Whom would you call the worst president in American history?

Best case scenario is a depression, I fear a hyperinflationary spiral is what's in store for us now though. Obama and his cronies have looted this country for all it's worth and brainless fools like RW cheer him on.

I see a stagflation scenario except in currency. At least back when the 2nd worst president in history was screwing things up, we could put our money in CDs and get 14% interest.

Now, inflation is tearing us up and there's nowhere to put your money except in the Markets. The Fed is artificially holding rates down, so the Banks are putting their extra cash in the Stock Markets which buoys the Markets but doesn't allow for the common, every day working man to get any short term gain on his money.

I see a continuation of the way things are. Slow to no job growth. Housing, cars, durable goods going up and up and up, the Stock Market stagnating and -- Just slow death.

Nothing really remarkable. Just another socialist Country dying of its own stupidity.

And those who don't realize that inflation is hitting us HARD?

You're idiots and aren't worth the time it would take to call you idiots
He's second, but behind that scumbag FDR.

I am no fan of FDR but, in his defense, he was in uncharted territory.

Plus, much of the rest of the world had literally given up on Capitalism.

They were experimenting with National Socialism, Fascism, communism and other forms of totalitarian government.

FDR may have actually kept us from becoming communist.

But he was still an idiot. He turned to Fabianism.... Long story. Boring
False: inflation is tearing us up and there's nowhere to put your money except in the Markets. The Fed is artificially holding rates down, so the Banks are putting their extra cash in the Stock Markets which buoys the Markets but doesn't allow for the common, every day working man to get any short term gain on his money.
Best case scenario is a depression, I fear a hyperinflationary spiral is what's in store for us now though. Obama and his cronies have looted this country for all it's worth and brainless fools like RW cheer him on.

I see a stagflation scenario except in currency. At least back when the 2nd worst president in history was screwing things up, we could put our money in CDs and get 14% interest.

Now, inflation is tearing us up and there's nowhere to put your money except in the Markets. The Fed is artificially holding rates down, so the Banks are putting their extra cash in the Stock Markets which buoys the Markets but doesn't allow for the common, every day working man to get any short term gain on his money.

I see a continuation of the way things are. Slow to no job growth. Housing, cars, durable goods going up and up and up, the Stock Market stagnating and -- Just slow death.

Nothing really remarkable. Just another socialist Country dying of its own stupidity.

And those who don't realize that inflation is hitting us HARD?

You're idiots and aren't worth the time it would take to call you idiots

The cost of food has skyrocketed beef is sky high.
I came of age during JFK's administration. The guy could charm the birds out of the trees. I have studied his administration carefully, and though he started off as a hawk, ("We will pay any price, etc., etc".) that was just the tone of the times, during the cold war era. Towards the end, after the Cuban missile crisis, and other things, he was clearly looking to move toward detente, and peaceful co-existence. I have always believed that he would have withdrawn the advisors, if he had lived.

And then, about a year ago, I read that he told one of his aids, "After the Bay of Pigs fiasco, I'm going to have to go all the way with Vietnam". Reading that was a revelation, for me. It sounded exactly like a position that he would have felt that he had to take. I no longer feel that he had made a decision to withdraw from Vietnam. In fact, in view of the assassination of the Vietnam premier just weeks earlier, I think that he would not have done anything to end involvement until that got shaken out, perhaps as long as a year, later. On top of that, in 1964, Goldwater ran as a war candidate, which was still a popular position to take, after having lost Eastern Europe, Cuba, North Korea, North Vietnam, and China to the communists. I don't think that JFK would have run in 1964 on a peace ticket.
He's second, but behind that scumbag FDR.

I am no fan of FDR but, in his defense, he was in uncharted territory.

Plus, much of the rest of the world had literally given up on Capitalism.

They were experimenting with National Socialism, Fascism, communism and other forms of totalitarian government.

FDR may have actually kept us from becoming communist.

But he was still an idiot. He turned to Fabianism.... Long story. Boring

Not boring at all, it is central to the things he did and it shaped his belief system.

He surrounded himself with folks enamored of the Soviet methods, they were convinced Centralization was the answer to everything...they also thought that they "could do it better" than the Soviets were.

Have you ever "The Forgotten Man" by Amity Schlaes?
Actually, he was constrained by Reaganomics

Most Americans would love to see recovery start with working Americans. Supply side economics makes sure recovery flows from the top

Where should it flow from, communist? The goobermint?

Do you know (of course not, you're a communist which means you're stupid) what the single biggest business on the Planet earth is?

The United States Government.

It is the largest, most corrupt, most profitable, self-serving, dishonest business on the earth. It even buys its CEO a 747 and surrounds him with 24/7/365 security at the cost of MILLIONS of dollars a day..... Not their cost, of course -- Ours.

And when the CEO's ugly wife wants to go on a vacation? They fly her there on that 747 at a cost of MILLIONS and put her up n the most expensive......

The next 50 Businesses combined don't even get close in corruption or dishonesty

Yet you want everything to flow through them.

Are you stupid?
False: inflation is tearing us up and there's nowhere to put your money except in the Markets. The Fed is artificially holding rates down, so the Banks are putting their extra cash in the Stock Markets which buoys the Markets but doesn't allow for the common, every day working man to get any short term gain on his money.

I suggest you check the rates on CD's and Insurance Products.
stopped a depression? WTF are you talking about? first of all there was no depression and secondly obama made a recession last longer by his stupid policies

attacked terrorism? He made ISIS a world threat, he turned Egypt and Libya over to radicals.

got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan? by losing what had been won, can you say viet nam, ya dumb shit.

obozocare is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country, thats what history will record.

Legitimized the Castro regime that murdered thousands of Cubans--------WTF is wrong with you?
Stopped a depression

Banks failing by the week, auto industry on the verge of collapse, losing 700,000 jobs a month, stock market dropped 7000 points

Yes, that kind of depression

You do realize that all of that money he "created" went to his wealthy "friends" don't you?
That's the way trickle down works in this country isn't it?

Where else do you think the money in an economic recovery would go? That is how Reagan planned it

So Obama stopped the "Depression" by employing Reagan methods.....is that your reasoning?
Actually, he was constrained by Reaganomics

Most Americans would love to see recovery start with working Americans. Supply side economics makes sure recovery flows from the top

You'll have to much better than this, Obama did just as he believes.....it was and remains Keynesian at it's core.
I came of age during JFK's administration. The guy could charm the birds out of the trees. I have studied his administration carefully, and though he started off as a hawk, ("We will pay any price, etc., etc".) that was just the tone of the times, during the cold war era. Towards the end, after the Cuban missile crisis, and other things, he was clearly looking to move toward detente, and peaceful co-existence. I have always believed that he would have withdrawn the advisors, if he had lived.

And then, about a year ago, I read that he told one of his aids, "After the Bay of Pigs fiasco, I'm going to have to go all the way with Vietnam". Reading that was a revelation, for me. It sounded exactly like a position that he would have felt that he had to take. I no longer feel that he had made a decision to withdraw from Vietnam. In fact, in view of the assassination of the Vietnam premier just weeks earlier, I think that he would not have done anything to end involvement until that got shaken out, perhaps as long as a year, later. On top of that, in 1964, Goldwater ran as a war candidate, which was still a popular position to take, after having lost Eastern Europe, Cuba, North Korea, North Vietnam, and China to the communists. I don't think that JFK would have run in 1964 on a peace ticket.

Very well said, my compliments.
False: inflation is tearing us up and there's nowhere to put your money except in the Markets. The Fed is artificially holding rates down, so the Banks are putting their extra cash in the Stock Markets which buoys the Markets but doesn't allow for the common, every day working man to get any short term gain on his money.
I suggest you check the rates on CD's and Insurance Products.
I would suggest you check on inflation rates. Let those rise and so will CD rates. Insurance is not an accurate evaluation of the economy, because it is an outlaw industry that will take everything it can; that's why we have ACA.

Once I realized financial institutions were going to keep rates down, our families started buying property. We have done very well.
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False: inflation is tearing us up and there's nowhere to put your money except in the Markets. The Fed is artificially holding rates down, so the Banks are putting their extra cash in the Stock Markets which buoys the Markets but doesn't allow for the common, every day working man to get any short term gain on his money.
I suggest you check the rates on CD's and Insurance Products.
I would suggest you check on inflation rates. Let those rise and so will CD rates. Insurance is an accurate evaluation of the economy, because it is an outlaw industry that will take everything it can; that's why we have ACA.

Once I realized financial institutions were going to keep rates down, our families started buying property. We have done very well.

Your obvious bias aside Real Estate was indeed and so remains the best place to have your money, when the crash comes , and it is coming, land will be the only true refuge from it, good for you.

Insurance however remains a place where ordinary folks can keep their money and not be robbed by our Government.
Ok now most people today would say George W. Bush, however most of these people were not alive for past presidents. Who did the most damage to the country while in office?
We have too many candidates I suppose. I bet at least 1 agree to anyone who call Obama.
But still. Who?
The economy was excellent during the Bush administration until the Dems rode the truther wave into control of congress and lame ducked his ass.
Best case scenario is a depression, I fear a hyperinflationary spiral is what's in store for us now though. Obama and his cronies have looted this country for all it's worth and brainless fools like RW cheer him on.

I see a stagflation scenario except in currency. At least back when the 2nd worst president in history was screwing things up, we could put our money in CDs and get 14% interest.

Now, inflation is tearing us up and there's nowhere to put your money except in the Markets. The Fed is artificially holding rates down, so the Banks are putting their extra cash in the Stock Markets which buoys the Markets but doesn't allow for the common, every day working man to get any short term gain on his money.

I see a continuation of the way things are. Slow to no job growth. Housing, cars, durable goods going up and up and up, the Stock Market stagnating and -- Just slow death.

Nothing really remarkable. Just another socialist Country dying of its own stupidity.

And those who don't realize that inflation is hitting us HARD?

You're idiots and aren't worth the time it would take to call you idiots
You guys have been predicting stagflation for the past six years

Any day now....any day
Best case scenario is a depression, I fear a hyperinflationary spiral is what's in store for us now though. Obama and his cronies have looted this country for all it's worth and brainless fools like RW cheer him on.

I see a stagflation scenario except in currency. At least back when the 2nd worst president in history was screwing things up, we could put our money in CDs and get 14% interest.

Now, inflation is tearing us up and there's nowhere to put your money except in the Markets. The Fed is artificially holding rates down, so the Banks are putting their extra cash in the Stock Markets which buoys the Markets but doesn't allow for the common, every day working man to get any short term gain on his money.

I see a continuation of the way things are. Slow to no job growth. Housing, cars, durable goods going up and up and up, the Stock Market stagnating and -- Just slow death.

Nothing really remarkable. Just another socialist Country dying of its own stupidity.

And those who don't realize that inflation is hitting us HARD?

You're idiots and aren't worth the time it would take to call you idiots

The cost of food has skyrocketed beef is sky high.

Let us know when your loaf of bread costs a billion dollars.
Best case scenario is a depression, I fear a hyperinflationary spiral is what's in store for us now though. Obama and his cronies have looted this country for all it's worth and brainless fools like RW cheer him on.

I see a stagflation scenario except in currency. At least back when the 2nd worst president in history was screwing things up, we could put our money in CDs and get 14% interest.

Now, inflation is tearing us up and there's nowhere to put your money except in the Markets. The Fed is artificially holding rates down, so the Banks are putting their extra cash in the Stock Markets which buoys the Markets but doesn't allow for the common, every day working man to get any short term gain on his money.

I see a continuation of the way things are. Slow to no job growth. Housing, cars, durable goods going up and up and up, the Stock Market stagnating and -- Just slow death.

Nothing really remarkable. Just another socialist Country dying of its own stupidity.

And those who don't realize that inflation is hitting us HARD?

You're idiots and aren't worth the time it would take to call you idiots
You guys have been predicting stagflation for the past six years

Any day now....any day

And all of you have been saying that Obama is the second coming, that the poor and middle class will be taken care of and the rich will finally be put in their place.

Well, we've had 6 years of him so far. The poor are getting poorer, the middle class is disappearing, and all the while the rich are getting richer and all of Obama's buddies who used to be merely well off are now rich in their own right.

So, Obama has benefited the rich and very rich and he's screwed over the poor and middle class. How's that working out for you?
Best case scenario is a depression, I fear a hyperinflationary spiral is what's in store for us now though. Obama and his cronies have looted this country for all it's worth and brainless fools like RW cheer him on.

I see a stagflation scenario except in currency. At least back when the 2nd worst president in history was screwing things up, we could put our money in CDs and get 14% interest.

Now, inflation is tearing us up and there's nowhere to put your money except in the Markets. The Fed is artificially holding rates down, so the Banks are putting their extra cash in the Stock Markets which buoys the Markets but doesn't allow for the common, every day working man to get any short term gain on his money.

I see a continuation of the way things are. Slow to no job growth. Housing, cars, durable goods going up and up and up, the Stock Market stagnating and -- Just slow death.

Nothing really remarkable. Just another socialist Country dying of its own stupidity.

And those who don't realize that inflation is hitting us HARD?

You're idiots and aren't worth the time it would take to call you idiots

The cost of food has skyrocketed beef is sky high.

Let us know when your loaf of bread costs a billion dollars.

Let me know when you actually have something valuable to add.
Best case scenario is a depression, I fear a hyperinflationary spiral is what's in store for us now though. Obama and his cronies have looted this country for all it's worth and brainless fools like RW cheer him on.

I see a stagflation scenario except in currency. At least back when the 2nd worst president in history was screwing things up, we could put our money in CDs and get 14% interest.

Now, inflation is tearing us up and there's nowhere to put your money except in the Markets. The Fed is artificially holding rates down, so the Banks are putting their extra cash in the Stock Markets which buoys the Markets but doesn't allow for the common, every day working man to get any short term gain on his money.

I see a continuation of the way things are. Slow to no job growth. Housing, cars, durable goods going up and up and up, the Stock Market stagnating and -- Just slow death.

Nothing really remarkable. Just another socialist Country dying of its own stupidity.

And those who don't realize that inflation is hitting us HARD?

You're idiots and aren't worth the time it would take to call you idiots
You guys have been predicting stagflation for the past six years

Any day now....any day

And all of you have been saying that Obama is the second coming, that the poor and middle class will be taken care of and the rich will finally be put in their place.

Well, we've had 6 years of him so far. The poor are getting poorer, the middle class is disappearing, and all the while the rich are getting richer and all of Obama's buddies who used to be merely well off are now rich in their own right.

So, Obama has benefited the rich and very rich and he's screwed over the poor and middle class. How's that working out for you?
Never thought of it that way

Thanks for posting
Let us know when your loaf of bread costs a billion dollars.

dewd, the cost of food, housing and fuel have skyrocketed this Century and the average wage has actually shrunk

Bad news Wages are down for pretty much everyone - The Washington Post

I used to buy hamburger on sale a very few short years ago for $1.99.

Now, it's $5 a lb, take it or leave it. Sometimes I just go for the Strip Steak on sale or the Ribeye...... Better value

House next door that sold for $180k three years ago just got listed for $270k...... Don't mean they'll get it, but.....

Rents are way, way up.

Stagflation isn't coming -- It's here
Best case scenario is a depression, I fear a hyperinflationary spiral is what's in store for us now though. Obama and his cronies have looted this country for all it's worth and brainless fools like RW cheer him on.

I see a stagflation scenario except in currency. At least back when the 2nd worst president in history was screwing things up, we could put our money in CDs and get 14% interest.

Now, inflation is tearing us up and there's nowhere to put your money except in the Markets. The Fed is artificially holding rates down, so the Banks are putting their extra cash in the Stock Markets which buoys the Markets but doesn't allow for the common, every day working man to get any short term gain on his money.

I see a continuation of the way things are. Slow to no job growth. Housing, cars, durable goods going up and up and up, the Stock Market stagnating and -- Just slow death.

Nothing really remarkable. Just another socialist Country dying of its own stupidity.

And those who don't realize that inflation is hitting us HARD?

You're idiots and aren't worth the time it would take to call you idiots
You guys have been predicting stagflation for the past six years

Any day now....any day

And all of you have been saying that Obama is the second coming, that the poor and middle class will be taken care of and the rich will finally be put in their place.

Well, we've had 6 years of him so far. The poor are getting poorer, the middle class is disappearing, and all the while the rich are getting richer and all of Obama's buddies who used to be merely well off are now rich in their own right.

So, Obama has benefited the rich and very rich and he's screwed over the poor and middle class. How's that working out for you?
Never thought of it that way

Thanks for posting

Better late than never :dunno:

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