Whom would you call the worst president in American history?

Lincoln was our greatest President. That scumbag FDR was the worst.
Proof again that you are a hypocrite.

FDR's imprisoning Japanese Americans makes him the worst in your mind, which I am fine with. But claiming Dishonest Abe is the greatest for murdering 850k Americans, is utterly absurd.

Imprisonment wrong...murder okay...equals HYPOCRITE.
Very few Americans believe that Lincoln is responsible for murdering 850,000 American. It is an extremist propaganda talking point to deflect away from and change the way the vast majority believe. Most believe it was the fault of the southern states and that Lincoln saved the Union from becoming a hodgepodge of independent countries modeled on Europe and constantly at war or economic aggression with each other.

The fact that the vast majority of numskulls don't believe it doesn't mean it isn't true.
Its that old herd mentality. If the government jester historians claim it, the dim-witted believe it.

Have you ever noticed how almost all the boot-licking toadies who worship Lincoln don't know a thing about the man that is actually true?
Yep. They think he is some kind of saint, yet he was a blatant racist even for his time. He ignored the Constitution while claiming to uphold it. He may have been the most tyrannical lying corrupt POTUS ever and yet millions of Americans think him great. Its all very disturbing and disheartening.

The government school statist indoctrination is so strong in some people, that they can't or won't accept the truth.
Worst was Obama, worst is still Obama.

That scumbag FDR was the worst.
Why? Don't you like the outcome of the WWII?

I don't think US Presidents should be running concentration camps like that scumbag FDR did.

Or Lincoln?

President Lincoln did not.

You don't know much about Lincoln, do you?
He knows Lincoln didn't imprison Japanese Americans...and that is good enough for him.
Worst was Obama, worst is still Obama.

That scumbag FDR was the worst.
Why? Don't you like the outcome of the WWII?

I don't think US Presidents should be running concentration camps like that scumbag FDR did.

Or Lincoln?

President Lincoln did not.

You don't know much about Lincoln, do you?

I know real history, not the revisionist nonsense you keep spouting
Worst was Obama, worst is still Obama.

Why? Don't you like the outcome of the WWII?

I don't think US Presidents should be running concentration camps like that scumbag FDR did.

Or Lincoln?

President Lincoln did not.

You don't know much about Lincoln, do you?
He knows Lincoln didn't imprison Japanese Americans...and that is good enough for him.

If you want to know what is good enough for me just ask, you dishonest fuck.
Proof again that you are a hypocrite.

FDR's imprisoning Japanese Americans makes him the worst in your mind, which I am fine with. But claiming Dishonest Abe is the greatest for murdering 850k Americans, is utterly absurd.

Imprisonment wrong...murder okay...equals HYPOCRITE.
Very few Americans believe that Lincoln is responsible for murdering 850,000 American. It is an extremist propaganda talking point to deflect away from and change the way the vast majority believe. Most believe it was the fault of the southern states and that Lincoln saved the Union from becoming a hodgepodge of independent countries modeled on Europe and constantly at war or economic aggression with each other.

The fact that the vast majority of numskulls don't believe it doesn't mean it isn't true.
Its that old herd mentality. If the government jester historians claim it, the dim-witted believe it.

Have you ever noticed how almost all the boot-licking toadies who worship Lincoln don't know a thing about the man that is actually true?
Yep. They think he is some kind of saint, yet he was a blatant racist even for his time. He ignored the Constitution while claiming to uphold it. He may have been the most tyrannical lying corrupt POTUS ever and yet millions of Americans think him great. Its all very disturbing and disheartening.

The government school statist indoctrination is so strong in some people, that they can't or won't accept the truth.

You wouldn't know the truth if it dropped you on your damn fool head.
Ok now most people today would say George W. Bush, however most of these people were not alive for past presidents. Who did the most damage to the country while in office?
We have too many candidates I suppose. I bet at least 1 agree to anyone who call Obama.
But still. Who?

Using your definitions--the "most damage to the country while in office", I do not see how anyone could not say LBJ who got us involved in a winless war in SE Asia for no reason whatsoever.

Hundreds of thousands of American families were changed forever. The point wasn't that we lost. The point was that those hundreds of thousands of families would have been changed for the detrement regardless of outcome.

Second may have been the most divisive president ever, GWB.

LBJ was both a great president and a horrible president

His record on civil rights, social programs, Medicare and anti-poverty programs are hard to match
His record on getting us entrenched in Vietnam is hard to justify

He was an abject racist, his only motivation was to get the black vote.
For a racist...he sure pushed through some historic Civil Rights legislation

He could have easily stopped it if he wanted to

So....you've chosen to recuse yourself from this conversation?
Ok Candycorn. I finally have nothing better to do than respond to your question. First, I said GWB was "middle of the pack". I don't need to place him exactly, smack dab, in the middle. I will split it into 3rds. the bottom third, the middle third, and the top third. If GWB is in the middle third he is "middle of the pack".

Second, your terms are unacceptable and show your lack of understanding about American history and civics. How a president leaves the nation is not always a correct way to measure his effectiveness. In fact, usually it isn't. This is because certain things happen that are beyond a president's control. I am assuming you refer to the economic collapse at the end of Bush's term. If you think that was Bush's fault, you really need to brush up on your history and your understanding of the way the government works. The president does not control the economy. That is all on Congress and the Fed. There is not a single thing any president of any party can do about the economy unless Congress cooperates. If you can't grasp that, sue your high school civics teacher.

So...presidents that were worse than GWB (or at least less effective) in no particular order: John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Rutherford B. Hayes, James Garfield, Benjamin Harrison, Warren Harding, Herbert Hoover, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Jimmy Carter, and Barack Obama.

That's 19 which puts him very comfortably in the middle of the pack. But arguments could be made about Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, both of whom were fantastic men who inspired revolution, but frankly, pretty lousy presidents.

Now my guess is that you might recognize about 6 of those names, so go take a history class and learn about your country.
As if the intended massive outpouring of money for his illegal invasion were not an economic as well as a geopolitical manipulation on the part of the "W" clique! Of course, presidents can affect the economy. True, criminals in Congress colluded, cowards that went along to get along.
Bad as some previous presidents may have been, in overall gravity, #43's administration degraded America the most.
You can't leave out Buchannan. This guy was WAY out of his pay grade. And, of course, Harding is everyone's favorite incompetent. Personally, I think that Carter was not a bad president. He didn't really do any harm. The hyperinflation in that period was actually inherited from LBJ's guns and butter policies. Of course, he didn't really do much of anything good either....

And then there is Nixon. I won't count that, because that is a personal evaluation. The SOB tried to kill me.
Carter also had to deal with a slump in the economy caused by he end of the war in Vietnam.
Carter was a sincere, honest, intelligent man, the kind I would prefer as a president. I always felt he was torpedoed by 'inside the beltway' thinking that didn't like outsiders.
Americans seem controlled by 'gut feeling' more than rationality. They are attracted by looks, jingos, appearances or compelled by fears.
Reagan was just right for the role (and is was a role; he merely continued his acting carrer). His administration was a rehearsal for what the same people did under 'W'; make decisions for the future so that a certain agenda could be maintained.
And, this criminal makes money exploiting his rape of America:

...just 'google'...

On talk circuit, George W. Bush makes millions but few waves

"Since 2009, the former president has given at least 200 paid speeches, typically pocketing $100,000 to $175,000 per appearance."
Ok now most people today would say George W. Bush, however most of these people were not alive for past presidents. Who did the most damage to the country while in office?
We have too many candidates I suppose. I bet at least 1 agree to anyone who call Obama.
But still. Who?

Using your definitions--the "most damage to the country while in office", I do not see how anyone could not say LBJ who got us involved in a winless war in SE Asia for no reason whatsoever.

Hundreds of thousands of American families were changed forever. The point wasn't that we lost. The point was that those hundreds of thousands of families would have been changed for the detrement regardless of outcome.

Second may have been the most divisive president ever, GWB.

LBJ was both a great president and a horrible president

His record on civil rights, social programs, Medicare and anti-poverty programs are hard to match
His record on getting us entrenched in Vietnam is hard to justify

He was an abject racist, his only motivation was to get the black vote.
For a racist...he sure pushed through some historic Civil Rights legislation

He could have easily stopped it if he wanted to

""I'll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years." ~ Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One

The Democratic Party s Two-Facedness of Race Relations The Relentless Conservative

That quote is total bullshit

LBJ was a political genius.....Intentionally trading the solid South Democratic vote for the black vote (12% of electorate) would be suicide

The Democrats had the majority of the black vote since FDR
right, Obama's record will be much worse.

doubled the national debt
put millions in poverty
increased the gap between rich and poor
allowed the mid east to explode
allowed the rise of ISIS
lost the Iraq war
lost the Afghanistan war
weakened us militarily
weakened us fiscally
weakened us morally
divided the country like never before
lied repeatedly
destroyed the best medical system in human history
violated the constitution
encouraged the radical muslim takeover of Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan
dumped on our allies
made Putin look like a statesman

Propaganda does not pass for fact

Presidents are judged on:

What were you given when you entered office
What did you leave
What was your lasting legacy

Obama was given a nation in a financial collapse. A nation engaged in two wars. A worldwide threat of terrorism

Obama stopped a depression. Reversed the economic collapse. Attacked terrorism around the globe. Killed bin Laden. Got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

What is his lasting legacy? Passed the first universal healthcare system. Enhanced gay rights. Stabilized the economy. Recognized Cuba.

That is what historians will look at

stopped a depression? WTF are you talking about? first of all there was no depression and secondly obama made a recession last longer by his stupid policies

attacked terrorism? He made ISIS a world threat, he turned Egypt and Libya over to radicals.

got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan? by losing what had been won, can you say viet nam, ya dumb shit.

obozocare is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country, thats what history will record.

Legitimized the Castro regime that murdered thousands of Cubans--------WTF is wrong with you?
Stopped a depression

Banks failing by the week, auto industry on the verge of collapse, losing 700,000 jobs a month, stock market dropped 7000 points

Yes, that kind of depression

horseshit. you have bought into the dem lies. none of that was happening. the auto industry would have been just fine if the companies had gone through bankruptcy. The bail out using taxpayer money was to save the UAW, not the car companies, and if you have a brain in that tiny head of yours you know it.

The economic numbers are historical fact

You have no idea that the auto industry would be "just fine"
Let them collapse and we will see what happens?
It is quite a gamble you are willing to take with one of our countries most essential industries

GM was a huge company with billions in assets. If it went through a bankruptcy it would have been broken up into smaller more efficient units, creditors would have been paid off at $x/dollar and the assets would either have been sold or taken over by one of the new companies.

THEN, each new company would have had to have a union representation vote, THAT scared the shit out of the UAW and the dem party who gets millions from the union. Our taxpayer dollars were then used to save the UAW and keep its money flowing to the DNC.

That, my foolish friend, is what the GM bailout was all about, and anyone with a modicum of common sense knows it.
Using your definitions--the "most damage to the country while in office", I do not see how anyone could not say LBJ who got us involved in a winless war in SE Asia for no reason whatsoever.

Hundreds of thousands of American families were changed forever. The point wasn't that we lost. The point was that those hundreds of thousands of families would have been changed for the detrement regardless of outcome.

Second may have been the most divisive president ever, GWB.

LBJ was both a great president and a horrible president

His record on civil rights, social programs, Medicare and anti-poverty programs are hard to match
His record on getting us entrenched in Vietnam is hard to justify

He was an abject racist, his only motivation was to get the black vote.
For a racist...he sure pushed through some historic Civil Rights legislation

He could have easily stopped it if he wanted to

""I'll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years." ~ Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One

The Democratic Party s Two-Facedness of Race Relations The Relentless Conservative

That quote is total bullshit

LBJ was a political genius.....Intentionally trading the solid South Democratic vote for the black vote (12% of electorate) would be suicide

The Democrats had the majority of the black vote since FDR

yes they have and blacks are no better off today than when FDR was president. The dems used them and treat them as slaves.

But the good thing is that many blacks are waking up to the fraud that the dems perpetrated on them.
LBJ was both a great president and a horrible president

His record on civil rights, social programs, Medicare and anti-poverty programs are hard to match
His record on getting us entrenched in Vietnam is hard to justify

He was an abject racist, his only motivation was to get the black vote.
For a racist...he sure pushed through some historic Civil Rights legislation

He could have easily stopped it if he wanted to

""I'll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years." ~ Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One

The Democratic Party s Two-Facedness of Race Relations The Relentless Conservative

That quote is total bullshit

LBJ was a political genius.....Intentionally trading the solid South Democratic vote for the black vote (12% of electorate) would be suicide

The Democrats had the majority of the black vote since FDR

yes they have and blacks are no better off today than when FDR was president. The dems used them and treat them as slaves.

But the good thing is that many blacks are waking up to the fraud that the dems perpetrated on them.

Why would you post an ignorant statement like that? Do you just post what pops into your head?

Blacks are no better off than when FDR was president?

We were in the midst of a depression and blacks got the worst of it. Jim Crow was in its glory and we couldn't even get an anti-lynching bill passed let alone civil rights legislation
He was an abject racist, his only motivation was to get the black vote.
For a racist...he sure pushed through some historic Civil Rights legislation

He could have easily stopped it if he wanted to

""I'll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years." ~ Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One

The Democratic Party s Two-Facedness of Race Relations The Relentless Conservative

That quote is total bullshit

LBJ was a political genius.....Intentionally trading the solid South Democratic vote for the black vote (12% of electorate) would be suicide

The Democrats had the majority of the black vote since FDR

yes they have and blacks are no better off today than when FDR was president. The dems used them and treat them as slaves.

But the good thing is that many blacks are waking up to the fraud that the dems perpetrated on them.

Why would you post an ignorant statement like that? Do you just post what pops into your head?

Blacks are no better off than when FDR was president?

We were in the midst of a depression and blacks got the worst of it. Jim Crow was in its glory and we couldn't even get an anti-lynching bill passed let alone civil rights legislation

the black poverty rate, the black unemployment rate, the black murder rate, the black fatherless child rate, the black abortion rate, the black education rate---------------all worse today.

the liberal war on poverty has failed the blacks in america. Liberalism has failed. Obama has failed.

the few things you claim as successes were passed by republicans and fought against by dems.

You libs have had 60 years or more and accomplished nothing. Oh, let me correct that, Caitlyn Jenner is on a magazine cover.
He was an abject racist, his only motivation was to get the black vote.
For a racist...he sure pushed through some historic Civil Rights legislation

He could have easily stopped it if he wanted to

""I'll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years." ~ Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One

The Democratic Party s Two-Facedness of Race Relations The Relentless Conservative

That quote is total bullshit

LBJ was a political genius.....Intentionally trading the solid South Democratic vote for the black vote (12% of electorate) would be suicide

The Democrats had the majority of the black vote since FDR

yes they have and blacks are no better off today than when FDR was president. The dems used them and treat them as slaves.

But the good thing is that many blacks are waking up to the fraud that the dems perpetrated on them.

Why would you post an ignorant statement like that? Do you just post what pops into your head?

Blacks are no better off than when FDR was president?

We were in the midst of a depression and blacks got the worst of it. Jim Crow was in its glory and we couldn't even get an anti-lynching bill passed let alone civil rights legislation

Perhaps their lives have improved since FDR, but not since the Johnson administration. The poverty rate has remained flat since 1970.

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