Whom would you call the worst president in American history?

Through much of our early history, the role of President was still being defined. May Presidents just floundered in their job as they did absolutely nothing. Many historians list Presidents like Buchannon or Filmore as the worst
In modern times, post 1900, George W Bush is universally considered the worst
He was given tough times and had a chance to either excel or fail miserably. Bush failed miserably
His response to 9-11 was to invade and nation build. He suspended human rights and engaged in torture. He botched the execution of two wars and left our soldiers vulnerable. 7000 died unnecessarily because of his decisions
Economically, he started two wars and paid for them with tax cuts. He stood by in denial as the economy crashed around him and the nation narrowly avoided a depression
Quit the bullshit he warned Barney Frank about Freddie and frannie and he did nothing.

Barney Frank was a minor Congressman with no legislative power

He was the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, beginning in 2007.

So Frank was named chairman in January 2007 and millions of people rushed out, bought houses and defaulted on them within nine months of Frank taking the chairmanship
How could you say that? Bush Jr. Was a bad president but he brought us together after 9/11 American flags were flying off the shelf. We all wanted war.

Obama separated us. Like no modern day president has...
If Bush was paying attention, maybe we wouldn't have had 9/11. And then he goes off and invades Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11. He started 2 wars costing trillions of dollars and at the same time cut taxes. He topped that off with an unfunded medicare part D benefit. As far as bringing us together, he said if you aren't with us you're with the terrorists. Then he brought all this police state crap about - the DHS, the TSA, the Patriot Act, warrantless searches and wiretaps, extraordinary rendition, torture. How anybody could say Obama is worse than that boggles the mind.
Reading your post makes me think you were to young to remember. After 9/11 Bush attacked the hell out of Afghanistan, bombed it till nothing was left to bomb, then got congress and the UN approval to attack Iraq, almost 2 year's latter in 2003.
You are making stuff up. Bush never bombed the hell out of Afghanistan till there was nothing left to bomb. He left behind a core group of Taliban, never captured the top leader, allowed al Qaeda to escape and find refuge in Pakistan and paid for a corrupt government to allow the building of the largest heroin production and export operation in history by the people you claim he defeated. He took a victory gained by the tremendous military built by the previous administration that he had inherited and turned the victory into defeat.

Your fantasies are entertaining, if not enlightening.
So, show one misstated or incorrect statement in my post. Which part of my post do you opine is incorrect?

It's all bullshit.
Through much of our early history, the role of President was still being defined. May Presidents just floundered in their job as they did absolutely nothing. Many historians list Presidents like Buchannon or Filmore as the worst
In modern times, post 1900, George W Bush is universally considered the worst
He was given tough times and had a chance to either excel or fail miserably. Bush failed miserably
His response to 9-11 was to invade and nation build. He suspended human rights and engaged in torture. He botched the execution of two wars and left our soldiers vulnerable. 7000 died unnecessarily because of his decisions
Economically, he started two wars and paid for them with tax cuts. He stood by in denial as the economy crashed around him and the nation narrowly avoided a depression
Quit the bullshit he warned Barney Frank about Freddie and frannie and he did nothing.

Barney Frank was a minor Congressman with no legislative power

He was the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, beginning in 2007.

So Frank was named chairman in January 2007 and millions of people rushed out, bought houses and defaulted on them within nine months of Frank taking the chairmanship
The GOP is on the hook for this, with a strong help from the minority Dems from 1994 to 2006.
Through much of our early history, the role of President was still being defined. May Presidents just floundered in their job as they did absolutely nothing. Many historians list Presidents like Buchannon or Filmore as the worst
In modern times, post 1900, George W Bush is universally considered the worst
He was given tough times and had a chance to either excel or fail miserably. Bush failed miserably
His response to 9-11 was to invade and nation build. He suspended human rights and engaged in torture. He botched the execution of two wars and left our soldiers vulnerable. 7000 died unnecessarily because of his decisions
Economically, he started two wars and paid for them with tax cuts. He stood by in denial as the economy crashed around him and the nation narrowly avoided a depression
Quit the bullshit he warned Barney Frank about Freddie and frannie and he did nothing.

Barney Frank was a minor Congressman with no legislative power

He was the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, beginning in 2007.

So Frank was named chairman in January 2007 and millions of people rushed out, bought houses and defaulted on them within nine months of Frank taking the chairmanship
The GOP is on the hook for this, with a strong help from the minority Dems from 1994 to 2006.
Bush and his fellow Republicans celebrated the real estate boom in the mid 2000s. It inflated their economic numbers and was used as an example of the success of their policies
If Bush was paying attention, maybe we wouldn't have had 9/11. And then he goes off and invades Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11. He started 2 wars costing trillions of dollars and at the same time cut taxes. He topped that off with an unfunded medicare part D benefit. As far as bringing us together, he said if you aren't with us you're with the terrorists. Then he brought all this police state crap about - the DHS, the TSA, the Patriot Act, warrantless searches and wiretaps, extraordinary rendition, torture. How anybody could say Obama is worse than that boggles the mind.
Reading your post makes me think you were to young to remember. After 9/11 Bush attacked the hell out of Afghanistan, bombed it till nothing was left to bomb, then got congress and the UN approval to attack Iraq, almost 2 year's latter in 2003.
You are making stuff up. Bush never bombed the hell out of Afghanistan till there was nothing left to bomb. He left behind a core group of Taliban, never captured the top leader, allowed al Qaeda to escape and find refuge in Pakistan and paid for a corrupt government to allow the building of the largest heroin production and export operation in history by the people you claim he defeated. He took a victory gained by the tremendous military built by the previous administration that he had inherited and turned the victory into defeat.

Your fantasies are entertaining, if not enlightening.
So, show one misstated or incorrect statement in my post. Which part of my post do you opine is incorrect?

It's all bullshit.
No it isn't. It is a spot on accurate assessment absent political rhetoric. It is an unbiased analysis that can not be argued or logically debated. Obviously out of your intellectual purview.
Through much of our early history, the role of President was still being defined. May Presidents just floundered in their job as they did absolutely nothing. Many historians list Presidents like Buchannon or Filmore as the worst
In modern times, post 1900, George W Bush is universally considered the worst
He was given tough times and had a chance to either excel or fail miserably. Bush failed miserably
His response to 9-11 was to invade and nation build. He suspended human rights and engaged in torture. He botched the execution of two wars and left our soldiers vulnerable. 7000 died unnecessarily because of his decisions
Economically, he started two wars and paid for them with tax cuts. He stood by in denial as the economy crashed around him and the nation narrowly avoided a depression
Quit the bullshit he warned Barney Frank about Freddie and frannie and he did nothing.

Barney Frank was a minor Congressman with no legislative power

He was the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, beginning in 2007.

So Frank was named chairman in January 2007 and millions of people rushed out, bought houses and defaulted on them within nine months of Frank taking the chairmanship
The GOP is on the hook for this, with a strong help from the minority Dems from 1994 to 2006.

That's the way to be a loyal Republican, Fakey!
Reading your post makes me think you were to young to remember. After 9/11 Bush attacked the hell out of Afghanistan, bombed it till nothing was left to bomb, then got congress and the UN approval to attack Iraq, almost 2 year's latter in 2003.
You are making stuff up. Bush never bombed the hell out of Afghanistan till there was nothing left to bomb. He left behind a core group of Taliban, never captured the top leader, allowed al Qaeda to escape and find refuge in Pakistan and paid for a corrupt government to allow the building of the largest heroin production and export operation in history by the people you claim he defeated. He took a victory gained by the tremendous military built by the previous administration that he had inherited and turned the victory into defeat.

Your fantasies are entertaining, if not enlightening.
So, show one misstated or incorrect statement in my post. Which part of my post do you opine is incorrect?

It's all bullshit.
No it isn't. It is a spot on accurate assessment absent political rhetoric. It is an unbiased analysis that can not be argued or logically debated. Obviously out of your intellectual purview.

It's bullshit - nothing but leftwing talking points.
You are making stuff up. Bush never bombed the hell out of Afghanistan till there was nothing left to bomb. He left behind a core group of Taliban, never captured the top leader, allowed al Qaeda to escape and find refuge in Pakistan and paid for a corrupt government to allow the building of the largest heroin production and export operation in history by the people you claim he defeated. He took a victory gained by the tremendous military built by the previous administration that he had inherited and turned the victory into defeat.

Your fantasies are entertaining, if not enlightening.
So, show one misstated or incorrect statement in my post. Which part of my post do you opine is incorrect?

It's all bullshit.
No it isn't. It is a spot on accurate assessment absent political rhetoric. It is an unbiased analysis that can not be argued or logically debated. Obviously out of your intellectual purview.

It's bullshit - nothing but leftwing talking points.
Yet you are unable to select one statement and contest is. You should be able to take a talking point and show why it is only a talking point or statement taken out of context, exaggerated, misinterpreted, etc. All you are able to do is puppet juvenile responses. Another little shit who tries to talk the walk but is unable to actually walk the walk.
Christ, the Northern Alliance knocked out the Taliban. A gift W blew by running off to an Iraq that was irrelevant.

Fannie and Freddie got in late on the corrupt private bubble that Boooshies let happen with their crony regulators and their pals in private real estate ...F+F's share of the market went from 75 to 25 % in 2003, hater dupes. Pure Pubcrappe.
The worst, Obama. Then Carter, then Johnson, then Roosevelt, then Wilson. Kennedy was no prize either. He might have been better if he could have kept his pants on long enough to govern.

Anybody who puts a sitting president who's not even done with his term yet in this category is a hopeless idiot buffoon intellectual derelict.

Oh hello SJ. Didn't see you there. But I smelled sump'm.
Yeah, probably the stench from your brown nose (the one that's been up Obama's ass for 7 years).


A day later......................... still waiting................
Ok now most people today would say George W. Bush, however most of these people were not alive for past presidents. Who did the most damage to the country while in office?
We have too many candidates I suppose. I bet at least 1 agree to anyone who call Obama.
But still. Who?
Obama saved America from the brink of oblivion, the whole global economy that Shrub destroyed. You probably think that FDR was second worst. Cons destroy the economy every time they get in the White House, all the way back to Lincoln. Calvin Coolidge's policies destroyed the economy and gave us the crash of 1929, the great depression. Then Nixon was the next con to shame America. Then Ronnie Raygun spent America's wealth on war, and tripled the national debt in eight years. Then Shrub daddy doubled the debt again in only four years. Clinton balanced the budget, which Shrub Jr. destroyed in only six months, and doubled the debt yet again while also destroying the U.S. and global economies.
The GOP is a worse threat to America than ISIS could ever be. The GOP is a pandemic of stupidity. Only real shit for brains vote republican.
You can't leave out Buchannan. This guy was WAY out of his pay grade. And, of course, Harding is everyone's favorite incompetent. Personally, I think that Carter was not a bad president. He didn't really do any harm. The hyperinflation in that period was actually inherited from LBJ's guns and butter policies. Of course, he didn't really do much of anything good either....

And then there is Nixon. I won't count that, because that is a personal evaluation. The SOB tried to kill me.

He did? Johnson is the POTUS who ramped up the Vietnam War. Nixon pulled us out of it. I still don't like Nixon, but I do have to give him his props for that.

Trust me on this. I considered LBJ to be just as evil as Nixon. However Nixon ran for office based on his "secret plan to end the war". Not only was he lying about that (which he later admitted to David Frost), but more Americans were killed in Vietnam in his presidency than in LBJ's.

That's actually not true. Don't get me wrong, Nixon was a scumbag of the first order, but he saved a lot of lives......

KIA in Vietnam by year 1964...............................216
First Year of Nixon' term in office 1969..........................11,780
Resigns in August 1974...................................1

Statistical information about casualties of the Vietnam War

Somehow this does not make me feel any better about the three friends that I had who died there for nothing.
I think that a lot of people on this thread are confused. They are attacking or defending Bush II as worst are best president. For all practical purposes, Bush II was not president. Cheney was. And Cheney was the iconic figure of everything that is evil in America. Just sayin'.....
Ok now most people today would say George W. Bush, however most of these people were not alive for past presidents. Who did the most damage to the country while in office?
We have too many candidates I suppose. I bet at least 1 agree to anyone who call Obama.
But still. Who?
LBJ....He FABRICATED A WAR that killed 83,000+ of my generation...And trust me...I know..I was there on Pt "Y" on Aug. 4, 1964, and unwittingly participated in the "Tonkin Gulf Incident" fabrication..!!...Regardless of all his good accomplishments in the civil rights area, he deserves to rot in hell !!..Too bad "hell" is just mythology..:blsmile:
You can't leave out Buchannan. This guy was WAY out of his pay grade. And, of course, Harding is everyone's favorite incompetent. Personally, I think that Carter was not a bad president. He didn't really do any harm. The hyperinflation in that period was actually inherited from LBJ's guns and butter policies. Of course, he didn't really do much of anything good either....

And then there is Nixon. I won't count that, because that is a personal evaluation. The SOB tried to kill me.

He did? Johnson is the POTUS who ramped up the Vietnam War. Nixon pulled us out of it. I still don't like Nixon, but I do have to give him his props for that.

Trust me on this. I considered LBJ to be just as evil as Nixon. However Nixon ran for office based on his "secret plan to end the war". Not only was he lying about that (which he later admitted to David Frost), but more Americans were killed in Vietnam in his presidency than in LBJ's.

That's actually not true. Don't get me wrong, Nixon was a scumbag of the first order, but he saved a lot of lives......

KIA in Vietnam by year 1964...............................216
First Year of Nixon' term in office 1969..........................11,780
Resigns in August 1974...................................1

Statistical information about casualties of the Vietnam War

Somehow this does not make me feel any better about the three friends that I had who died there for nothing.

Everyone who died there, died for nothing. Well, that's not entirely true, good old LBJ and his buddies made a fortune off of that fucking war. I am truly sorry for the friends you lost though. No one should have to experience that.
You can't leave out Buchannan. This guy was WAY out of his pay grade. And, of course, Harding is everyone's favorite incompetent. Personally, I think that Carter was not a bad president. He didn't really do any harm. The hyperinflation in that period was actually inherited from LBJ's guns and butter policies. Of course, he didn't really do much of anything good either....

And then there is Nixon. I won't count that, because that is a personal evaluation. The SOB tried to kill me.

He did? Johnson is the POTUS who ramped up the Vietnam War. Nixon pulled us out of it. I still don't like Nixon, but I do have to give him his props for that.

Trust me on this. I considered LBJ to be just as evil as Nixon. However Nixon ran for office based on his "secret plan to end the war". Not only was he lying about that (which he later admitted to David Frost), but more Americans were killed in Vietnam in his presidency than in LBJ's.

That's actually not true. Don't get me wrong, Nixon was a scumbag of the first order, but he saved a lot of lives......

KIA in Vietnam by year 1964...............................216
First Year of Nixon' term in office 1969..........................11,780
Resigns in August 1974...................................1

Statistical information about casualties of the Vietnam War

Somehow this does not make me feel any better about the three friends that I had who died there for nothing.

Everyone who died there, died for nothing. Well, that's not entirely true, good old LBJ and his buddies made a fortune off of that fucking war. I am truly sorry for the friends you lost though. No one should have to experience that.
LBJ found out the war profiteers were bullshitting him, that's why he refused to run for a second term. Nixon made the war profiteers rich, continuing the war for another seven years. Eisenhower sent the first troops to Vietnam, JFK was assassinated because he was going to end the war. FYI, cons are the promoters of the war machine. Really, wake up.
He did? Johnson is the POTUS who ramped up the Vietnam War. Nixon pulled us out of it. I still don't like Nixon, but I do have to give him his props for that.

Trust me on this. I considered LBJ to be just as evil as Nixon. However Nixon ran for office based on his "secret plan to end the war". Not only was he lying about that (which he later admitted to David Frost), but more Americans were killed in Vietnam in his presidency than in LBJ's.

That's actually not true. Don't get me wrong, Nixon was a scumbag of the first order, but he saved a lot of lives......

KIA in Vietnam by year 1964...............................216
First Year of Nixon' term in office 1969..........................11,780
Resigns in August 1974...................................1

Statistical information about casualties of the Vietnam War

Somehow this does not make me feel any better about the three friends that I had who died there for nothing.

Everyone who died there, died for nothing. Well, that's not entirely true, good old LBJ and his buddies made a fortune off of that fucking war. I am truly sorry for the friends you lost though. No one should have to experience that.
LBJ found out the war profiteers were bullshitting him, that's why he refused to run for a second term. Nixon made the war profiteers rich, continuing the war for another seven years. Eisenhower sent the first troops to Vietnam, JFK was assassinated because he was going to end the war. FYI, cons are the promoters of the war machine. Really, wake up.

Bullshit. He finally developed a conscience. Yes Kennedy was withdrawing us from Vietnam. LBJ rammed millions of troops into Vietnam, further 90% of the war material for the war was made in TEXAS! LBJ and Lady Bird were worth maybe a million dollars when he took the reins as POTUS, after ONE complete term he and she were worth more than 40 million dollars.

You are the one who needs to wake up, fool.
As is already evident to anyone with even the slightest objectivity, and will be verified over the years in history annals, the most damage ever done to America during a single administration was under the ignoble Bush league.
Through much of our early history, the role of President was still being defined. May Presidents just floundered in their job as they did absolutely nothing. Many historians list Presidents like Buchannon or Filmore as the worst
In modern times, post 1900, George W Bush is universally considered the worst
He was given tough times and had a chance to either excel or fail miserably. Bush failed miserably
His response to 9-11 was to invade and nation build. He suspended human rights and engaged in torture. He botched the execution of two wars and left our soldiers vulnerable. 7000 died unnecessarily because of his decisions
Economically, he started two wars and paid for them with tax cuts. He stood by in denial as the economy crashed around him and the nation narrowly avoided a depression

We get it, winger--------------you hate bush, we get it.

but here's some news for you. Not everyone agrees with you, in fact you are in a minority opinion group.

You are also a hypocrite, if Bush had been a democrat you would be praising him for saving the nation and condemning obama for destroying it.

In short, you are nothing but a partisan hack. Your posts are of no more value than slug slime on a sidewalk.
Says Internet Dick. blowfish, you need to relax. Bush was awful, Obama somewhat better. Your hatred is unmanning you. Some will say Bush loved freedom more than money, while he drove the economy into the Great Recession and gave the treasury to the corporations. He wasted our fighting sources and plundered our treasure.

you are amazingly stupid, or amazingly biased. Nothing you have said is true.

Obama will go down in history as the worst president this country has ever had.

But thats what you get when you elect an america-hating marxist,

the good thing is that most of america has learned from the obama mistake and will not ever elect another like him (and this has nothing to do with him being half black)
We get it, winger--------------you hate bush, we get it.

but here's some news for you. Not everyone agrees with you, in fact you are in a minority opinion group.

You are also a hypocrite, if Bush had been a democrat you would be praising him for saving the nation and condemning obama for destroying it.

In short, you are nothing but a partisan hack. Your posts are of no more value than slug slime on a sidewalk.
I liked Bush and supported him in his early Presidency. Like most Americans, I gave him my full support after 9-11. I was willing to allow him to do whatever necessary to fight terrorism

Bush abused that trust and made horrific decisions on our behalf. That is why he is considered the worst president in modern times
I could say the same thing about Obama, I secretly believed in his hope and change a transparent presidency.

That party crashed real fast over Obama care being signed into law in 3 ducking days.
No, you can't say the same things about Obama

Neither will history

right, Obama's record will be much worse.

doubled the national debt
put millions in poverty
increased the gap between rich and poor
allowed the mid east to explode
allowed the rise of ISIS
lost the Iraq war
lost the Afghanistan war
weakened us militarily
weakened us fiscally
weakened us morally
divided the country like never before
lied repeatedly
destroyed the best medical system in human history
violated the constitution
encouraged the radical muslim takeover of Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan
dumped on our allies
made Putin look like a statesman

Propaganda does not pass for fact

Presidents are judged on:

What were you given when you entered office
What did you leave
What was your lasting legacy

Obama was given a nation in a financial collapse. A nation engaged in two wars. A worldwide threat of terrorism

Obama stopped a depression. Reversed the economic collapse. Attacked terrorism around the globe. Killed bin Laden. Got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

What is his lasting legacy? Passed the first universal healthcare system. Enhanced gay rights. Stabilized the economy. Recognized Cuba.

That is what historians will look at

stopped a depression? WTF are you talking about? first of all there was no depression and secondly obama made a recession last longer by his stupid policies

attacked terrorism? He made ISIS a world threat, he turned Egypt and Libya over to radicals.

got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan? by losing what had been won, can you say viet nam, ya dumb shit.

obozocare is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country, thats what history will record.

Legitimized the Castro regime that murdered thousands of Cubans--------WTF is wrong with you?

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