Whom would you call the worst president in American history?

Ok now most people today would say George W. Bush, however most of these people were not alive for past presidents. Who did the most damage to the country while in office?
We have too many candidates I suppose. I bet at least 1 agree to anyone who call Obama.
But still. Who?

George W. Bush??? We had 52 consecutive months of economic growth and an average unemployment rate of 5.2% under Bush. The real unemployment rate, the U-6, was substantially lower under Bush than under Obama.

Thanks to Bush, the Iraqi and Afghani people got to elect their own leaders. After 9/11, we had no more terrorist attacks on American soil, whereas we have had several such attacks under Obama.

The average price of gas under Bush was nearly a dollar lower than it has been under Obama.

And, of course, Bush repeatedly tried to rein in the reckless mortgage lending that led to the Great Recession, but Senate Democrats blocked all bills that would have reined in Freddie and Fannie and played the class-warfare and race cards and accused Republicans of wanting to keep poor people and minorities from owning homes.
The worst president in American history, hands down, no contest: George W. Bush

Says the millennial who never read a history book in their life.
According to Presidential historians, Bush is ranked near the bottom of the pile, over and over again:

39 * 19 * 37 * 36 39 31 35 37

I guess I've read nearly as much history as they have. He's the pits, that's what I know.

Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

He's a slug. A bottom feeder. Probably why you like him: 2 of a kind.

Historians Rank George W. Bush Among Worst Presidents
Historians Rank George W. Bush Among Worst Presidents - US News

The worst presidents, according to the survey, were James Buchanan at 42, Andrew Johnson at 41, Franklin Pierce, William Henry Harrison, Warren Harding, Millard Fillmore, George W. Bush, John Tyler, Herbert Hoover, and Rutherford B. Hayes.
IMO he belongs at the bottom.
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The worst president in American history, hands down, no contest: George W. Bush

Says the millennial who never read a history book in their life.
According to Presidential historians, Bush is ranked near the bottom of the pile, over and over again:

39 * 19 * 37 * 36 39 31 35 37

I guess I've read as nearly much history as they have. He's the pits, that's what I know.

Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

He's a slug. A bottom feeder. Probably why you like him: 2 of a kind.

This thread would be more interesting if the righties were to name their least favorite Republican president, and the lefties vice versa.

Otherwise the responses are pretty predictable, aren't they?

If only political parties were static entities that meant the same thing 100, 150 years ago as they do now.... if one understands that that is not at all the case, that proposal's pretty meaningless. In fact, indulging it serves to amplify this myth of ignorance that the definitions of "Democrat" and "Republican" have never changed.

It's kind of amazing to me that Woodrow Wilson keeps ranking high. I have yet to understand what for, other than having an excellent post-presidency PR campaign including an image on currency. The guy was a racist asshole who poked our nose into Latin America and Russia and IMO did more harm than good. By the time Wilson left office he was so unpopular that Harding barely had to campaign at all and won the biggest landslide ever to that time. His legacy has certainly been well-massaged.

On the other hand I think Grant usually gets shorted, and probably Harding wasn't bad enough to rank on the bottom when you have James Buchanan, Franklin Pierce, George W. Bush and Andrew Johnson to kick around.

Fun quiz: Two of those last four POTUSes are related to each other. Which two?

Franklin Pierce and George W. Bush (Bush's mother = Barbara Pierce)
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This thread would be more interesting if the righties were to name their least favorite Republican president, and the lefties vice versa.

Otherwise the responses are pretty predictable, aren't they?

If only political parties were static entities that meant the same thing 100, 150 years ago as they do now...]


democrats trying to hide from/deny their filthy history yet again. No wonder they can't face their present honestly.
Note that three last POTUSes were mentioned many times. I guess the next President would be blamed too, doesn't matter what policy he'd conduct.

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