Whom would you call the worst president in American history?

Ok now most people today would say George W. Bush, however most of these people were not alive for past presidents. Who did the most damage to the country while in office?
We have too many candidates I suppose. I bet at least 1 agree to anyone who call Obama.
But still. Who?
Anybody that remembers LBJ, now a non-person, knows who the worst President in modern times was.
Ok now most people today would say George W. Bush, however most of these people were not alive for past presidents. Who did the most damage to the country while in office?
We have too many candidates I suppose. I bet at least 1 agree to anyone who call Obama.
But still. Who?
Anybody that remembers LBJ, now a non-person, knows who the worst President in modern times was.

I personally think LBJ was one of the biggest jerks ever to be President. But he was also a master politician who knew how to get things done. He knew what buttons to push with a man to get what he wanted
In terms of accomplishments, he had an impressive resume as President
He blew his legacy with Vietnam in his refusal to tell his advisors to shove it. He always fell for that....If we only had 100,000 more troops, we could win
Ok now most people today would say George W. Bush, however most of these people were not alive for past presidents. Who did the most damage to the country while in office?
We have too many candidates I suppose. I bet at least 1 agree to anyone who call Obama.
But still. Who?
Anybody that remembers LBJ, now a non-person, knows who the worst President in modern times was.

I personally think LBJ was one of the biggest jerks ever to be President. But he was also a master politician who knew how to get things done. He knew what buttons to push with a man to get what he wanted
In terms of accomplishments, he had an impressive resume as President
He blew his legacy with Vietnam in his refusal to tell his advisors to shove it. He always fell for that....If we only had 100,000 more troops, we could win
I don't consider nam' not a check against his legacy he did what he could do in that war and didn't seek a second term. It was a screwed up world back then, almost surprised we didn't have a military uprising and take over the government. Nixon came along after at the right time. Ford , Carter.... Blah blah blah

Then came Reagan, Bush Sr. And Clinton

I kind of feel we went back to the 70's with Ford = Bush Jr. and Obama =Carter

We need another outstanding president in 2016.
Ok now most people today would say George W. Bush, however most of these people were not alive for past presidents. Who did the most damage to the country while in office?
We have too many candidates I suppose. I bet at least 1 agree to anyone who call Obama.
But still. Who?
Anybody that remembers LBJ, now a non-person, knows who the worst President in modern times was.

I personally think LBJ was one of the biggest jerks ever to be President. But he was also a master politician who knew how to get things done. He knew what buttons to push with a man to get what he wanted
In terms of accomplishments, he had an impressive resume as President
He blew his legacy with Vietnam in his refusal to tell his advisors to shove it. He always fell for that....If we only had 100,000 more troops, we could win
I don't consider nam' not a check against his legacy he did what he could do in that war and didn't seek a second term. It was a screwed up world back then, almost surprised we didn't have a military uprising and take over the government. Nixon came along after at the right time. Ford , Carter.... Blah blah blah

Then came Reagan, Bush Sr. And Clinton

I kind of feel we went back to the 70's with Ford = Bush Jr. and Obama =Carter

We need another outstanding president in 2016.
Good President's have to be scholarly, or at least have scholarly attributes and abilities. They have to be able to research and understand complicated issues's outside of their purview of expertise. LBJ relied on advisers and consultants, as did GW. They viewed themselves as deciders. LBJ was smart enough to see and understand that he had followed bad advice and bowed out of the situation he had created. Bush remained arrogant and refused to acknowledge he had fucked up. Kennedy, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton and Obama all have had degrees of intellect that allowed them to make decisions with degrees of personal scholarly attributes. LBJ, Ford and Bush 43 were administrators who depended entirely on their consultants and advisers.
Lincoln. Hands down worst ever.

Lincoln was our greatest President. That scumbag FDR was the worst.
Proof again that you are a hypocrite.

FDR's imprisoning Japanese Americans makes him the worst in your mind, which I am fine with. But claiming Dishonest Abe is the greatest for murdering 850k Americans, is utterly absurd.

Imprisonment wrong...murder okay...equals HYPOCRITE.
Very few Americans believe that Lincoln is responsible for murdering 850,000 American. It is an extremist propaganda talking point to deflect away from and change the way the vast majority believe. Most believe it was the fault of the southern states and that Lincoln saved the Union from becoming a hodgepodge of independent countries modeled on Europe and constantly at war or economic aggression with each other.
As you may not know, history is written by the victors.

It is really very simple, if Lincoln does not invade, there is no war. Since he did invade, he is responsible for the war and all its consequences.
Ok now most people today would say George W. Bush, however most of these people were not alive for past presidents. Who did the most damage to the country while in office?
We have too many candidates I suppose. I bet at least 1 agree to anyone who call Obama.
But still. Who?
Anybody that remembers LBJ, now a non-person, knows who the worst President in modern times was.

I personally think LBJ was one of the biggest jerks ever to be President. But he was also a master politician who knew how to get things done. He knew what buttons to push with a man to get what he wanted
In terms of accomplishments, he had an impressive resume as President
He blew his legacy with Vietnam in his refusal to tell his advisors to shove it. He always fell for that....If we only had 100,000 more troops, we could win
I don't consider nam' not a check against his legacy he did what he could do in that war and didn't seek a second term. It was a screwed up world back then, almost surprised we didn't have a military uprising and take over the government. Nixon came along after at the right time. Ford , Carter.... Blah blah blah

Then came Reagan, Bush Sr. And Clinton

I kind of feel we went back to the 70's with Ford = Bush Jr. and Obama =Carter

We need another outstanding president in 2016.
Good President's have to be scholarly, or at least have scholarly attributes and abilities. They have to be able to research and understand complicated issues's outside of their purview of expertise. LBJ relied on advisers and consultants, as did GW. They viewed themselves as deciders. LBJ was smart enough to see and understand that he had followed bad advice and bowed out of the situation he had created. Bush remained arrogant and refused to acknowledge he had fucked up. Kennedy, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton and Obama all have had degrees of intellect that allowed them to make decisions with degrees of personal scholarly attributes. LBJ, Ford and Bush 43 were administrators who depended entirely on their consultants and advisers.

In Vietnam, I think LBJ wanted no part of it but did not want to be the president to allow Vietnam to go communist on his watch.
He fell for the assurances that the war was winnable if we only had a few more troops
Ok now most people today would say George W. Bush, however most of these people were not alive for past presidents. Who did the most damage to the country while in office?
We have too many candidates I suppose. I bet at least 1 agree to anyone who call Obama.
But still. Who?
Anybody that remembers LBJ, now a non-person, knows who the worst President in modern times was.

I personally think LBJ was one of the biggest jerks ever to be President. But he was also a master politician who knew how to get things done. He knew what buttons to push with a man to get what he wanted
In terms of accomplishments, he had an impressive resume as President
He blew his legacy with Vietnam in his refusal to tell his advisors to shove it. He always fell for that....If we only had 100,000 more troops, we could win
I don't consider nam' not a check against his legacy he did what he could do in that war and didn't seek a second term. It was a screwed up world back then, almost surprised we didn't have a military uprising and take over the government. Nixon came along after at the right time. Ford , Carter.... Blah blah blah

Then came Reagan, Bush Sr. And Clinton

I kind of feel we went back to the 70's with Ford = Bush Jr. and Obama =Carter

We need another outstanding president in 2016.
Good President's have to be scholarly, or at least have scholarly attributes and abilities. They have to be able to research and understand complicated issues's outside of their purview of expertise. LBJ relied on advisers and consultants, as did GW. They viewed themselves as deciders. LBJ was smart enough to see and understand that he had followed bad advice and bowed out of the situation he had created. Bush remained arrogant and refused to acknowledge he had fucked up. Kennedy, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton and Obama all have had degrees of intellect that allowed them to make decisions with degrees of personal scholarly attributes. LBJ, Ford and Bush 43 were administrators who depended entirely on their consultants and advisers.
why didn't you mention Obama he screwed up the world, like I have never seen before, his handlers suck.

You should have nominated. Hillary, now it's to late, she won't win.
Trust me on this. I considered LBJ to be just as evil as Nixon. However Nixon ran for office based on his "secret plan to end the war". Not only was he lying about that (which he later admitted to David Frost), but more Americans were killed in Vietnam in his presidency than in LBJ's.

That's actually not true. Don't get me wrong, Nixon was a scumbag of the first order, but he saved a lot of lives......

KIA in Vietnam by year 1964...............................216
First Year of Nixon' term in office 1969..........................11,780
Resigns in August 1974...................................1

Statistical information about casualties of the Vietnam War

Somehow this does not make me feel any better about the three friends that I had who died there for nothing.

Everyone who died there, died for nothing. Well, that's not entirely true, good old LBJ and his buddies made a fortune off of that fucking war. I am truly sorry for the friends you lost though. No one should have to experience that.
LBJ found out the war profiteers were bullshitting him, that's why he refused to run for a second term. Nixon made the war profiteers rich, continuing the war for another seven years. Eisenhower sent the first troops to Vietnam, JFK was assassinated because he was going to end the war. FYI, cons are the promoters of the war machine. Really, wake up.

Bullshit. He finally developed a conscience. Yes Kennedy was withdrawing us from Vietnam. LBJ rammed millions of troops into Vietnam, further 90% of the war material for the war was made in TEXAS! LBJ and Lady Bird were worth maybe a million dollars when he took the reins as POTUS, after ONE complete term he and she were worth more than 40 million dollars.

You are the one who needs to wake up, fool.
Yeah, that really explains why LBJ didn't run for a second term. It also clears up why Nixon kept the war going for another seven years after promising to end the war. Kinda like Raygun promising to balance the budget in his first four years, and then tripling the national debt with $300 billion annual deficits.

All you got is sandbox banter. Grow up.
Lincoln. Hands down worst ever.

Lincoln was our greatest President. That scumbag FDR was the worst.
Proof again that you are a hypocrite.

FDR's imprisoning Japanese Americans makes him the worst in your mind, which I am fine with. But claiming Dishonest Abe is the greatest for murdering 850k Americans, is utterly absurd.

Imprisonment wrong...murder okay...equals HYPOCRITE.
Very few Americans believe that Lincoln is responsible for murdering 850,000 American. It is an extremist propaganda talking point to deflect away from and change the way the vast majority believe. Most believe it was the fault of the southern states and that Lincoln saved the Union from becoming a hodgepodge of independent countries modeled on Europe and constantly at war or economic aggression with each other.
As you may not know, history is written by the victors.

It is really very simple, if Lincoln does not invade, there is no war. Since he did invade, he is responsible for the war and all its consequences.
He didn't invade. You can not invade your own country and it was South Carolina that fired on the federal troops. The south were the original aggressors.
I personally think LBJ was one of the biggest jerks ever to be President. But he was also a master politician who knew how to get things done. He knew what buttons to push with a man to get what he wanted
In terms of accomplishments, he had an impressive resume as President
He blew his legacy with Vietnam in his refusal to tell his advisors to shove it. He always fell for that....If we only had 100,000 more troops, we could win

LBJ used the Viet Nam war as a shield to repel attacks against his Great Society intrusions into American Life.

He was the 3rd worst president in US History.

FDR can't be considered as a contender for worst ever because he left the USA as the most powerful Country on earth. Not a bad thing.

LBJ isn't the worst ever because, as bad as the piece of shit was, he still cared about America.

Jimmy the Peanut was just pathetic. A pathetic coward who pardoned 50,000+ draft dodgers who should have rotted in prison for 20 years each. A coward who let compassion for other cowards rule him.

Hard to rate a coward as the worst ever.

barack the piece of fucking shit lying motherfucker of a racist scumbag America Hater......

Any doubts?

the scumbag is the worst ever. Nobody else even gets close. Not within a thousand miles. he is the scummiest scumbag piece of shit to ever even walk into the White House, much less live there
Yeah, that really explains why LBJ didn't run for a second term. It also clears up why Nixon kept the war going for another seven years after promising to end the war. Kinda like Raygun promising to balance the budget in his first four years, and then tripling the national debt with $300 billion annual deficits.

All you got is sandbox banter. Grow up.

Nixon DID end the War you stupid bitch.

Less than 4 years after he took office we ended the War with a Victory.

You really are a stupid bitch.

BTW, you illiterate excuse for 3rd Grade educated moron......... Two-Thirds of all the casualties in Viet Nam happened under LBJ and JFK.
I shouldn't say that it was real bad under JFK but he pulled us out of it and real bad under Carter, I remember listening to a old AM radio before I went to sleep in the late 70's how pissed off I was when Jimmy boycotted the Olympics and when his failed Iran hostage rescue and Iranians were picking at the bones of dead US soldiers

Some of it is burned into your memory.
Ok now most people today would say George W. Bush, however most of these people were not alive for past presidents. Who did the most damage to the country while in office?
We have too many candidates I suppose. I bet at least 1 agree to anyone who call Obama.
But still. Who?
Anybody that remembers LBJ, now a non-person, knows who the worst President in modern times was.

I personally think LBJ was one of the biggest jerks ever to be President. But he was also a master politician who knew how to get things done. He knew what buttons to push with a man to get what he wanted
In terms of accomplishments, he had an impressive resume as President
He blew his legacy with Vietnam in his refusal to tell his advisors to shove it. He always fell for that....If we only had 100,000 more troops, we could win
I don't consider nam' not a check against his legacy he did what he could do in that war and didn't seek a second term. It was a screwed up world back then, almost surprised we didn't have a military uprising and take over the government. Nixon came along after at the right time. Ford , Carter.... Blah blah blah

Then came Reagan, Bush Sr. And Clinton

I kind of feel we went back to the 70's with Ford = Bush Jr. and Obama =Carter

We need another outstanding president in 2016.
Good President's have to be scholarly, or at least have scholarly attributes and abilities. They have to be able to research and understand complicated issues's outside of their purview of expertise. LBJ relied on advisers and consultants, as did GW. They viewed themselves as deciders. LBJ was smart enough to see and understand that he had followed bad advice and bowed out of the situation he had created. Bush remained arrogant and refused to acknowledge he had fucked up. Kennedy, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton and Obama all have had degrees of intellect that allowed them to make decisions with degrees of personal scholarly attributes. LBJ, Ford and Bush 43 were administrators who depended entirely on their consultants and advisers.
why didn't you mention Obama he screwed up the world, like I have never seen before, his handlers suck.

You should have nominated. Hillary, now it's to late, she won't win.
First, I don't believe you can include a current President in this kind of assessment. Even including GW Bush is unfair to be a part of the debate. A certain amount of time has to pass to allow for the consideration of legacy impact. My own opinion is that Reagan screwed up the world like no other and hence, becomes the worst President. Both his poor responses to terrorist attacks against us coupled with his support for terrorist groups whom be thought would benefit us created the birth of modern terrorism as we have it today. International terrorism went from Palestinian attacks against Israel to blowing up an American passenger jet over Lockerbie.
I shouldn't say that it was real bad under JFK but he pulled us out of it and real bad under Carter, I remember listening to a old AM radio before I went to sleep in the late 70's how pissed off I was when Jimmy boycotted the Olympics and when his failed Iran hostage rescue and Iranians were picking at the bones of dead US soldiers

Some of it is burned into your memory.

His reaction to Iran cost Carter a second term

But in the end, Carter was right. He did not overreact. He did not give in to those demanding a military response. He did not act like a cowboy looking for a shootout

He waited for the situation to play out and in the end, all the hostages were returned safely

The only lives lost were those trying a military resue mission
Yeah, that really explains why LBJ didn't run for a second term. It also clears up why Nixon kept the war going for another seven years after promising to end the war. Kinda like Raygun promising to balance the budget in his first four years, and then tripling the national debt with $300 billion annual deficits.

All you got is sandbox banter. Grow up.

Nixon DID end the War you stupid bitch.

Less than 4 years after he took office we ended the War with a Victory.

You really are a stupid bitch.

BTW, you illiterate excuse for 3rd Grade educated moron......... Two-Thirds of all the casualties in Viet Nam happened under LBJ and JFK.
What the fuck is this shit?

Nixon ended a war with a victory? Ya do know Vietnam is pure communist today right?

That's like saying Obama won the war in Iraq. Ya both didn't tell the other guy.
Yeah, that really explains why LBJ didn't run for a second term. It also clears up why Nixon kept the war going for another seven years after promising to end the war. Kinda like Raygun promising to balance the budget in his first four years, and then tripling the national debt with $300 billion annual deficits.

All you got is sandbox banter. Grow up.

Nixon DID end the War you stupid bitch.

Less than 4 years after he took office we ended the War with a Victory.

You really are a stupid bitch.

BTW, you illiterate excuse for 3rd Grade educated moron......... Two-Thirds of all the casualties in Viet Nam happened under LBJ and JFK.
I see your lobotomy needs more work. Another shot of Thorazine for the con that thinks Nixon won the Vietnam war.
I shouldn't say that it was real bad under JFK but he pulled us out of it and real bad under Carter, I remember listening to a old AM radio before I went to sleep in the late 70's how pissed off I was when Jimmy boycotted the Olympics and when his failed Iran hostage rescue and Iranians were picking at the bones of dead US soldiers

Some of it is burned into your memory.

His reaction to Iran cost Carter a second term

But in the end, Carter was right. He did not overreact. He did not give in to those demanding a military response. He did not act like a cowboy looking for a shootout

He waited for the situation to play out and in the end, all the hostages were returned safely

The only lives lost were those trying a military resue mission
RW after 25 plus years always trying to figure that out? Did Reagan have a secrete deal with Iran or no? I heard the rumours , you would probably agree, but I think it is just a myth, to bad fox news or MSNBC were not around then.

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