Whom would you call the worst president in American history?

Bush Jr went to congress and warned them about Fannie and Freddie, all they did is vote on a Bill for stupid shit like , they didn't try to stop it, they said no worries.
Lincoln by a long shot, for causing the war of Northern Aggression leading to 850k dead Americans and destruction of half the nation, resulting in decades of racism that still harms the nation.

Closely followed by FDR for lying America into WWII and prolonging the Great Depression with childish economic central planning...along with Truman for incinerating women and children of a defenseless nation.

Then Hoover for his absurd economic policies prolonging the Great Depression.

Then Wilson for WWI, Fed Res, and the income tax.

Then W and BO tied for interventionist wars, for prolonging the Great Recession with idiotic polices, and massively increasing the national debt while enriching the top 1%...and of course their constant lying and deceptive actions.
Both johnsons that followed assassinations.

Johnson after Lincoln could have done some real change that had legacy affects. After the terrible war and making all those who sacrificed so much efforts for nothing.

Johnson after Kennedy decided to fight a war, end poverty, discrimination and failed miserably in a war and started a trend in our society that is still rippling
Bush Jr went to congress and warned them about Fannie and Freddie, all they did is vote on a Bill for stupid shit like , they didn't try to stop it, they said no worries.
Thank you for admitting that the GOP owns it.
I liked Bush and supported him in his early Presidency. Like most Americans, I gave him my full support after 9-11. I was willing to allow him to do whatever necessary to fight terrorism

Bush abused that trust and made horrific decisions on our behalf. That is why he is considered the worst president in modern times

thats your opinion and you are entitled to it. Its based on a false premise but so are most of your postings.

Bush was far from great, but he was much much better for the country than obama has been. History will document that (unless history is written by the teachers union)
Bush got us involved in two decades long wars, engaged in torture, got 7000 Americans unnecessarily killed,destroyed our reputation around the world, failed to stop the 9-11 attacks, stood by while the economy crashed

Hard to defend anything he did

You are totally FOS. But your posting of partisan talking points is noted. Do you still get 10 cents per post?
It is not partisanship

That is the Bush legacy
That is what history judges him on. that is why he is considered one of our worst presidents

I was born during the Eisenhower administration. Since then, we haven't too many good presidents. I would rate George W Bush as the worst of the lot during my lifetime followed closely by Johnson and Nixon. In terms of all of American History, I would still rate Bush bottom five.
How could you say that? Bush Jr. Was a bad president but he brought us together after 9/11 American flags were flying off the shelf. We all wanted war.

Obama separated us. Like no modern day president has...
If Bush was paying attention, maybe we wouldn't have had 9/11. And then he goes off and invades Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11. He started 2 wars costing trillions of dollars and at the same time cut taxes. He topped that off with an unfunded medicare part D benefit. As far as bringing us together, he said if you aren't with us you're with the terrorists. Then he brought all this police state crap about - the DHS, the TSA, the Patriot Act, warrantless searches and wiretaps, extraordinary rendition, torture. How anybody could say Obama is worse than that boggles the mind.
Reading your post makes me think you were to young to remember. After 9/11 Bush attacked the hell out of Afghanistan, bombed it till nothing was left to bomb, then got congress and the UN approval to attack Iraq, almost 2 year's latter in 2003.
You are making stuff up. Bush never bombed the hell out of Afghanistan till there was nothing left to bomb. He left behind a core group of Taliban, never captured the top leader, allowed al Qaeda to escape and find refuge in Pakistan and paid for a corrupt government to allow the building of the largest heroin production and export operation in history by the people you claim he defeated. He took a victory gained by the tremendous military built by the previous administration that he had inherited and turned the victory into defeat.
you are posting stupid, what else was their to bomb in Afghanistan? We ran out of brick and mortar targets. The american public wanted more,

The poppy fields didn't get bigger after we crashed the Taliban, just resumed to normal.

You really should learn to refrain from calling others stupid when you follow your statement with such obvious stupidity. "Brick and mortar targets" in Afghanistan where the guerrilla insurgent forces hid in caves and among civilians and small villages. The US casualties increased year by year when Bush abandoned the battlefield in Afghanistan. By the time Obama took over it took a surge of troops on the ground to root out the Taliban from their hiding places and caused casualties that would not have occurred if Bush had finished the job.
Wilson, FDR, Bush43, Obama
it's curious reading this thread the most honest posters are conservative.
It is curious reading that you are delusional. You are partisan, nothing more, truth means nothing to you.
I see you have a personal/Envy problem with me, why is that? You don't like me defending girl posters on here? You don't like I see partisans hacks on here? What is it with you?
You can't tell the truth is the issue; you are a hack. It is what it is.
thats your opinion and you are entitled to it. Its based on a false premise but so are most of your postings.

Bush was far from great, but he was much much better for the country than obama has been. History will document that (unless history is written by the teachers union)
Bush got us involved in two decades long wars, engaged in torture, got 7000 Americans unnecessarily killed,destroyed our reputation around the world, failed to stop the 9-11 attacks, stood by while the economy crashed

Hard to defend anything he did

You are totally FOS. But your posting of partisan talking points is noted. Do you still get 10 cents per post?
It is not partisanship

That is the Bush legacy
That is what history judges him on. that is why he is considered one of our worst presidents

How could you say that? Bush Jr. Was a bad president but he brought us together after 9/11 American flags were flying off the shelf. We all wanted war.

Obama separated us. Like no modern day president has...
If Bush was paying attention, maybe we wouldn't have had 9/11. And then he goes off and invades Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11. He started 2 wars costing trillions of dollars and at the same time cut taxes. He topped that off with an unfunded medicare part D benefit. As far as bringing us together, he said if you aren't with us you're with the terrorists. Then he brought all this police state crap about - the DHS, the TSA, the Patriot Act, warrantless searches and wiretaps, extraordinary rendition, torture. How anybody could say Obama is worse than that boggles the mind.
Reading your post makes me think you were to young to remember. After 9/11 Bush attacked the hell out of Afghanistan, bombed it till nothing was left to bomb, then got congress and the UN approval to attack Iraq, almost 2 year's latter in 2003.
You are making stuff up. Bush never bombed the hell out of Afghanistan till there was nothing left to bomb. He left behind a core group of Taliban, never captured the top leader, allowed al Qaeda to escape and find refuge in Pakistan and paid for a corrupt government to allow the building of the largest heroin production and export operation in history by the people you claim he defeated. He took a victory gained by the tremendous military built by the previous administration that he had inherited and turned the victory into defeat.
you are posting stupid, what else was their to bomb in Afghanistan? We ran out of brick and mortar targets. The american public wanted more,

The poppy fields didn't get bigger after we crashed the Taliban, just resumed to normal.

You really should learn to refrain from calling others stupid when you follow your statement with such obvious stupidity. "Brick and mortar targets" in Afghanistan where the guerrilla insurgent forces hid in caves and among civilians and small villages. The US casualties increased year by year when Bush abandoned the battlefield in Afghanistan. By the time Obama took over it took a surge of troops on the ground to root out the Taliban from their hiding places and caused casualties that would not have occurred if Bush had finished the job.
How old are you? The US ran out of targets from the air, nothing left, just to mop the place up.
Wilson, FDR, Bush43, Obama
it's curious reading this thread the most honest posters are conservative.
It is curious reading that you are delusional. You are partisan, nothing more, truth means nothing to you.
I see you have a personal/Envy problem with me, why is that? You don't like me defending girl posters on here? You don't like I see partisans hacks on here? What is it with you?
You can't tell the truth is the issue; you are a hack. It is what it is.
only children I burn on here has a personal issue, you can't handle it. Just like that other thread
Through much of our early history, the role of President was still being defined. May Presidents just floundered in their job as they did absolutely nothing. Many historians list Presidents like Buchannon or Filmore as the worst
In modern times, post 1900, George W Bush is universally considered the worst
He was given tough times and had a chance to either excel or fail miserably. Bush failed miserably
His response to 9-11 was to invade and nation build. He suspended human rights and engaged in torture. He botched the execution of two wars and left our soldiers vulnerable. 7000 died unnecessarily because of his decisions
Economically, he started two wars and paid for them with tax cuts. He stood by in denial as the economy crashed around him and the nation narrowly avoided a depression
Quit the bullshit he warned Barney Frank about Freddie and frannie and he did nothing.

Barney Frank was a minor Congressman with no legislative power

He was the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, beginning in 2007.
I was born during the Eisenhower administration. Since then, we haven't too many good presidents. I would rate George W Bush as the worst of the lot during my lifetime followed closely by Johnson and Nixon. In terms of all of American History, I would still rate Bush bottom five.
How could you say that? Bush Jr. Was a bad president but he brought us together after 9/11 American flags were flying off the shelf. We all wanted war.

Obama separated us. Like no modern day president has...
If Bush was paying attention, maybe we wouldn't have had 9/11. And then he goes off and invades Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11. He started 2 wars costing trillions of dollars and at the same time cut taxes. He topped that off with an unfunded medicare part D benefit. As far as bringing us together, he said if you aren't with us you're with the terrorists. Then he brought all this police state crap about - the DHS, the TSA, the Patriot Act, warrantless searches and wiretaps, extraordinary rendition, torture. How anybody could say Obama is worse than that boggles the mind.
Reading your post makes me think you were to young to remember. After 9/11 Bush attacked the hell out of Afghanistan, bombed it till nothing was left to bomb, then got congress and the UN approval to attack Iraq, almost 2 year's latter in 2003.
You are making stuff up. Bush never bombed the hell out of Afghanistan till there was nothing left to bomb. He left behind a core group of Taliban, never captured the top leader, allowed al Qaeda to escape and find refuge in Pakistan and paid for a corrupt government to allow the building of the largest heroin production and export operation in history by the people you claim he defeated. He took a victory gained by the tremendous military built by the previous administration that he had inherited and turned the victory into defeat.

Your fantasies are entertaining, if not enlightening.
Wilson, FDR, Bush43, Obama
it's curious reading this thread the most honest posters are conservative.
It is curious reading that you are delusional. You are partisan, nothing more, truth means nothing to you.
I see you have a personal/Envy problem with me, why is that? You don't like me defending girl posters on here? You don't like I see partisans hacks on here? What is it with you?
You can't tell the truth is the issue; you are a hack. It is what it is.
only children I burn on here has a personal issue, you can't handle it. Just like that other thread
:lol: You got handled again, and you don't like it. I get that. But what you think is only the far right has the answer. We have those who think only the left has the answer. All of you are wrong. The great right of center to left of center is where America lives and from whence it is governed. You think disagreement is partisanship, which is simply foolish. So, for right now, I don't really care what you think. Play Internet Dick and get it chopped. So go ahead and vent, and we will try again. Talk rationally, and we will do fine.

To the OP. IMO, Bush is in the bottom five. Obama is somewhere in the middle of the pack.
Last edited:
Bush got us involved in two decades long wars, engaged in torture, got 7000 Americans unnecessarily killed,destroyed our reputation around the world, failed to stop the 9-11 attacks, stood by while the economy crashed

Hard to defend anything he did

You are totally FOS. But your posting of partisan talking points is noted. Do you still get 10 cents per post?
It is not partisanship

That is the Bush legacy
That is what history judges him on. that is why he is considered one of our worst presidents

If Bush was paying attention, maybe we wouldn't have had 9/11. And then he goes off and invades Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11. He started 2 wars costing trillions of dollars and at the same time cut taxes. He topped that off with an unfunded medicare part D benefit. As far as bringing us together, he said if you aren't with us you're with the terrorists. Then he brought all this police state crap about - the DHS, the TSA, the Patriot Act, warrantless searches and wiretaps, extraordinary rendition, torture. How anybody could say Obama is worse than that boggles the mind.
Reading your post makes me think you were to young to remember. After 9/11 Bush attacked the hell out of Afghanistan, bombed it till nothing was left to bomb, then got congress and the UN approval to attack Iraq, almost 2 year's latter in 2003.
You are making stuff up. Bush never bombed the hell out of Afghanistan till there was nothing left to bomb. He left behind a core group of Taliban, never captured the top leader, allowed al Qaeda to escape and find refuge in Pakistan and paid for a corrupt government to allow the building of the largest heroin production and export operation in history by the people you claim he defeated. He took a victory gained by the tremendous military built by the previous administration that he had inherited and turned the victory into defeat.
you are posting stupid, what else was their to bomb in Afghanistan? We ran out of brick and mortar targets. The american public wanted more,

The poppy fields didn't get bigger after we crashed the Taliban, just resumed to normal.

You really should learn to refrain from calling others stupid when you follow your statement with such obvious stupidity. "Brick and mortar targets" in Afghanistan where the guerrilla insurgent forces hid in caves and among civilians and small villages. The US casualties increased year by year when Bush abandoned the battlefield in Afghanistan. By the time Obama took over it took a surge of troops on the ground to root out the Taliban from their hiding places and caused casualties that would not have occurred if Bush had finished the job.
How old are you? The US ran out of targets from the air, nothing left, just to mop the place up.
Famous words used by Rumsfeld just before our troops were pounce on by the his delusional and imagined "dead enders" in Iraq. Remember that, it was the start of the Bush administration turning victory in Iraq into the longest war in American history.
By the way, Bush didn't even leave enough assets and troops in Afghanistan to "mop up" as you call it. He abandoned troops in little hill top observation post that ended up being picked off little by little. They didn't even have enough troops to conduct all the patrols needed and they often had to conduct the minimum number of patrols without necessary air cover and support.
I was born during the Eisenhower administration. Since then, we haven't too many good presidents. I would rate George W Bush as the worst of the lot during my lifetime followed closely by Johnson and Nixon. In terms of all of American History, I would still rate Bush bottom five.
How could you say that? Bush Jr. Was a bad president but he brought us together after 9/11 American flags were flying off the shelf. We all wanted war.

Obama separated us. Like no modern day president has...
If Bush was paying attention, maybe we wouldn't have had 9/11. And then he goes off and invades Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11. He started 2 wars costing trillions of dollars and at the same time cut taxes. He topped that off with an unfunded medicare part D benefit. As far as bringing us together, he said if you aren't with us you're with the terrorists. Then he brought all this police state crap about - the DHS, the TSA, the Patriot Act, warrantless searches and wiretaps, extraordinary rendition, torture. How anybody could say Obama is worse than that boggles the mind.
Reading your post makes me think you were to young to remember. After 9/11 Bush attacked the hell out of Afghanistan, bombed it till nothing was left to bomb, then got congress and the UN approval to attack Iraq, almost 2 year's latter in 2003.
You are making stuff up. Bush never bombed the hell out of Afghanistan till there was nothing left to bomb. He left behind a core group of Taliban, never captured the top leader, allowed al Qaeda to escape and find refuge in Pakistan and paid for a corrupt government to allow the building of the largest heroin production and export operation in history by the people you claim he defeated. He took a victory gained by the tremendous military built by the previous administration that he had inherited and turned the victory into defeat.

Your fantasies are entertaining, if not enlightening.
So, show one misstated or incorrect statement in my post. Which part of my post do you opine is incorrect?
You are totally FOS. But your posting of partisan talking points is noted. Do you still get 10 cents per post?
It is not partisanship

That is the Bush legacy
That is what history judges him on. that is why he is considered one of our worst presidents

Reading your post makes me think you were to young to remember. After 9/11 Bush attacked the hell out of Afghanistan, bombed it till nothing was left to bomb, then got congress and the UN approval to attack Iraq, almost 2 year's latter in 2003.
You are making stuff up. Bush never bombed the hell out of Afghanistan till there was nothing left to bomb. He left behind a core group of Taliban, never captured the top leader, allowed al Qaeda to escape and find refuge in Pakistan and paid for a corrupt government to allow the building of the largest heroin production and export operation in history by the people you claim he defeated. He took a victory gained by the tremendous military built by the previous administration that he had inherited and turned the victory into defeat.
you are posting stupid, what else was their to bomb in Afghanistan? We ran out of brick and mortar targets. The american public wanted more,

The poppy fields didn't get bigger after we crashed the Taliban, just resumed to normal.

You really should learn to refrain from calling others stupid when you follow your statement with such obvious stupidity. "Brick and mortar targets" in Afghanistan where the guerrilla insurgent forces hid in caves and among civilians and small villages. The US casualties increased year by year when Bush abandoned the battlefield in Afghanistan. By the time Obama took over it took a surge of troops on the ground to root out the Taliban from their hiding places and caused casualties that would not have occurred if Bush had finished the job.
How old are you? The US ran out of targets from the air, nothing left, just to mop the place up.
Famous words used by Rumsfeld just before our troops were pounce on by the his delusional and imagined "dead enders" in Iraq. Remember that, it was the start of the Bush administration turning victory in Iraq into the longest war in American history.
By the way, Bush didn't even leave enough assets and troops in Afghanistan to "mop up" as you call it. He abandoned troops in little hill top observation post that ended up being picked off little by little. They didn't even have enough troops to conduct all the patrols needed and they often had to conduct the minimum number of patrols without necessary air cover and support.
guess you never saw the ending to Nam

Btw our troops are still in Germany, Japan and South Koreia , fyi

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