Whom would you call the worst president in American history?

Hands down it's Woodrow Wilson. 2nd place is Barack Hussein Obama, third is Jimmy Carter, fourth is FDR.
As is already evident to anyone with even the slightest objectivity, and will be verified over the years in history annals, the most damage ever done to America during a single administration was under the ignoble Bush league.

Through much of our early history, the role of President was still being defined. May Presidents just floundered in their job as they did absolutely nothing. Many historians list Presidents like Buchannon or Filmore as the worst
In modern times, post 1900, George W Bush is universally considered the worst
He was given tough times and had a chance to either excel or fail miserably. Bush failed miserably
His response to 9-11 was to invade and nation build. He suspended human rights and engaged in torture. He botched the execution of two wars and left our soldiers vulnerable. 7000 died unnecessarily because of his decisions
Economically, he started two wars and paid for them with tax cuts. He stood by in denial as the economy crashed around him and the nation narrowly avoided a depression

We get it, winger--------------you hate bush, we get it.

but here's some news for you. Not everyone agrees with you, in fact you are in a minority opinion group.

You are also a hypocrite, if Bush had been a democrat you would be praising him for saving the nation and condemning obama for destroying it.

In short, you are nothing but a partisan hack. Your posts are of no more value than slug slime on a sidewalk.
Says Internet Dick. blowfish, you need to relax. Bush was awful, Obama somewhat better. Your hatred is unmanning you. Some will say Bush loved freedom more than money, while he drove the economy into the Great Recession and gave the treasury to the corporations. He wasted our fighting sources and plundered our treasure.

you are amazingly stupid, or amazingly biased. Nothing you have said is true.

Obama will go down in history as the worst president this country has ever had.

But thats what you get when you elect an america-hating marxist,

the good thing is that most of america has learned from the obama mistake and will not ever elect another like him (and this has nothing to do with him being half black)

Woodrow Wilson was more of a progressive than Obama. He did more damage too. Obama is second though.
As is already evident to anyone with even the slightest objectivity, and will be verified over the years in history annals, the most damage ever done to America during a single administration was under the ignoble Bush league.

You fricken dem/libs will never get over the FACT that Bush beat your clowns twice in close elections. Thats all this is about. Grow the fuck up.
Through much of our early history, the role of President was still being defined. May Presidents just floundered in their job as they did absolutely nothing. Many historians list Presidents like Buchannon or Filmore as the worst
In modern times, post 1900, George W Bush is universally considered the worst
He was given tough times and had a chance to either excel or fail miserably. Bush failed miserably
His response to 9-11 was to invade and nation build. He suspended human rights and engaged in torture. He botched the execution of two wars and left our soldiers vulnerable. 7000 died unnecessarily because of his decisions
Economically, he started two wars and paid for them with tax cuts. He stood by in denial as the economy crashed around him and the nation narrowly avoided a depression

We get it, winger--------------you hate bush, we get it.

but here's some news for you. Not everyone agrees with you, in fact you are in a minority opinion group.

You are also a hypocrite, if Bush had been a democrat you would be praising him for saving the nation and condemning obama for destroying it.

In short, you are nothing but a partisan hack. Your posts are of no more value than slug slime on a sidewalk.
Says Internet Dick. blowfish, you need to relax. Bush was awful, Obama somewhat better. Your hatred is unmanning you. Some will say Bush loved freedom more than money, while he drove the economy into the Great Recession and gave the treasury to the corporations. He wasted our fighting sources and plundered our treasure.

you are amazingly stupid, or amazingly biased. Nothing you have said is true.

Obama will go down in history as the worst president this country has ever had.

But thats what you get when you elect an america-hating marxist,

the good thing is that most of america has learned from the obama mistake and will not ever elect another like him (and this has nothing to do with him being half black)

Woodrow Wilson was more of a progressive than Obama. He did more damage too. Obama is second though.

FDR is also in the worst category, he started the socialist BS.
Most people in America as well as the world would say overwhelmingly Bush the Younger. Bar none. If you run Obama vs Bush, Obama would win approval by 2/3ds.

Other than that: Grant, Harding, Buchanan.
Ok now most people today would say George W. Bush, however most of these people were not alive for past presidents. Who did the most damage to the country while in office?
We have too many candidates I suppose. I bet at least 1 agree to anyone who call Obama.
But still. Who?
Obama saved America from the brink of oblivion, the whole global economy that Shrub destroyed. You probably think that FDR was second worst. Cons destroy the economy every time they get in the White House, all the way back to Lincoln. Calvin Coolidge's policies destroyed the economy and gave us the crash of 1929, the great depression. Then Nixon was the next con to shame America. Then Ronnie Raygun spent America's wealth on war, and tripled the national debt in eight years. Then Shrub daddy doubled the debt again in only four years. Clinton balanced the budget, which Shrub Jr. destroyed in only six months, and doubled the debt yet again while also destroying the U.S. and global economies.
The GOP is a worse threat to America than ISIS could ever be. The GOP is a pandemic of stupidity. Only real shit for brains vote republican.

What a pile of steaming Obama, then again, Progressive are wired to lie....about everything
The far right partisan hackery of blowfish is once again evident.

How is Obama a Marxist?

How I am an American hating Marxist, when I gave 12 years of my in military service to my country and you gave none?

I hope you are right that do not elect any more Obamas or Bushes.

Obama and the Dems and the Pubs stopped the recession. 280 thousand jobs were added last month.

ISIS was a threat and Bush’s inability to enact a SOFA with Iraq made ISIS a world threat.

Nobody has lost either Afghanistan or Iraq. Yet. The Iraqis and Afghanis must fight for their freedom.

ACA is a right step, and it will only get better.

And the millennials have turned their collective back on the policies of the ilk like blowfish.

It’s over for you clowns, kiddo.
As is already evident to anyone with even the slightest objectivity, and will be verified over the years in history annals, the most damage ever done to America during a single administration was under the ignoble Bush league.

You fricken dem/libs will never get over the FACT that Bush beat your clowns twice in close elections. Thats all this is about. Grow the fuck up.
Yeah, it helps when your brother is the Governor of the deciding state and the Sec of State of Fla responsible for counting the votes was part of the Bush campaign. No conflict of interest there...
I liked Bush and supported him in his early Presidency. Like most Americans, I gave him my full support after 9-11. I was willing to allow him to do whatever necessary to fight terrorism

Bush abused that trust and made horrific decisions on our behalf. That is why he is considered the worst president in modern times
I could say the same thing about Obama, I secretly believed in his hope and change a transparent presidency.

That party crashed real fast over Obama care being signed into law in 3 ducking days.
No, you can't say the same things about Obama

Neither will history

right, Obama's record will be much worse.

doubled the national debt
put millions in poverty
increased the gap between rich and poor
allowed the mid east to explode
allowed the rise of ISIS
lost the Iraq war
lost the Afghanistan war
weakened us militarily
weakened us fiscally
weakened us morally
divided the country like never before
lied repeatedly
destroyed the best medical system in human history
violated the constitution
encouraged the radical muslim takeover of Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan
dumped on our allies
made Putin look like a statesman

Propaganda does not pass for fact

Presidents are judged on:

What were you given when you entered office
What did you leave
What was your lasting legacy

Obama was given a nation in a financial collapse. A nation engaged in two wars. A worldwide threat of terrorism

Obama stopped a depression. Reversed the economic collapse. Attacked terrorism around the globe. Killed bin Laden. Got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

What is his lasting legacy? Passed the first universal healthcare system. Enhanced gay rights. Stabilized the economy. Recognized Cuba.

That is what historians will look at

stopped a depression? WTF are you talking about? first of all there was no depression and secondly obama made a recession last longer by his stupid policies

attacked terrorism? He made ISIS a world threat, he turned Egypt and Libya over to radicals.

got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan? by losing what had been won, can you say viet nam, ya dumb shit.

obozocare is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country, thats what history will record.

Legitimized the Castro regime that murdered thousands of Cubans--------WTF is wrong with you?
Stopped a depression

Banks failing by the week, auto industry on the verge of collapse, losing 700,000 jobs a month, stock market dropped 7000 points

Yes, that kind of depression
I could say the same thing about Obama, I secretly believed in his hope and change a transparent presidency.

That party crashed real fast over Obama care being signed into law in 3 ducking days.
No, you can't say the same things about Obama

Neither will history

right, Obama's record will be much worse.

doubled the national debt
put millions in poverty
increased the gap between rich and poor
allowed the mid east to explode
allowed the rise of ISIS
lost the Iraq war
lost the Afghanistan war
weakened us militarily
weakened us fiscally
weakened us morally
divided the country like never before
lied repeatedly
destroyed the best medical system in human history
violated the constitution
encouraged the radical muslim takeover of Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan
dumped on our allies
made Putin look like a statesman

Propaganda does not pass for fact

Presidents are judged on:

What were you given when you entered office
What did you leave
What was your lasting legacy

Obama was given a nation in a financial collapse. A nation engaged in two wars. A worldwide threat of terrorism

Obama stopped a depression. Reversed the economic collapse. Attacked terrorism around the globe. Killed bin Laden. Got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

What is his lasting legacy? Passed the first universal healthcare system. Enhanced gay rights. Stabilized the economy. Recognized Cuba.

That is what historians will look at

stopped a depression? WTF are you talking about? first of all there was no depression and secondly obama made a recession last longer by his stupid policies

attacked terrorism? He made ISIS a world threat, he turned Egypt and Libya over to radicals.

got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan? by losing what had been won, can you say viet nam, ya dumb shit.

obozocare is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country, thats what history will record.

Legitimized the Castro regime that murdered thousands of Cubans--------WTF is wrong with you?
Stopped a depression

Banks failing by the week, auto industry on the verge of collapse, losing 700,000 jobs a month, stock market dropped 7000 points

Yes, that kind of depression

You do realize that all of that money he "created" went to his wealthy "friends" don't you?
I could say the same thing about Obama, I secretly believed in his hope and change a transparent presidency.

That party crashed real fast over Obama care being signed into law in 3 ducking days.
No, you can't say the same things about Obama

Neither will history

right, Obama's record will be much worse.

doubled the national debt
put millions in poverty
increased the gap between rich and poor
allowed the mid east to explode
allowed the rise of ISIS
lost the Iraq war
lost the Afghanistan war
weakened us militarily
weakened us fiscally
weakened us morally
divided the country like never before
lied repeatedly
destroyed the best medical system in human history
violated the constitution
encouraged the radical muslim takeover of Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan
dumped on our allies
made Putin look like a statesman

Propaganda does not pass for fact

Presidents are judged on:

What were you given when you entered office
What did you leave
What was your lasting legacy

Obama was given a nation in a financial collapse. A nation engaged in two wars. A worldwide threat of terrorism

Obama stopped a depression. Reversed the economic collapse. Attacked terrorism around the globe. Killed bin Laden. Got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

What is his lasting legacy? Passed the first universal healthcare system. Enhanced gay rights. Stabilized the economy. Recognized Cuba.

That is what historians will look at

stopped a depression? WTF are you talking about? first of all there was no depression and secondly obama made a recession last longer by his stupid policies

attacked terrorism? He made ISIS a world threat, he turned Egypt and Libya over to radicals.

got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan? by losing what had been won, can you say viet nam, ya dumb shit.

obozocare is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country, thats what history will record.

Legitimized the Castro regime that murdered thousands of Cubans--------WTF is wrong with you?
Stopped a depression

Banks failing by the week, auto industry on the verge of collapse, losing 700,000 jobs a month, stock market dropped 7000 points

Yes, that kind of depression

All he did was put the correction off for another few years. The correction is coming and now it will be much worse thanks to the actions of Obama.
No, you can't say the same things about Obama

Neither will history

right, Obama's record will be much worse.

doubled the national debt
put millions in poverty
increased the gap between rich and poor
allowed the mid east to explode
allowed the rise of ISIS
lost the Iraq war
lost the Afghanistan war
weakened us militarily
weakened us fiscally
weakened us morally
divided the country like never before
lied repeatedly
destroyed the best medical system in human history
violated the constitution
encouraged the radical muslim takeover of Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan
dumped on our allies
made Putin look like a statesman

Propaganda does not pass for fact

Presidents are judged on:

What were you given when you entered office
What did you leave
What was your lasting legacy

Obama was given a nation in a financial collapse. A nation engaged in two wars. A worldwide threat of terrorism

Obama stopped a depression. Reversed the economic collapse. Attacked terrorism around the globe. Killed bin Laden. Got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

What is his lasting legacy? Passed the first universal healthcare system. Enhanced gay rights. Stabilized the economy. Recognized Cuba.

That is what historians will look at

stopped a depression? WTF are you talking about? first of all there was no depression and secondly obama made a recession last longer by his stupid policies

attacked terrorism? He made ISIS a world threat, he turned Egypt and Libya over to radicals.

got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan? by losing what had been won, can you say viet nam, ya dumb shit.

obozocare is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country, thats what history will record.

Legitimized the Castro regime that murdered thousands of Cubans--------WTF is wrong with you?
Stopped a depression

Banks failing by the week, auto industry on the verge of collapse, losing 700,000 jobs a month, stock market dropped 7000 points

Yes, that kind of depression

All he did was put the correction off for another few years. The correction is coming and now it will be much worse thanks to the actions of Obama.

Damn straight, it's coming.....it won't be pretty.
No, you can't say the same things about Obama

Neither will history

right, Obama's record will be much worse.

doubled the national debt
put millions in poverty
increased the gap between rich and poor
allowed the mid east to explode
allowed the rise of ISIS
lost the Iraq war
lost the Afghanistan war
weakened us militarily
weakened us fiscally
weakened us morally
divided the country like never before
lied repeatedly
destroyed the best medical system in human history
violated the constitution
encouraged the radical muslim takeover of Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan
dumped on our allies
made Putin look like a statesman

Propaganda does not pass for fact

Presidents are judged on:

What were you given when you entered office
What did you leave
What was your lasting legacy

Obama was given a nation in a financial collapse. A nation engaged in two wars. A worldwide threat of terrorism

Obama stopped a depression. Reversed the economic collapse. Attacked terrorism around the globe. Killed bin Laden. Got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

What is his lasting legacy? Passed the first universal healthcare system. Enhanced gay rights. Stabilized the economy. Recognized Cuba.

That is what historians will look at

stopped a depression? WTF are you talking about? first of all there was no depression and secondly obama made a recession last longer by his stupid policies

attacked terrorism? He made ISIS a world threat, he turned Egypt and Libya over to radicals.

got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan? by losing what had been won, can you say viet nam, ya dumb shit.

obozocare is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country, thats what history will record.

Legitimized the Castro regime that murdered thousands of Cubans--------WTF is wrong with you?
Stopped a depression

Banks failing by the week, auto industry on the verge of collapse, losing 700,000 jobs a month, stock market dropped 7000 points

Yes, that kind of depression

You do realize that all of that money he "created" went to his wealthy "friends" don't you?
That's the way trickle down works in this country isn't it?

Where else do you think the money in an economic recovery would go? That is how Reagan planned it
right, Obama's record will be much worse.

doubled the national debt
put millions in poverty
increased the gap between rich and poor
allowed the mid east to explode
allowed the rise of ISIS
lost the Iraq war
lost the Afghanistan war
weakened us militarily
weakened us fiscally
weakened us morally
divided the country like never before
lied repeatedly
destroyed the best medical system in human history
violated the constitution
encouraged the radical muslim takeover of Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan
dumped on our allies
made Putin look like a statesman

Propaganda does not pass for fact

Presidents are judged on:

What were you given when you entered office
What did you leave
What was your lasting legacy

Obama was given a nation in a financial collapse. A nation engaged in two wars. A worldwide threat of terrorism

Obama stopped a depression. Reversed the economic collapse. Attacked terrorism around the globe. Killed bin Laden. Got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

What is his lasting legacy? Passed the first universal healthcare system. Enhanced gay rights. Stabilized the economy. Recognized Cuba.

That is what historians will look at

stopped a depression? WTF are you talking about? first of all there was no depression and secondly obama made a recession last longer by his stupid policies

attacked terrorism? He made ISIS a world threat, he turned Egypt and Libya over to radicals.

got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan? by losing what had been won, can you say viet nam, ya dumb shit.

obozocare is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country, thats what history will record.

Legitimized the Castro regime that murdered thousands of Cubans--------WTF is wrong with you?
Stopped a depression

Banks failing by the week, auto industry on the verge of collapse, losing 700,000 jobs a month, stock market dropped 7000 points

Yes, that kind of depression

All he did was put the correction off for another few years. The correction is coming and now it will be much worse thanks to the actions of Obama.

Damn straight, it's coming.....it won't be pretty.

Best case scenario is a depression, I fear a hyperinflationary spiral is what's in store for us now though. Obama and his cronies have looted this country for all it's worth and brainless fools like RW cheer him on.
No, you can't say the same things about Obama

Neither will history

right, Obama's record will be much worse.

doubled the national debt
put millions in poverty
increased the gap between rich and poor
allowed the mid east to explode
allowed the rise of ISIS
lost the Iraq war
lost the Afghanistan war
weakened us militarily
weakened us fiscally
weakened us morally
divided the country like never before
lied repeatedly
destroyed the best medical system in human history
violated the constitution
encouraged the radical muslim takeover of Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan
dumped on our allies
made Putin look like a statesman

Propaganda does not pass for fact

Presidents are judged on:

What were you given when you entered office
What did you leave
What was your lasting legacy

Obama was given a nation in a financial collapse. A nation engaged in two wars. A worldwide threat of terrorism

Obama stopped a depression. Reversed the economic collapse. Attacked terrorism around the globe. Killed bin Laden. Got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

What is his lasting legacy? Passed the first universal healthcare system. Enhanced gay rights. Stabilized the economy. Recognized Cuba.

That is what historians will look at

stopped a depression? WTF are you talking about? first of all there was no depression and secondly obama made a recession last longer by his stupid policies

attacked terrorism? He made ISIS a world threat, he turned Egypt and Libya over to radicals.

got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan? by losing what had been won, can you say viet nam, ya dumb shit.

obozocare is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country, thats what history will record.

Legitimized the Castro regime that murdered thousands of Cubans--------WTF is wrong with you?
Stopped a depression

Banks failing by the week, auto industry on the verge of collapse, losing 700,000 jobs a month, stock market dropped 7000 points

Yes, that kind of depression

All he did was put the correction off for another few years. The correction is coming and now it will be much worse thanks to the actions of Obama.
Very interesting

Thanks for posting
Propaganda does not pass for fact

Presidents are judged on:

What were you given when you entered office
What did you leave
What was your lasting legacy

Obama was given a nation in a financial collapse. A nation engaged in two wars. A worldwide threat of terrorism

Obama stopped a depression. Reversed the economic collapse. Attacked terrorism around the globe. Killed bin Laden. Got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

What is his lasting legacy? Passed the first universal healthcare system. Enhanced gay rights. Stabilized the economy. Recognized Cuba.

That is what historians will look at

stopped a depression? WTF are you talking about? first of all there was no depression and secondly obama made a recession last longer by his stupid policies

attacked terrorism? He made ISIS a world threat, he turned Egypt and Libya over to radicals.

got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan? by losing what had been won, can you say viet nam, ya dumb shit.

obozocare is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country, thats what history will record.

Legitimized the Castro regime that murdered thousands of Cubans--------WTF is wrong with you?
Stopped a depression

Banks failing by the week, auto industry on the verge of collapse, losing 700,000 jobs a month, stock market dropped 7000 points

Yes, that kind of depression

All he did was put the correction off for another few years. The correction is coming and now it will be much worse thanks to the actions of Obama.

Damn straight, it's coming.....it won't be pretty.

Best case scenario is a depression, I fear a hyperinflationary spiral is what's in store for us now though. Obama and his cronies have looted this country for all it's worth and brainless fools like RW cheer him on.
Probably not.
right, Obama's record will be much worse.

doubled the national debt
put millions in poverty
increased the gap between rich and poor
allowed the mid east to explode
allowed the rise of ISIS
lost the Iraq war
lost the Afghanistan war
weakened us militarily
weakened us fiscally
weakened us morally
divided the country like never before
lied repeatedly
destroyed the best medical system in human history
violated the constitution
encouraged the radical muslim takeover of Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan
dumped on our allies
made Putin look like a statesman

Propaganda does not pass for fact

Presidents are judged on:

What were you given when you entered office
What did you leave
What was your lasting legacy

Obama was given a nation in a financial collapse. A nation engaged in two wars. A worldwide threat of terrorism

Obama stopped a depression. Reversed the economic collapse. Attacked terrorism around the globe. Killed bin Laden. Got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

What is his lasting legacy? Passed the first universal healthcare system. Enhanced gay rights. Stabilized the economy. Recognized Cuba.

That is what historians will look at

stopped a depression? WTF are you talking about? first of all there was no depression and secondly obama made a recession last longer by his stupid policies

attacked terrorism? He made ISIS a world threat, he turned Egypt and Libya over to radicals.

got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan? by losing what had been won, can you say viet nam, ya dumb shit.

obozocare is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country, thats what history will record.

Legitimized the Castro regime that murdered thousands of Cubans--------WTF is wrong with you?
Stopped a depression

Banks failing by the week, auto industry on the verge of collapse, losing 700,000 jobs a month, stock market dropped 7000 points

Yes, that kind of depression

You do realize that all of that money he "created" went to his wealthy "friends" don't you?
That's the way trickle down works in this country isn't it?

Where else do you think the money in an economic recovery would go? That is how Reagan planned it

So Obama stopped the "Depression" by employing Reagan methods.....is that your reasoning?
The fears and concerns by the "money" people are slowly leaking out......but if you are paying attention you'll see the warnings coming from them right now.
Through much of our early history, the role of President was still being defined. May Presidents just floundered in their job as they did absolutely nothing. Many historians list Presidents like Buchannon or Filmore as the worst
In modern times, post 1900, George W Bush is universally considered the worst
He was given tough times and had a chance to either excel or fail miserably. Bush failed miserably
His response to 9-11 was to invade and nation build. He suspended human rights and engaged in torture. He botched the execution of two wars and left our soldiers vulnerable. 7000 died unnecessarily because of his decisions
Economically, he started two wars and paid for them with tax cuts. He stood by in denial as the economy crashed around him and the nation narrowly avoided a depression

We get it, winger--------------you hate bush, we get it.

but here's some news for you. Not everyone agrees with you, in fact you are in a minority opinion group.

You are also a hypocrite, if Bush had been a democrat you would be praising him for saving the nation and condemning obama for destroying it.

In short, you are nothing but a partisan hack. Your posts are of no more value than slug slime on a sidewalk.
Says Internet Dick. blowfish, you need to relax. Bush was awful, Obama somewhat better. Your hatred is unmanning you. Some will say Bush loved freedom more than money, while he drove the economy into the Great Recession and gave the treasury to the corporations. He wasted our fighting sources and plundered our treasure.

you are amazingly stupid, or amazingly biased. Nothing you have said is true.

Obama will go down in history as the worst president this country has ever had.

But thats what you get when you elect an america-hating marxist,

the good thing is that most of america has learned from the obama mistake and will not ever elect another like him (and this has nothing to do with him being half black)

Woodrow Wilson was more of a progressive than Obama. He did more damage too. Obama is second though.

He's second, but behind that scumbag FDR.
Propaganda does not pass for fact

Presidents are judged on:

What were you given when you entered office
What did you leave
What was your lasting legacy

Obama was given a nation in a financial collapse. A nation engaged in two wars. A worldwide threat of terrorism

Obama stopped a depression. Reversed the economic collapse. Attacked terrorism around the globe. Killed bin Laden. Got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

What is his lasting legacy? Passed the first universal healthcare system. Enhanced gay rights. Stabilized the economy. Recognized Cuba.

That is what historians will look at

stopped a depression? WTF are you talking about? first of all there was no depression and secondly obama made a recession last longer by his stupid policies

attacked terrorism? He made ISIS a world threat, he turned Egypt and Libya over to radicals.

got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan? by losing what had been won, can you say viet nam, ya dumb shit.

obozocare is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country, thats what history will record.

Legitimized the Castro regime that murdered thousands of Cubans--------WTF is wrong with you?
Stopped a depression

Banks failing by the week, auto industry on the verge of collapse, losing 700,000 jobs a month, stock market dropped 7000 points

Yes, that kind of depression

You do realize that all of that money he "created" went to his wealthy "friends" don't you?
That's the way trickle down works in this country isn't it?

Where else do you think the money in an economic recovery would go? That is how Reagan planned it

So Obama stopped the "Depression" by employing Reagan methods.....is that your reasoning?
Actually, he was constrained by Reaganomics

Most Americans would love to see recovery start with working Americans. Supply side economics makes sure recovery flows from the top

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