Whom would you call the worst president in American history?

Considering that Buchanan actually precipitated a civil war he would have to go down as the worst.
As for my sixty years, Obama takes the cake. He mixes the worst aspects of Nixon, Carter, LBJ and president wannabe Wallace.
I've never before lived through a president who intentionally undermined the economy and national security and intentionally exacerbated racial division.
Only in your strange mind has that occurred. You and your ilk can't stand that a person of color became a president, and you have attempted to divide this country because of it. You are the greatest political dividers in our history since the Civil War. The strength of the nation is proven in that you have failed. The worst presidents have been Buchanan, Harding, Grant and Bush the Younger.
Once again, another lefty illustrates the point about Obama straining race relations. For lefties, all critiques of Obama default to racism. Makes my point.
You are deflecting, because you are the one who brought up strained race relations and overwhelmingly caused by the far right racists in America.
Trayvon and Ferguson and Baltimore and Sharpton and Jackson, etc. are right wing? Who knew?
Well I am not going to read this whole thread, entertaining as it may be. My guess is that everyone will put GW Bush and Obama at or close to the worst, depending on their political affiliation, but neither of them are even close. Well...Obama is making a case for the bottom 10 but far from the worst. Franklin Pierce was a total disaster. Spent most of his term drunk and depressed, ignored everything, made promises to everyone that were in total conflict with what he had promised others. He fanned the flames of Civil War. Even his own party ignored him when he died. Still, Buchanan was the worst. I think a strong argument can be made that he was guilty of treason...not just because he sat idly by while the south left the union but because he damn near backed them. I believe his position was that it was unconstitutional for them to secede, but it was also unconstitutional to try to stop them. Gee....thanks James. Way to stick your neck out there and lead the nation.
Economically, diplomatically and militarily, war criminal Bush and company exceeded anything any enemy has ever done to the US.
Ok now most people today would say George W. Bush, however most of these people were not alive for past presidents. Who did the most damage to the country while in office?
We have too many candidates I suppose. I bet at least 1 agree to anyone who call Obama.
But still. Who?

Using your definitions--the "most damage to the country while in office", I do not see how anyone could not say LBJ who got us involved in a winless war in SE Asia for no reason whatsoever.

Hundreds of thousands of American families were changed forever. The point wasn't that we lost. The point was that those hundreds of thousands of families would have been changed for the detrement regardless of outcome.

Second may have been the most divisive president ever, GWB.
Ok now most people today would say George W. Bush, however most of these people were not alive for past presidents. Who did the most damage to the country while in office?
We have too many candidates I suppose. I bet at least 1 agree to anyone who call Obama.
But still. Who?

Using your definitions--the "most damage to the country while in office", I do not see how anyone could not say LBJ who got us involved in a winless war in SE Asia for no reason whatsoever.

Hundreds of thousands of American families were changed forever. The point wasn't that we lost. The point was that those hundreds of thousands of families would have been changed for the detrement regardless of outcome.

Second may have been the most divisive president ever, GWB.

LBJ certainly damaged the nation in that aspect and many others. GWB...oh stop. The division our nation faced during his presidency was nothing compared to presidents like Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan, Taylor to some degree...go look up Kansas Bleeding and compare that to the division under GWB. One could even argue that Lincoln was more divisive than GWB. Thomas Jefferson polarized congress against John Adams. Andrew Jackson polarized the entire government and told the Supreme Court to go fuck themselves when they ruled against his policies.

Anyone who points at GWB needs to learn a lot more about our nation's history
Ok now most people today would say George W. Bush, however most of these people were not alive for past presidents. Who did the most damage to the country while in office?
We have too many candidates I suppose. I bet at least 1 agree to anyone who call Obama.
But still. Who?

Using your definitions--the "most damage to the country while in office", I do not see how anyone could not say LBJ who got us involved in a winless war in SE Asia for no reason whatsoever.

Hundreds of thousands of American families were changed forever. The point wasn't that we lost. The point was that those hundreds of thousands of families would have been changed for the detrement regardless of outcome.

Second may have been the most divisive president ever, GWB.

LBJ certainly damaged the nation in that aspect and many others. GWB...oh stop. The division our nation faced during his presidency was nothing compared to presidents like Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan, Taylor to some degree...go look up Kansas Bleeding and compare that to the division under GWB. One could even argue that Lincoln was more divisive than GWB. Thomas Jefferson polarized congress against John Adams. Andrew Jackson polarized the entire government and told the Supreme Court to go fuck themselves when they ruled against his policies.

Anyone who points at GWB needs to learn a lot more about our nation's history

Well, as I understood the question, it was to be framed in terms of what we lived through. I wasn't around when LBJ was President but there are ample examples of first hand accounts of the time when he was President.

I stand by what I said about GWB. Citations to come later if I find the time to look them up.
Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson set the stage for disaster in South East Asia. Nixon and Kissinger, two other war criminals to add to the list with Bush, Cheyney and co., expanded on the error with illegal invasions and other acts.
Vietnam did kill more people than the illegal Iraq invasion, but the damage to America was exceeded by the Bush league's malevolent designs.
Ok now most people today would say George W. Bush, however most of these people were not alive for past presidents. Who did the most damage to the country while in office?
We have too many candidates I suppose. I bet at least 1 agree to anyone who call Obama.
But still. Who?

Using your definitions--the "most damage to the country while in office", I do not see how anyone could not say LBJ who got us involved in a winless war in SE Asia for no reason whatsoever.

Hundreds of thousands of American families were changed forever. The point wasn't that we lost. The point was that those hundreds of thousands of families would have been changed for the detrement regardless of outcome.

Second may have been the most divisive president ever, GWB.

LBJ certainly damaged the nation in that aspect and many others. GWB...oh stop. The division our nation faced during his presidency was nothing compared to presidents like Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan, Taylor to some degree...go look up Kansas Bleeding and compare that to the division under GWB. One could even argue that Lincoln was more divisive than GWB. Thomas Jefferson polarized congress against John Adams. Andrew Jackson polarized the entire government and told the Supreme Court to go fuck themselves when they ruled against his policies.

Anyone who points at GWB needs to learn a lot more about our nation's history

Well, as I understood the question, it was to be framed in terms of what we lived through. I wasn't around when LBJ was President but there are ample examples of first hand accounts of the time when he was President.

I stand by what I said about GWB. Citations to come later if I find the time to look them up.

So if you understood the question to be about who you lived through but you didn't live through LBJ, why did you identify him? As far as your citations...knock yourself out. From who? Other liberals who are pounding left-wing propaganda? Yippie! As a Republican (and former history professor) I would put him in the middle of the pack, nowhere near the top. But anyone who suggests he was anywhere near the bottom either has not the faintest clue about our nation's history or is a propagandist who is trying to influence impressionable minds.
Ok now most people today would say George W. Bush, however most of these people were not alive for past presidents. Who did the most damage to the country while in office?
We have too many candidates I suppose. I bet at least 1 agree to anyone who call Obama.
But still. Who?

Using your definitions--the "most damage to the country while in office", I do not see how anyone could not say LBJ who got us involved in a winless war in SE Asia for no reason whatsoever.

Hundreds of thousands of American families were changed forever. The point wasn't that we lost. The point was that those hundreds of thousands of families would have been changed for the detrement regardless of outcome.

Second may have been the most divisive president ever, GWB.

LBJ certainly damaged the nation in that aspect and many others. GWB...oh stop. The division our nation faced during his presidency was nothing compared to presidents like Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan, Taylor to some degree...go look up Kansas Bleeding and compare that to the division under GWB. One could even argue that Lincoln was more divisive than GWB. Thomas Jefferson polarized congress against John Adams. Andrew Jackson polarized the entire government and told the Supreme Court to go fuck themselves when they ruled against his policies.

Anyone who points at GWB needs to learn a lot more about our nation's history

Well, as I understood the question, it was to be framed in terms of what we lived through. I wasn't around when LBJ was President but there are ample examples of first hand accounts of the time when he was President.

I stand by what I said about GWB. Citations to come later if I find the time to look them up.

So if you understood the question to be about who you lived through but you didn't live through LBJ, why did you identify him?
Again, ample evidence from people who lived during his tenure. Mom, Dad, grand parents, cousins...my first 3 bosses were veterans of the Viet Nam war.

As far as your citations...knock yourself out. From who? Other liberals who are pounding left-wing propaganda? Yippie! As a Republican (and former history professor) I would put him in the middle of the pack, nowhere near the top. But anyone who suggests he was anywhere near the bottom either has not the faintest clue about our nation's history or is a propagandist who is trying to influence impressionable minds.

Given that there have been what, 44 Presidents, rating him 22 is interesting...I'd love to hear the names of the 21 better Presidents who left the country worse off than when they found it.
Ok now most people today would say George W. Bush, however most of these people were not alive for past presidents. Who did the most damage to the country while in office?
We have too many candidates I suppose. I bet at least 1 agree to anyone who call Obama.
But still. Who?

Using your definitions--the "most damage to the country while in office", I do not see how anyone could not say LBJ who got us involved in a winless war in SE Asia for no reason whatsoever.

Hundreds of thousands of American families were changed forever. The point wasn't that we lost. The point was that those hundreds of thousands of families would have been changed for the detrement regardless of outcome.

Second may have been the most divisive president ever, GWB.

LBJ certainly damaged the nation in that aspect and many others. GWB...oh stop. The division our nation faced during his presidency was nothing compared to presidents like Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan, Taylor to some degree...go look up Kansas Bleeding and compare that to the division under GWB. One could even argue that Lincoln was more divisive than GWB. Thomas Jefferson polarized congress against John Adams. Andrew Jackson polarized the entire government and told the Supreme Court to go fuck themselves when they ruled against his policies.

Anyone who points at GWB needs to learn a lot more about our nation's history

Well, as I understood the question, it was to be framed in terms of what we lived through. I wasn't around when LBJ was President but there are ample examples of first hand accounts of the time when he was President.

I stand by what I said about GWB. Citations to come later if I find the time to look them up.

So if you understood the question to be about who you lived through but you didn't live through LBJ, why did you identify him?
Again, ample evidence from people who lived during his tenure. Mom, Dad, grand parents, cousins...my first 3 bosses were veterans of the Viet Nam war.

As far as your citations...knock yourself out. From who? Other liberals who are pounding left-wing propaganda? Yippie! As a Republican (and former history professor) I would put him in the middle of the pack, nowhere near the top. But anyone who suggests he was anywhere near the bottom either has not the faintest clue about our nation's history or is a propagandist who is trying to influence impressionable minds.

Given that there have been what, 44 Presidents, rating him 22 is interesting...I'd love to hear the names of the 21 better Presidents who left the country worse off than when they found it.

BluePhantom well, list the ones who have left the nation in poorer shape as per specified in the OP.
Lincoln. Hands down worst ever.

Lincoln was our greatest President. That scumbag FDR was the worst.
Proof again that you are a hypocrite.

FDR's imprisoning Japanese Americans makes him the worst in your mind, which I am fine with. But claiming Dishonest Abe is the greatest for murdering 850k Americans, is utterly absurd.

Imprisonment wrong...murder okay...equals HYPOCRITE.
Lincoln. Hands down worst ever.

Lincoln was our greatest President. That scumbag FDR was the worst.
Proof again that you are a hypocrite.

FDR's imprisoning Japanese Americans makes him the worst in your mind, which I am fine with. But claiming Dishonest Abe is the greatest for murdering 850k Americans, is utterly absurd.

Imprisonment wrong...murder okay...equals HYPOCRITE.
Very few Americans believe that Lincoln is responsible for murdering 850,000 American. It is an extremist propaganda talking point to deflect away from and change the way the vast majority believe. Most believe it was the fault of the southern states and that Lincoln saved the Union from becoming a hodgepodge of independent countries modeled on Europe and constantly at war or economic aggression with each other.
Ok now most people today would say George W. Bush, however most of these people were not alive for past presidents. Who did the most damage to the country while in office?
We have too many candidates I suppose. I bet at least 1 agree to anyone who call Obama.
But still. Who?

Using your definitions--the "most damage to the country while in office", I do not see how anyone could not say LBJ who got us involved in a winless war in SE Asia for no reason whatsoever.

Hundreds of thousands of American families were changed forever. The point wasn't that we lost. The point was that those hundreds of thousands of families would have been changed for the detrement regardless of outcome.

Second may have been the most divisive president ever, GWB.

LBJ was both a great president and a horrible president

His record on civil rights, social programs, Medicare and anti-poverty programs are hard to match
His record on getting us entrenched in Vietnam is hard to justify
Ok now most people today would say George W. Bush, however most of these people were not alive for past presidents. Who did the most damage to the country while in office?
We have too many candidates I suppose. I bet at least 1 agree to anyone who call Obama.
But still. Who?

Using your definitions--the "most damage to the country while in office", I do not see how anyone could not say LBJ who got us involved in a winless war in SE Asia for no reason whatsoever.

Hundreds of thousands of American families were changed forever. The point wasn't that we lost. The point was that those hundreds of thousands of families would have been changed for the detrement regardless of outcome.

Second may have been the most divisive president ever, GWB.

LBJ certainly damaged the nation in that aspect and many others. GWB...oh stop. The division our nation faced during his presidency was nothing compared to presidents like Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan, Taylor to some degree...go look up Kansas Bleeding and compare that to the division under GWB. One could even argue that Lincoln was more divisive than GWB. Thomas Jefferson polarized congress against John Adams. Andrew Jackson polarized the entire government and told the Supreme Court to go fuck themselves when they ruled against his policies.

Anyone who points at GWB needs to learn a lot more about our nation's history

Well, as I understood the question, it was to be framed in terms of what we lived through. I wasn't around when LBJ was President but there are ample examples of first hand accounts of the time when he was President.

I stand by what I said about GWB. Citations to come later if I find the time to look them up.

So if you understood the question to be about who you lived through but you didn't live through LBJ, why did you identify him? As far as your citations...knock yourself out. From who? Other liberals who are pounding left-wing propaganda? Yippie! As a Republican (and former history professor) I would put him in the middle of the pack, nowhere near the top. But anyone who suggests he was anywhere near the bottom either has not the faintest clue about our nation's history or is a propagandist who is trying to influence impressionable minds.
candy is just speaking from personal experiences and what she heard, From my point of view, LBJ was a master mind politician. The guy was really intelegent and knew how to play the game more then any other. He smoked the Republicans and he was right to this day about the minority vote.Wrong about Detroit, so I guess RW post makes sense, thinking about it some more.
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Lincoln. Hands down worst ever.

Lincoln was our greatest President. That scumbag FDR was the worst.
Proof again that you are a hypocrite.

FDR's imprisoning Japanese Americans makes him the worst in your mind, which I am fine with. But claiming Dishonest Abe is the greatest for murdering 850k Americans, is utterly absurd.

Imprisonment wrong...murder okay...equals HYPOCRITE.

The difference is, one is fact and one is just your wannabe-reb revisionist nonsense.
Lincoln. Hands down worst ever.

Lincoln was our greatest President. That scumbag FDR was the worst.
Proof again that you are a hypocrite.

FDR's imprisoning Japanese Americans makes him the worst in your mind, which I am fine with. But claiming Dishonest Abe is the greatest for murdering 850k Americans, is utterly absurd.

Imprisonment wrong...murder okay...equals HYPOCRITE.
Only a few things I don't like about FDR was giving away half of Europe to Stalin, S.S. a ponzi scheme, and freezing wages which started company's providing health care benefits, other then that I think he was a good president, but anyone who thinks Lincoln is responsible for the deaths of 850k American lives, is just bonkers.

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