Whom would you call the worst president in American history?

For a racist...he sure pushed through some historic Civil Rights legislation

He could have easily stopped it if he wanted to

""I'll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years." ~ Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One

The Democratic Party s Two-Facedness of Race Relations The Relentless Conservative

That quote is total bullshit

LBJ was a political genius.....Intentionally trading the solid South Democratic vote for the black vote (12% of electorate) would be suicide

The Democrats had the majority of the black vote since FDR

yes they have and blacks are no better off today than when FDR was president. The dems used them and treat them as slaves.

But the good thing is that many blacks are waking up to the fraud that the dems perpetrated on them.

Why would you post an ignorant statement like that? Do you just post what pops into your head?

Blacks are no better off than when FDR was president?

We were in the midst of a depression and blacks got the worst of it. Jim Crow was in its glory and we couldn't even get an anti-lynching bill passed let alone civil rights legislation

Perhaps their lives have improved since FDR, but not since the Johnson administration. The poverty rate has remained flat since 1970.

improved somewhat due to the civil rights act which was passed by republicans and fillibustered by dems.
""I'll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years." ~ Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One

The Democratic Party s Two-Facedness of Race Relations The Relentless Conservative

That quote is total bullshit

LBJ was a political genius.....Intentionally trading the solid South Democratic vote for the black vote (12% of electorate) would be suicide

The Democrats had the majority of the black vote since FDR

yes they have and blacks are no better off today than when FDR was president. The dems used them and treat them as slaves.

But the good thing is that many blacks are waking up to the fraud that the dems perpetrated on them.

Why would you post an ignorant statement like that? Do you just post what pops into your head?

Blacks are no better off than when FDR was president?

We were in the midst of a depression and blacks got the worst of it. Jim Crow was in its glory and we couldn't even get an anti-lynching bill passed let alone civil rights legislation

Perhaps their lives have improved since FDR, but not since the Johnson administration. The poverty rate has remained flat since 1970.

improved somewhat due to the civil rights act which was passed by republicans and fillibustered by dems.

In economic terms, their lives have not improved one bit since LBJ began his war on poverty.
That quote is total bullshit

LBJ was a political genius.....Intentionally trading the solid South Democratic vote for the black vote (12% of electorate) would be suicide

The Democrats had the majority of the black vote since FDR

yes they have and blacks are no better off today than when FDR was president. The dems used them and treat them as slaves.

But the good thing is that many blacks are waking up to the fraud that the dems perpetrated on them.

Why would you post an ignorant statement like that? Do you just post what pops into your head?

Blacks are no better off than when FDR was president?

We were in the midst of a depression and blacks got the worst of it. Jim Crow was in its glory and we couldn't even get an anti-lynching bill passed let alone civil rights legislation

Perhaps their lives have improved since FDR, but not since the Johnson administration. The poverty rate has remained flat since 1970.

improved somewhat due to the civil rights act which was passed by republicans and fillibustered by dems.

In economic terms, their lives have not improved one bit since LBJ began his war on poverty.

exactly, thats the point I was making to winger.
Propaganda does not pass for fact

Presidents are judged on:

What were you given when you entered office
What did you leave
What was your lasting legacy

Obama was given a nation in a financial collapse. A nation engaged in two wars. A worldwide threat of terrorism

Obama stopped a depression. Reversed the economic collapse. Attacked terrorism around the globe. Killed bin Laden. Got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

What is his lasting legacy? Passed the first universal healthcare system. Enhanced gay rights. Stabilized the economy. Recognized Cuba.

That is what historians will look at

stopped a depression? WTF are you talking about? first of all there was no depression and secondly obama made a recession last longer by his stupid policies

attacked terrorism? He made ISIS a world threat, he turned Egypt and Libya over to radicals.

got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan? by losing what had been won, can you say viet nam, ya dumb shit.

obozocare is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country, thats what history will record.

Legitimized the Castro regime that murdered thousands of Cubans--------WTF is wrong with you?
Stopped a depression

Banks failing by the week, auto industry on the verge of collapse, losing 700,000 jobs a month, stock market dropped 7000 points

Yes, that kind of depression

horseshit. you have bought into the dem lies. none of that was happening. the auto industry would have been just fine if the companies had gone through bankruptcy. The bail out using taxpayer money was to save the UAW, not the car companies, and if you have a brain in that tiny head of yours you know it.

The economic numbers are historical fact

You have no idea that the auto industry would be "just fine"
Let them collapse and we will see what happens?
It is quite a gamble you are willing to take with one of our countries most essential industries

GM was a huge company with billions in assets. If it went through a bankruptcy it would have been broken up into smaller more efficient units, creditors would have been paid off at $x/dollar and the assets would either have been sold or taken over by one of the new companies.

THEN, each new company would have had to have a union representation vote, THAT scared the shit out of the UAW and the dem party who gets millions from the union. Our taxpayer dollars were then used to save the UAW and keep its money flowing to the DNC.

That, my foolish friend, is what the GM bailout was all about, and anyone with a modicum of common sense knows it.

You have zero idea of what you're talking about. As is always the case.
""I'll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years." ~ Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One

The Democratic Party s Two-Facedness of Race Relations The Relentless Conservative

That quote is total bullshit

LBJ was a political genius.....Intentionally trading the solid South Democratic vote for the black vote (12% of electorate) would be suicide

The Democrats had the majority of the black vote since FDR

yes they have and blacks are no better off today than when FDR was president. The dems used them and treat them as slaves.

But the good thing is that many blacks are waking up to the fraud that the dems perpetrated on them.

Why would you post an ignorant statement like that? Do you just post what pops into your head?

Blacks are no better off than when FDR was president?

We were in the midst of a depression and blacks got the worst of it. Jim Crow was in its glory and we couldn't even get an anti-lynching bill passed let alone civil rights legislation

Perhaps their lives have improved since FDR, but not since the Johnson administration. The poverty rate has remained flat since 1970.

improved somewhat due to the civil rights act which was passed by republicans and fillibustered by dems.

Wait a minute....You just claimed that blacks are not better tha they were under FDR

Now you start spouting bullshit about Republicans passing the Civil Rights bill? Didn't we just go through the bit where it was signed into law by Democrat LBJ?

Now you double down on stupidity with another ridiculous claim that the lives of blacks have not improved since LBJ?
That quote is total bullshit

LBJ was a political genius.....Intentionally trading the solid South Democratic vote for the black vote (12% of electorate) would be suicide

The Democrats had the majority of the black vote since FDR

yes they have and blacks are no better off today than when FDR was president. The dems used them and treat them as slaves.

But the good thing is that many blacks are waking up to the fraud that the dems perpetrated on them.

Why would you post an ignorant statement like that? Do you just post what pops into your head?

Blacks are no better off than when FDR was president?

We were in the midst of a depression and blacks got the worst of it. Jim Crow was in its glory and we couldn't even get an anti-lynching bill passed let alone civil rights legislation

Perhaps their lives have improved since FDR, but not since the Johnson administration. The poverty rate has remained flat since 1970.

improved somewhat due to the civil rights act which was passed by republicans and fillibustered by dems.

In economic terms, their lives have not improved one bit since LBJ began his war on poverty.

Do you have any understanding of the war on poverty and the position of blacks in our society in 1965?

Poverty programs not only included welfare but jobs training and jobs programs. Did you forget about all that affirmative action shit you hate so much?
yes they have and blacks are no better off today than when FDR was president. The dems used them and treat them as slaves.

But the good thing is that many blacks are waking up to the fraud that the dems perpetrated on them.

Why would you post an ignorant statement like that? Do you just post what pops into your head?

Blacks are no better off than when FDR was president?

We were in the midst of a depression and blacks got the worst of it. Jim Crow was in its glory and we couldn't even get an anti-lynching bill passed let alone civil rights legislation

Perhaps their lives have improved since FDR, but not since the Johnson administration. The poverty rate has remained flat since 1970.

improved somewhat due to the civil rights act which was passed by republicans and fillibustered by dems.

In economic terms, their lives have not improved one bit since LBJ began his war on poverty.

Do you have any understanding of the war on poverty and the position of blacks in our society in 1965?

Poverty programs not only included welfare but jobs training and jobs programs. Did you forget about all that affirmative action shit you hate so much?

The data shows that the poverty rate hasn't improved since 1970, especially for blacks. Furthermore, the rate if illegitimacy has skyrocketed. LBJ's war on poverty didn't help blacks one bit, however, at least they can use the same drinking fountains as everyone else.
That quote is total bullshit

LBJ was a political genius.....Intentionally trading the solid South Democratic vote for the black vote (12% of electorate) would be suicide

The Democrats had the majority of the black vote since FDR

yes they have and blacks are no better off today than when FDR was president. The dems used them and treat them as slaves.

But the good thing is that many blacks are waking up to the fraud that the dems perpetrated on them.

Why would you post an ignorant statement like that? Do you just post what pops into your head?

Blacks are no better off than when FDR was president?

We were in the midst of a depression and blacks got the worst of it. Jim Crow was in its glory and we couldn't even get an anti-lynching bill passed let alone civil rights legislation

Perhaps their lives have improved since FDR, but not since the Johnson administration. The poverty rate has remained flat since 1970.

improved somewhat due to the civil rights act which was passed by republicans and fillibustered by dems.

Wait a minute....You just claimed that blacks are not better tha they were under FDR

Now you start spouting bullshit about Republicans passing the Civil Rights bill? Didn't we just go through the bit where it was signed into law by Democrat LBJ?

Now you double down on stupidity with another ridiculous claim that the lives of blacks have not improved since LBJ?

yep, signed into law by LBJ, but passed due to republican votes and fillibustered by democrats.

and yes, the poverty rate of blacks has not improved despite the trillions spent on LBJ's war on poverty.
yes they have and blacks are no better off today than when FDR was president. The dems used them and treat them as slaves.

But the good thing is that many blacks are waking up to the fraud that the dems perpetrated on them.

Why would you post an ignorant statement like that? Do you just post what pops into your head?

Blacks are no better off than when FDR was president?

We were in the midst of a depression and blacks got the worst of it. Jim Crow was in its glory and we couldn't even get an anti-lynching bill passed let alone civil rights legislation

Perhaps their lives have improved since FDR, but not since the Johnson administration. The poverty rate has remained flat since 1970.

improved somewhat due to the civil rights act which was passed by republicans and fillibustered by dems.

In economic terms, their lives have not improved one bit since LBJ began his war on poverty.

Do you have any understanding of the war on poverty and the position of blacks in our society in 1965?

Poverty programs not only included welfare but jobs training and jobs programs. Did you forget about all that affirmative action shit you hate so much?

affirmative action is a form or discrimination, I thought you opposed discrimination.
Using your definitions--the "most damage to the country while in office", I do not see how anyone could not say LBJ who got us involved in a winless war in SE Asia for no reason whatsoever.

Hundreds of thousands of American families were changed forever. The point wasn't that we lost. The point was that those hundreds of thousands of families would have been changed for the detrement regardless of outcome.

Second may have been the most divisive president ever, GWB.

LBJ was both a great president and a horrible president

His record on civil rights, social programs, Medicare and anti-poverty programs are hard to match
His record on getting us entrenched in Vietnam is hard to justify

He was an abject racist, his only motivation was to get the black vote.
For a racist...he sure pushed through some historic Civil Rights legislation

He could have easily stopped it if he wanted to

""I'll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years." ~ Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One

The Democratic Party s Two-Facedness of Race Relations The Relentless Conservative

That quote is total bullshit

LBJ was a political genius.....Intentionally trading the solid South Democratic vote for the black vote (12% of electorate) would be suicide

The Democrats had the majority of the black vote since FDR

Nope,it's true
yes they have and blacks are no better off today than when FDR was president. The dems used them and treat them as slaves.

But the good thing is that many blacks are waking up to the fraud that the dems perpetrated on them.

Why would you post an ignorant statement like that? Do you just post what pops into your head?

Blacks are no better off than when FDR was president?

We were in the midst of a depression and blacks got the worst of it. Jim Crow was in its glory and we couldn't even get an anti-lynching bill passed let alone civil rights legislation

Perhaps their lives have improved since FDR, but not since the Johnson administration. The poverty rate has remained flat since 1970.

improved somewhat due to the civil rights act which was passed by republicans and fillibustered by dems.

In economic terms, their lives have not improved one bit since LBJ began his war on poverty.

Do you have any understanding of the war on poverty and the position of blacks in our society in 1965?

Poverty programs not only included welfare but jobs training and jobs programs. Did you forget about all that affirmative action shit you hate so much?

Redfish is from Louisiana, so when he tells you that blacks are worse off today, than they were in 1965, his memory is slipping a little. New Orleans closed every single public swimming pool permanently, when they were forced to integrate them by the courts. They even closed the amusement park on the shore of Lake Pontchartrain. It is sad what the ravages of dementia does to the aged.....
Why would you post an ignorant statement like that? Do you just post what pops into your head?

Blacks are no better off than when FDR was president?

We were in the midst of a depression and blacks got the worst of it. Jim Crow was in its glory and we couldn't even get an anti-lynching bill passed let alone civil rights legislation

Perhaps their lives have improved since FDR, but not since the Johnson administration. The poverty rate has remained flat since 1970.

improved somewhat due to the civil rights act which was passed by republicans and fillibustered by dems.

In economic terms, their lives have not improved one bit since LBJ began his war on poverty.

Do you have any understanding of the war on poverty and the position of blacks in our society in 1965?

Poverty programs not only included welfare but jobs training and jobs programs. Did you forget about all that affirmative action shit you hate so much?

Redfish is from Louisiana, so when he tells you that blacks are worse off today, than they were in 1965, his memory is slipping a little. New Orleans closed every single public swimming pool permanently, when they were forced to integrate them by the courts. They even closed the amusement park on the shore of Lake Pontchartrain. It is sad what the ravages of dementia does to the aged.....

Pontchartrain beach was closed because of pollution in the lake, it had nothing to do with race. Today they are working on reopening it.

NOLA is one city where all races, cultures, and ethnicities mix with virtually no problems and mutual respect. Go to a Saints or Pelicans game, Mardi Gras, French quarter fest, Jazz fest, walk down Bourbon street, go to a restaurant on Magazine street or Frenchman street. you will see all races, cultures, ages, incomes, etc mixing and enjoying each other.

Now, shall we compare that to Baltimore or St Louis, or Cincinnatti, or LA, or NY ?
Obama said that climate change is the most important problem facing the USA today--------------that statement alone makes him the worst president of all time.
Perhaps their lives have improved since FDR, but not since the Johnson administration. The poverty rate has remained flat since 1970.

improved somewhat due to the civil rights act which was passed by republicans and fillibustered by dems.

In economic terms, their lives have not improved one bit since LBJ began his war on poverty.

Do you have any understanding of the war on poverty and the position of blacks in our society in 1965?

Poverty programs not only included welfare but jobs training and jobs programs. Did you forget about all that affirmative action shit you hate so much?

Redfish is from Louisiana, so when he tells you that blacks are worse off today, than they were in 1965, his memory is slipping a little. New Orleans closed every single public swimming pool permanently, when they were forced to integrate them by the courts. They even closed the amusement park on the shore of Lake Pontchartrain. It is sad what the ravages of dementia does to the aged.....

Pontchartrain beach was closed because of pollution in the lake, it had nothing to do with race. Today they are working on reopening it.

NOLA is one city where all races, cultures, and ethnicities mix with virtually no problems and mutual respect. Go to a Saints or Pelicans game, Mardi Gras, French quarter fest, Jazz fest, walk down Bourbon street, go to a restaurant on Magazine street or Frenchman street. you will see all races, cultures, ages, incomes, etc mixing and enjoying each other.

Now, shall we compare that to Baltimore or St Louis, or Cincinnatti, or LA, or NY ?

Oh, so the pollution from lake Pontratrain somehow seeped in to every public pool, as well?

improved somewhat due to the civil rights act which was passed by republicans and fillibustered by dems.

In economic terms, their lives have not improved one bit since LBJ began his war on poverty.

Do you have any understanding of the war on poverty and the position of blacks in our society in 1965?

Poverty programs not only included welfare but jobs training and jobs programs. Did you forget about all that affirmative action shit you hate so much?

Redfish is from Louisiana, so when he tells you that blacks are worse off today, than they were in 1965, his memory is slipping a little. New Orleans closed every single public swimming pool permanently, when they were forced to integrate them by the courts. They even closed the amusement park on the shore of Lake Pontchartrain. It is sad what the ravages of dementia does to the aged.....

Pontchartrain beach was closed because of pollution in the lake, it had nothing to do with race. Today they are working on reopening it.

NOLA is one city where all races, cultures, and ethnicities mix with virtually no problems and mutual respect. Go to a Saints or Pelicans game, Mardi Gras, French quarter fest, Jazz fest, walk down Bourbon street, go to a restaurant on Magazine street or Frenchman street. you will see all races, cultures, ages, incomes, etc mixing and enjoying each other.

Now, shall we compare that to Baltimore or St Louis, or Cincinnatti, or LA, or NY ?

Oh, so the pollution from lake Pontratrain somehow seeped in to every public pool, as well?


I don't know why the public pools were closed, I did not live here in 1965. Were there mixed race public pools in Detroit, NY, Baltimore, Chicago, LA in 1965? I think not.
Presidents seem to get worse and worse, presumably because they have more and more power that goes unchecked.

Nixon, if President today, would never get impeached.
Presidents seem to get worse and worse, presumably because they have more and more power that goes unchecked.

Nixon, if President today, would never get impeached.

Nixon was never impeached. Clinton was
Why would you post an ignorant statement like that? Do you just post what pops into your head?

Blacks are no better off than when FDR was president?

We were in the midst of a depression and blacks got the worst of it. Jim Crow was in its glory and we couldn't even get an anti-lynching bill passed let alone civil rights legislation

Perhaps their lives have improved since FDR, but not since the Johnson administration. The poverty rate has remained flat since 1970.

improved somewhat due to the civil rights act which was passed by republicans and fillibustered by dems.

In economic terms, their lives have not improved one bit since LBJ began his war on poverty.

Do you have any understanding of the war on poverty and the position of blacks in our society in 1965?

Poverty programs not only included welfare but jobs training and jobs programs. Did you forget about all that affirmative action shit you hate so much?

Redfish is from Louisiana, so when he tells you that blacks are worse off today, than they were in 1965, his memory is slipping a little. New Orleans closed every single public swimming pool permanently, when they were forced to integrate them by the courts. They even closed the amusement park on the shore of Lake Pontchartrain. It is sad what the ravages of dementia does to the aged.....
I AM a born and raised Chicago guy (for 38 year's), lived in south Carolina now for 12 years, Chicago was more racist and segerated then this state today... So shove it.
Why would you post an ignorant statement like that? Do you just post what pops into your head?

Blacks are no better off than when FDR was president?

We were in the midst of a depression and blacks got the worst of it. Jim Crow was in its glory and we couldn't even get an anti-lynching bill passed let alone civil rights legislation

Perhaps their lives have improved since FDR, but not since the Johnson administration. The poverty rate has remained flat since 1970.

improved somewhat due to the civil rights act which was passed by republicans and fillibustered by dems.

In economic terms, their lives have not improved one bit since LBJ began his war on poverty.

Do you have any understanding of the war on poverty and the position of blacks in our society in 1965?

Poverty programs not only included welfare but jobs training and jobs programs. Did you forget about all that affirmative action shit you hate so much?

Redfish is from Louisiana, so when he tells you that blacks are worse off today, than they were in 1965, his memory is slipping a little. New Orleans closed every single public swimming pool permanently, when they were forced to integrate them by the courts. They even closed the amusement park on the shore of Lake Pontchartrain. It is sad what the ravages of dementia does to the aged.....
Louis Armstrong refused to be buried in his hometown New Orleans because he could not play with whites, including his longtime friend and band mate Jack Teagarden.
yes they have and blacks are no better off today than when FDR was president. The dems used them and treat them as slaves.

But the good thing is that many blacks are waking up to the fraud that the dems perpetrated on them.

Why would you post an ignorant statement like that? Do you just post what pops into your head?

Blacks are no better off than when FDR was president?

We were in the midst of a depression and blacks got the worst of it. Jim Crow was in its glory and we couldn't even get an anti-lynching bill passed let alone civil rights legislation

Perhaps their lives have improved since FDR, but not since the Johnson administration. The poverty rate has remained flat since 1970.

improved somewhat due to the civil rights act which was passed by republicans and fillibustered by dems.

Wait a minute....You just claimed that blacks are not better tha they were under FDR

Now you start spouting bullshit about Republicans passing the Civil Rights bill? Didn't we just go through the bit where it was signed into law by Democrat LBJ?

Now you double down on stupidity with another ridiculous claim that the lives of blacks have not improved since LBJ?

yep, signed into law by LBJ, but passed due to republican votes and fillibustered by democrats.

and yes, the poverty rate of blacks has not improved despite the trillions spent on LBJ's war on poverty.

Stop trying to turn a North/South issue into a Democrat/Republican issue

The voting breakdown doesn't support it

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