Whom would you call the worst president in American history?

I shouldn't say that it was real bad under JFK but he pulled us out of it and real bad under Carter, I remember listening to a old AM radio before I went to sleep in the late 70's how pissed off I was when Jimmy boycotted the Olympics and when his failed Iran hostage rescue and Iranians were picking at the bones of dead US soldiers

Some of it is burned into your memory.

His reaction to Iran cost Carter a second term

But in the end, Carter was right. He did not overreact. He did not give in to those demanding a military response. He did not act like a cowboy looking for a shootout

He waited for the situation to play out and in the end, all the hostages were returned safely

The only lives lost were those trying a military resue mission
RW after 25 plus years always trying to figure that out? Did Reagan have a secrete deal with Iran or no? I heard the rumours , you would probably agree, but I think it is just a myth, to bad fox news or MSNBC were not around then.

I doubt it

Iran just held back the release to humiliate Carter

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Ok now most people today would say George W. Bush, however most of these people were not alive for past presidents. Who did the most damage to the country while in office?
We have too many candidates I suppose. I bet at least 1 agree to anyone who call Obama.
But still. Who?
Abraham Lincoln, without a doubt.

Lincoln was, of course, our greatest President.

Lincoln was a dictator and a tyrant who killed 850,000 Americans

Consider, of course, the source...

bripat9643;9224206 said:
Eisenhower was a socialist dupe who positively harmed this country and decreased the freedoms we formerly enjoyed. Only a statist bootlicker would admire him.
Eisenhower was a good President, but an even better general.

Bripat is probably butt-hurt, because Eisenhower was an enemy of his life-long hero McCarthy: Eisenhower criticizes McCarthy - Mar 09 1954 - HISTORY.com
Although Eisenhower had yet to criticize McCarthy in public, according to an aide’s memoirs, he did not hesitate to criticize McCarthy in private[...]He complained to his friend that public policy and ideals have a tough time competing for headlines with demagogues [like McCarthy] “It is a sad commentary on our government when such a manifestly useless and spurious thing can divert our attention from all the constructive work in which we could and should be engaged.” Ike also defended himself from Stevenson’s criticism in the letter, writing, “[I have not] acquiesced in, or by any means approve, the methods that McCarthy uses in his investigatory process. I despise them.”
George Washington.

All that effort to throw off the shackles of living under a King, and what's he do but become a King by a different name.
George Washington.

All that effort to throw off the shackles of living under a King, and what's he do but become a King by a different name.
John Adams was worse, as he responded to a smear campaign with censorship: Alien and Sedition Acts - Facts Summary - HISTORY.com
Under the Sedition Act, even the rights of American citizens were curtailed by prohibiting assembly ‘with intent to oppose any measure … of the government’ and made it illegal for any person to ‘print, utter, or publish … any false, scandalous, and malicious writing’ against the government.
George Washington.

All that effort to throw off the shackles of living under a King, and what's he do but become a King by a different name.
John Adams was worse, as he responded to a smear campaign with censorship: Alien and Sedition Acts - Facts Summary - HISTORY.com
Under the Sedition Act, even the rights of American citizens were curtailed by prohibiting assembly ‘with intent to oppose any measure … of the government’ and made it illegal for any person to ‘print, utter, or publish … any false, scandalous, and malicious writing’ against the government.

Who was the one that slept through his technical administration? :)
Yeah, that really explains why LBJ didn't run for a second term. It also clears up why Nixon kept the war going for another seven years after promising to end the war. Kinda like Raygun promising to balance the budget in his first four years, and then tripling the national debt with $300 billion annual deficits.

All you got is sandbox banter. Grow up.

Nixon DID end the War you stupid bitch.

Less than 4 years after he took office we ended the War with a Victory.

You really are a stupid bitch.

BTW, you illiterate excuse for 3rd Grade educated moron......... Two-Thirds of all the casualties in Viet Nam happened under LBJ and JFK.
What the fuck is this shit?

Nixon ended a war with a victory? Ya do know Vietnam is pure communist today right?

That's like saying Obama won the war in Iraq. Ya both didn't tell the other guy.

Stupid bitch.

January, 1973. War ends with the signing of the Paris Peace Accords by the North Vietnamese, the South Vietnamese, the United States and the Viet Cong.

War ends. Over. North stays where it is and promises not to commit any more military violations of South Vietnamese territory.

All POWs are returned (most anyway, another story) and EVERY AMERICAN SOLDIER IS SHIPPED BACK TO THE UNITED STATES...... NOT ONE REMAINS

In 1974, American communists -- the dimocrap party, pull Watergate out of their asses and weaken Nixon.

Nixon had promised the South Vietnamese that he would bomb the communist scum into the Stone Age if they re-invaded and the communists believed him.

Meantime, the American communists -- the dimocrap scum party, had weakened the South by refusing to ship them spare parts and ammunition.

In 1975, after Nixon was gone, the communists re-invaded the South with 17 Divisions and 1,000 Tanks (approximately the same size force the Germans used in the Battle of The Bulge) and in the age old tradition of mass and maneuver defeated the under-equipped South Vietnamese in detail.

Not one US Soldier was there.

So, as is the tradition of dimocrap scum, they stabbed an ally in the back.

dimocrap scum did it in Viet Nam and they did it in Iraq.

And that is why dimocraps should be removed, not from power, but from the surface of the planet.

The sooner the better

Oh, and open a book every now and then, moron
That's actually not true. Don't get me wrong, Nixon was a scumbag of the first order, but he saved a lot of lives......

KIA in Vietnam by year 1964...............................216
First Year of Nixon' term in office 1969..........................11,780
Resigns in August 1974...................................1

Statistical information about casualties of the Vietnam War

Somehow this does not make me feel any better about the three friends that I had who died there for nothing.

Everyone who died there, died for nothing. Well, that's not entirely true, good old LBJ and his buddies made a fortune off of that fucking war. I am truly sorry for the friends you lost though. No one should have to experience that.
LBJ found out the war profiteers were bullshitting him, that's why he refused to run for a second term. Nixon made the war profiteers rich, continuing the war for another seven years. Eisenhower sent the first troops to Vietnam, JFK was assassinated because he was going to end the war. FYI, cons are the promoters of the war machine. Really, wake up.

Bullshit. He finally developed a conscience. Yes Kennedy was withdrawing us from Vietnam. LBJ rammed millions of troops into Vietnam, further 90% of the war material for the war was made in TEXAS! LBJ and Lady Bird were worth maybe a million dollars when he took the reins as POTUS, after ONE complete term he and she were worth more than 40 million dollars.

You are the one who needs to wake up, fool.
Yeah, that really explains why LBJ didn't run for a second term. It also clears up why Nixon kept the war going for another seven years after promising to end the war. Kinda like Raygun promising to balance the budget in his first four years, and then tripling the national debt with $300 billion annual deficits.

All you got is sandbox banter. Grow up.

Another seven years huh....that's an interesting trick considering he only was POTUS for six. Take a look at the casualty figures nimrod. Does that look like someone who is extending the war? Every year that Nixon was POTUS the casualties dropped. EVERY YEAR. Nixon was an asshole, there is no doubt about that...but you...you're an intellectually dishonest asshole, which makes you even worse.
I could say the same thing about Obama, I secretly believed in his hope and change a transparent presidency.

That party crashed real fast over Obama care being signed into law in 3 ducking days.
No, you can't say the same things about Obama

Neither will history

right, Obama's record will be much worse.

doubled the national debt
put millions in poverty
increased the gap between rich and poor
allowed the mid east to explode
allowed the rise of ISIS
lost the Iraq war
lost the Afghanistan war
weakened us militarily
weakened us fiscally
weakened us morally
divided the country like never before
lied repeatedly
destroyed the best medical system in human history
violated the constitution
encouraged the radical muslim takeover of Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan
dumped on our allies
made Putin look like a statesman

Propaganda does not pass for fact

Presidents are judged on:

What were you given when you entered office
What did you leave
What was your lasting legacy

Obama was given a nation in a financial collapse. A nation engaged in two wars. A worldwide threat of terrorism

Obama stopped a depression. Reversed the economic collapse. Attacked terrorism around the globe. Killed bin Laden. Got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

What is his lasting legacy? Passed the first universal healthcare system. Enhanced gay rights. Stabilized the economy. Recognized Cuba.

That is what historians will look at

stopped a depression? WTF are you talking about? first of all there was no depression and secondly obama made a recession last longer by his stupid policies

attacked terrorism? He made ISIS a world threat, he turned Egypt and Libya over to radicals.

got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan? by losing what had been won, can you say viet nam, ya dumb shit.

obozocare is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country, thats what history will record.

Legitimized the Castro regime that murdered thousands of Cubans--------WTF is wrong with you?
Stopped a depression

Banks failing by the week, auto industry on the verge of collapse, losing 700,000 jobs a month, stock market dropped 7000 points

Yes, that kind of depression

horseshit. you have bought into the dem lies. none of that was happening. the auto industry would have been just fine if the companies had gone through bankruptcy. The bail out using taxpayer money was to save the UAW, not the car companies, and if you have a brain in that tiny head of yours you know it.
No, you can't say the same things about Obama

Neither will history

right, Obama's record will be much worse.

doubled the national debt
put millions in poverty
increased the gap between rich and poor
allowed the mid east to explode
allowed the rise of ISIS
lost the Iraq war
lost the Afghanistan war
weakened us militarily
weakened us fiscally
weakened us morally
divided the country like never before
lied repeatedly
destroyed the best medical system in human history
violated the constitution
encouraged the radical muslim takeover of Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan
dumped on our allies
made Putin look like a statesman

Propaganda does not pass for fact

Presidents are judged on:

What were you given when you entered office
What did you leave
What was your lasting legacy

Obama was given a nation in a financial collapse. A nation engaged in two wars. A worldwide threat of terrorism

Obama stopped a depression. Reversed the economic collapse. Attacked terrorism around the globe. Killed bin Laden. Got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

What is his lasting legacy? Passed the first universal healthcare system. Enhanced gay rights. Stabilized the economy. Recognized Cuba.

That is what historians will look at

stopped a depression? WTF are you talking about? first of all there was no depression and secondly obama made a recession last longer by his stupid policies

attacked terrorism? He made ISIS a world threat, he turned Egypt and Libya over to radicals.

got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan? by losing what had been won, can you say viet nam, ya dumb shit.

obozocare is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country, thats what history will record.

Legitimized the Castro regime that murdered thousands of Cubans--------WTF is wrong with you?
Stopped a depression

Banks failing by the week, auto industry on the verge of collapse, losing 700,000 jobs a month, stock market dropped 7000 points

Yes, that kind of depression

horseshit. you have bought into the dem lies. none of that was happening. the auto industry would have been just fine if the companies had gone through bankruptcy. The bail out using taxpayer money was to save the UAW, not the car companies, and if you have a brain in that tiny head of yours you know it.

The economic numbers are historical fact

You have no idea that the auto industry would be "just fine"
Let them collapse and we will see what happens?
It is quite a gamble you are willing to take with one of our countries most essential industries
right, Obama's record will be much worse.

doubled the national debt
put millions in poverty
increased the gap between rich and poor
allowed the mid east to explode
allowed the rise of ISIS
lost the Iraq war
lost the Afghanistan war
weakened us militarily
weakened us fiscally
weakened us morally
divided the country like never before
lied repeatedly
destroyed the best medical system in human history
violated the constitution
encouraged the radical muslim takeover of Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan
dumped on our allies
made Putin look like a statesman

Propaganda does not pass for fact

Presidents are judged on:

What were you given when you entered office
What did you leave
What was your lasting legacy

Obama was given a nation in a financial collapse. A nation engaged in two wars. A worldwide threat of terrorism

Obama stopped a depression. Reversed the economic collapse. Attacked terrorism around the globe. Killed bin Laden. Got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

What is his lasting legacy? Passed the first universal healthcare system. Enhanced gay rights. Stabilized the economy. Recognized Cuba.

That is what historians will look at

stopped a depression? WTF are you talking about? first of all there was no depression and secondly obama made a recession last longer by his stupid policies

attacked terrorism? He made ISIS a world threat, he turned Egypt and Libya over to radicals.

got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan? by losing what had been won, can you say viet nam, ya dumb shit.

obozocare is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country, thats what history will record.

Legitimized the Castro regime that murdered thousands of Cubans--------WTF is wrong with you?
Stopped a depression

Banks failing by the week, auto industry on the verge of collapse, losing 700,000 jobs a month, stock market dropped 7000 points

Yes, that kind of depression

horseshit. you have bought into the dem lies. none of that was happening. the auto industry would have been just fine if the companies had gone through bankruptcy. The bail out using taxpayer money was to save the UAW, not the car companies, and if you have a brain in that tiny head of yours you know it.

The economic numbers are historical fact

You have no idea that the auto industry would be "just fine"
Let them collapse and we will see what happens?
It is quite a gamble you are willing to take with one of our countries most essential industries
They were ready to pack up, and move all their factories to China, when the 'great recession' hit.
Yeah, that really explains why LBJ didn't run for a second term. It also clears up why Nixon kept the war going for another seven years after promising to end the war. Kinda like Raygun promising to balance the budget in his first four years, and then tripling the national debt with $300 billion annual deficits.

All you got is sandbox banter. Grow up.

Nixon DID end the War you stupid bitch.

Less than 4 years after he took office we ended the War with a Victory.

You really are a stupid bitch.

BTW, you illiterate excuse for 3rd Grade educated moron......... Two-Thirds of all the casualties in Viet Nam happened under LBJ and JFK.
What the fuck is this shit?

Nixon ended a war with a victory? Ya do know Vietnam is pure communist today right?

That's like saying Obama won the war in Iraq. Ya both didn't tell the other guy.

Stupid bitch.

January, 1973. War ends with the signing of the Paris Peace Accords by the North Vietnamese, the South Vietnamese, the United States and the Viet Cong.

War ends. Over. North stays where it is and promises not to commit any more military violations of South Vietnamese territory.

All POWs are returned (most anyway, another story) and EVERY AMERICAN SOLDIER IS SHIPPED BACK TO THE UNITED STATES...... NOT ONE REMAINS

In 1974, American communists -- the dimocrap party, pull Watergate out of their asses and weaken Nixon.

Nixon had promised the South Vietnamese that he would bomb the communist scum into the Stone Age if they re-invaded and the communists believed him.

Meantime, the American communists -- the dimocrap scum party, had weakened the South by refusing to ship them spare parts and ammunition.

In 1975, after Nixon was gone, the communists re-invaded the South with 17 Divisions and 1,000 Tanks (approximately the same size force the Germans used in the Battle of The Bulge) and in the age old tradition of mass and maneuver defeated the under-equipped South Vietnamese in detail.

Not one US Soldier was there.

So, as is the tradition of dimocrap scum, they stabbed an ally in the back.

dimocrap scum did it in Viet Nam and they did it in Iraq.

And that is why dimocraps should be removed, not from power, but from the surface of the planet.

The sooner the better

Oh, and open a book every now and then, moron
South Caroline wasn't "his own country" after it seceded. Look up the meaning of "secede" before you make a further assistance of yourself.
Lincoln. Hands down worst ever.

Lincoln was our greatest President. That scumbag FDR was the worst.
Proof again that you are a hypocrite.

FDR's imprisoning Japanese Americans makes him the worst in your mind, which I am fine with. But claiming Dishonest Abe is the greatest for murdering 850k Americans, is utterly absurd.

Imprisonment wrong...murder okay...equals HYPOCRITE.
Very few Americans believe that Lincoln is responsible for murdering 850,000 American. It is an extremist propaganda talking point to deflect away from and change the way the vast majority believe. Most believe it was the fault of the southern states and that Lincoln saved the Union from becoming a hodgepodge of independent countries modeled on Europe and constantly at war or economic aggression with each other.
As you may not know, history is written by the victors.

It is really very simple, if Lincoln does not invade, there is no war. Since he did invade, he is responsible for the war and all its consequences.
He didn't invade. You can not invade your own country and it was South Carolina that fired on the federal troops. The south were the original aggressors.
from the BBC Sept 16, 2004

"The United Nations secretary general, Kofi Annan, declared explicitly for the first time last night that the US-led war on Iraq was illegal.

Mr Annan said that the invasion was not sanctioned by the UN security council or in accordance with the UN's founding charter. In an interview with the BBC World Service broadcast last night, he was asked outright if the war was illegal. He replied: "Yes, if you wish.""

Bush and his cohorts are war criminals. This is today, not over a hundred years ago. We are paying for this today. The situation the US is in, financially, diplomatically and militarily, is as a result of that. We face that today.

"W" is persona non grata in many countries. We have yet to recover from his crimes. There has been no presidency more disastrous in all these ways.
Lincoln. Hands down worst ever.

Lincoln was our greatest President. That scumbag FDR was the worst.
Proof again that you are a hypocrite.

FDR's imprisoning Japanese Americans makes him the worst in your mind, which I am fine with. But claiming Dishonest Abe is the greatest for murdering 850k Americans, is utterly absurd.

Imprisonment wrong...murder okay...equals HYPOCRITE.
Very few Americans believe that Lincoln is responsible for murdering 850,000 American. It is an extremist propaganda talking point to deflect away from and change the way the vast majority believe. Most believe it was the fault of the southern states and that Lincoln saved the Union from becoming a hodgepodge of independent countries modeled on Europe and constantly at war or economic aggression with each other.

The fact that the vast majority of numskulls don't believe it doesn't mean it isn't true.
Lincoln. Hands down worst ever.

Lincoln was our greatest President. That scumbag FDR was the worst.
Proof again that you are a hypocrite.

FDR's imprisoning Japanese Americans makes him the worst in your mind, which I am fine with. But claiming Dishonest Abe is the greatest for murdering 850k Americans, is utterly absurd.

Imprisonment wrong...murder okay...equals HYPOCRITE.
Only a few things I don't like about FDR was giving away half of Europe to Stalin, S.S. a ponzi scheme, and freezing wages which started company's providing health care benefits, other then that I think he was a good president, but anyone who thinks Lincoln is responsible for the deaths of 850k American lives, is just bonkers.

"Bonkers?" The fact is indisputable.

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