Who's behind the pro-Palestinian protests that are disrupting Biden's campaign events and blocking city streets?

least they got it right. it is this left doing this. what they said about biden is right. he can kill 3,000 and still pretend to be your friend.
is it the left? saudis have a huge influence on american politics and we know who they want to win.
What difference does it make if some foreign money is supporting these protests? The demonstrators are Americans and mainly legal immigrants, many of them quite "educated," and that should actually be the concern.

Are they too stupid to recognize that HAMAS is intentionally maximizing the "civilian" deaths, as well as inflating the numbers reported, especially as concerns "women and children"? Can they not see that any "cease fire" works to HAMAS' benefit, merely giving them time and opportunity to "re-load"?

How can they refuse to recognize that the killings would stop immediately if HAMAS surrendered, laid down its arms and released the hostages? Seriously, on what justification are they continuing to fight the IDF?

It would be nice if it were possible to link the demonstrators to some foreign influencers or financiers, but the real problem is in house. American Academe is to blame for raising countless idiots who are too stupid to assess a situation that truly is not that complicated. They see everything as a fight between Oppressor and Oppressed, which simply does not apply here.
its the dems who want to win. they wil ldo anything to do it
so you think following biden around shouting palastinian nonsense helps the dems?

do you know how the gay rights movement started? "gays for mcgovern" were formed by RIOGER STONE as a nixon dirty trick. they followed mcgovern around on the campaign much as these alastinians are doing biden.

i've got no evidence , yet, linking these guys to stone, but it does seem to fit the pattern.

by the way, both the gays in 1972 and the palastinians today have a point, but this is not "helping" anyone.
so you think following biden around shouting palastinian nonsense helps the dems?

do you know how the gay rights movement started? "gays for mcgovern" were formed by RIOGER STONE as a nixon dirty trick. they followed mcgovern around on the campaign much as these alastinians are doing biden.

i've got no evidence , yet, linking these guys to stone, but it does seem to fit the pattern.

by the way, both the gays in 1972 and the palastinians today have a point, but this is not "helping" anyone.
nope im not even a dem. al l caused by dems is what i m saying.
Are they really disrupting it or enhancing Biden's campaign?
it is a disruption. but biden can handle hecklers much better than "america's greatest insult comic" (according to franken) who just has goons beat them up.

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