Whom would you call the worst president in American history?

Best case scenario is a depression, I fear a hyperinflationary spiral is what's in store for us now though. Obama and his cronies have looted this country for all it's worth and brainless fools like RW cheer him on.

I see a stagflation scenario except in currency. At least back when the 2nd worst president in history was screwing things up, we could put our money in CDs and get 14% interest.

Now, inflation is tearing us up and there's nowhere to put your money except in the Markets. The Fed is artificially holding rates down, so the Banks are putting their extra cash in the Stock Markets which buoys the Markets but doesn't allow for the common, every day working man to get any short term gain on his money.

I see a continuation of the way things are. Slow to no job growth. Housing, cars, durable goods going up and up and up, the Stock Market stagnating and -- Just slow death.

Nothing really remarkable. Just another socialist Country dying of its own stupidity.

And those who don't realize that inflation is hitting us HARD?

You're idiots and aren't worth the time it would take to call you idiots

The cost of food has skyrocketed beef is sky high.
That's because of drought.
Best case scenario is a depression, I fear a hyperinflationary spiral is what's in store for us now though. Obama and his cronies have looted this country for all it's worth and brainless fools like RW cheer him on.

I see a stagflation scenario except in currency. At least back when the 2nd worst president in history was screwing things up, we could put our money in CDs and get 14% interest.

Now, inflation is tearing us up and there's nowhere to put your money except in the Markets. The Fed is artificially holding rates down, so the Banks are putting their extra cash in the Stock Markets which buoys the Markets but doesn't allow for the common, every day working man to get any short term gain on his money.

I see a continuation of the way things are. Slow to no job growth. Housing, cars, durable goods going up and up and up, the Stock Market stagnating and -- Just slow death.

Nothing really remarkable. Just another socialist Country dying of its own stupidity.

And those who don't realize that inflation is hitting us HARD?

You're idiots and aren't worth the time it would take to call you idiots

The cost of food has skyrocketed beef is sky high.
That's because of drought.

How much beef does Cali supply?
Best case scenario is a depression, I fear a hyperinflationary spiral is what's in store for us now though. Obama and his cronies have looted this country for all it's worth and brainless fools like RW cheer him on.

I see a stagflation scenario except in currency. At least back when the 2nd worst president in history was screwing things up, we could put our money in CDs and get 14% interest.

Now, inflation is tearing us up and there's nowhere to put your money except in the Markets. The Fed is artificially holding rates down, so the Banks are putting their extra cash in the Stock Markets which buoys the Markets but doesn't allow for the common, every day working man to get any short term gain on his money.

I see a continuation of the way things are. Slow to no job growth. Housing, cars, durable goods going up and up and up, the Stock Market stagnating and -- Just slow death.

Nothing really remarkable. Just another socialist Country dying of its own stupidity.

And those who don't realize that inflation is hitting us HARD?

You're idiots and aren't worth the time it would take to call you idiots

The cost of food has skyrocketed beef is sky high.
That's because of drought.

How much beef does Cali supply?
Do you think California is the only state hit with drought?

Second question: Just how stupid are you? Scale of 1 to 10.
Considering that Buchanan actually precipitated a civil war he would have to go down as the worst.
As for my sixty years, Obama takes the cake. He mixes the worst aspects of Nixon, Carter, LBJ and president wannabe Wallace.
I've never before lived through a president who intentionally undermined the economy and national security and intentionally exacerbated racial division.
Ok now most people today would say George W. Bush, however most of these people were not alive for past presidents. Who did the most damage to the country while in office?
We have too many candidates I suppose. I bet at least 1 agree to anyone who call Obama.
But still. Who?
Carter-Obama.....It is a close call. I am curious if Obama had followed Carter would he have blamed Carter for the horrible economy at that time.
Best case scenario is a depression, I fear a hyperinflationary spiral is what's in store for us now though. Obama and his cronies have looted this country for all it's worth and brainless fools like RW cheer him on.

I see a stagflation scenario except in currency. At least back when the 2nd worst president in history was screwing things up, we could put our money in CDs and get 14% interest.

Now, inflation is tearing us up and there's nowhere to put your money except in the Markets. The Fed is artificially holding rates down, so the Banks are putting their extra cash in the Stock Markets which buoys the Markets but doesn't allow for the common, every day working man to get any short term gain on his money.

I see a continuation of the way things are. Slow to no job growth. Housing, cars, durable goods going up and up and up, the Stock Market stagnating and -- Just slow death.

Nothing really remarkable. Just another socialist Country dying of its own stupidity.

And those who don't realize that inflation is hitting us HARD?

You're idiots and aren't worth the time it would take to call you idiots

The cost of food has skyrocketed beef is sky high.
That's because of drought.

How much beef does Cali supply?
Do you think California is the only state hit with drought?

Second question: Just how stupid are you? Scale of 1 to 10.

You dodged the question.

Do you always respond with aggression you get cornered?

Let's just take the top ten.....

1 Texas 11,800,000 11,100,000 6.31% 13.14%
2 Nebraska 6,300,000 6,250,000 0.80% 7.02%
3 Kansas 6,000,000 5,800,000 3.45% 6.68%
4 California 5,150,000 5,250,000 -1.90% -5.73%
5 Oklahoma 4,600,000 4,300,000 6.98% 5.12%
6 Missouri 4,000,000 3,850,000 3.90% 4.45%
7 Iowa 3,900,000 3,800,000 2.63% 4.34%
8 South Dakota 3,700,000 3,700,000 0.00% 4.12%
9 Wisconsin 3,500,000 3,400,000 2.94% 3.90%
10 Colorado


How may of those states are in a drought?

I wonder why you didn't post the current information? Never forget lying by omission, is still lying.... Not that drought has any bearing on who the worst POTUS was. Hands down I think it was Lincoln. His actions directly led to the deaths of over 600,000 Americans. 2nd would be Obama, then Wilson, Carter etc.

Ok now most people today would say George W. Bush, however most of these people were not alive for past presidents. Who did the most damage to the country while in office?
We have too many candidates I suppose. I bet at least 1 agree to anyone who call Obama.
But still. Who?
you guys used to say it was Jimmy Carter and now the worst president ever is clearly George W Bush. you also used to say that pussy was the worst speaker ever but now we all know that goes to Dennis Hastert. lol
Ok now most people today would say George W. Bush, however most of these people were not alive for past presidents. Who did the most damage to the country while in office?
We have too many candidates I suppose. I bet at least 1 agree to anyone who call Obama.
But still. Who?
you guys used to say it was Jimmy Carter and now the worst president ever is clearly George W Bush. you also used to say that pussy was the worst speaker ever but now we all know that goes to Dennis Hastert. lol

Reagan is certainly near the top. Most corrupt, crooked. His list of wrongdoing is enormous. And yes, W's too.

Carter kept us out of war and created more jobs than Reagan and Bush combined.

If a Repub gets into the WH, say goodbye to jobs and economic recovery and hello to a lot more ground wars.
Ok now most people today would say George W. Bush, however most of these people were not alive for past presidents. Who did the most damage to the country while in office?
We have too many candidates I suppose. I bet at least 1 agree to anyone who call Obama.
But still. Who?

Ape Lincoln - concentrated power in DC; all Americans are now slaves, introduced paper money and the "income" tax

FDR - changed our socioeconomic system to fascist/socialist; created the welfare/warfare state

LBJ makedly cemented the welfare/warfare state

Bush II war criminal; responsible for the depression of 2008


Considering that Buchanan actually precipitated a civil war he would have to go down as the worst.
As for my sixty years, Obama takes the cake. He mixes the worst aspects of Nixon, Carter, LBJ and president wannabe Wallace.
I've never before lived through a president who intentionally undermined the economy and national security and intentionally exacerbated racial division.
Only in your strange mind has that occurred. You and your ilk can't stand that a person of color became a president, and you have attempted to divide this country because of it. You are the greatest political dividers in our history since the Civil War. The strength of the nation is proven in that you have failed. The worst presidents have been Buchanan, Harding, Grant and Bush the Younger.
Reagan, of course.

Reagan was the front man for the initiation of the Right's plan to systematically destroy America to the benefit of the corporate interests. We have been witness to that devastation ever since.
Hands down it's Woodrow Wilson. 2nd place is Barack Hussein Obama, third is Jimmy Carter, fourth is FDR.

Nah, hands down it's Abraham Lincoln. How could any president do worse then the slaughter of 850,000 Americans?
Reagan, of course.

Reagan was the front man for the initiation of the Right's plan to systematically destroy America to the benefit of the corporate interests. We have been witness to that devastation ever since.

How did Reagan "destroy" American?
Considering that Buchanan actually precipitated a civil war he would have to go down as the worst.
As for my sixty years, Obama takes the cake. He mixes the worst aspects of Nixon, Carter, LBJ and president wannabe Wallace.
I've never before lived through a president who intentionally undermined the economy and national security and intentionally exacerbated racial division.

How did Buchanon "precipitate" a civil war?
Considering that Buchanan actually precipitated a civil war he would have to go down as the worst.
As for my sixty years, Obama takes the cake. He mixes the worst aspects of Nixon, Carter, LBJ and president wannabe Wallace.
I've never before lived through a president who intentionally undermined the economy and national security and intentionally exacerbated racial division.
Only in your strange mind has that occurred. You and your ilk can't stand that a person of color became a president, and you have attempted to divide this country because of it. You are the greatest political dividers in our history since the Civil War. The strength of the nation is proven in that you have failed. The worst presidents have been Buchanan, Harding, Grant and Bush the Younger.
Once again, another lefty illustrates the point about Obama straining race relations. For lefties, all critiques of Obama default to racism. Makes my point.
Considering that Buchanan actually precipitated a civil war he would have to go down as the worst.
As for my sixty years, Obama takes the cake. He mixes the worst aspects of Nixon, Carter, LBJ and president wannabe Wallace.
I've never before lived through a president who intentionally undermined the economy and national security and intentionally exacerbated racial division.

How did Buchanon "precipitate" a civil war?
He was president leading up to it. He must have done something wrong.
Considering that Buchanan actually precipitated a civil war he would have to go down as the worst.
As for my sixty years, Obama takes the cake. He mixes the worst aspects of Nixon, Carter, LBJ and president wannabe Wallace.
I've never before lived through a president who intentionally undermined the economy and national security and intentionally exacerbated racial division.
Only in your strange mind has that occurred. You and your ilk can't stand that a person of color became a president, and you have attempted to divide this country because of it. You are the greatest political dividers in our history since the Civil War. The strength of the nation is proven in that you have failed. The worst presidents have been Buchanan, Harding, Grant and Bush the Younger.
Once again, another lefty illustrates the point about Obama straining race relations. For lefties, all critiques of Obama default to racism. Makes my point.
You are deflecting, because you are the one who brought up strained race relations and overwhelmingly caused by the far right racists in America.

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