to do.
If either one of us did a Bolton at work, we'd be fired.
but he quit over what he viewed was Trump's politicization.
Most of us know that Bolton has wanted to nuke every Muslim nation and Tyrannical Nation since the day he was born.
He wasn't expecting Trump to cave into you Liberals by being diplomatic.
Thank you.
LOL. Trump didn't want no more wars, but he didn't want to pull out of IRaq and he had to pay the Saudis for bailing Jared out of bankruptcy.

U idiot Trumpsuckers got what you deserve.

I deserve to be thrilled
I am thrilled
Most people outside of your bubble are.

How can you see any bubbles when you're so far up Trump's ass you could tell us what he had for breakfast?

I hit a nerve.

Nope. Just an honest question. Pretty crowded up there, ain't it?
Bolton's advice concerning every foreign country we were having an issue with, was to 'bomb and invade'.
Trump knew this was idiotic and fired his crazy ass. ... :cool:

Then why did he hire him in the first place, asshat?
"I only hire the best people!"
Forget that, dipshit?
Bolton had been around the Beltway a looooooong time, too.
Was part of Bush Jr. admin.
Not fresh off a campus.
Bolton's job was to make bad guys think we were going to blow them to pieces.
It was also to do what your boss told you to do.
If either one of us did a Bolton at work, we'd be fired.
but he quit over what he viewed was Trump's politicization.
Most of us know that Bolton has wanted to nuke every Muslim nation and Tyrannical Nation since the day he was born.
He wasn't expecting Trump to cave into you Liberals by being diplomatic.
Thank you.
LOL. Trump didn't want no more wars, but he didn't want to pull out of IRaq and he had to pay the Saudis for bailing Jared out of bankruptcy.

U idiot Trumpsuckers got what you deserve.

I deserve to be thrilled
I am thrilled
Most people outside of your bubble are.

How can you see any bubbles when you're so far up Trump's ass you could tell us what he had for breakfast?
Tell us where you digress from the Democratic Platform.

This thread isn't about the Democratic Platform.
Better check the headline, little cockroach.
Who of you enlightened, erudite Trumptards want to take on any of these points from Bolton?

• Tells Xi he wants China to buy more wheat from American farmers to help his reelection chances.
• Thinks invading Venezuela would be “cool.”
• Thinks Finland is part of Russia.
• Tells a high-ranking British official that he didn’t realize UK was a nuclear power.
• Tells Erdogan that he’ll get the Southern District to drop prosecution against a Turkish company as soon as he can fire the current SDNY prosecutors and get his people in place.
• Tweets a defense of the Saudi crown prince’s murder of WaPo Columnist, Jamaal Khashoggi, just to take attention away from a breaking story about Ivanka using her personal email for government business.
• And of course, confirms Trump’s Ukraine bribery scheme via Giuliani as his front-man.

Selecting the Venezuela comment, randomly:
Trump is such a turd that he just can’t help degrading himself and the United States of America’s by asking foreign nations to help him win elections.

The House was right to impeach the POS. The Senate failed its constitutional duty by not convicting him. As Bolton says Trump’s misconduct and criminality knows no bounds.
View attachment 351684
It just shows how polarized the country is. The Senate would not have convicted Trump regardless what he did. The outcome was determined before the House even started their preceding and everyone knew it. Republicans are going to regret refusing to conduct a trial and just dismissing the charges. That is going set a very ugly precedent which may make it impossible to remove a president from office.

You realize that no President has ever been impeached and removed, yes?

There's always a first time.

So your point was the acquittal was expected, and completely consistent with the history of history.
Why didn't you just say that?
Who of you enlightened, erudite Trumptards want to take on any of these points from Bolton?

• Tells Xi he wants China to buy more wheat from American farmers to help his reelection chances.
• Thinks invading Venezuela would be “cool.”
• Thinks Finland is part of Russia.
• Tells a high-ranking British official that he didn’t realize UK was a nuclear power.
• Tells Erdogan that he’ll get the Southern District to drop prosecution against a Turkish company as soon as he can fire the current SDNY prosecutors and get his people in place.
• Tweets a defense of the Saudi crown prince’s murder of WaPo Columnist, Jamaal Khashoggi, just to take attention away from a breaking story about Ivanka using her personal email for government business.
• And of course, confirms Trump’s Ukraine bribery scheme via Giuliani as his front-man.

Selecting the Venezuela comment, randomly:
And we are supposed to believe anything the fired disgruntled neo-con says? He is a known liar
Who of you enlightened, erudite Trumptards want to take on any of these points from Bolton?

• Tells Xi he wants China to buy more wheat from American farmers to help his reelection chances.
• Thinks invading Venezuela would be “cool.”
• Thinks Finland is part of Russia.
• Tells a high-ranking British official that he didn’t realize UK was a nuclear power.
• Tells Erdogan that he’ll get the Southern District to drop prosecution against a Turkish company as soon as he can fire the current SDNY prosecutors and get his people in place.
• Tweets a defense of the Saudi crown prince’s murder of WaPo Columnist, Jamaal Khashoggi, just to take attention away from a breaking story about Ivanka using her personal email for government business.
• And of course, confirms Trump’s Ukraine bribery scheme via Giuliani as his front-man.

Selecting the Venezuela comment, randomly:
And we are supposed to believe anything the fired disgruntled neo-con says? He is a known liar

Which makes him the perfect source for Democrats.
Oooooh baby, Bolton's ready to fight!!!

If WSJ is giving him ink, then Rupert Murdoch and Trump must not be lovin' each other much lately.

John Bolton: The Scandal of Trump’s China Policy

The president pleaded with Chinese leader Xi Jinping for domestic political help, subordinated national-security issues to his own reelection prospects and ignored Beijing’s human-rights abuses

By John Bolton

June 17, 2020 2:46 pm ET

/——/ If only Bolton had testified to Adam Shytface under oath—- I wonder why he didn’t.
Oooooh baby, Bolton's ready to fight!!!

If WSJ is giving him ink, then Rupert Murdoch and Trump must not be lovin' each other much lately.

John Bolton: The Scandal of Trump’s China Policy

The president pleaded with Chinese leader Xi Jinping for domestic political help, subordinated national-security issues to his own reelection prospects and ignored Beijing’s human-rights abuses

By John Bolton

June 17, 2020 2:46 pm ET

Can you give us the gist? I can't read past a few sentences.


The Walking Orange Stain is doing good to get past the first page of Dick, Jane and Sally.
/——/ And yet, Hildabeast, the smartest woman in the world couldn’t beat him.
A quick forum search of ‘John Bolton ‘ reveals a lot about the radical leftists that post here.

They used to hate Bolton more than anyone. Now they are buying his book.

Brainwashed to the max.

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