Who'd a thunk it...?

WE kill OBL--are we done? Is that the best use of our resources?

So you think 200 Billion a year and over 2,500 lives so far (and that's just U.S. soldiers) is "the best use of our resources" when we were attacked by a bunch of Saudis who were trained in Afghanistan?

Funny, I think there were far better uses for our resources. Kinda proven by the fact that it took Brit intel to crack the latest plot.
So you think 200 Billion a year and over 2,500 lives so far (and that's just U.S. soldiers) is "the best use of our resources" when we were attacked by a bunch of Saudis who were trained in Afghanistan?

Funny, I think there were far better uses for our resources. Kinda proven by the fact that it took Brit intel to crack the latest plot.

The figures you use do way more than chase down one old man who lives in a cave. I know you sole reason to post is to trash Bush but killing OBL will do nothing to stop the Jihad. You just like to make a big deal about the fact he or his body haven't been found yet and imply somehow that makes our whole effort a failure. :lame2:
The figures you use do way more than chase down one old man who lives in a cave. I know you sole reason to post is to trash Bush but killing OBL will do nothing to stop the Jihad. You just like to make a big deal about the fact he or his body haven't been found yet and imply somehow that makes our whole effort a failure. :lame2:

What always cracks me up about geniuses like Jill and Bully is how they feel that they just know that they are getting all of the pertinent information. If the NYTimes doesn't report it, it isn't happening. The idea that the President just might be privy to some information on a minute by minute basis that justifies every action he takes is totally out of the question to these clowns thaty think they know everything. I guess they both possess a ''classified info pass'' that allows them all of the most current intel otherwise their judgements are just a bit full of shit. Tell me I'm an idiot but I assume that the President of the United States and his friend Tony Blair are acting from knowledge we will never possess and they are doing what they judge, with that knowledge, to be best for the people that they swore to protect.

We live in extremely complex times, the press doesn't have a clue, they better not because they have no conscious or morals and will reveal anything for a few rating points. I have no doubt that there are very good reasons for us not knowing the exact whereabouts of that tall piece of camel shit known as Osama.

As for Iraq, didn't President Bush outline which countries were part of the "axis of evil" in what most reporters and pundits agreed was one of the finest speeches ever delivered by a President ( the one he delivered to Congress right after September Eleventh)? There was a stack of reasons to take out Hussein and deal with Iraq now.... Just from the ones that have actually been declassified. If Bush would be Clinton, I'm sure plenty of nuclear and bio weapons would have been uncovered in the desert(airbrushed to look like they were Iranianin or whatever in origin)with great fanfare to cover his ass. The fact that they weren't discovered immediately makes him more credible in my opinion and being how delicate world politics are I would guess they know just where they are, they just aren't telling the New York Times.
Considering she is probably one of the most even-handed mellow people around...
Talk about bullshit. An African lion would've killed me too if I was in Africa. What in the world was that kind of statement???

And all this time I thought those African lions would just stay in Africa and mind their leonine business. Are African lions plotting to fly planes into our buildings in the USA, too? And to blow up the Tube in London? Damn.
And all this time I thought those African lions would just stay in Africa and mind their leonine business.

Which is probably what a lot of Islamic fundies wish the US would do pre 9-11 (ie having bases in Saudi Arabia etc)...If there is one country that likes putting its fingers in other peoples' pie it's the US of A....
Which is probably what a lot of Islamic fundies wish the US would do pre 9-11 (ie having bases in Saudi Arabia etc)...If there is one country that likes putting its fingers in other peoples' pie it's the US of A....

They seem to like it when we distribute zillions of dollars of aid into their pieholes, though.
They seem to like it when we distribute zillions of dollars of aid into their pieholes, though.

True. Couple of things: 1) Why do some of those oil-rich countries get aid (do they in fact get aid???) 2) Plenty of Western countries give them aid, but they don't have military bases there...
True. Couple of things: 1) Why do some of those oil-rich countries get aid (do they in fact get aid???) 2) Plenty of Western countries give them aid, but they don't have military bases there...

Aid isn't necessarily free of strings and has to be repaid sometimes. It's like Canada giving China 50 million (or something like that) then, they turn around and invest heavily in developing Alberta's tar sands.
Or giving money for food aid. The donar often stipulates the food must be bought from their farmers.
Aid isn't necessarily free of strings and has to be repaid sometimes. It's like Canada giving China 50 million (or something like that) then, they turn around and invest heavily in developing Alberta's tar sands.


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