Whoopi exemplified the “New Antisemitism” on the Far-Left, so let’s discuss its root causes

1) You don‘t even know how to spell the word.

2) It’s not apartheid, and the fact that you target your condemnation on the sole Jewish country while ignoring the behavior of much worse Muslim countries is driven by your hostility toward Jews.

Those worse countries represent the basic will of their people. The Zionists have to keep a boot to the neck of the Palestinians. We just spent 20 years, 5000 lives and a trillion dollars trying to westernize Afghanistan, and they went right back to the Taliban.

Why in the world did she ever take that name in the first place? Was it supposed to br a joke of some kind?

Educate yourself...

How many times do you liberals have to be told the same thing? To Hitler, Jews were a separate race - and an inferior one that was “poisoning” the superior Aryan race.
Um, yeah, so? He thought the same thing about the Slavs and the Roma...
You are exemplifying my points in the OP.

1) By saying her antisemitic remarks were due to her “speaking before she thought” is downplaying antisemitism.
Horsecrap, she came out shortly after and clearly stated she was wrong, because even though Jews are white caucasians by our standards of racial grouping, to Nazi's they were inferior race to be exterminated.
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What’s happened is blacks know their War on White Man is losing so switch to the Jewish.
The increased antisemitism on the far-left takes the form of tolerating, downplaying or outright denying hostility toward Jews, as exemplified most recently by Whoopi, but seen elsewhere among leading Democrats such as their unwillingness to issue a focused antisemitism resolution after Omar‘s remarks. The rising antisemitism in Euroe can be attributed largely to Islamic fundamentalists, but there are underlying ideologies among leftists that has seen this phenomenon in America. There seem to be two underlying causes:

1) Jews are seen as White, and liberals say there cannot be racism against whites. This was clearly the “does not compute!” with Whoopi. As liberals have focused on anti-black racism, leading Democrats and liberal organizations, such as the ADL (originally started to fight antisemitism) have claimed that racism cannot be perpetrated toward or suffered by whites. Since the Jews of Europe were white, Whoopi was unable to process that Jews could have been genocided by Hitler due to his belief they were an inferior race, and thus she took race out of the equation.

2) It runs counter to the leftist narrative that a minority so persecuted - simply due to their membership in a minority - can rise to being above average in education, be awarded a disproportionate number of Nobel prizes, and come near the top in income and net worth. This fact negates the claim by liberals that blacks are, on average, below the curve due solely to racism. It speaks to what can be achieved with good choices and positive traits, such as emphasizing education, being disciplined and motivated, and of course delaying childbearing until marriage. Thus, liberals must “explain away” the Jews’ success by downplaying the degree of prejudice against them.

There is a third element contributing to this - the fact that the pro-Arqb, anti-Israel sentiment of liberals has “bled over” or otherwise fed antisemitism - but that is a topic on its own. Let’s try to leave Israel out of this discussion.

Jews aren't a race . Semite is a language group not a color. You must be very unlucky.. someone is always persecuting you.
Jews aren't a race . Semite is a language group not a color. You must be very unlucky.. someone is always persecuting you.
Not me, specifically. But yes, antisemitism Is a growing problem, and Jews are more likely to be victims of hate crimes than blacks. It’s telling how Islamic-influenced leftists like you mock Jews when they point it out, yet rally behind blacks who complain about racism.

The debate regarding the word “semite” is another big tell. Only antisemites use that as an argument.
The increased antisemitism on the far-left takes the form of tolerating, downplaying or outright denying hostility toward Jews, as exemplified most recently by Whoopi, but seen elsewhere among leading Democrats such as their unwillingness to issue a focused antisemitism resolution after Omar‘s remarks. The rising antisemitism in Euroe can be attributed largely to Islamic fundamentalists, but there are underlying ideologies among leftists that has seen this phenomenon in America. There seem to be two underlying causes:

1) Jews are seen as White, and liberals say there cannot be racism against whites. This was clearly the “does not compute!” with Whoopi. As liberals have focused on anti-black racism, leading Democrats and liberal organizations, such as the ADL (originally started to fight antisemitism) have claimed that racism cannot be perpetrated toward or suffered by whites. Since the Jews of Europe were white, Whoopi was unable to process that Jews could have been genocided by Hitler due to his belief they were an inferior race, and thus she took race out of the equation.

2) It runs counter to the leftist narrative that a minority so persecuted - simply due to their membership in a minority - can rise to being above average in education, be awarded a disproportionate number of Nobel prizes, and come near the top in income and net worth. This fact negates the claim by liberals that blacks are, on average, below the curve due solely to racism. It speaks to what can be achieved with good choices and positive traits, such as emphasizing education, being disciplined and motivated, and of course delaying childbearing until marriage. Thus, liberals must “explain away” the Jews’ success by downplaying the degree of prejudice against them.

There is a third element contributing to this - the fact that the pro-Arqb, anti-Israel sentiment of liberals has “bled over” or otherwise fed antisemitism - but that is a topic on its own. Let’s try to leave Israel out of this discussion.

oh come on, we all know that Orientals and to a lesser extent Jews are mentally superior to most whites and nearly all blacks.
Not me, specifically. But yes, antisemitism Is a growing problem, and Jews are more likely to be victims of hate crimes than blacks. It’s telling how Islamic-influenced leftists like you mock Jews when they point it out, yet rally behind blacks who complain about racism.

The debate regarding the word “semite” is another big tell. Only antisemites use that as an argument.
I would never mock a Jewish person ... The basic semitic languages are Hebrew, Arabic , Amharic, Syriac... You aren't the only people in the middle east.
First let's start with saying that there's another perfectly reasonable explanation for what Whoopi said. Namely that she spoke before she thought. Seems a more reasonable explanation that she is an anti-semite.

Next I would like to say the following. It is a perfectly reasonable position to have a genuine beef with policies implemented vis a vis the Palestinians by Israel, without being anti-semitic. It is an accusation levelled to easy and often unjustly at those that criticise Israel.

I personally have visited not just Aushwitz, but also several other places connected to the holocaust. The horrors there defy human understanding. That doesn't mean that I as a human am obliged to turn a blind eye when the children of those victims do things that are morally extremely questionable.

By the way. I would like to point out that in Charlotsville there where protesters shouting "Jews will not replace us" the counterprotesters to those people consisted of the big bad bogeyman of the right, namely ANTIFA. That is actual anti semitism and those opposing that motive have been vilified by the right ever since.
She spoke before she thought how many times? She repeated it on Colbert. Lol
I would never mock a Jewish person ... The basic semitic languages are Hebrew, Arabic , Amharic, Syriac... You aren't the only people in the middle east.
Just the only ones despised by all Muslims. Right 130 yr old Surada?
Just to clarify that it was nothing to get upset about... Would you argue that Jews are a race?
I am not upset. If Donald Trump said the same thing he would be vilified. Correct? I am annoyed at the hypocrisy.
1960s 1970s and back for long visits. The changes are amazing.
Back when? That was 50 yrs ago. World has changed. You’re a liar. My parents are going next month. Go frequently. I do not go with them.
Not me, specifically. But yes, antisemitism Is a growing problem, and Jews are more likely to be victims of hate crimes than blacks. It’s telling how Islamic-influenced leftists like you mock Jews when they point it out, yet rally behind blacks who complain about racism.

The debate regarding the word “semite” is another big tell. Only antisemites use that as an argument.

A member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and Arabs. The name comes via Latin from Greek Sēm ‘Shem’, son of Noah in the Bible, from whom these people were traditionally supposed to be descended.

Wow, the Oxford Dictionary is in on it!!!

So the fight between the Zionists and Arabs are just Semites fighting each other.

Why is this our problem again?
The increased antisemitism on the far-left takes the form of tolerating, downplaying or outright denying hostility toward Jews, as exemplified most recently by Whoopi, but seen elsewhere among leading Democrats such as their unwillingness to issue a focused antisemitism resolution after Omar‘s remarks. The rising antisemitism in Euroe can be attributed largely to Islamic fundamentalists, but there are underlying ideologies among leftists that has seen this phenomenon in America. There seem to be two underlying causes:

1) Jews are seen as White, and liberals say there cannot be racism against whites. This was clearly the “does not compute!” with Whoopi. As liberals have focused on anti-black racism, leading Democrats and liberal organizations, such as the ADL (originally started to fight antisemitism) have claimed that racism cannot be perpetrated toward or suffered by whites. Since the Jews of Europe were white, Whoopi was unable to process that Jews could have been genocided by Hitler due to his belief they were an inferior race, and thus she took race out of the equation.

2) It runs counter to the leftist narrative that a minority so persecuted - simply due to their membership in a minority - can rise to being above average in education, be awarded a disproportionate number of Nobel prizes, and come near the top in income and net worth. This fact negates the claim by liberals that blacks are, on average, below the curve due solely to racism. It speaks to what can be achieved with good choices and positive traits, such as emphasizing education, being disciplined and motivated, and of course delaying childbearing until marriage. Thus, liberals must “explain away” the Jews’ success by downplaying the degree of prejudice against them.

There is a third element contributing to this - the fact that the pro-Arqb, anti-Israel sentiment of liberals has “bled over” or otherwise fed antisemitism - but that is a topic on its own. Let’s try to leave Israel out of this discussion.

All Whoopi said is Jews are not a race.

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